Prof Rabih Bashroush

NameProf Rabih Bashroush
Job titleProfessor of Digital Infrastructure
Research instituteArchitecture, Computing & Engineering

Research outputs

SWOT Analysis of Information Security Management System ISO 27001

Akinyemi, I., Schatz, D. and Bashroush, R. 2020. SWOT Analysis of Information Security Management System ISO 27001. International Journal of Services Operations and Informatics. 10 (4), p. 305–329.

Optimizing server refresh cycles: The case for circular economy with an aging Moore’s Law

Bashroush, R., Rteil, N., Kenny, R. and Wynne, A. 2020. Optimizing server refresh cycles: The case for circular economy with an aging Moore’s Law. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing. 7 (1), pp. 189-200.

Case Studies for achieving a Return on Investment with a Hardware Refresh in Organizations with Small Data Centers

Doyle, J. and Bashroush, R. 2020. Case Studies for achieving a Return on Investment with a Hardware Refresh in Organizations with Small Data Centers. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing. 6 (4), pp. 599-611.

Towards Efficient and Scalable Data-Intensive Content Delivery: State-of-the-Art, Issues and Challenges

Kilanioti, Irene, Fernández-Montes, Alejandro, Fernández-Cerero, Damián, Karageorgos, Anthony, Mettouris, Christos, Nejkovic, Valentina, Albanis, Nikolas, Bashroush, R. and Papadopoulos, George A. 2019. Towards Efficient and Scalable Data-Intensive Content Delivery: State-of-the-Art, Issues and Challenges. in: Kołodziej, Joanna and González-Vélez, Horacio (ed.) High-Performance Modelling and Simulation for Big Data Applications: Selected Results of the COST Action IC1406 cHiPSet Springer, Cham.

Security predictions — A way to reduce uncertainty

Schatz, D. and Bashroush, R. 2019. Security predictions — A way to reduce uncertainty. Journal of Information Security and Applications. 45, pp. 107-116.

The ALI Architecture Description Language

Haider, U., McGregor, John D. and Bashroush, R. 2018. The ALI Architecture Description Language. ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes. 43 (4), pp. 52-52.

Representing Variability in Software Architecture: A Systematic Literature Review

Haider, U., Woods, E. and Bashroush, R. 2018. Representing Variability in Software Architecture: A Systematic Literature Review. International Journal of Software Engineering and Computer Systems. 4 (2), pp. 19-37.

A Comprehensive Reasoning Framework for Hardware Refresh in Data Centers

Bashroush, R. 2018. A Comprehensive Reasoning Framework for Hardware Refresh in Data Centers. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing. 3 (4), pp. 209-220.

gUML: Reasoning about Energy at Design Time by Extending UML Deployment Diagrams with Data Centre Contextual Information

Jebraeil, Nigar, Noureddine, A., Doyle, J., Islam, S. and Bashroush, R. 2017. gUML: Reasoning about Energy at Design Time by Extending UML Deployment Diagrams with Data Centre Contextual Information. in: 2017 IEEE World Congress on Services (SERVICES) IEEE. pp. In Press

Cloud Strife: Expanding the Horizons of Cloud Gaming Services

Doyle, J., Islam, S., Bashroush, R. and O'Mahony, Donal 2017. Cloud Strife: Expanding the Horizons of Cloud Gaming Services. in: 2017 IEEE World Congress on Services (SERVICES) IEEE.

Towards a More Representative Definition of Cyber Security

Schatz, Daniel, Bashroush, R. and Wall, J. 2017. Towards a More Representative Definition of Cyber Security. Journal of Digital Forensics, Security and Law. 12 (2), pp. 53-74.

Architectural Principles for Energy-Aware Internet-Scale Applications

Bashroush, R. and Woods, E. 2017. Architectural Principles for Energy-Aware Internet-Scale Applications. IEEE Software. 34 (3), pp. 14-17.

CASE Tool support for variability management in software product lines

Bashroush, R., Garba, M., Rabiser, R., Groher, I. and Botterweck, G. 2017. CASE Tool support for variability management in software product lines. ACM Computing Surveys. 50 (Art. 14).

Economic Valuation for Information Security Investment: A Systematic Literature Review

Schatz, Daniel and Bashroush, R. 2016. Economic Valuation for Information Security Investment: A Systematic Literature Review. Information Systems Frontiers. 19 (5), pp. 1205-1228.

MUSA: A Scalable Multi-Touch and Multi-Perspective Variability Management Tool

Garba, Muhammad, Noureddine, Adel and Bashroush, R. 2016. MUSA: A Scalable Multi-Touch and Multi-Perspective Variability Management Tool. in: 2016 13th Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture (WICSA) IEEE. pp. 299-302

The Impact Of Repeated Data Breach Events On Organisations’ Market Value

Schatz, Daniel and Bashroush, R. 2016. The Impact Of Repeated Data Breach Events On Organisations’ Market Value. Information and Computer Security. 24 (1), pp. 73-92.

Jolinar: Analysing the Energy Footprint of Software Applications (demo)

Noureddine, A., Islam, S. and Bashroush, R. 2016. Jolinar: Analysing the Energy Footprint of Software Applications (demo). in: Proceedings of the 25th International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis New York, NY, USA Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). pp. 445-448

Activities of daily life recognition using process representation modelling to support intention analysis

Naeem, U., Bashroush, R., Anthony, Richard, Azam, Muhammad Awais, Tawil, Abdel Rahman, Lee, S. and Mou-Ling, Dennis 2015. Activities of daily life recognition using process representation modelling to support intention analysis. International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications. 11 (3), pp. 347-371.

Modelling large-scale information systems using ADLs – An industrial experience report

Woods, Eoin and Bashroush, R. 2014. Modelling large-scale information systems using ADLs – An industrial experience report. The Journal of Systems and Software. 99 (1), pp. 97-108.

Integration operators for generating RDF/OWL-based user defined mediator views in a grid environment

Tawil, Abdel-Rahman H., Taweel, Adel, Naeem, U., Montebello, Matthew, Bashroush, R. and Al-Nemrat, A. 2014. Integration operators for generating RDF/OWL-based user defined mediator views in a grid environment. Journal of Intelligent Information Systems. 43 (1), pp. 1-32.

Using an Architecture Description Language to Model a Large- Scale Information System – An Industrial Experience Report

Woods, Eoin and Bashroush, R. 2012. Using an Architecture Description Language to Model a Large- Scale Information System – An Industrial Experience Report. Proceedings of the Joint 10th Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture & 6th European Conference on Software Architecture. Helsinki Finland Aug 2012

A Cost Effective Cloud Datacenter Capacity Planning Method Based on Modality Cost Analysis

Bashroush, R. and Nouriddine, Moustafa 2013. A Cost Effective Cloud Datacenter Capacity Planning Method Based on Modality Cost Analysis. International Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems. 11 (3), pp. 250-261.

Logical Reasoning and Decision Making

Ong, D, Khaddaj, Souheil and Bashroush, R. 2011. Logical Reasoning and Decision Making. 10th IEEE International Conference on Cybernetic Intelligent Systems. London Aug 2011

A Provisioning Model towards OAuth 2.0 Optimization

Nouriddine, Moustafa and Bashroush, R. 2011. A Provisioning Model towards OAuth 2.0 Optimization. 10th IEEE International Conference on Cybernetic Intelligent Systems. London Sep 2011

A Performance Optimization Model towards OAuth 2.0 Adoption in the Enterprise

Nouriddine, Moustafa and Bashroush, R. 2011. A Performance Optimization Model towards OAuth 2.0 Adoption in the Enterprise. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Global Security, Safety & Sustainability (ICGS3). Greece Aug 2011

Modality Cost Analysis: A Methodology for Cost Effective Datacenter Capacity Planning in the Cloud

Nouriddine, Moustafa and Bashroush, R. 2011. Modality Cost Analysis: A Methodology for Cost Effective Datacenter Capacity Planning in the Cloud.

Modality Cost Analysis Based Methodology for Cost Effective Datacenter Capacity Planning in the Cloud

Nouriddine, Moustafa and Bashroush, R. 2011. Modality Cost Analysis Based Methodology for Cost Effective Datacenter Capacity Planning in the Cloud. Ubiquitous Computing and Communication Journal.

Sufficiency of Windows Event log as Evidence in Digital Forensics

Ibrahim, Nurdeen, Al-Nemrat, Ameer, Jahankhani, Hamid and Bashroush, R. 2011. Sufficiency of Windows Event log as Evidence in Digital Forensics. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Global Security, Safety & Sustainability (ICGS3). Greece Aug 2011

GSi Compliant RAS for Public Private Sector Partnership

Fawzi, Fawzi and Bashroush, R. 2011. GSi Compliant RAS for Public Private Sector Partnership. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Global Security, Safety & Sustainability (ICGS3). Greece Aug 2011

Case Study: Using ADLARS to Design and Develop a Real-Time Network Emulator

Bashroush, R., Al-Nemrat, Ameer, Bachrouch, Mohammad and Spence, Ivor 2011. Case Study: Using ADLARS to Design and Develop a Real-Time Network Emulator. Proceedings of the International Conference on Information and Communication Systems (ICICS 2011). Jordan May 2011

Visualizing Variability Models Using Hyperbolic Trees

Bashroush, R., Al-Nemrat, Ameer, Bachrouch, Mohammad and Jahankhani, Hamid 2011. Visualizing Variability Models Using Hyperbolic Trees. Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering Forum(CAiSE Forum 2011). London Jun 2011

A Scalable Multiple Perspective Variability Management CASE Tool

Bashroush, R. 2010. A Scalable Multiple Perspective Variability Management CASE Tool. 14th International Software Product Line Conference (SPLC). South Korea Sep 2010

A NUI Based Multiple Perspective Variability Modelling CASE Tool

Bashroush, R. 2010. A NUI Based Multiple Perspective Variability Modelling CASE Tool. in: Babar, Muhammad Ali and Gorton, IAn (ed.) Software Architecture: Proceedings of 4th European Conference, ECSA 2010, Copenhagen, Denmark, August 23-26, 2010 Springer.

Towards Performance Related Decision Support for Model Driven Engineering of Enterprise SOA Applications

Fritzsche, M, Gilani, Wasif, Spence, Ivor, Kilpatrick, Peter, Brown, John and Bashroush, R. 2008. Towards Performance Related Decision Support for Model Driven Engineering of Enterprise SOA Applications. in: Schierferdecker, Ina and Hartman, Alan (ed.) Model Driven Architecture – Foundations and Applications Springer.

A Multiple Views Model for Variability Management in Software Product Lines

Bashroush, R., Spence, Ivor, Kilpatrick, Peter, Brown, John and Gillan, Charles 2008. A Multiple Views Model for Variability Management in Software Product Lines. Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Variability Modelling of Software-intensive Systems (VaMoS2008). Essen, Germany 16 - 18 Jan 2008

ALI: An Extensible Architecture Description Language for Industrial Applications

Bashroush, R., Spence, Ivor, Kilpatrick, Peter, Brown, John, Gilani, Wasif and Fritzsche, M 2008. ALI: An Extensible Architecture Description Language for Industrial Applications. in: Springer.

Towards Performance Related Decision Support for Model Driven Engineering of Enterprise SOA Applications

Bashroush, R. and Spence, Ivor 2008. Towards Performance Related Decision Support for Model Driven Engineering of Enterprise SOA Applications. in: Proceedings of 15th IEEE International Conference on Engineering of Computer-Based Systems (ECBS) IEEE. pp. 57-65

Challenges in the Application of Feature Modelling in Fixed Line Telecommunications

Gillan, Charles, Kilpatrick, Peter, Spence, Ivor, Brown, T. John, Bashroush, R. and Gawley, Rachel 2007. Challenges in the Application of Feature Modelling in Fixed Line Telecommunications. Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Variability Modelling of Software-intensive Systems (VaMoS 2007), Lemrick, Ireland, Jan 16 -18, 2007. C Gillan

Requirements Modelling and Design Notations for Software Product Lines

Brown, T. John, Gawley, Rachel, Spence, Ivor, Kilpatrick, Peter, Gillan, Charles and Bashroush, R. 2007. Requirements Modelling and Design Notations for Software Product Lines. Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Variability Modelling of Software-intensive Systems (VaMoS2007), Lemrick, Ireland, Jan 16-18, 2007. T J. Brown

Weaving Behaviour into Feature Models for Embedded System Families

Brown, John, Gawley, Rachel, Bashroush, R., Spence, Ivor, Kilpatrick, Peter and Gillan, Charles 2006. Weaving Behaviour into Feature Models for Embedded System Families.

Towards More Flexible Architecture Description Languages for Industrial Applications

Bashroush, R., Spence, Ivor, Kilpatrick, Peter and Brown, John 2006. Towards More Flexible Architecture Description Languages for Industrial Applications. in:

Using a Software Product Line Approach in Designing Grid Services

Bashroush, R. and Perrott, Ronald 2005. Using a Software Product Line Approach in Designing Grid Services. 4th UK e-Science All Hands Meeting (AHM2005). Nottingham, UK Sep 2005

Feature Guided Architecture Development for Embedded System Families

Brown, John, Bashroush, R., Gillan, Charles, Spence, Ivor and Kilpatrick, Peter 2005. Feature Guided Architecture Development for Embedded System Families.

A Generic Reference Software Architecture for Load Balancing Over Mirrored Web Servers: NaSr Case Study

Bashroush, R., Spence, Ivor, Kilpatrick, Peter and Brown, John 2005. A Generic Reference Software Architecture for Load Balancing Over Mirrored Web Servers: NaSr Case Study.

ADLARS: An Architecture Description Language for Software Product Lines

Bashroush, R., Spence, Ivor, Kilpatrick, Peter and Brown, John 2005. ADLARS: An Architecture Description Language for Software Product Lines.

The contribution of architecture description languages to the evaluation of software architectures

Bashroush, R., Spence, Ivor, Kilpatrick, Peter and Brown, John 2004. The contribution of architecture description languages to the evaluation of software architectures.

Using the NaSr Architectural Style to Solve the Broken Hyperlink Problem

Bashroush, R., Spence, Ivor, Kilpatrick, Peter and Brown, John 2004. Using the NaSr Architectural Style to Solve the Broken Hyperlink Problem.

Towards an Automated Evaluation Process for Software Architectures

Bashroush, R., Spence, Ivor, Kilpatrick, Peter and Brown, John 2004. Towards an Automated Evaluation Process for Software Architectures.

A Real-time Network Emulator: ADLARS Case Study

Bashroush, R., Spence, Ivor, Kilpatrick, Peter and Brown, John 2004. A Real-time Network Emulator: ADLARS Case Study.

A Network Architectural Style for Real-time Systems: NaSr

Bashroush, R., Spence, Ivor, Kilpatrick, Peter and Brown, John 2004. A Network Architectural Style for Real-time Systems: NaSr.

Deriving Product Architectures from an ADLARS Described Reference Architecture using Leopard

Bashroush, R., Spence, Ivor, Kilpatrick, Peter and Brown, John 2004. Deriving Product Architectures from an ADLARS Described Reference Architecture using Leopard.
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