Hepatoprotective and antioxidant efficacy of aqueous stem bark extracts of Balanites aegyptiaca (Linn.) Del. against acetaminophen induced liver injury in rats


Ojo, O., Ladeji, Olusola, Olayaki, Luqman and JideOjo, Constance 2015. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant efficacy of aqueous stem bark extracts of Balanites aegyptiaca (Linn.) Del. against acetaminophen induced liver injury in rats. Journal of Medicinal Herbs and Ethnomedicine. 1 (1), pp. 1-8.
AuthorsOjo, O., Ladeji, Olusola, Olayaki, Luqman and JideOjo, Constance

Tradffitffional use of varffious extracts of Balanffites aegyptffiaca ffin the management of many dffiseases has been prevffiously
reported. Though oxffidatffive stress ffis known to contrffibute to the development of many of the dffisease condffitffions
on whffich extracts of B. aegytffiaca have been found efffficacffious, effects of these extracts on free radffical-ffinduced
lffipffid peroxffidatffion ffis not well understood. Thffis study ffinvestffigated the protectffive effects of stem bark extracts of
B. aegyptffiaca on acetamffinophen-ffinduced lffipffid peroxffidatffion ffin rats. Phytochemffical analysffis of the plant extract used
was conducted. Followffing a 10 day pre-treatment wffith extracts of B. aegyptffiaca, serum levels of thffiobarbffiturffic
reactffive substances (TBARS), vffitamffin C, cholesterol/phospholffipffids, catalase (CAT) actffivffity as well as markers
enzymes of hepatotoxfficffity were measured ffin rats admffinffistered wffith acetamffinophen (2 mg/kg body weffight).
Results obtaffined ffindfficated preponderance of alkaloffids, flavonoffids, glycosffides, phenols, saponffins, and tannffins.
Pre-treatment wffith extracts of B. aegyptffiaca protected agaffinst acetamffinophen-ffinduced elevatffion of TBARS and
marker enzymes of hepatotoxfficffity as well as ffinhffibffited the depletffion of serum levels of vffitamffin C, CAT actffivffity and
phospholffipffids ffin a dose-dependent manner. Serum levels of cholesterol were not affected by acetamffinophen
ffintoxfficatffion or treatment wffith the plant extract. These results ffindfficated that therapeutffic actffions prevffiously
lffinked wffith extracts of B. aegyptffiaca mffight be a consequence of ffits antffioxffidatffive and hepatoprotectffive effect

JournalJournal of Medicinal Herbs and Ethnomedicine
Journal citation1 (1), pp. 1-8
Accepted author manuscript
Web address (URL)http://dx.doi.org/10.5455/jmhe.2015.09.020
Publication dates
Print28 Sep 2015
Publication process dates
Deposited03 Nov 2015
Accepted19 Sep 2015
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