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Exploring parental and professional perceptions of weight management services among under-fives in England: A qualitative study
Msiska, M., Nnyanzi, L. A., Nkhata, M. J., Lloyd, S. and Olawade, D. B. 2024. Exploring parental and professional perceptions of weight management services among under-fives in England: A qualitative study. Obesity Pillars. 12 (Art. 100149).
Strengthening Africa's response to Mpox (monkeypox): insights from historical outbreaks and the present global spread
Olawade, D. B., Wada, O. Z., Fidelis, S. C., Oluwole, O. S., Alisi, C. S., Orimabuyaku, N. F. and David-Olawade, A. C. 2024. Strengthening Africa's response to Mpox (monkeypox): insights from historical outbreaks and the present global spread. Science in One Health. 3 (Art. 100085).
Improving Gait Recognition Through Occlusion Detection and Silhouette Sequence Reconstruction
Hasan, K., Uddin, Z., Ray, A., Hasan, M., Alnajjar, F. and Ahad, M. 2024. Improving Gait Recognition Through Occlusion Detection and Silhouette Sequence Reconstruction. IEEE Access. 12, pp. 158597-158610.
Needing to shout to be heard? Caregiver under-responsivity anddisconnection between vocal signaling and autonomic arousal ininfants from chaotic households
Wass, S., Smith, C. S., Mirza, F. U., Greenwood, E. and Goupil, L. 2024. Needing to shout to be heard? Caregiver under-responsivity anddisconnection between vocal signaling and autonomic arousal ininfants from chaotic households. Child Development. p. In press.
Learning lessons from the past: what hope for real change at the Post Office and continued public confidence in statutory inquiries?
Hobby, C. and Yerby, E. 2025. Learning lessons from the past: what hope for real change at the Post Office and continued public confidence in statutory inquiries? Solicitors Journal.