Institute for Connected Communities
Title | Institute for Connected Communities |
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Virtual Reality Risks Against Children: Roundtables Report
Davidson, J., Martellozzo, E., Farr, R., Bradbury, P. and Meggyesfalvi, B. 2025. Virtual Reality Risks Against Children: Roundtables Report. Institute for Connected Communities, University of East London.Report
Lessons learned on the sustainability of social prescribing interventions: a Delphi analysis conducted in the C.O.P.E. European
Simonelli, I., Torri, E., Paternoster, S., Herzog, S., Marques, M. J., Dias, S., Alves, R., Dantas, C. and Bertotti, M. 2025. Lessons learned on the sustainability of social prescribing interventions: a Delphi analysis conducted in the C.O.P.E. European . Advancements in Health Research. 2 (33).
A realist synthesis of interventions for youth not in education, employment or training (NEET): building programme theories for effective support,
Marques, M. J., Alves, R. F., Dias, S., Torri, E., Paza, A., Dantas, C. and Bertotti, M. 2025. A realist synthesis of interventions for youth not in education, employment or training (NEET): building programme theories for effective support,. International Journal of Adolescence and Youth . 30 (1), p. Art. 2472022.
A service ecosystems perspective to explore social prescribing value co-creation for vulnerable young people in NEET situation
Farina, I., Sangiorgi, D., Masella, C., Simonelli, I., Alves, R., Marques, M. J., Dias, S., Dantas, C., Herzog, S., Paternoster, S., Torri, E. and Bertotti, M. 2025. A service ecosystems perspective to explore social prescribing value co-creation for vulnerable young people in NEET situation. BMC Health Services Research. 25 (Art. 88).
Spirituality and mental health-applying SOPHIE as a therapeutic reflexive tool
Ali, G., Lalani, N., Hamash, K., Jimenez Paladinesd, A. I., Figas, Y. E., Tikkanen, K. and Brooks, J. H. 2025. Spirituality and mental health-applying SOPHIE as a therapeutic reflexive tool. Reflective Practice.
Tower Hamlets Council Healthy Lives Programme Evaluation
Sharpe, D., Barnfield, A., Morocza, N., Keenan, O. and Galicia Mesa, L. 2024. Tower Hamlets Council Healthy Lives Programme Evaluation. London, U.K. University of East London.Project report
Costs and cost-effectiveness of the Kerala pilot screening programme for diabetic retinopathy in the public health system
Wittenberg, R., Anderson, R., Redding, S., Gopal, B., Sadanandan, R., Sahasranamam, V. I., George, S., Premnazir, L., Netuveli, G., Srinath, J., Ramakrishnan, R., Conroy, D. and Sivaprasad, S. 2024. Costs and cost-effectiveness of the Kerala pilot screening programme for diabetic retinopathy in the public health system. Eye. 31, p. 3352–3356.
Loneliness and Social Isolation: qualitative study among youth in vulnerable situations
Marques, M. J., Alves, R., Pires, J., Bertotti, M., Torri, E., Dantas, C. and Dias, S. 2024. Loneliness and Social Isolation: qualitative study among youth in vulnerable situations. European Journal of Public Health. 34 (Supp. 3).
Breast Screening Enhancement Evaluation Report
Sharpe, D., Morocza, N., Keenan, O., Krishnamoorthy, T., Osei-Asemani, E. and Galicia Mesa, L. 2024. Breast Screening Enhancement Evaluation Report. Institute for Connected Communities, University of East London.Report
Anti-racist Principles Guidance: Working to improve fairness, justice, and equality in City and Hackney
Sharpe, D., Osei-Asemani, E. and Castro Caicedo, J. 2024. Anti-racist Principles Guidance: Working to improve fairness, justice, and equality in City and Hackney. Institute for Connected Communities, University of East London.Report
Editorial: Changing addiction problems and care responses during and after a major crisis: emergence of a ‘new normal'
Strang, J., Deac, A., Skipper, H. and Rozanova, J. 2024. Editorial: Changing addiction problems and care responses during and after a major crisis: emergence of a ‘new normal'. Frontiers in Public Health. 12 (Art. 1451141).
COVID-19 Response and Recovery in the London Borough of Newham
Sharpe, D., Morocza, N., Canitrot, D., Galicia-Mesa, L., Hanafiah, A. and Syed, A. 2024. COVID-19 Response and Recovery in the London Borough of Newham. University of East London Press.Report
Understanding Adolescent Criminal and Risky Online Sexual Behaviors in the Context of Mental Health and Well-Being: Findings from a Multi- National European Cybercrime Study
Davidson, J., Aiken, M., Gekoski, A., Netuveli, G., Farr, R. and Deac, A. 2024. Understanding Adolescent Criminal and Risky Online Sexual Behaviors in the Context of Mental Health and Well-Being: Findings from a Multi- National European Cybercrime Study. Victims & Offenders. p. 1–26.
The Provision of 0–5 Specialist Public Health Nursing Service Evaluation in the London Borough of Tower Hamlets
Sharpe, D., Morocza, N., Osei-Asemani, E., Keenan, O. and Lemay, T. 2024. The Provision of 0–5 Specialist Public Health Nursing Service Evaluation in the London Borough of Tower Hamlets. Institute for Connected Communities, University of East London.Project report
VIRRAC Toolkit Report: Virtual Reality Risks Against Children
Davidson, J., Martellozzo, E., Farr, R., Bradbury, P. and Meggyesfalvi, B. 2024. VIRRAC Toolkit Report: Virtual Reality Risks Against Children. Institute for Connected Communities, University of East London.Project report
Forming a Young Advisory Group for Natural England's Children's People and Nature Survery (C-PaNS)
Satchwell, C., Dodding, J., Morocza, N. and Sharpe, D. 2024. Forming a Young Advisory Group for Natural England's Children's People and Nature Survery (C-PaNS). Natural England.Project report
Intention to Hack? Applying the Theory of Planned Behaviour to Youth Criminal Hacking
Aiken, M. P., Davidson, J. C., Walrave, M., Ponnet, K. S., Phillips, K. and Farr, R. R. 2024. Intention to Hack? Applying the Theory of Planned Behaviour to Youth Criminal Hacking. Forensic Sciences. 4 (1), pp. 24-41.
Barriers and facilitators to social prescribing in child and youth mental health: Perspectives from the frontline
Hayes, D., Olsson, A., Begum, S., Bertotti, M., Jarvis-Beesley, P. and Stapley, E. 2024. Barriers and facilitators to social prescribing in child and youth mental health: Perspectives from the frontline. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. 33, pp. 1465-1479.
Mental Health Vulnerabilities and Strengths of Older Women With HIV During the Humanitarian Crisis in Ukraine
Rozanova, J., Shenoi, S., Zeziulin, O., Rich, K., Bromberg, D., Kiriazova, T., Deac, A. and Earnshaw, V. 2023. Mental Health Vulnerabilities and Strengths of Older Women With HIV During the Humanitarian Crisis in Ukraine. Innovation in Aging. 7 (Supplement_1), p. 137.
Mental health, children and the war in Ukraine
Peycheva, A., Deac, A., Abba, A., Abubakar, A., Voropaeff, R., Solórzano de Souza, R., Varghese, S., Muhia, J., Chavez, A. and Eaton, J. 2023. Mental health, children and the war in Ukraine. Mental Health Innovation Network.Project report
To Tell or Not to Tell: changes in Ukrainian older adults’ HIV status disclosure behaviours during humanitarian crisis
Deac, A., Rich, K. M., Zaviryukha, I., Kiriazova, T., Zeziulin, O., Earnshaw, V., Bromberg, D., Shenoi, S. V. and Rozanova, J. 2023. To Tell or Not to Tell: changes in Ukrainian older adults’ HIV status disclosure behaviours during humanitarian crisis. IAS 2023, the 12th IAS Conference on HIV Science. 23 - 26 Jul 2023 International AIDS Society.Conference poster
Treatment System Adaptations during War: Lessons from Ukrainian Addiction Treatment Providers
Deac, A. A., Zaviryukha, I., Rozanova, J., Zeziulin, O., Kiriazova, T., Shenoi, S., Peycheva, A., Solórzano de Souza, R., Skipper, H., Abubakar, A. A., Gustilo, V. B., Thornicroft, G., Dellamura, P., Rich, K. M., Earnshaw, V., Bromberg, D. J., Mamedova, E. and Yariy, V. 2023. Treatment System Adaptations during War: Lessons from Ukrainian Addiction Treatment Providers. Substance Use & Misuse. 58 (11), p. 1447–1450.
Building the economic evidence case for social prescribing
Polley, M., Seers, H., Toye, O., Henkin, T., Waterson, H., Bertotti, M. and Chatterjee, H.J. 2023. Building the economic evidence case for social prescribing. London National Academy for Social Prescribing.Project report
How to Create A Young Advisory Group: A guide by Young Advisors to Natural England
Sharpe, D., Morocza, N., Satchwell, C. and Dodding, J. 2023. How to Create A Young Advisory Group: A guide by Young Advisors to Natural England. Natural England.Documentation
Link Workers in Social Prescribing for Young People work: a case study from Sheffield
Farina, I., Bertotti, M., Masella, C. and Sangiorgi, D. 2023. Link Workers in Social Prescribing for Young People work: a case study from Sheffield. International Journal of Integrated Care. 24 (Art. 8), pp. 1-13.
Evidence Review on Online Risks to Children
Bryce, J., Livingstone, S., Davidson, J., Hall, B. and Smith, J. 2023. Evidence Review on Online Risks to Children. London NSPCC.Technical report
CC-DRIVER Policy Brief No. 8: European Youth Survey
Davidson, J., Aiken, M., Phillips, K. and Farr, R. 2023. CC-DRIVER Policy Brief No. 8: European Youth Survey . London Trilaterial Research.Technical report
Outcomes for Young People Involved in PAC
Larkins, C., Sharpe, D., Roy, A., Farrelly, N., Morocza, N., Nowland, R., Wainwright, J., Ennis, C., Rooney, C., Tatham, S. and Dodding, J. 2023. Outcomes for Young People Involved in PAC. Peer Action Collective (PAC).Project report
PAC Briefing Report on Community Impact: Learning from the Peer Action Collective
Sharpe, D., Morocza, N., Larkins, C., Roy, A., Farrelly, N., Nowland, R., Wainwright, J., Ennis, C., Rooney, C., Tatham, S. and Dodding, J. 2023. PAC Briefing Report on Community Impact: Learning from the Peer Action Collective. Peer Action Collective (PAC).Project report
Rapid Evidence Review: Newham Council Participation Academy
Sharpe, D. 2023. Rapid Evidence Review: Newham Council Participation Academy. Capabilities in Academic Policy Engagement (CAPE).Project report
A PAC Guide to Peer Research and Social Action on Issues Related to Youth Violence: Learning from the Peer Action Collective
Larkins, C., Sharpe, D., Roy, A., Farrelly, N., Morocza, N., Wainwright, J., Nowland, R., Ennis, C., Rooney, C., Tatham, S. and Dodding, J. 2023. A PAC Guide to Peer Research and Social Action on Issues Related to Youth Violence: Learning from the Peer Action Collective. Peer Action Collective (PAC).Project report
A Guide to Cocommissioning Action Research Collectives: Learning from PAC 2021-2023
The Centre for Children and Young People's Participation, University of Central Lancashire, Institute for Connected Communities, University of East London, Sharpe, D. and Morocza, N. 2023. A Guide to Cocommissioning Action Research Collectives: Learning from PAC 2021-2023. Peer Action Collective (PAC).Project report
A PAC Guide to Making the Most of Your Research: Learning from the Peer Action Collective
Roy, A., Larkins, C., Sharpe, D., Farrelly, N., Morocza, N., Ennis, C., Rooney, C., Tatham, S. and Dodding, J. 2023. A PAC Guide to Making the Most of Your Research: Learning from the Peer Action Collective. Peer Action Collective (PAC).Documentation
2022 Civic Data Innovation Challenge: Relationship Portfolio Mapping
Sharpe, D., Canitrot, D. and Galicia, L. P. 2023. 2022 Civic Data Innovation Challenge: Relationship Portfolio Mapping. London, United Kingdom Institute for Connected Communities, University of East London.Project report
Common health assets protocol: a mixed-methods, realist evaluation and economic appraisal of how community-led organisations (CLOs) impact on the health and well-being of people living in deprived areas
Baker, R. M., Ahmed, M., Bertotti, M., Cassidy, J., Chipuriro, R., Clewett, E., Donaldson, C., Elders, A., Fenge, L. A., Fox, J., Galway, K., Gildea, A., McGuinness, A., McLean, J., Manoukian, S., Mason, H., Morgan, A., Mulholland, J., O'Hare, L., Paterson, A., Porter, S., Rendall, J., Roy, M. J., Seaman, P., Simpson, M., Steiner, A. and Kelly, M. P. 2023. Common health assets protocol: a mixed-methods, realist evaluation and economic appraisal of how community-led organisations (CLOs) impact on the health and well-being of people living in deprived areas. BMJ Open. 13 (Art. e069979).
New Deal for Young People Mentoring Research Report
Sharpe, D., Canitrot, D., Morocza, N., Ravenscroft, A., Mesa, L. P. G., Hanafiah, A. and Narayan, V. 2023. New Deal for Young People Mentoring Research Report. Institute for Connected Communities, University of East London.Project report
A national school-based screening program for mental health problems among children aged 6 to 12 years in Iran: scale development and psychometric evaluation
Zardkhaneh, S. A., Rajabi, M., Zanganeh, A. M., Namaki, S., Mansourkiaee, N., Danesh, M. J. and Garmatani, S. T. 2023. A national school-based screening program for mental health problems among children aged 6 to 12 years in Iran: scale development and psychometric evaluation. Mental Health, Religion and Culture. 26 (6), pp. 523-538.
The Lived Experience of Hotel Isolation: Evaluation of the Newham Council Hotel Isolation Pilot: Learning from a Rapid Evaluation 2021–2022
Sharpe, D. and Morocza, N. 2023. The Lived Experience of Hotel Isolation: Evaluation of the Newham Council Hotel Isolation Pilot: Learning from a Rapid Evaluation 2021–2022. UK Health Security Agency.Project report
Mental Health of Iranian College Students in a Nationally Representative Sample of over 74,500 Individuals: Scale Development and Standardization
Zardkhaneh, S. A., Poursharifi, H., Rajabi, M. and Yaghoubi, H. 2023. Mental Health of Iranian College Students in a Nationally Representative Sample of over 74,500 Individuals: Scale Development and Standardization. Journal of College Student Psychotherapy. 37 (2), pp. 106-126.
The Initial Response to COVID-19 Disruptions for Older People with HIV in Ukraine
Rozanova, J., Rich, K. M., Altice, F. L., Shenoi, S. V., Zaviryukha, I., Kiriazova, T., Mamedova, E., Shipunov, O., Yariy, V., Deac, A. and Zeziulin, O. 2022. The Initial Response to COVID-19 Disruptions for Older People with HIV in Ukraine. Geriatrics. 7 (6), p. 138.
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