Situated Cosmopolitanisms: notions of the Other in contemporary discourses on cosmopolitanism in Britain and Germany
PhD Thesis
Vieten, Ulrike 2007. Situated Cosmopolitanisms: notions of the Other in contemporary discourses on cosmopolitanism in Britain and Germany. PhD Thesis University of East London School of Social Science, Media and Cultural Studies
Authors | Vieten, Ulrike |
Type | PhD Thesis |
Abstract | The thesis proposes to understand contemporary discourses on cosmopolitanism in Britain and Germany as situated outlooks influenced by specific national cultures and nation While situating discourses of cosmopolitanism historically, the thesis traces back dominant discourses of commercial (Britain) and cultural (Germany) cosmopolitanism that influence contemporary national outlooks of British (David Held, Chantal Mouffe and Homi K. Bhabha) and German voices Qiirgen Habermas, Ulrich Beck and Hanna Behrend). The main argument is that those discourses are framed by historical The analysis reveals the appearance of a discourse of European cosmopolitanism conveying cultural Europeanisation. Apparently, this discourse neglects the problematic legacy of a distinction that was typical for the German discourse of the late 19 th and lasting until the mid of the 20th century, i.e. the distinction between the world citizen (Weltbürger)and the cosmopolitan (Koswopolit). The former had a positive connotation of mobility whereas the latter was used as an anti-Semitic signifier for Jews as unwanted 'wanderers'. The contemporary discourse conveys still biased meanings of 'mobility' and 'migration' being decisive for e.g. the notion of EU citizenship as die privileging frame of |
Keywords | Contemporary discourses; European cosmopolitanism; Cosmopolitanism in Britain and Germany |
Year | 2007 |
Publication dates | |
Aug 2007 | |
Publication process dates | |
Deposited | 16 Jan 2014 |
Additional information | This thesis supplied via ROAR to UEL-registered users is protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights, and duplication of any part of the material is not permitted, except for your personal use for the purposes of non-commercial research and private study in electronic or print form. You must obtain permission from the copyright-holder for any other use. Electronic or print copies may not be offered, for sale or otherwise, to anyone. No quotation from the thesis may be published without proper acknowledgement. |
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