Sustainability Research Institute

TitleSustainability Research Institute
Configured behaviouruel:research-institute:sustainability-research-institute
DeanDr Stuart Connop
Research AdministratorMrs Daiva Raguckiene
Mr Richard Bottoms
Research Degrees LeaderDr Bamdad Ayati
DeputyMs Caroline Nash
Examination OfficerMrs Daiva Raguckiene

Latest research outputs

Sort by Date Title
Practitioner Perceptions of Mainstreaming Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS): A Mixed Methods Study Exploring Direct Versus Indirect Barriers
Haddad, H., Bryden, J. and Connop, S. 2025. Practitioner Perceptions of Mainstreaming Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS): A Mixed Methods Study Exploring Direct Versus Indirect Barriers. Sustainability. 17 (5), p. Art. 2093.


Effects of Retrofit Strategies on Thermal Comfort and Energy Performance in Social Housing for Current and Future Weather Scenarios
Basaly, L., Hashemi, A., Elsharkawy, H., Newport, D. and Badaway, N. M. 2025. Effects of Retrofit Strategies on Thermal Comfort and Energy Performance in Social Housing for Current and Future Weather Scenarios. Buildings. 15 (80).


Rainfall and PM Removal on Tree Leaves: A Study of Santiago, Chile’s Native Species
Préndez, M., Corada Perez, K., Navarrete, I., Vera, J. and Wyss, Z. 2025. Rainfall and PM Removal on Tree Leaves: A Study of Santiago, Chile’s Native Species. Atmosphere. 16 (1).


Anti-racist Principles Guidance: Working to improve fairness, justice, and equality in City and Hackney
Sharpe, D., Osei-Asemani, E. and Castro Caicedo, J. 2024. Anti-racist Principles Guidance: Working to improve fairness, justice, and equality in City and Hackney. Institute for Connected Communities, University of East London.


Mapping the intersection of social deprivation and air pollution in London: Identifying domestic garden types
Corada Perez, K., Nash, C. and Connop, S. 2024. Mapping the intersection of social deprivation and air pollution in London: Identifying domestic garden types. Acta Horticulturae. p. In Press.


Policy Recommendations to Enhance Small-to-Medium-Sized Enterprise Support for Achieving the UK’s Net Zero Targets
Khosravi, M., Jelliman, S., Muoneke, C., Haddad, H., Chandler, A. and Connop, S. 2024. Policy Recommendations to Enhance Small-to-Medium-Sized Enterprise Support for Achieving the UK’s Net Zero Targets. Sustainability. 16 (Art. 10116).


Hot and cold: Policy perspectives on overheating and cooling in United Kingdom homes
Hoggett, R., Lowes, R., Ugalde-Loo, C. E. and Khosravi, F. 2024. Hot and cold: Policy perspectives on overheating and cooling in United Kingdom homes. Energy Research & Social Science. 118, p. 103803.


Air pollution abatement from Green-Blue-Grey infrastructure
Kumar, P., Corada Perez, K., Debele, S. E., Emygdio, A. P. M., Abhijith, K. V., Hassan, H., Broomandi, P., Baldauf, R., Calvillo, N., Cao, S-J., Desrivières, S., Feng, Z., Gallagher, J., Kjeldsen, T. R., Khan, A. A., Khare, M., Kota, S. H., Li, B., Malham, S. K., McNabola, A., Namdeo, A., Nema, A. K., Reis, S., Nagendra, S. M. S., Tiwary, A., Vardoulakis, S., Wenk, J., Wang, F., Wang, J., Woolf, D., Yao, R. and Jones, L. 2024. Air pollution abatement from Green-Blue-Grey infrastructure. The Innovation Geoscience. 2 (4), p. 100100.


Evaluating Thermal Comfort and Overheating Risks in A Social Housing Prototype: As-Built Versus Retrofit Scenarios
Basaly, L. G., Hashemi, A., Elsharkawy, H., Newport, D. and Badawy, N. M. 2024. Evaluating Thermal Comfort and Overheating Risks in A Social Housing Prototype: As-Built Versus Retrofit Scenarios. Environmental Science and Sustainable Development. 9 (2), pp. 1-12.


Assessing the usability and value of a climate service in the wine sector
Khosravi, F., Bruno Soares, M., Teixeria, M., Fontes, N. and Graca, A. 2024. Assessing the usability and value of a climate service in the wine sector. Climate Services. 34 (Art. 100496).


Review on Sampling Methods and Health Impacts of Fine (PM₂.₅, ≤2.5 µm) and Ultrafine (UFP, PM₀.₁, ≤0.1 µm) Particles
Chauchan, B. V. S., Corada, K., Young, C., Smallbone, K. L. and Wyche, K. P. 2024. Review on Sampling Methods and Health Impacts of Fine (PM₂.₅, ≤2.5 µm) and Ultrafine (UFP, PM₀.₁, ≤0.1 µm) Particles. Atmosphere. 15 (5), p. 572.


Mechanical and hygrothermal properties of hemp-silica bio-composites
Ayati, B., Gutierrez Rivas, A. and Chandler, A. 2024. Mechanical and hygrothermal properties of hemp-silica bio-composites. Construction and Building Materials. 425 (Art. 136077).


Active afforestation of drained peatlands is not a viable option under the EU Nature Restoration Law
Jurasinski, G., Barthelmes, A., Byrne, K., Chojnicki, B. H., Christiansen, J. R., Decleer, K., Fritz, C., Günther, A. B., Huth, V., Joosten, H., Juszczak, R., Juutinen, S., Kasimir, Å., Klemedtsson, L., Koebsch, F., Kotowski, W., Kull, A., Lamentowicz, M., Lindgren, A., Lindsay, R., Linkevičienė, R., Lohila, A., Mander, Ü., Manton, M., Minkkinen, K., Peters, J., Renou-Wilson, F., Sendžikaitė, J., Šimanauskienė, R., Taminskas, J., Tanneberger, F., Tegetmeyer, C., van Diggelen, R., Vasander, H., Wilson, D., Zableckis, N., Zak, D. H. and Couwenberg, J. 2024. Active afforestation of drained peatlands is not a viable option under the EU Nature Restoration Law. AMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment. 53, pp. 970-983.


Blanket bogs exhibit significant alterations to physical properties as a result of temporary track removal or abandonment
Williams-Mounsey, J., Crowle, A., Grayson, R., Lindsay, R. and Holden, J. 2024. Blanket bogs exhibit significant alterations to physical properties as a result of temporary track removal or abandonment. Ecohydrology. 17 (2), p. e2623.


Embodied carbon performance gaps in timber production for the UK built environment: A brief review
Sanchez, J., Sumner, H., Ayati, B. and Chandler, A. 2023. Embodied carbon performance gaps in timber production for the UK built environment: A brief review. ICARB 2023: The 8th International ICARB Conference on Carbon Accounting. Edinburgh, UK 25 - 26 Sep 2023 EcoHouse Initiative Ltd..

Conference paper

Roadmap to making wide-scale adoption of paludiculture a commercial reaility in England
Stuart, J., Birdsall, K., Carver, K., Clough, J., Kelly, A., Land, D., Lindsay, R. and Wright, N. 2023. Roadmap to making wide-scale adoption of paludiculture a commercial reaility in England. England Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.

Working paper

The use of historical accounts of species distribution to suggest restoration targets for UK upland mires within a ‘moorland’ landscape
Ritson, J. P. and Lindsay, R. A. 2023. The use of historical accounts of species distribution to suggest restoration targets for UK upland mires within a ‘moorland’ landscape. Mires and Peat. 29 (Art. 24), pp. 1-17.


SMEs’ Drivers and Barriers to Decarbonisation in the East of England
Khosravi, M., Jelliman, S. and Muoneke, C. 2023. SMEs’ Drivers and Barriers to Decarbonisation in the East of England. European Journal of Sustainable Development. 12 (4), pp. 247-259.


Peatlands: Restoring the Invisible – a matter of Intelligence
Lindsay, R. 2023. Peatlands: Restoring the Invisible – a matter of Intelligence. Power to the Peatlands Conference 2023. Antwerp, Belgium 19 - 21 Sep 2023

Conference keynote

Bridging The Gap Between Academia and Practice: A case study for collaborative digital design to fabrication workflow for interlocking kit-of-parts
Shilova, E., Watts, A., Ayati, B., Chandler, A. and Gutierrez Rivas, A. 2023. Bridging The Gap Between Academia and Practice: A case study for collaborative digital design to fabrication workflow for interlocking kit-of-parts. eCAADe 2023: 41st Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe Conference. Graz University of Technology, Austria 20 - 23 Sep 2023 eCAADe.

Conference paper

Strategies for mainstreaming nature-based solutions in urban governance capacities in ten European cities
Hölscher, K., Frantzeskaki, N., Collier, M. J., Connop, S., Kooijman, E. D., Lodder, M., McQuaid, S., Vandergert, P., Xidous, D., Bešlagić, L., Boskidis, I., Dick, G., Dumitru, A., Dziubała, A., Fletcher, I., González Vázquez, M., Madajczyk, N., Malekkidou, E., Mavroudi, M., Loizou, E., Osipiuk, A., Pasic, B., Prieto González, A., Quartier, M., Schepers, S., Suljević, N., Trendafilov, I., Tsouris, V., Van De Sijpe, K., Velikova, V. and Vos, P. 2023. Strategies for mainstreaming nature-based solutions in urban governance capacities in ten European cities. npj Urban Sustainability. 3 (Art. 54).


The Peatland Challenge – Mission Impossible for the Forgotten Lands?
Lindsay, R. 2023. The Peatland Challenge – Mission Impossible for the Forgotten Lands? LIFE platform meeting: The benefits of peatland restoration for Europe . Berlin, Germany 26 - 28 Apr 2023

Conference paper

Building resilient wooded landscapes: How can we support saproxylic invertebrates into the future?
Skipp, S. 2023. Building resilient wooded landscapes: How can we support saproxylic invertebrates into the future? PhD Thesis University of East London Sustainability Research Institute

PhD Thesis

Development of Low-Carbon Lightweight Concrete Using Pumice as Aggregate and Cement Replacement
Abbas, A., Mahadevan, M., Prajapati, S., Ayati, B. and Kanavaris, F. 2023. Development of Low-Carbon Lightweight Concrete Using Pumice as Aggregate and Cement Replacement. SynerCrete'23 - International RILEM conference on synergising expertise towards sustainability and robustness of cement-based materials and concrete structures. Milos, Greece 14 - 16 Jun 2023 Springer.

Conference paper

Microplastic pollution in the estuarine and river environment of the River Thames, UK
Devereux, R. 2023. Microplastic pollution in the estuarine and river environment of the River Thames, UK. PhD Thesis University of East London Sustainability Research Institute

PhD Thesis

“The great source” microplastic abundance and characteristics along the river Thames
Devereux, R., Ayati, B., Westhead, E. K., Jayaratne, R. and Newport, D. 2023. “The great source” microplastic abundance and characteristics along the river Thames. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 191 (Art. 114965).


An integrated process for planning, delivery, and stewardship of urban nature-based solutions: the Connecting Nature Framework
Collier, M., Frantzeskaki, N., Connop, S., Dick, G., Dumitru, A., Dziubała, A., Fletcher, I., Georgiou, P., Hölscher, K., Kooijman, E., Lodder, M., Madajczyk, N., McQuaid, S., Nash, C., Osipiuk, A., Quartier, M., Reil, A., Rhodes, M-L., Rizzi, D., Vandergert, P., van de Sijpe, K., Vos, P. and Xidous, D. 2023. An integrated process for planning, delivery, and stewardship of urban nature-based solutions: the Connecting Nature Framework. Nature-Based Solutions. 3 (Art. 100060).


Frontiers in blue-green infrastructure
Hardman, M., Baldock, K., Connop, S., Taylor, K. and Stirling, R. 2023. Frontiers in blue-green infrastructure . in: Washbourne, C-L. and Wansbury, C. (ed.) ICE Manual of Blue-Green Infrastructure ICE Publishing. pp. 227-246

Book chapter

Green roofs
Nash, C., Julien, A., Roddick, C. and Connop, S. 2023. Green roofs. in: Washbourne, C-L. and Wansbury, C. (ed.) ICE Manual of Blue-Green Infrastructure ICE Publishing. pp. 105-122

Book chapter

Impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on microplastic abundance along the River Thames
Devereux, R., Ayati, B., Westhead, E. K., Jayaratne, R. and Newport, D. 2023. Impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on microplastic abundance along the River Thames. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 189 (Art.114763).


Cooling is hotting up in the UK
Khosravi, M., Lowes, R. and Ugalde-Loo, C. E. 2023. Cooling is hotting up in the UK. Energy Policy. 174 (Art. 113456).


Gutierrez, A., Chandler, A., Shilova, E., Ayati, B., Nichols, P., Ogundare, F. O., Taha, R., Ranasinghe, K., Ganji, M. S., Borda, A-M., Gillespie, A., Dungrani, M., Klimenteva, A., Henley, S., Tsakiridis, G., Nikitidis, P. and Singer, P. 2022. Sugarslab. University of East London.

Technical report

Urban Living Labs: Experiences of Nature-Based Solutions in the European Union
Collier, M. and Connop, S. 2022. Urban Living Labs: Experiences of Nature-Based Solutions in the European Union. in: Herzog, C., Freitas, T. and Wiedman, G. (ed.) Nature-Based Solutions and the Challenges of Water: Accelerating the Transition to More Sustainable Cities European Commission - Directorate-General for Research and Innovation. pp. 146-153

Book chapter

Surface structure on abandoned upland blanket peatland tracks
Williams-Mounsey, J., Crowle, A., Grayson, R., Lindsay, R. and Holden, J. 2022. Surface structure on abandoned upland blanket peatland tracks. Journal of Environmental Management. 325 (Art. 116561).


Acid activated smectite clay as pozzolanic supplementary cementitious material
Ayati, B., Newport, D., Wong, H. and Cheeseman, C. 2022. Acid activated smectite clay as pozzolanic supplementary cementitious material. Cement and Concrete Research. 162 (Art. 106969).


Pollinator-flower interactions in gardens during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown of 2020
Ollerton, J., Trunschke, J., Havens, H., Landaverde-González, P., Keller, A., Gilpin, A-M., Rech, A. R., Baronio, G. J., Phillips, B., Mackin, C., Stanley, D. A., Treanore, E., Baker, E., Rotheray, E. L., Erickson, E., Fornoff, F., Brearley, F., Ballantyne, G., Iossa, G., Stone, G. N., Bartomeus, I., Stockan, J. A., Leguizamón, J., Prendergast, K., Rowley, L., Giovanetti, M., de O. Bueno, R., Wesselingh, R. A., Mallinger, R., Edmondson, S., Howard, S. R., Leonhardt, S. D., Rojas-Nossa, S. V., Brett, M., Joaqui, T. S., Antoniazzi, R. L., Burton, V. J., Feng, H., Tian, Z., Xu, Q., Zhang, C., Shi, C., Huang, S-Q., Cole, L. J., Bendifallah, L., Ellis, E. E., Hegland, S. J., Díaz, S. S., Lander, T. A., Mayr, A. V., Katzer, S., Dawson, D., Eeraerts, M., Armbruster, W. S., Walton, B., Adjlane, N., Falk, S., Mata, L., Geiger, A. G., Carvell, C., Wallace, C., Ratto, F., Barberis, M., Kahane, F., Connop, S., Stip, A., Sigrist, M. R., Vereecken, N. J., Klein, A-M., Baldock, K. C. and Arnold, S. E. 2022. Pollinator-flower interactions in gardens during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown of 2020. Journal of Pollination Ecology. 31, pp. 87-96.


Low-carbon cements: Potential for low-grade calcined clays to form supplementary cementitious materials
Ayati, B., Newport, D., Wong, H. and Cheeseman, C. 2022. Low-carbon cements: Potential for low-grade calcined clays to form supplementary cementitious materials. Cleaner Materials. 5 (Art. 100099).


UNFCCC COP26 Global Peatlands Pavilion Summary Report
Van Offelen, J., Brooks, S., Clough, J., Kopansky, D., Lindsay, R., Peters, J., Proctor, S., Reed, M., Scheel, P., Schutten, H., Soto, C. and Tanneberger, F. 2022. UNFCCC COP26 Global Peatlands Pavilion Summary Report. Global Peatlands Initiative.

Project report

Microplastic abundance in the Thames River during the New Year period
Devereux, R., Westhead, E., Jayaratne, R. and Newport, D. 2022. Microplastic abundance in the Thames River during the New Year period. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 177 (Art. 113534).


O Que as Cidades Precisam Para se Transformarem Com Soluções Baseadas na Natureza?
Frantzeskaki, N., Vandergert, P. and Dick, G. 2022. O Que as Cidades Precisam Para se Transformarem Com Soluções Baseadas na Natureza? in: Herzog, C., Freitas, T. and Wiedman, G. (ed.) Soluções Baseadas na Natureza e os Desafios da Água: Acelerando a transição para cidades mais sustentáveis European Commission - Directorate-General for Research and Innovation. pp. 106-114

Book chapter