Jet dispersion in channels


Sanders, John E 1998. Jet dispersion in channels. Thesis University of East London
AuthorsSanders, John E

This is an experimental and theoretical investigation of the
dispersion of a round water jet discharging at various angles
into a rectangular channel.
A fundamental study of the jet is not only essential for a
better understanding of the flow conditions produced by
confined water jets but for a scientific approach to the
design of hydraulic structures and to determine an efficient
form of stilling basin for high velocity discharge from pipe
The Laser Doppler Anemometry (LDA) technique was adapted for
measurement of mean velocities and turbulence characteristics,,
without any interference in the flow, and was utilised for
the investigation of the complex three dimensional circulating
flow which was experienced in the channel.
In the experiments the inclination of the jet was varied from
45 to 90 degrees to the bed of the channel, while differing
ratios of channel width and depth to jet diameter were studied
for various Froude numbers.
Detailed measurements of velocity decay, normal and lateral
velocity profiles, distributions of pressure and turbulence
characteristics have been carried out for selected flow
conditions relating to the 45 degree oblique and vertical jet
in order to determine the flow pattern and head dissipations.
The experimental results have been analysed and compared with
Glauert Is theory for a radial wall jet as a first approximation
neglecting gravity forces when small compared with turbulent
Based on these results erosion experiments and model studies
using a solid apron and a sand bed downstream, have been
conducted to predict the minimum size of an efficient stilling
basin and dimensions of any required blocks. Finally generalised
design guide-lines and a standard code of practice
have been developed for a stilling basin with high velocity
pipe outlets.
The research work will provide practical information and
design procedures for consultants and other organisations
working on the design and maintenance of a variety of water
projects both in the UK and overseas.

Keywordswater jet dispersion; hydraulic structure design
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Deposited10 May 2011
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