Dr Ravindra Jayaratne
Name | Dr Ravindra Jayaratne |
Job title | Reader |
Email address | r.jayaratne@uel.ac.uk |
Research institute | Architecture, Computing & Engineering |
Research outputs
Agent-Based Modelling for Flood Evacuation as Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction: Pilot Participatory Action Research with 11- and 12-year-old children from a Japanese School
Pawlik, M., Takabatake, T., Shiroshita, H., Jayaratne, R., Haddad, H., Kitagawa, K. and Hasegawa, N. 2025. Agent-Based Modelling for Flood Evacuation as Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction: Pilot Participatory Action Research with 11- and 12-year-old children from a Japanese School. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. 117 (Art. 105180). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijdrr.2025.105180Proposing Thematic Mapping for Integrated Risk Communication: A study of British & Japanese perspectives in flood-prone communities
Pawlik, M., Kitagawa, K., Shiroshita, H., Jayaratne, R., Nomoto, S., Okumura, Y. and Kono, K. 2024. Proposing Thematic Mapping for Integrated Risk Communication: A study of British & Japanese perspectives in flood-prone communities. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. 107 (Art. 104472). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijdrr.2024.104472Mixed debris interaction with obstacle array under extreme flood conditions
Chowdury, P., Fredericks, I-J., Castaño Alvarez, J., Clark, M., Jayaratne, R., Wijetunge, J. J., Raby, A. and Taylor, P. 2024. Mixed debris interaction with obstacle array under extreme flood conditions. Journal of Flood Risk Management. 7 (3), p. e12987. https://doi.org/10.1111/jfr3.12987Integrating communities’ perspectives in understanding disaster risk
Shiroshita, H., Jayaratne, R. and Kitagawa, K. 2024. Integrating communities’ perspectives in understanding disaster risk. Natural Hazards. 120, pp. 8263-8282. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11069-024-06452-0“The great source” microplastic abundance and characteristics along the river Thames
Devereux, R., Ayati, B., Westhead, E. K., Jayaratne, R. and Newport, D. 2023. “The great source” microplastic abundance and characteristics along the river Thames. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 191 (Art. 114965). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpolbul.2023.114965Impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on microplastic abundance along the River Thames
Devereux, R., Ayati, B., Westhead, E. K., Jayaratne, R. and Newport, D. 2023. Impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on microplastic abundance along the River Thames. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 189 (Art.114763). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpolbul.2023.1147636.3 Local and overtopping scour
Jayaratne, R. 2022. 6.3 Local and overtopping scour. in: Shibayama, T. and Esteban, M. (ed.) Coastal Disaster Surveys and Assessment for Risk Mitigation CRC Press. pp. 166-174Laboratory modelling of vertical sediment mixing in the surf zone
Suzuki, T., Tajima, K. and Jayaratne, R. 2022. Laboratory modelling of vertical sediment mixing in the surf zone. Coastal Engineering Journal. 64 (4), pp. 619-629. https://doi.org/10.1080/21664250.2022.2143750Sediment Size Effect on the Landward Coastal Structure Scour Prediction due to Tsunami
Gelfi, M., Suzuki, T. and Jayaratne, R. 2022. Sediment Size Effect on the Landward Coastal Structure Scour Prediction due to Tsunami. Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B2 (Coastal Engineering). 78 (2), pp. 469-474. https://doi.org/10.2208/kaigan.78.2_I_469Microplastic abundance in the Thames River during the New Year period
Devereux, R., Westhead, E., Jayaratne, R. and Newport, D. 2022. Microplastic abundance in the Thames River during the New Year period. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 177 (Art. 113534). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpolbul.2022.113534Influence of manmade effects on geomorphology, bathymetry and coastal dynamics in a monsoon-affected river outlet in Southwest coast of Sri Lanka
Gunasinghe, G. P., Ruhunage, L., Ratnayake, N. P., Ratnayake, A. S., Samaradivakara, G. V. I. and Jayaratne, R. 2021. Influence of manmade effects on geomorphology, bathymetry and coastal dynamics in a monsoon-affected river outlet in Southwest coast of Sri Lanka. Environmental Earth Sciences. 80 (Art. 238). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12665-021-09555-0Community engagement in preparing for natural water disasters of different time and magnitude scales – A comparative study between Japan and England
Shiroshita, H., Jayaratne, R. and Kitagawa, K. 2019. Community engagement in preparing for natural water disasters of different time and magnitude scales – A comparative study between Japan and England. IDRiM 2019: The 10th conference of the international society for Integrated Disaster Risk Management. Nice, France. 16 - 18 Oct 2019Modeling of Berm Formation and Erosion at the Southern Coast of the Caspian Sea
Tabasi, M., Soltanpour, M., Suzuki, T. and Jayaratne, R. 2020. Modeling of Berm Formation and Erosion at the Southern Coast of the Caspian Sea. International Conference on Coastal Engineering, 2020. Online 06 - 09 Oct 2020 Coasts, Oceans, Ports and Rivers Institute. https://doi.org/10.9753/icce.v36v.papers.19New Suspended Sand Concentration Model for Breaking Waves
Lim, G., Jayaratne, R. and Shibayama, T. 2020. New Suspended Sand Concentration Model for Breaking Waves. International Conference on Coastal Engineering, 2020. Online 06 - 09 Oct 2020 Coasts, Oceans, Ports and Rivers Institute. https://doi.org/10.9753/icce.v36v.sediment.32Building Foundation Instability Induced by Tsunami Scour
Nicholas, M. J., Jayaratne, R., Suzuki, T. and Shibayama, T. 2020. Building Foundation Instability Induced by Tsunami Scour. International Conference on Coastal Engineering, 2020. Online 06 - 09 Oct 2020 Coasts, Oceans, Ports and Rivers Institute. https://doi.org/10.9753/icce.v36v.currents.29Modelling of Krakatoa Tsunami Wave Propagation and Community Engagement Based on SWOT Analysis in Southern Lampung, Indonesia
Jayaratne, R., Fauzi, A. M., Achiari, H. and Shibayama, T. 2020. Modelling of Krakatoa Tsunami Wave Propagation and Community Engagement Based on SWOT Analysis in Southern Lampung, Indonesia. International Conference on Coastal Engineering, 2020. Online 06 - 09 Oct 2020 Coasts, Oceans, Ports and Rivers Institute. https://doi.org/10.9753/icce.v36v.currents.30Corrigendum to “Suspended sand concentration models under breaking waves: Evaluation of new and existing formulations” [Marine Geology 426 (2020) 106197]
Lim, G., Jayaratne, R. and Shibayama, T. 2020. Corrigendum to “Suspended sand concentration models under breaking waves: Evaluation of new and existing formulations” [Marine Geology 426 (2020) 106197]. Marine Geology. 430 (Art. 106362). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.margeo.2020.106362On the status and mechanisms of coastal erosion in Marawila Beach, Sri Lanka
Ratnayakage, S. M. S., Sasaki, J., Suzuki, T., Jayaratne, R., Ranawaka, R. A. S. and Pathmasiri, S. D. 2020. On the status and mechanisms of coastal erosion in Marawila Beach, Sri Lanka. Natural Hazards. 103, p. 1261–1289. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11069-020-04034-4Suspended sand concentration models under breaking waves: Evaluation of new and existing formulations
Lim, G., Jayaratne, R. and Shibayama, T. 2020. Suspended sand concentration models under breaking waves: Evaluation of new and existing formulations. Marine Geology. 246 (Art. 106197). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.margeo.2020.106197On the Estimation of the Surface Elevation of Regular and Irregular Waves Using the Velocity Field of Bubbles
Vargas, D., Jayaratne, R., Mendoza, E. and Silva, R. 2020. On the Estimation of the Surface Elevation of Regular and Irregular Waves Using the Velocity Field of Bubbles. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering. 8 (Art. 88). https://doi.org/10.3390/jmse8020088Individual violent wave-overtopping events: behaviour and estimation
Raby, Alison, Jayaratne, R., Bredmose, Henrik and Bullock, Geoff 2019. Individual violent wave-overtopping events: behaviour and estimation. Journal of Hydraulic Research. 58 (1), pp. 34-46. https://doi.org/10.1080/00221686.2018.1555549Historical changes in the shoreline and management of Marawila Beach, Sri Lanka, from 1980 to 2017
Samarasekara, Ratnayakage Sameera Maduranga, Sasaki, Jun, Jayaratne, R., Suzuki, Takayuki, Ranawaka, R.A.S. and Pathmasiri, Sakuntha D. 2018. Historical changes in the shoreline and management of Marawila Beach, Sri Lanka, from 1980 to 2017. Ocean & Coastal Management. 165, pp. 370-384. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2018.09.012Sediment Resuspension Due to Near-Bed Turbulent Effects: A Deep Sea Case Study on the Northwest Continental Slope of Western Australia
Salim, Sarik, Pattiaratchi, Charitha, Tinoco, Rafael O. and Jayaratne, R. 2018. Sediment Resuspension Due to Near-Bed Turbulent Effects: A Deep Sea Case Study on the Northwest Continental Slope of Western Australia. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. 123 (10), pp. 7102-7119. https://doi.org/10.1029/2018JC013819Failure Mechanisms and Local Scour at Coastal Structures induced by Tsunamis
Jayaratne, R., Premaratne, Buddhika, Adewale, Abimbola, Mikami, Takahito, Matsuba, Shunya, Shibayama, Tomoya, Esteban, Miguel and Nistor, Ioan 2016. Failure Mechanisms and Local Scour at Coastal Structures induced by Tsunamis. Coastal Engineering Journal. 58 (4), p. 1640017. https://doi.org/10.1142/S0578563416400179The influence of turbulent bursting on sediment resuspension under fluvial unidirectional currents
Salim, Sarik, Pattiaratchi, Charitha, Tinoco, Rafael, Coco, Giovanni, Hetzel, Yasha, Wijeratne, Sarath and Jayaratne, R. 2016. The influence of turbulent bursting on sediment resuspension under fluvial unidirectional currents. Earth Surface Dynamics. 5 (3), pp. 399-415. https://doi.org/10.5194/esurf-5-399-2017Erratum for “Stability of Breakwater Armor Units against Tsunami Attacks” by Miguel Esteban, Ravindra Jayaratne, Takahito Mikami, Izumi Morikubo, Tomoya Shibayama, Nguyen Danh Thao, Koichiro Ohira, Akira Ohtani, Yusuke Mizuno, Mizuho Kinoshita, and Shunya Matsuba
Esteban, M., Jayaratne, R., Mikami, T., Morikubo, I., Shibayama, T., Thao, N. D., Ohira, K., Ohtani, A., Mizuno, Y., Kinoshita, M. and Matsuba, S. 2016. Erratum for “Stability of Breakwater Armor Units against Tsunami Attacks” by Miguel Esteban, Ravindra Jayaratne, Takahito Mikami, Izumi Morikubo, Tomoya Shibayama, Nguyen Danh Thao, Koichiro Ohira, Akira Ohtani, Yusuke Mizuno, Mizuho Kinoshita, and Shunya Matsuba. Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering. 142 (4). https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)WW.1943-5460.0000335Chapter 15 - Stability of Breakwaters Against Tsunami Attack
Esteban, M., Danh Thao, N., Takagi, H., Jayaratne, R., Mikami, T. and Shibayama, T. 2015. Chapter 15 - Stability of Breakwaters Against Tsunami Attack. in: Esteban, M., Takagi, H. and Shibayama, T. (ed.) Handbook of Coastal Disaster Mitigation for Engineers and Planners Butterworth-Heinemann. pp. 293-323Chapter 17 - Destruction of Coastal Structures after the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami
Jayaratne, R., Premaratne, B., Mikami, T., Matsuba, S., Shibayama, T., Esteban, M. and Marriott, M. 2015. Chapter 17 - Destruction of Coastal Structures after the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami. in: Esteban, M., Takagi, H. and Shibayama, T. (ed.) Handbook of Coastal Disaster Mitigation for Engineers and Planners Butterworth-Heinemann. pp. 349-362A Cross-Shore Beach Profile Evolution Model
Jayaratne, R., Rahman, MD Rezaur and Shibayama, Tomoya 2015. A Cross-Shore Beach Profile Evolution Model. Coastal Engineering Journal. 56 (04), p. 1450020.Hydrodynamic investigation of fluvial sediment transport with Soil Protrusion Apparatus (SPA)
Jayaratne, R. and Salim, Sarik 2014. Hydrodynamic investigation of fluvial sediment transport with Soil Protrusion Apparatus (SPA). Open Engineering. 5 (1), pp. 48-58. https://doi.org/10.1515/eng-2015-0001Stability of Breakwater Armor Units against Tsunami Attacks
Esteban, M., Jayaratne, R., Mikami, T., Morikubo, I., Shibayama, T., Thao, N. D., Ohira, K., Ohtani, A., Mizuno, Y., Kinoshita, M. and Matsuba, S. 2014. Stability of Breakwater Armor Units against Tsunami Attacks. Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering. 140 (2), pp. 188-198. https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)WW.1943-5460.0000227Field Survey of Coastal Dyke Failure due to 2011 Great Eastern Japan Earthquake Tsunami
Jayaratne, R. 2013. Field Survey of Coastal Dyke Failure due to 2011 Great Eastern Japan Earthquake Tsunami. UEL Research and Knowledge Exchange Conference 2013. University of East London, London 26 Jun 2013 London University of East London.Shallow Water Hydrodynamic Investigation Of Local Scour Over Smooth And Rough Sediment Beds
Salim, Mohammad S. and Jayaratne, R. 2012. Shallow Water Hydrodynamic Investigation Of Local Scour Over Smooth And Rough Sediment Beds. The International Journal of Ocean and Climate Systems. 3 (4), pp. 229-240.Applicability of suspended sediment concentration formulae to large-scale beach morphological changes
Jayaratne, R., Takayama, Yasufumi and Shibayama, Tomoya 2012. Applicability of suspended sediment concentration formulae to large-scale beach morphological changes. in: Lynett, Patrick and McKee Smith, Jane (ed.) Proceedings of 33rd Conference on Coastal Engineering, Santander, Spain, 2012 Reston, VA Coastal Engineering Research Council.A Practical Computer Simulation Model for Two-Dimensional Beach Deformation (XBEACH Model)
Jayaratne, R. 2012. A Practical Computer Simulation Model for Two-Dimensional Beach Deformation (XBEACH Model). UEL Research and Knowledge Exchange Conference 2012. University of East London, London 03 May 2012 London University of East London.Soil protrusion apparatus for erosion rate prediction with smooth and rough sediment beds
Salim, Sarik, Jayaratne, R. and Wijeyesekera, D.Chitral 2011. Soil protrusion apparatus for erosion rate prediction with smooth and rough sediment beds. Advances in Computing and Technology. University of East London, London Jan 2011 London University of East London, School of Architecture Computing and Engineering.Experimental investigation of hydrodynamic erosion of soils
Jayaratne, R. and Wijeyesekera, D.Chitral 2010. Experimental investigation of hydrodynamic erosion of soils. Proceedings of Advances in Computing and Technology, (AC&T) The School of Computing and Technology 5th Annual Conference, University of East London, pp. 79-85Fabric of peat soils using image analysis
Zainorabidin, Adnan, Wijeyesekera, D.Chitral and Jayaratne, R. 2010. Fabric of peat soils using image analysis.Hydraulic roughness – links between Manning’s coefficient, Nikuradse’s equivalent sand roughness and bed grain size
Marriott, M. and Jayaratne, R. 2010. Hydraulic roughness – links between Manning’s coefficient, Nikuradse’s equivalent sand roughness and bed grain size. Advances in Computing and Technology 2010. University of East London, London London University of East London, School of Architecture Computing and Engineering. pp. 27-329246
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