Dr Marcello Bertotti

NameDr Marcello Bertotti
Job titleProfessor in Public Health
Email addressm.bertotti@uel.ac.uk
Research instituteUEL

Research outputs

A service ecosystems perspective to explore social prescribing value co-creation for vulnerable young people in NEET situation

Farina, I., Sangiorgi, D., Masella, C., Simonelli, I., Alves, R., Marques, M. J., Dias, S., Dantas, C., Herzog, S., Paternoster, S., Torri, E. and Bertotti, M. 2025. A service ecosystems perspective to explore social prescribing value co-creation for vulnerable young people in NEET situation. BMC Health Services Research. 25 (Art. 88). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12913-024-12182-7

The Social Prescribing Link Worker—Clarifying the Role to Harness Potential: A Scoping Review

Mulholland, J., Galway, K., Bertotti, M., O’Hare, L. and Gildea, A. 2025. The Social Prescribing Link Worker—Clarifying the Role to Harness Potential: A Scoping Review. Health and Social Care in the Community. 2025 (Art. 4394123), pp. 1-25. https://doi.org/10.1155/hsc/4394123

Is Government Policy a Barrier or Facilitator to the Work of Place-Based Community-led Nonprofits?

Roy, M. J., Rendall, J., Clewett, E., McMullan, J., Read, R., McLean, J., O'Hare, L., Bertotti, M., Kelly, M. and Baker, R. 2024. Is Government Policy a Barrier or Facilitator to the Work of Place-Based Community-led Nonprofits? Nonprofit Policy Forum. p. In Press. https://doi.org/10.1515/npf-2024-0003

Loneliness and Social Isolation: qualitative study among youth in vulnerable situations

Marques, M. J., Alves, R., Pires, J., Bertotti, M., Torri, E., Dantas, C. and Dias, S. 2024. Loneliness and Social Isolation: qualitative study among youth in vulnerable situations. European Journal of Public Health. 34 (Supp. 3). https://doi.org/10.1093/eurpub/ckae144.1817

Building common understanding: seeking consensus and defining social prescribing across contexts – a collective commentary on a Delphi study

Muhl, C., Mulligan, K., Giurca, B. C., Polley, M. J., Bloch, G., Nowak, D. A., Osborn-Forde, C., Hsiung, S., Lee, K. H., Herrmann, W. J., Baker, J. R., Dame Stokes-Lampard, H. J., Sir Everington, S., Dixon, M., Wachsmuth, I., Figueiredo, C., Skjerning, H. T., Rojatz, D., Chen, Y., Heijnders, M. L., Wallace, C., Howarth, M., Watanabe, D., Bertotti, M., Jansson, A. H., Althini, S., Holzinger, F., Dooler, D. G., Brand, S., Anfilogoff, T. J., Fancourt, D., Nelson, M. L. A., Tierney, S., Leitch, A., Nam, H., Card, K. G., Hayes, D., Slade, S., Essam, M. A., Palmer, G. A., Welch, V. A., Robinson, D., Hilsgen, L., Taylor, N., Nielsen, R. A., Vidovic, D., McDaid, E. M., Hoffmeister, L. V., Bonehill, J., Siegel, A., Bártová, A., Acurio-Páez, D., Mendive, J. M. and Husk, K. 2024. Building common understanding: seeking consensus and defining social prescribing across contexts – a collective commentary on a Delphi study. BMC Health Services Research. 24 (Art. 1280). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12913-024-11603-x

Social Prescribing Policy, Research and Practice: Transforming Systems and Communities for Improved Health and Wellbeing

Bertotti, M. (ed.) 2024. Social Prescribing Policy, Research and Practice: Transforming Systems and Communities for Improved Health and Wellbeing. Switzerland Springer.

Link Workers in Social Prescribing for Young People work: a case study from Sheffield

Farina, I., Bertotti, M., Masella, C. and Sangiorgi, D. 2023. Link Workers in Social Prescribing for Young People work: a case study from Sheffield. International Journal of Integrated Care. 24 (Art. 8), pp. 1-13. https://doi.org/10.5334/ijic.7551

Building the economic evidence case for social prescribing

Polley, M., Seers, H., Toye, O., Henkin, T., Waterson, H., Bertotti, M. and Chatterjee, H.J. 2023. Building the economic evidence case for social prescribing. London National Academy for Social Prescribing.

Barriers and facilitators to social prescribing in child and youth mental health: Perspectives from the frontline

Hayes, D., Olsson, A., Begum, S., Bertotti, M., Jarvis-Beesley, P. and Stapley, E. 2024. Barriers and facilitators to social prescribing in child and youth mental health: Perspectives from the frontline. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. 33, pp. 1465-1479. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00787-023-02257-x

Common health assets protocol: a mixed-methods, realist evaluation and economic appraisal of how community-led organisations (CLOs) impact on the health and well-being of people living in deprived areas

Baker, R. M., Ahmed, M., Bertotti, M., Cassidy, J., Chipuriro, R., Clewett, E., Donaldson, C., Elders, A., Fenge, L. A., Fox, J., Galway, K., Gildea, A., McGuinness, A., McLean, J., Manoukian, S., Mason, H., Morgan, A., Mulholland, J., O'Hare, L., Paterson, A., Porter, S., Rendall, J., Roy, M. J., Seaman, P., Simpson, M., Steiner, A. and Kelly, M. P. 2023. Common health assets protocol: a mixed-methods, realist evaluation and economic appraisal of how community-led organisations (CLOs) impact on the health and well-being of people living in deprived areas. BMJ Open. 13 (Art. e069979). https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2022-069979

Do people perceive benefits in the use of social prescribing to address loneliness and/or social isolation? A qualitative meta-synthesis of the literature

Liebmann, M., Pitman, A., Hsueh, YC., Bertotti, M. and Pearce, E. 2022. Do people perceive benefits in the use of social prescribing to address loneliness and/or social isolation? A qualitative meta-synthesis of the literature. BMC Health Services Research. 22 (Art. 1264). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12913-022-08656-1

Social prescribing for children and young people

Bertotti, M., Hayes, D., Berry, V., Jarvis-Beesley, P. and Husk, K. 2022. Social prescribing for children and young people. The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health . 6 (12), pp. 835-837. https://doi.org/10.1016/S2352-4642(22)00248-6

Evaluation of the Integrated Social Prescribing Model in Redbridge

Bertotti, M., Hanafiah, A. and Canitrot, D. 2022. Evaluation of the Integrated Social Prescribing Model in Redbridge. Institute for Connected Communities, University of East London.

Factors affecting the sustainability of community mental health assets: A systematic review

Moore, A., Bertotti, M., Hanafiah, A. and Hayes, D. 2022. Factors affecting the sustainability of community mental health assets: A systematic review. Health and Social Care in the Community. 30 (6), pp. e3369-e3383. https://doi.org/10.1111/hsc.13929

A two-year evaluation of the Young People Social Prescribing (YPSP) pilot

Bertotti, M., Frostick, C., Sharpe, D. and Temirov, O. 2020. A two-year evaluation of the Young People Social Prescribing (YPSP) pilot. Institute for Connected Communities, University of East London.

Outcome and Economic Evaluation of City and Hackney Social Prescribing Scheme

Bertotti, M. and Temirov, O. 2020. Outcome and Economic Evaluation of City and Hackney Social Prescribing Scheme. Institute for Health and Human Development, University of East London.

An Evaluation of Social Prescribing in the London Borough of Redbridge: Final Evaluation Report

Bertotti, M., Frostick, C. and Temirov, O. 2020. An Evaluation of Social Prescribing in the London Borough of Redbridge: Final Evaluation Report. Institute for Health and Human Development, University of East London.

Evaluation of Redbridge Active Together: Final Report

Bertotti, M., Frostick, C., Temirov, O., Sanusi, O., Dan-Ogosi, I. and Buscombe, R. 2020. Evaluation of Redbridge Active Together: Final Report. Institute for Health and Human Development, University of East London.

Investing resources to address social factors affecting health: The essential role of social prescribing

Jani, A., Bertotti, M., Lazzari, A., Drinkwater, C., Addarii, F., Conibear, J. and Gray, M. 2020. Investing resources to address social factors affecting health: The essential role of social prescribing. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine. 113 (1), pp. 24-27. https://doi.org/10.1177/0141076819864

Social Prescribing in General Practice

Frostick, C. and Bertotti, M. 2019. Social Prescribing in General Practice. British Journal of General Practice. 68 (688), pp. 538-539. https://doi.org/10.3399/bjgp19X706157

The frontline of social prescribing – how do we ensure Link Workers can work safely and effectively within primary care?

Frostick, C. and Bertotti, M. 2021. The frontline of social prescribing – how do we ensure Link Workers can work safely and effectively within primary care? Chronic Illness. 17 (4), pp. 404-415. https://doi.org/10.1177/1742395319882068

A Systematic Map of the UK Literature on Navigation Roles in Primary Care: Social Prescribing Link Workers in Context

Bertotti, M., Haque, H., Lombardo, C., Potter, S. and Harden, A. 2019. A Systematic Map of the UK Literature on Navigation Roles in Primary Care: Social Prescribing Link Workers in Context. Institute for Health and Human Development, University of East London.

The impact of a social prescribing service on patients in primary care: a mixed methods evaluation

Carnes, Dawn, Sohanpal, Ratna, Frostick, C., Hull, Sally, Mathur, Rohini, Netuveli, G., Tong, Jin, Hutt, Patrick and Bertotti, M. 2017. The impact of a social prescribing service on patients in primary care: a mixed methods evaluation. BMC Health Services Research. 17 (Art. 835). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12913-017-2778-y

A realist evaluation of social prescribing: an exploration into the context and mechanisms underpinning a pathway linking primary care with the voluntary sector

Bertotti, M., Frostick, C., Hutt, Patrick, Sohanpal, Ratna and Carnes, Dawn 2018. A realist evaluation of social prescribing: an exploration into the context and mechanisms underpinning a pathway linking primary care with the voluntary sector. Primary Health Care Research & Development. 19 (3), pp. 232-245. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1463423617000706

A review of the evidence assessing impact of social prescribing on healthcare demand and cost implications

Polley, Marie, Bertotti, M., Kimberlee, Richard and Pilkington, K. 2017. A review of the evidence assessing impact of social prescribing on healthcare demand and cost implications. University of Westminster.

The Social Prescribing Service in the London Borough of Waltham Forest: Final Evaluation Report

Bertotti, M., Frostick, C., Tong, J. and Netuveli, G. 2017. The Social Prescribing Service in the London Borough of Waltham Forest: Final Evaluation Report. Institute for Health and Human Development, University of East London.

Workplace well-being in the London-Chinese business community

Bertotti, M., Dan-Ogosi, I. and Rao, Mala 2017. Workplace well-being in the London-Chinese business community. International Journal of Workplace Health Management. 10 (2), pp. 86-100. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJWHM-05-2016-0035

From Isolation to Interaction: Developing a Network, to Share Learning, Develop Outcome Measures, and Endure the Potential Of Social Prescribing Meets the Needs of the NHS

Bertotti, M. and Frostick, C. 2016. From Isolation to Interaction: Developing a Network, to Share Learning, Develop Outcome Measures, and Endure the Potential Of Social Prescribing Meets the Needs of the NHS. The Health Foundation.

Shine 2014 Final Report: Social Prescribing: integrating GP and Community Assets for Health

Bertotti, M., Frostick, C., Findlay, G., Harden, A., Netuveli, G., Renton, A., Carnes, D., Sohanpal, R. and Hull, S. 2015. Shine 2014 Final Report: Social Prescribing: integrating GP and Community Assets for Health. The Health Foundation.

Changes in health outcomes in diabetic and pre-diabetic patients in the Newham Community Prescribing pilot project: analysis of pre and post data

Bertotti, M., Watts, P., Akhter, I. and Eselebor, D. 2014. Changes in health outcomes in diabetic and pre-diabetic patients in the Newham Community Prescribing pilot project: analysis of pre and post data. Institute for Health and Human Development, University of East London.

Types of Social Capital and Mental Disorder in Deprived Urban Areas: A Multilevel Study of 40 Disadvantaged London Neighbourhoods

Bertotti, M., Watts, Paul, Netuveli, G., Yu, Ge, Schmidt, Elena, Tobi, P., Lais, Shahana and Renton, A. 2013. Types of Social Capital and Mental Disorder in Deprived Urban Areas: A Multilevel Study of 40 Disadvantaged London Neighbourhoods. PLoS ONE. 8 (12), p. e80127.

Reconsidering private sector engagement in subnational economic governance

Syrett, Stephen and Bertotti, M. 2012. Reconsidering private sector engagement in subnational economic governance. Environment and Planning A. 44 (10), pp. 2310-2326.

The contribution of a social enterprise to the building of social capital in a disadvantaged urban area of London

Bertotti, M., Harden, A., Renton, A. and Sheridan, K. 2012. The contribution of a social enterprise to the building of social capital in a disadvantaged urban area of London. Community Development Journal. 47 (2), pp. 168-183.

A multilevel analysis of the association between social networks and support on leisure time physical activity: evidence from 40 disadvantaged areas in London

Yu, Ge, Renton, A., Schmidt, Elena, Tobi, Patrick, Bertotti, M., Watts, P. and Lais, Shahana 2011. A multilevel analysis of the association between social networks and support on leisure time physical activity: evidence from 40 disadvantaged areas in London. Health & Place. 17 (5), pp. 1023-1029.

Key barriers to community cohesion: views from residents of 20 London deprived neighbourhoods

Bertotti, M., Adams-Eaton, F., Sheridan, K. and Renton, A. 2011. Key barriers to community cohesion: views from residents of 20 London deprived neighbourhoods. GeoJournal. 47 (2), pp. 168-183.
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