Improving the Educational Opportunities and Achievements for Children and Young People with Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties in the Public Care of the Local Authority

Prof Doc Thesis

Gordon, Colin 2003. Improving the Educational Opportunities and Achievements for Children and Young People with Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties in the Public Care of the Local Authority. Prof Doc Thesis University of East London School of Psychology
AuthorsGordon, Colin
TypeProf Doc Thesis

An action research framework was the basis of a small-scale evaluation of how one local
authority co-ordinates information about the SEN of children in their care, the needs of
individual young people known to the SEN co-ordinator, the designated teacher and their carer
and social worker, PEPs detailing individual needs and the support already provided and the
action that should be taken according to the SEN Code of Practice and within the timescales
There are approximately 250 children and young people in public care in The Borough. In total,
the study involved 66 children i.e. 22 looked-after children with criteria-defined emotional and
behavioural difficulties at School Action Plus of the SEN Code of Practice or having a Statement
of SEN for emotional and behavioural difficulties, 22 in Control Group 1 - children not in public
care, but at School Action Plus of the SEN Code of Practice or having a Statement of SEN for
EBD and 22 in Control Group 2 - children not in public care and not presenting emotional and
behavioural difficulties. Measures of attainment, school attendance, fixed-term exclusion,
authorised absence, unauthorised absence, behaviour and mental health were obtained. Statistical
and descriptive differences and trends between and within all three groups were examined.
Children's views regarding services received from the corporate parent were obtained. In turn,
the interpretive views of representatives of the corporate parent about the children's views were
elicited. A qualitative data analysis of children's views and corporate parent views was
conducted and causal factors which may contribute to educational outcomes were evaluated.
The results indicated concerns when attainments were analysed according to Year Group and
subject specificity. Children in public care are more likely to be excluded from school for longer
periods, even accounting for emotional and behavioural difficulties. The research identified
specific roles and responsibilities of the corporate parent, particularly the Designated Teacher,
Governors, Social Workers, Foster Carers, and Educational Psychologist in maximising the life
chances of children in public care.

Publication dates
PrintJan 2003
Publication process dates
Deposited09 Jun 2014
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