Exploring the experiences of recently qualified educational psychologists in the area of emotional intelligence and applications in practice: an interpretative phenomenological analysis

Prof Doc Thesis

M'Gadzah, Shungu Hilda 2011. Exploring the experiences of recently qualified educational psychologists in the area of emotional intelligence and applications in practice: an interpretative phenomenological analysis. Prof Doc Thesis University of East London School of Psychology
AuthorsM'Gadzah, Shungu Hilda
TypeProf Doc Thesis

Background: Emotional intelligence (El1) is a relatively new construct
with varying models and conceptualisations. The main models are
cognitive 'Ability models' and non- cognitive 'Mixed models' (Mayer,
Roberts & Barsade, 2008). Criticism has been levelled at this new
construct including its associations with the construct of intelligence, and
measurement of the construct (Waterhouse, 2006a). Despite these
concerns El shows much potential as an intelligence related to social
interaction and one which can be improved upon as part of life- long
learning (Mayer, Salovey & Caruso, 2008). El has been linked to success
in life and academic performance (Jordan & Troth, 2004). Its relevance
has also been noted in Higher Education (HE) and a few research papers
exist in other disciplines exploring how to incorporate El into the HE
curriculum (e.g. Vandervoort, 2006). There is currently no research
available exploring the experiences of recently qualified Educational
Psychologists (EPs2) on training received in the area of El and on the
subsequent impact of this training on EP practice. There are currently no
published studies exploring the experiences and perceptions of trainee
EPs using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA3) research
methodology. Aims: The aim of the current study was to explore the training
experiences of recently qualified EPs in the area of EL The study aimed
to capture the individual experiences of EPs and the meaning they
attached to these experiences using IPA methodology (Smith, 2004).
Participants were encouraged to reflect fully on their experiences in
training and their subsequent experiences in the work place.
The Research Questions focused on: the perceptions and experiences of
recently qualified EPs on the usefulness of the construct El; their
perceptions of the training they received in this area; the perceived
influences of training received on subsequent practice and work with
schools; and their perceptions and experiences of current efforts going on
in the work place to develop emotional intelligence (El) and Emotional
Literacy (EL 4 ).
Method: Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 10
recently qualified EPs from a range of training courses. The verbatim
transcripts resulting from the interviews were then analysed using IPA
(Smith, 2004). Results: The analysis produced six Master themes. These were:
'Meaning making of the construct EF; 'Applying psychology to promote
Emotional intelligence'; 'Working with schools to promote EF;
'Developing and applying therapeutic skills'; 'Evidence based research'
and 'Experience of El in training received'.
Conclusions: The study produced an insight into the experiences of
recently qualified EPs on MSc courses in Educational Psychology of
training received in the area of EL These findings can be used to inform
the work of EPs in devising interventions and strategies in schools in this
area as well as offering suggestions on how to incorporate El into the
Doctoral training curriculum and other HE courses. Recommendations
are offered and areas for further study are identified.
Keywords: emotions; intelligences; emotional intelligence; emotional
literacy; emotional learning; interpretative phenomenological analysis
1 Emotional Intelligence will be referred to as El throughout this thesis
2 Educational Psychologists will be referred to as EPs throughout this thesis
3 Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis will be referred to as IPA throughout this thesis
4 Emotional Literacy will be referred as EL throughout the thesis

Publication dates
PrintMar 2011
Publication process dates
Deposited09 Jun 2014
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