The practical problems faced by the University of East London in meeting the parking restraints
Models of Project Orientation in Multiproject Organizations
Researching the children's meaning making of first person interpretation programmes
Good practice issues in working with interpreters in mental health
Better the devil you know? Non-conscious processing of identity and affect of famous faces
A study of intensive outpatient psychotherapy with sexually abused children
Multi-agent Systems and Security Requirements Analysis
Tracing heterotopias: writing women educators in Greece
On-call work and health: a review
Epidemiology of injuries in adventure racing athletes
Rethinking Audit and Inspection
Learning from the Victoria Climbié Inquiry
A Constraint-based approach for modeling secure multiagent systems
Families and Serious Mental Illness: Working with Loss and Ambivalence
Nomadic Trails in the Unfolding of the Self
Using Security Attack Scenarios to Analyse Security During Information Systems Design
Analysing Security in Information Systems
Being backed up: accounts by adolescent Bangladeshi boys, of growing up in the East End of London
Maternal counter-narratives reconsidered
Communication and conflict issues in collaborative software research projects.
WETICE 2004 ECE Workshop - Final Report
Supporting Collaborative Grid Application Development within the eScience Community
Supporting collaboration within the eScience community
An open source collaboration infrastructure for Calibre
Software, Architecture, and Participatory Design
Social Constructionism as Cognitive Science
Cognitive and psychological correlates of smoking abstinence, and predictors of successful cessation
Comparing different classifiers for automatic age estimation
Delusions and discourse: moving beyond the constraints of the modernist paradigm
War, Flight, and Exile: Gendered Violence among Refugee Women from Post-Yugoslav States
Living Ethnicity in Exile: Identity Processes in Refugees from Former Yugoslavia
Software Tampering Detection using AOP and mobile code
Software Architecture Evolution through Dynamic AOP
Complimentary and mainstream schooling: a case for reciprocity?
Feminists Versus Gallants: Manners and Morals in Enlightenment Britain
Child participation in research: Children as research advisors
Signifying Nothing: 'Culture', 'Discourse' and the Sociality of Affect
Thick Film Ferroelectric Phase Shifters using Screen Printing Technology
High Frequency Thick Film BST Ferroelectric Phase Shifter
Distributed Transmission Line Phase Shifter with Loaded BST Capacitors using Thick Film Technology
Building walls - a philosophy of engagement
Size and Shape Differences Between Male and Female Foot Bones
Integrating qualitative research with trials in systematic reviews
Review paper: some experiments using agent modelling at CECA
A CPL to Java compiler for dynamic service personalization in JAIN-SIP server
Developing Secure Software and Systems
Enjoy Their Symptom: Of Woman, Men and Other Interesting Figures in Greek Literary Texts
Making sense of male rape: constructions of gender, sexuality and experience of rape victims
Body marking/body mapping: Technologies of shifting subjectivity through skin shedding machines
The Emotional Context of Young Children's Literacy Learning
Movement as a psychophysical process : the interrelationships between the psyche and the body.
E-Learning in the work-places in the Rural Sector of northeastern Greece
The contribution of architecture description languages to the evaluation of software architectures
Using the NaSr Architectural Style to Solve the Broken Hyperlink Problem
Towards an Automated Evaluation Process for Software Architectures
A Real-time Network Emulator: ADLARS Case Study
A Network Architectural Style for Real-time Systems: NaSr
Deriving Product Architectures from an ADLARS Described Reference Architecture using Leopard
India: the blur of a distinction: Adivasis experience with land rights, self-rule and autonomy
Personal excavation: multiplicity and museological display
Different but normal: stories of women who have grown up with cloacal anomalies
Therapeutic democracy: the potential & limits of user-involvement in the NHS
TRANSFINE Project: UK Country Study
Mapping the capacity for reform: credit-based provision in London East
Universal and Local Understanding of Poverty in Peru
Love Saves the Day: A History of American Dance Music Culture, 1970–1979