Dr Jill Daniels

NameDr Jill Daniels
Job titleSenior Lecturer
Email addressj.daniels2@uel.ac.uk
Research instituteArts & Creative Industries

Research outputs

Archive Tales: Negotiating the Radical Personal Film Archive

Daniels, J. 2024. Archive Tales: Negotiating the Radical Personal Film Archive . Archives of Radical Cinema: Radical Film Network Conference 2024. Madrid, España 19 - 22 Jun 2024

If Not Now

Daniels, J. 2024. If Not Now. Australia


Daniels, J. 2023. Resisters. Screenworks. 13 (1). https://doi.org/10.37186/swrks/13.1/10

Cinematic Aesthetics of Resistance: Reframing the Non-fiction Oppositional Film

Daniels, J. 2023. Cinematic Aesthetics of Resistance: Reframing the Non-fiction Oppositional Film. in: Rogers, C., Munro, K., Burke, L. and Gough-Brady, C. (ed.) Constructions of the Real: Intersections of Documentary-Based Film Practice and Theory Bristol Intellect Press. pp. 144-154

The way of the bricoleuse: experiments in documentary filmmaking

Daniels, J. 2022. The way of the bricoleuse: experiments in documentary filmmaking. Studies in Documentary Film. 16 (2), pp. 127-139. https://doi.org/10.1080/17503280.2022.2048232

Dwoskin and Me: Halting the Flow of Time

Daniels, J. 2022. Dwoskin and Me: Halting the Flow of Time. Jewish Film & New Media: An International Journal. 10 (1), pp. 141-159. https://doi.org/10.1353/jfn.2022.a914339

Scripting the Experimental Documentary Film: Developing the “Script” for Not Reconciled

Daniels, J. 2021. Scripting the Experimental Documentary Film: Developing the “Script” for Not Reconciled. in: Taylor, S. and Batty, C. (ed.) The Palgrave Handbook of Script Development Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 103-119


Daniels, J. 2021. Resisters. London

Against the Grain: Women Film Practitioners and Theorists Talk Creative Practice and Theory

Daniels, J., Velody, R. and Atakav, E. 2020. Against the Grain: Women Film Practitioners and Theorists Talk Creative Practice and Theory. in: Piotrowska, A. (ed.) Creative Practice Research in the Age of Neoliberal Hopelessness Edinburgh University Press.

Subject, memory and place: Jill Daniels in conversation with Matthias Kispert

Daniels, J. 2020. Subject, memory and place: Jill Daniels in conversation with Matthias Kispert. Hyphen Journal. 2.

Breathing Still 2020

Daniels, J. 2020. Breathing Still 2020.

The Subjective Voice and Hybrid Documentary Filmmaking Strategies: A Case Study

Daniels, J. 2019. The Subjective Voice and Hybrid Documentary Filmmaking Strategies: A Case Study. Alphaville: Journal of Film and Screen Media. 17, pp. 97-110. https://doi.org/10.33178/alpha.17.06

Memory, Place and Autobiography: Experiments in Documentary Filmmaking

Daniels, J. 2019. Memory, Place and Autobiography: Experiments in Documentary Filmmaking. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Blurred Boundaries: Remediation of Found Footage in Experimental Autobiographical Documentary Filmmaking

Daniels, J. 2017. Blurred Boundaries: Remediation of Found Footage in Experimental Autobiographical Documentary Filmmaking. Journal of Media Practice. 18 (1), pp. 73-82. https://doi.org/10.1080/14682753.2017.1306338

My Private Life II

Daniels, J. 2017. My Private Life II. Screenworks. 7.

Journey to the South

Daniels, J. 2017. Journey to the South.

My Private Life II

Daniels, J. 2015. My Private Life II. The University of East London. https://doi.org/10.15123/DATA.146

Trauma and silence: strategies of mediation in the aftermath of civil war

Daniels, J. 2014. Trauma and silence: strategies of mediation in the aftermath of civil war. Rethinking History. 18 (3), pp. 391-399. https://doi.org/10.1080/13642529.2014.898416

The Border Crossing

Daniels, J. 2014. The Border Crossing. The University of East London. https://doi.org/10.15123/DATA.17

not reconciled

Daniels, J. 2014. not reconciled. The University of East London. https://doi.org/10.15123/DATA.18

My Private Life

Daniels, J. 2014. My Private Life. University of East London. https://doi.org/10.15123/DATA.00000241

The Border Crossing: Experiments in the Cinematic Representation of Memory

Daniels, J. 2013. The Border Crossing: Experiments in the Cinematic Representation of Memory. in: Truth, Dare or Promise: Art and Documentary Revisited Cambridge Scholars. pp. 20-34

The Border Crossing: the Cinematic Representation of Memory in the Autobiographical Documentary

Daniels, J. 2012. The Border Crossing: the Cinematic Representation of Memory in the Autobiographical Documentary. in: Esin, Cigdem, Hawkins, Matthew, Salami, Iwa, Tamboukou, Maria, Townley, Lynn and Wells, Marianne (ed.) Crossing Conceptual Boundaries IV London University of East London, School of Law and Social Sciences. pp. 8-16
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