Prof Nazrul Islam

NameProf Nazrul Islam
Job titleProfessor of Business
Research instituteBusiness & Law

Research outputs

Digital Transformation in Large Established Organizations: Four Restructuring Dilemmas based on Dynamic Capabilities

Kulichyova, A., Islam, N., Kazantsev, N. and White, L. 2025. Digital Transformation in Large Established Organizations: Four Restructuring Dilemmas based on Dynamic Capabilities. International Journal of Management Reviews. p. In press.

Aligning Risk and Value Creation: A Process Model of Supply Chain Risk Management in Geopolitical Disruptions

Zheng, L., Islam, N., Zhang, J., Behl, A., Wang, X. and Papadopoulos, T. 2025. Aligning Risk and Value Creation: A Process Model of Supply Chain Risk Management in Geopolitical Disruptions. International Journal of Operations and Production Management. p. In press.

Empowering Firms with AI-Generated Content: Strategic Approaches to R&D and Advertising in the Era of Generative AI

Li, L., Li, J., Islam, N., Zhang, J. and Behl, A. 2025. Empowering Firms with AI-Generated Content: Strategic Approaches to R&D and Advertising in the Era of Generative AI. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. p. In press.

Paving the way to environmental sustainability: A systematic review to integrate big data analytics into high-stake decision forecasting

Agrawal, R., Islam, N., Samadhiya, A., Shukla, V., Kumar, A. and Upadhyay, A. 2025. Paving the way to environmental sustainability: A systematic review to integrate big data analytics into high-stake decision forecasting. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 214 (Art. 124060).

Does Fintech Adoption Improve Sustainable Supply Chain Management? An Innovation-Intensive Environment Perspective

Jia, F., Guo, J., Chen, L. and Islam, N. 2024. Does Fintech Adoption Improve Sustainable Supply Chain Management? An Innovation-Intensive Environment Perspective. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. 72, pp. 210-226.

Antecedents and consequences of social robots adoption for SMEs - Reimaging emerging technologies in the context of the new normal

Islam, N., Rakshit, S. and Paul, T. 2025. Antecedents and consequences of social robots adoption for SMEs - Reimaging emerging technologies in the context of the new normal. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 210 (Art. 123887).

Resilience and agility in sustainable supply chains: A relational and dynamic capabilities view

Ul Akram, M., Islam, N., Chauhan, C. and Zafar Yaqub, M. 2024. Resilience and agility in sustainable supply chains: A relational and dynamic capabilities view. Journal of Business Research. 183 (Art. 114855).

Product Attribute and Heterogeneous Sentiment Analysis-Based Evaluation to Support Online Personalized Consumption Decisions

Yang, Z., Li, Q., Islam, N., Han, C. and Gupta, S. 2024. Product Attribute and Heterogeneous Sentiment Analysis-Based Evaluation to Support Online Personalized Consumption Decisions. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. 71, pp. 11198-11211.

Unpacking the effects of R&D strategy proximity on inter-firm knowledge flow: evidence from the global 3D printing industry

Xu, G., Kang, N., Hu, W., Islam, N. and Zhou, Y. 2024. Unpacking the effects of R&D strategy proximity on inter-firm knowledge flow: evidence from the global 3D printing industry. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management. In Press.

How Does Supply Chain Transparency Influence Idiosyncratic Risk in Newly Public Firms: The Moderating Role of Firm Digitalization

Zheng, L. J., Islam, N., Zhang, J. Z., Wang, H. and Au, K. M. A. 2024. How Does Supply Chain Transparency Influence Idiosyncratic Risk in Newly Public Firms: The Moderating Role of Firm Digitalization. International Journal of Operations and Production Management. 44 (9), pp. 1649-1675.

Barriers and Enablers for Industry 4.0 in SMEs: A Combined Integration Framework

Müller, J. M., Islam, N., Kazantsev, N., Romanello, R., Olivera, G., Das, D. and Hamzeh, R. 2024. Barriers and Enablers for Industry 4.0 in SMEs: A Combined Integration Framework. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. In Press.

Circular Economy, Open Innovation, and Green Innovation: Empirical Evidence From Prefecture-Level Cities in China

Ai, H., Islam, N., Mangla, S. K., Song, M. and Tan, X. 2024. Circular Economy, Open Innovation, and Green Innovation: Empirical Evidence From Prefecture-Level Cities in China. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. 71, pp. 5706-5719.

Enablers or Inhibitors? Unpacking the Emotional Power Behind In-Vehicle AI Anthropomorphic Interaction: A Dual Factor Approach by Text Mining

Bai, S., Yu, D., Han, C., Yang, M., Islam, N., Yang, Z., Tang, R. and Jiayuan, Z. 2023. Enablers or Inhibitors? Unpacking the Emotional Power Behind In-Vehicle AI Anthropomorphic Interaction: A Dual Factor Approach by Text Mining. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. 71, pp. 13149-13165.

Emergency medical supplies scheduling during public health emergencies: algorithm design based on AI techniques

Xia, H., Sun, Z., Wang, Y., Zhang, Z., Kamal, M. M., Jasimuddin, S. M. and Islam, N. 2023. Emergency medical supplies scheduling during public health emergencies: algorithm design based on AI techniques. International Journal of Production Research. 63 (2), pp. 628-650.

Does digital transformation matter for operational risk exposure?

Uddin, M. H., Mollah, S., Islam, N. and Ali, M. H. 2023. Does digital transformation matter for operational risk exposure? Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 197 (Art. 122919).

Applying artificial intelligence in healthcare: lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic

Balasubramanian, S., Shukla, V., Islam, N. and Duong, L. 2023. Applying artificial intelligence in healthcare: lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic. International Journal of Production Research. 63 (2), pp. 594-627.

Investigating visibility affordance, knowledge transfer and employee agility performance. A study of enterprise social media

Pitafi, A. H., Rasheed, M. I., Islam, N. and Dhir, A. 2023. Investigating visibility affordance, knowledge transfer and employee agility performance. A study of enterprise social media. Technovation. 128 (Art.), p. 102874.

Demystifying the Impact of Service Recovery Strategies: Evidence From Healthcare and Telecom Sectors

Shankar, A., Talwar, S., Islam, N., Alshibani, S. M. and Sharm, P. 2024. Demystifying the Impact of Service Recovery Strategies: Evidence From Healthcare and Telecom Sectors. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. 71, pp. 6649-6661.

Resistance of multiple stakeholders to e-health innovations: Integration of fundamental insights and guiding research paths

Talwar, S., Dhir, A., Islam, N., Kaur, P. and Almusharraf, A. 2023. Resistance of multiple stakeholders to e-health innovations: Integration of fundamental insights and guiding research paths. Journal of Business Research. 166 (Art. 114135).

Different strokes for different folks: Comparative analysis of 3D printing in large, medium and small firms

Dhir, A., Talwar, S., Islam, N., Alghafes, R. and Badghish, S. 2023. Different strokes for different folks: Comparative analysis of 3D printing in large, medium and small firms. Technovation. 125 (Art. 102792).

Data sharing for business model innovation in platform ecosystems: From private data to public good

Kazantsev, N., Islam, N., Zwiegelaar, J., Brown, A. and Maull, R. 2023. Data sharing for business model innovation in platform ecosystems: From private data to public good. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 192 (Art. 122515).

Mobile Health Interventions for Cancer Care and Support: The Next Level of Digitalization in Healthcare

Tandon, A., Dhir, A. and Islam, N. 2023. Mobile Health Interventions for Cancer Care and Support: The Next Level of Digitalization in Healthcare. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. 71, pp. 6173-6189.

Worker and workplace Artificial Intelligence (AI) coexistence: Emerging themes and research agenda

Zirar, A., Ali, S. I. and Islam, N. 2023. Worker and workplace Artificial Intelligence (AI) coexistence: Emerging themes and research agenda. Technovation. 124 (Art. 102747).

Drivers of Sustainable Business Model Innovations: An Upper Echelon Theory Perspective

Dhir, A., Khan, S. J., Islam, N., Ractham, P. and Meenakshi, N. 2023. Drivers of Sustainable Business Model Innovations: An Upper Echelon Theory Perspective. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 191 (Art. 122409).

Theorizing the relationship between the digital economy and firm productivity: The idiosyncrasies of firm-specific contexts

Sun, Z., Zhao, L., Kaur, P., Islam, N. and Dhir, A. 2023. Theorizing the relationship between the digital economy and firm productivity: The idiosyncrasies of firm-specific contexts. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 189 (Art. 122329).

The Impact of Technological Turbulence on SMEs Business Model Innovation Performance: The Contingent Role of Entry Order

Molina-Castillo, F-J., Stanko, M. A., Islam, N. and de Reuver, M. 2022. The Impact of Technological Turbulence on SMEs Business Model Innovation Performance: The Contingent Role of Entry Order. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. 71, pp. 4116-4130.

Emotions and food waste behavior: Do habit and facilitating conditions matter?

Jabeen, F., Dhir, A., Islam, N., Talwar, S. and Papa, A. 2023. Emotions and food waste behavior: Do habit and facilitating conditions matter? Journal of Business Research. 155 (Art. 113356).

What keeps me engaging? A study of consumers' continuous social media brand engagement practices

Osei-Frimpong, K., Otoo, B. A. A., McLean, G., Islam, N. and Soga, L. R. 2023. What keeps me engaging? A study of consumers' continuous social media brand engagement practices. Information Technology and People. 36 (6), pp. 2440-2468.

Corporate entrepreneurship champions: mapping the past and present states of the field for future advancements

Ghura, A. S., Sharma, G. D., Pereira, V., Islam, N. and Chopra, R. 2022. Corporate entrepreneurship champions: mapping the past and present states of the field for future advancements. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research. 28 (8), pp. 2151-2181.

Why Do SMEs Adopt Artificial Intelligence-Based Chatbots?

Sharma, S., Singh, G., Islam, N. and Dhir, A. 2022. Why Do SMEs Adopt Artificial Intelligence-Based Chatbots? IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. 71, pp. 1773-1786.

Balancing food waste and sustainability goals in online food delivery: Towards a comprehensive conceptual framework

Shankar, A., Dhir, A., Talwar, S., Islam, N. and Sharma, P. 2022. Balancing food waste and sustainability goals in online food delivery: Towards a comprehensive conceptual framework. Technovation. 17 (Art. 102606).

Exploring the knowledge base of innovation research: Towards an emerging innovation model

Ávila-Robinson, A., Islam, N. and Sengoku, S. 2022. Exploring the knowledge base of innovation research: Towards an emerging innovation model. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 182 (Art. 121804).

Relational Power Is the New Currency of Hybrid Work

Soga, L., Bolade-Ogunfodun, Y., Islam, N. and Amankwah-Amoah, J. 2022. Relational Power Is the New Currency of Hybrid Work. MIT Sloan Management Review.

An integrated social network marketing metric for business-to-business SMEs

Rakshit, S., Islam, N., Mondal, S. and Paul, T. 2022. An integrated social network marketing metric for business-to-business SMEs. Journal of Business Research. 150, pp. 73-88.

Why Do Retail Customers Adopt Artificial Intelligence (AI) Based Autonomous Decision-Making Systems?

Sharma, S., Islam, N., Singh, G. and Dhir, A. 2022. Why Do Retail Customers Adopt Artificial Intelligence (AI) Based Autonomous Decision-Making Systems? IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. 71, pp. 1846-1861.

The effect of the valence of forgiveness to service recovery strategies and service outcomes in food delivery apps

Kaur, P., Talwar, S., Islam, N., Salo, J. and Dhir, A. 2022. The effect of the valence of forgiveness to service recovery strategies and service outcomes in food delivery apps. Journal of Business Research. 147, pp. 142-157.

Family enterprise and technological innovation

Islam, N., Wang, Q., Marinakis, Y. and Walsh, S. 2022. Family enterprise and technological innovation. Journal of Business Research. 147, pp. 208-221.

What drives me there? The interplay of socio-psychological gratification and consumer values in social media brand engagement

Osei-Frimpong, K., McLean, G., Islam, N. and Otoo, B. A. 2022. What drives me there? The interplay of socio-psychological gratification and consumer values in social media brand engagement. Journal of Business Research. 146, pp. 288-307.

Influence of blockchain technology in SME internationalization: Evidence from high-tech SMEs in India

Rakshit, S., Islam, N., Mondal, S. and Paul, T. 2022. Influence of blockchain technology in SME internationalization: Evidence from high-tech SMEs in India. Technovation. 115 (Art. 102518).

Developing a mental health index using a machine learning approach: Assessing the impact of mobility and lockdown during the COVID-19 pandemic

Nanath, K., Balasubramanian, S., Shukla, V., Islam, N. and Kaitheri, S. 2022. Developing a mental health index using a machine learning approach: Assessing the impact of mobility and lockdown during the COVID-19 pandemic. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 178 (Art. 121560).

Way off the mark? Open innovation failures: Decoding what really matters to chart the future course of action

Chaudhary, S., Kaur, P., Talwar, S., Islam, N. and Dhir, A. 2022. Way off the mark? Open innovation failures: Decoding what really matters to chart the future course of action. Journal of Business Research. 142, pp. 1010-1025.

The dark side of phubbing in the workplace: Investigating the role of intrinsic motivation and the use of enterprise social media (ESM) in a cross-cultural setting

Yousaf, S., Rasheed, M. I., Kaur, P., Islam, N. and Dhir, A. 2022. The dark side of phubbing in the workplace: Investigating the role of intrinsic motivation and the use of enterprise social media (ESM) in a cross-cultural setting. Journal of Business Research. 143, pp. 81-93.

RFID-integrated blockchain-driven circular supply chain management: A system architecture for B2B tea industry

Paul, T., Islam, N., Mondal, S. and Rakshit, S. 2022. RFID-integrated blockchain-driven circular supply chain management: A system architecture for B2B tea industry. Industrial Marketing Management. 101, pp. 238-257.

Gamification and e-learning for young learners: A systematic literature review, bibliometric analysis, and future research agenda

Behl, A., Jayawardena, N., Pereira, V., Islam, N., Del Giudece, M. and Choudrie, J. 2022. Gamification and e-learning for young learners: A systematic literature review, bibliometric analysis, and future research agenda. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 176 (Art. 121445).

Personality and travel intentions during and after the COVID-19 pandemic: An artificial neural network (ANN) approach

Talwar, S., Srivastava, S., Sakashita, M., Islam, N. and Dhir, A. 2022. Personality and travel intentions during and after the COVID-19 pandemic: An artificial neural network (ANN) approach. Journal of Business Research. 142, pp. 400-411.

Why Do People Use Artificial Intelligence (AI)-Enabled Voice Assistants?

Malodia, S., Islam, N., Kaur, P. and Dhir, A. 2021. Why Do People Use Artificial Intelligence (AI)-Enabled Voice Assistants? IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. 71, pp. 491-505.

Construction Industry 4.0 and Sustainability: An Enabling Framework

Balasubramanian, S., Shukla, V., Islam, N. and Manghat, S. 2021. Construction Industry 4.0 and Sustainability: An Enabling Framework. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. 71, pp. 1-19.

Procurement 4.0: How Industrial Customers Transform Procurement Processes to Capitalize on Digital Servitization

Sjödin D., Kamalaldin, A., Parida, V. and Islam, N. 2021. Procurement 4.0: How Industrial Customers Transform Procurement Processes to Capitalize on Digital Servitization. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. 70 (12), pp. 4175-4190.

The impact of blockchain technology on the tea supply chain and its sustainable performance

Paul, T., Mondal, S., Islam, N. and Rakshit, S. 2021. The impact of blockchain technology on the tea supply chain and its sustainable performance. Technological Forecasting and Social Change.

Smart mirror fashion technology for the retail chain transformation

Ogunjimi, A., Rahman, M., Islam, N. and Hasan, R. 2021. Smart mirror fashion technology for the retail chain transformation. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 173 (Art. 121118).

The Evolution of Interindustry Technology Linkage Topics and Its Analysis Framework in Three-Dimensional Printing Technology

Yang, Z., Islam, N., Shi, Y., Venkatachalam, K. and Huang, L. 2021. The Evolution of Interindustry Technology Linkage Topics and Its Analysis Framework in Three-Dimensional Printing Technology. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. 70 (10), pp. 3601-3621.

Psychological and behavioral outcomes of social media-induced fear of missing out at the workplace

Tandon, A., Dhir, A., Islam, N., Talwar, S. and Mäntymäki, M. 2021. Psychological and behavioral outcomes of social media-induced fear of missing out at the workplace. Journal of Business Research. 136, pp. 186-197.

Social media users’ online subjective well-being and fatigue: A network heterogeneity perspective

Kaur, P., Islam, N., Tandon, A. and Dhir, A. 2021. Social media users’ online subjective well-being and fatigue: A network heterogeneity perspective. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 172 (Art. 121039).

Mobile apps for SME business sustainability during COVID-19 and onwards

Rakshit, S., Islam, N., Mondal, S. and Paul, T. 2021. Mobile apps for SME business sustainability during COVID-19 and onwards. Journal of Business Research. 135, pp. 28-29.

Social media and the new product development during COVID-19: An integrated model for SMEs

Rakshit, S., Mondal, S., Islam, N., Jasimuddin, S. and Zhang, Z. 2021. Social media and the new product development during COVID-19: An integrated model for SMEs. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 170 (Art. 120869).

Business-to-business open innovation: COVID-19 lessons for small and medium-sized enterprises from emerging markets

Markovic, S., Koporcic, N., Arslanagic-Kalajdzic, M., Kadic-Maglajlic, S., Bagherzadeh, M. and Islam, N. 2021. Business-to-business open innovation: COVID-19 lessons for small and medium-sized enterprises from emerging markets. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 170 (Art. 120883).

Measuring topic network centrality for identifying technology and technological development in online communities

Yang, Z., Zhang, W., Yuan, F. and Islam, N. 2021. Measuring topic network centrality for identifying technology and technological development in online communities. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 167 (Art. 120673).

Is BlockChain Mining Profitable in the Long Run?

Islam, N., Marinakis, Y., Olson, S., White, R. and Walsh, S. 2023. Is BlockChain Mining Profitable in the Long Run? IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. 70 (2), pp. 386-399.

A readiness assessment framework for Blockchain adoption: A healthcare case study

Balasubramanian, S., Shukla, V., Singh Sethi, J., Islam, N. and Saloum, R. 2021. A readiness assessment framework for Blockchain adoption: A healthcare case study. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 165 (Art. 120536).
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