Ms Caroline Nash

NameMs Caroline Nash
Job titleGreen Infrastructure Senior Knowledge Exchange Fellow
Research instituteSustainability Research Institute

Research outputs

Mapping the intersection of social deprivation and air pollution in London: Identifying domestic garden types

Corada Perez, K., Nash, C. and Connop, S. 2024. Mapping the intersection of social deprivation and air pollution in London: Identifying domestic garden types. Acta Horticulturae. p. In Press.

An integrated process for planning, delivery, and stewardship of urban nature-based solutions: the Connecting Nature Framework

Collier, M., Frantzeskaki, N., Connop, S., Dick, G., Dumitru, A., Dziubała, A., Fletcher, I., Georgiou, P., Hölscher, K., Kooijman, E., Lodder, M., Madajczyk, N., McQuaid, S., Nash, C., Osipiuk, A., Quartier, M., Reil, A., Rhodes, M-L., Rizzi, D., Vandergert, P., van de Sijpe, K., Vos, P. and Xidous, D. 2023. An integrated process for planning, delivery, and stewardship of urban nature-based solutions: the Connecting Nature Framework. Nature-Based Solutions. 3 (Art. 100060).

Green roofs

Nash, C., Julien, A., Roddick, C. and Connop, S. 2023. Green roofs. in: Washbourne, C-L. and Wansbury, C. (ed.) ICE Manual of Blue-Green Infrastructure ICE Publishing. pp. 105-122

Stewardship Innovation: The Forgotten Component in Maximising the Value of Urban Nature-Based Solutions

Nash, C., Rumble, H. and Connop, S. 2021. Stewardship Innovation: The Forgotten Component in Maximising the Value of Urban Nature-Based Solutions. in: Catalano, C., Andreucci, M. B., Guarino, R., Bretzel, F., Leone, M. and Pasta, S. (ed.) Urban Services to Ecosystems: Green Infrastructure Benefits from the Landscape to the Urban Scale Springer. pp. 165-182

Application of the NBS Impact Evaluation Framework: NBS Performance and Impact Evaluation Case Studies

Dubovik, M., Dumitru, A., Wendling, L., Briega, P., Capobianco, V., Connop, S., Crespo, L., Fermoso, J., Giannico, V., Gómez, S., González, M., Kakoulaki, G., Kumar, P., Leppänen, S., Marijuan, R., Pablo, S., Pérez, J. A., Pilla, F., Rinta-Hiiro, V., Riquelme, H., Sánchez, E., Sánchez, I., Sánchez, J. C., Sánchez, R., San José, E., Sanz, J. M., Sanz, N., Serramia, J., Spano, G., Särkilahti, M., Tomé-Lourido, D., van de Sijpe, K., Verdugo, F., Villazán, A., Vos, P., Zulian, G., Allaert, K., Almenar, J.B., Arnbjerg-Nielsen, K., Baldacchini, C., Basco, L., Beaujouan, V., Benoit, G., Bockarjova, M., Bonelli, S., Bouzouidja, R., Butlin, T., Calatrava, J., Calfapietra, C., Cannavo, P., Caroppi, G., Chancibault, K., Cioffi, M., Dadvand, P., de Bellis, Y., de Keijzer, C., de la Hera, A., Decker, S., Djordjevic, S., Dushkova, D., Faneca, M., Fatima, Z., Ferracini, C., Fleury, G., García, I., García‐Alcaraz, M., Gerundo, C., Gil-Roldán, E., Giordano, R., Giugni, M., Gonzalez-Ollauri, A., Guidolotti, G., Haase, D., Heredida, J., Hermawan, T., Herranz-Pascual, K., Hölscher, K., Jermakka, J., Kiss, M., Kraus, F., Körmöndi, B., Laikari, A., Laille, P., Lemée, C., Llorente, M., Lodder, M., Lourido, D. T., Macsinga, I., Manzano, M., Martelli, F., Martins, R., Mayor, B., McKnight, U., Mendizabal, M., Mendonça, R., Mickovski, S. B., Nash, C., Nadim, F., Nolan, P., Oen, A., Olsson, P., Olver, C., Paradiso, F., Petucco, C., Pisani, N., Piton, G., Pugliese, F., Rasmussen, M., Munro, K., Reich, E., Reichborn-Kjennerud, K., Renaud, F., Rhodes, M. L., Robles, V., Rodriguez, F., Roebeling, P., Ruangpan, L., Rugani, B., Rödl, A., Sánchez Torres, A., Sanesi, G., Scharf, B., Silvestri, F., Skodra, J., Stanganelli, M., Szkordilisz, F., Tacnet, J.-M., Vay, L., Vella, S., Vercelli, M., Vojinovic, Z., Werner, A., Wheeler, B., Young, C., Zorita, S. and zu-Castell Rüdenhausen, M. 2021. Application of the NBS Impact Evaluation Framework: NBS Performance and Impact Evaluation Case Studies. in: Dumitru, A. and Wendling, L. (ed.) Evaluating the Impact of Nature-Based Solutions: A Handbook for Practitioners European Commission. pp. 179-234

Indicators of NBS Performance and Impact

Wendling, L., Dumitru, A., Arnbjerg-Nielsen, K., Baldacchini, C., Connop, S., Dubovik, M., Fermoso, J., Hölscher, K., Nadim, F., Pilla, F., Renaud, F., Rhodes, M. L., San José, E., Sánchez, R., Skodra, J., Tacnet, J.-M., Zulian, G., Allaert, K., Almassy, D., Ascenso, A., Babí Almenar, J., Basco, L., Beaujouan, V., Benoit, G., Bockarjova, M., Bode, N., Bonelli, S., Bouzouidja, R., Butlin, T., Calatrava, J., Calfapietra, C, Cannavo, P., Capobianco, V., Caroppi, G., Ceccherini, G., Chancibault, K., Cioffi, M., Coelho, S., Dadvand, P., de Bellis, Y., de Keijzer, C., de la Hera, A., De Vreese, R., Decker, S., Djordjevic, S., Dowling, C., Dushkova, D., Eiter, S., Faneca, M., Fatima, Z., Ferracini, C., Fjellstad, W., Fleury, G., Freyer, B., García, I., García‐Alcaraz, M., Gerundo, C., Gil-Roldán, E., Giordano, R., Giugni, M., Goličnik Marušić, B., Gómez, S., González, M., Gonzalez-Ollauri, A., Guidolotti, G., Haase, D., Heredida, J., Hermawan, T., Herranz-Pascual, K., Jermakka, J., Jones, L., Kiss, M., Kraus, F., Körmöndi, B., Laikari, A., Laille, P., Lemée, C., Llorente, M., Lodder, M., Macsinga, I., Maes, J., Maia, S., Manderscheid, M., Manzano, M., Martelli, F., Martins, R., Mayor, B., McKnight, U., Mendizabal, M., Mendonça, R., Mickovski, S. B., Miranda, A. I., Moniz, G. C., Munro, K., Nash, C., Nolan, P., Oen, A., Olsson, P., Olver, C., Ozturk, E. D., Paradiso, F., Petucco, C., Pisani, N., Piton, G., Pugliese, F., Rasmussen, M., Ravknikar, Ž., Reich, E., Reichborn-Kjennerud, K., Rinta-Hiiro, V., Robles, V., Rodriguez, F., Roebeling, P., Ruangpan, L., Rugani, B., Rödl, A., Sánchez, I., Sánchez Torres, A., Sanesi, G., Sanz, J. M., Scharf, B., Silvestri, F., Spano, G., Stanganelli, M., Szkordilisz, F., Tomé-Lourido, D., Vay, L., Vela, S., Vercelli, M., Villazán, A., Vojinovic, Z., Werner, A., Wheeler, B., Young, C., Zorita, S., Zandersen, M. and zu-Castell Rüdenhausen, M. 2021. Indicators of NBS Performance and Impact . in: Dumitru, A. and Wendling, L. (ed.) Evaluating the Impact of Nature-Based Solutions: A Handbook for Practitioners European Commission. pp. 115-173

Chrysomela saliceti Suffrian (Chrysomelidae) - thriving and potentially spreading in urban green areas in London

Skipp, S. K., Geiser, M. F., McGill, J., Nash, C. and Connop, S. 2019. Chrysomela saliceti Suffrian (Chrysomelidae) - thriving and potentially spreading in urban green areas in London. The Coleopterist. 28 (4), pp. 173-176.

An ecomimicry design approach for extensive green roofs

Nash, C., Ciupala, A., Gedge, D., Lindsay, R. and Connop, S. 2019. An ecomimicry design approach for extensive green roofs. Journal of Living Architecture. 6 (1), pp. 62-81.

Understanding and Applying Ecological Principles in Cities

Rumble, Heather, Angeoletto, Fabio, Connop, S., Goddard, Mark A. and Nash, C. 2019. Understanding and Applying Ecological Principles in Cities. in: Lemes de Oliveira, Fabiano and Mell, Ian (ed.) Planning Cities with Nature Springer. pp. 217-234

Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park BAP Monitoring: Terrestrial Invertebrate Survey Report for idverde

Nash, C., Connop, S. and The Ecology Consultancy 2018. Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park BAP Monitoring: Terrestrial Invertebrate Survey Report for idverde. The Ecology Consultancy.

Ecomimicry for Barking Riverside: Achieving locally contextualised biodiversity-led multifunctional urban green infrastructure

Connop, S. and Nash, C. 2016. Ecomimicry for Barking Riverside: Achieving locally contextualised biodiversity-led multifunctional urban green infrastructure. London University of East London.
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