Dr Vasiliki Tzimpazi

NameDr Vasiliki Tzimpazi
Job titleSenior Lecturer
Email addressv.tzibazi@uel.ac.uk
Research instituteChildhood & Social Care

Research outputs

Museum Pedagogy and Early Years Children: A Critique of Research, Policy and Practice

Tzibazi, V. 2022. Museum Pedagogy and Early Years Children: A Critique of Research, Policy and Practice. Thessaloniki Vanias.

Museum Education and Democracy

Tzibazi, V. 2018. Museum Education and Democracy. Journal of the Comenius Association. 27, pp. 17-18.

The Embodied Perspective in the Museum Experience

Tzibazi, V. 2015. The Embodied Perspective in the Museum Experience. in: Pourkos, M. (ed.) The Absent Presence of the Body and the Lived Experience in Processes of Education, Learning and Development Athens ΤΟΠΟΣ. pp. 519-532

Participatory Action Research with Young People in Museums

Tzibazi, V. 2013. Participatory Action Research with Young People in Museums. Museum Management and Curatorship. 28 (2), pp. 153-171. https://doi.org/10.1080/09647775.2013.776800

Primary Schoolchildren’s Experiences of Participatory Theatre in a Heritage Site

Tzibazi, V. 2014. Primary Schoolchildren’s Experiences of Participatory Theatre in a Heritage Site. Education 3-13. 42 (5), pp. 498-516. https://doi.org/10.1080/03004279.2012.724434

Rethinking the Learning Partnership between Museums and Initial Teacher Training

Tzibazi, V. 2011. Rethinking the Learning Partnership between Museums and Initial Teacher Training. International Journal for Cross-Disciplinary Subjects in Education. 2 (2), pp. 407-413. https://doi.org/10.20533/ijcdse.2042.6364.2011.0056

Becoming a teacher in Primary education: teacher identity and professionalism

Tzibazi, V., Jenkins, M., Morley, E., Phetean K. and Stockwell S. 2011. Becoming a teacher in Primary education: teacher identity and professionalism. Capture: Conversations about pedagogy and teaching underpinned by research enquiry. 3, pp. 61-67.

Exploring the Potential of Partnership between Museums and Teacher Education

Tzibazi, V. 2010. Exploring the Potential of Partnership between Museums and Teacher Education. London International Conference on Education. London 06 - 08 Sep 2010 Infonomics Society.

Developments in Support and Promotion of Flexible Delivery for the Foundation Degree in Childhood Studies

Goodman, J., Allen, P., Capes, D., Morley, E., Tzibazi, V. and Witt, S. 2009. Developments in Support and Promotion of Flexible Delivery for the Foundation Degree in Childhood Studies. University of Winchester.

Museum Theatre: Children’s Reading of ‘First Person Interpretation’ in Museums

Tzibazi, V. 2009. Museum Theatre: Children’s Reading of ‘First Person Interpretation’ in Museums. in: Ashton, P. and Kean, H. (ed.) People and their Pasts: Public History Today Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 163-182

Researching a participatory form of ‘Museum-theatre’

Tzibazi, V. 2008. Researching a participatory form of ‘Museum-theatre’. 2nd International Conference: Technology for Cultural Heritage. Management, Education, Communication. University of the Aegean 2008 Kaleidoskopio.

PH.D. ABSTRACTS: Researching Primary School Children's ‘Museum Theatre’ Experiences

Tzibazi, V. 2007. PH.D. ABSTRACTS: Researching Primary School Children's ‘Museum Theatre’ Experiences. Research in Drama Education: The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance. 12 (2), p. 223. https://doi.org/10.1080/13569780701321351

“Every Child Matters to Museums”: Cracking Open Culture, Museums, Schools & Creativity

South East Museum, Library and Archive Council and Department for Education and Skills 2006. “Every Child Matters to Museums”: Cracking Open Culture, Museums, Schools & Creativity.

Researching the children's meaning making of first person interpretation programmes

Tzibazi, V. 2004. Researching the children's meaning making of first person interpretation programmes. Journal of Education in Museums. 25, pp. 28-31.
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