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Community screening for iron deficiency in reproductive aged women: Lessons learnt from Australia
MacLean, B., Lim, J., Fuller, J., Wylie, R., Joo, J. Y., Al-Sharea, A., Cheyyur, J., Ng, H., Zhang, S., Ahmed, M., Dugan, C. and Richards, T. 2025. Community screening for iron deficiency in reproductive aged women: Lessons learnt from Australia. Vox Sanguinis. 120 (1), pp. 22-31.
Identifying falsified COVID-19 vaccines by analysing vaccine vial label and excipient profiles using MALDI-ToF mass spectrometry
Arman, B. Y., Clarke, R., Bharucha, T., Fernandez, L. G., Walsby-Tickle, J., Deats, M., Mosca, S., Lin, Q., Banerjee, S., Chunekar, S. R., Patil, K. D., Gairola, S., Dunachie, S., Ali, H., Stokes, R., Kuwana, R., Maes, A., Charrier, J-P., Probert, F., Caillet, C., Matousek, P., McCullagh, J., Newton, P. N., Zitzmann, N. and Gangadharan, B. 2025. Identifying falsified COVID-19 vaccines by analysing vaccine vial label and excipient profiles using MALDI-ToF mass spectrometry. npj Vaccines. 10 (Art. 19).
Climate change impacts on blanket peatland in Great Britain
Ritson, J. P., Lees, K. J., Hill, J., Gallego-Sala, A. and Bebber, D. P. 2025. Climate change impacts on blanket peatland in Great Britain. Journal of Applied Ecology. 62 (3), pp. 701-714.
Optimizing stroke prediction using gated recurrent unit and feature selection in Sub-Saharan Africa
Soladoye, A. A., Olawade, D. B., Adeyanju, I. A., Akpa, O. M., Aderinto, N. and Owolabi, M. O. 2025. Optimizing stroke prediction using gated recurrent unit and feature selection in Sub-Saharan Africa. Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery. 249 (Art. 108761).
What makes a Thesis by Publication? An international study of policy requirements and restrictions
Mason, S., Frick, L., Castelló, M., Cheng, W., Chong, S. W., Villalba, L. D., García-Morante, M., Kong, M., Sakurai, Y., Spronken-Smith, R. and Weise, C. 2025. What makes a Thesis by Publication? An international study of policy requirements and restrictions. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management. 47 (1), pp. 57-72.