A series of publications in the field of child psychology

PhD Thesis

Lanyado, Monica 2001. A series of publications in the field of child psychology. PhD Thesis University of East London School of Psychology
AuthorsLanyado, Monica
TypePhD Thesis

Preceded by a statement, thesis by publication of the following works:
1. Statement in support of application for Ph.D. by published work.
2. The traumatisation of children'(1999) Ch. 19 from The Handbook of Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy: Psychoanalytic Approaches. Eds Lanyado and Home. London: Routledge.
3. 'Surviving Trauma dilemmas in the psychotherapy of traumatized children' (1985). British Journal of Psychotherapy Vol 2 (1).
4. 'Variations on the theme of transference and counter-transference in the treatment of a ten year old boy' (1989). Journal of Child Psychotherapy Vol 15 (2).
5. 'Putting theory into practice: struggling with perversion and chaos in the analytic process'. (1991) Journal of Child Psychotherapy Vol 17 (1).
6. 'Understanding boys who sexually abuse other children: a clinical illustration'. (1995). Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Vol 9 (3).
7. 'Winnicott's children: the holding environment and therapeutic communication in brief and non-intensive work'. (1996) Journal of Child Psychotherapy Vol 22 (3).
8. 'Fenomeni transtzional e cambiamento psychico: il ruolo del transfert e della relazione 'attuale' nel passaggio dall'affidamento al'adozione.' (2000) (Transitional phenomena and psychic change: the roles of transference and the 'present relationship' as seen in the therapy of children moving from fostering to adoption) Richard e Piggle 8.3.2000.
9. 'Holding and letting go: some thoughts about the process of ending therapy'. (1999) Journal of Child Psychotherapy Vol 25 (3).
10. 'Daring to try again: the hope and pain of forming new attachments' (2001) Therapeutic Communities Vol 22 (1).
11. 'The symbolism of the story of Lot and his wife: the function of the 'present relationship' and non-interpretative aspects of the therapeutic relationship in facilitating change'. (2001). Journal of Child Psychotherapy Vol 27 (1).

Publication dates
PrintJun 2001
Publication process dates
Deposited29 Jul 2014
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