The UEL Research Repository preserves and disseminates open access publications, research data, and theses created by members of the University of East London. It exists as an online publication platform that offers free permanent access to anyone. For more information about the repository and how to deposit your research contact:

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Modern slavery and financial reporting quality worldwide: the impact of institutional and legal environment
Mamatzakis, E. and Boahen, E. 2025. Modern slavery and financial reporting quality worldwide: the impact of institutional and legal environment. Journal of Accounting Literature. p. In press.
Twenty-eight injections, two visits, one meeting: cultivating new skills for injecting medicine for rheumatoid arthritis.
Barnfield, A. 2025. Twenty-eight injections, two visits, one meeting: cultivating new skills for injecting medicine for rheumatoid arthritis. Social and Cultural Geography. p. In Press.
Systematic literature review to explore the experience and impact group coaching has on parents of children with special educational needs and disabilities
Gellett, R., Sadana, E., Batuwitage, S. and Thomas, M. 2024. Systematic literature review to explore the experience and impact group coaching has on parents of children with special educational needs and disabilities. The Coaching Psychologist. 20 (2), pp. 45-56.
Creative Journeys Involving Adults With Profound and Multiple Learning Disabilities: Co-Development in Multi-Sensory Theatre
Bunning, K. and Grove, N. 2024. Creative Journeys Involving Adults With Profound and Multiple Learning Disabilities: Co-Development in Multi-Sensory Theatre. British Journal of Learning Disabilities. p. In Press.
Perceived stress and burnout during COVID-19 and its impact on performance levels
Nair, S. L. S., Liu, J. and Ozdemir, O. 2024. Perceived stress and burnout during COVID-19 and its impact on performance levels. International Journal of Business Performance Management. 25 (6), pp. 865-877.