Immersive, Digital, Expressive, Art
Prof Doc Thesis
Holder, John Frans Patrick 2011. Immersive, Digital, Expressive, Art. Prof Doc Thesis University of East London School of Architecture and the Visual Arts
Authors | Holder, John Frans Patrick |
Type | Prof Doc Thesis |
Abstract | Ever since I can remember I have been obsessed with alternate realities of one form or another: be it creating a graphical fantasy computer game in the mid 1980's; or as an engineer in rooms full of mainframe computers with their invisible layers of data being interrogated and processed, to more recently creating places that people would explore and spend time in Virtually', such as three dimensional Despite a background in creative design and computing as engineer, designer, and media creative, my artistic mind always seems to be thinking in abstract ways about the reality that we inhabit and how that might be expressed, this remains a constant source of inspiration. Employment typically constrained me to a company's requirements, so it was quite rare for me to find enough time to focus Embarking on the professional doctorate has changed this over the course of the last 5 years, as I find it a platform from which to explore and evolve my own personal creative practice. I began exhibiting locally in the studio and at University, and through people that viewed my artwork I was invited to exhibit a piece in Athens. This formed part of a group show and my piece received positive Two collaborations ensued, and as well as creating them in London I travelled to Finland and Austria in order to pursue their development. Through the University of Athens, I was invited to exhibit one of these pieces at a major exhibition, The 2nd Biennale of Contemporary Art, Thessaloniki, this elicited a further invitation to exhibit my other collaborative artwork in Poland at the impressive Rondo Stzuki Art Gallery. After this creative period and exhibitioning I critically reflected upon my pieces and decided I was not satisfied with the installations or their interactive elements, and considered how these elements After long periods in the studio I realised that my critical thinking had focussed on creative expression that was heavily influenced by several factors and their combination thereof; Interaction, Interface and Immersion. In this document I discuss how the interfaces that allow participants to interact can differ and how that affects the experience; how interaction may be physical or sensory, and what that might mean to the audience or participant, and how the immersion is integral to the participant's experience and may be sensorial and/or narrative based. |
Keywords | Alternate realities; Contemporary Art; Self-expression |
Year | 2011 |
Publication dates | |
2011 | |
Publication process dates | |
Deposited | 07 Oct 2013 |
Additional information | This thesis supplied via ROAR to UEL-registered users is protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights, and duplication of any part of the material is not permitted, except for your personal use for the purposes of non-commercial research and private study in electronic or print form. You must obtain permission from the copyright-holder for any other use. Electronic or print copies may not be offered, for sale or otherwise, to anyone. No quotation from the thesis may be published without proper acknowledgement. |
Publisher's version | File Access Level Registered users only |
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