Cultural Capitalism: Politics after New Labour

Flexible Support Systems for Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorders : Can an Outreach Model of Support Influence Inclusive Educational Practice

'Don't Shake the Baby': Towards a Prevention Strategy

Language and Literacy: Children’s Experiences in Multilingual Environments

Green Street SRB: Fifth Year Impact Evaluation

South Leytonstone SRB: Evaluation of the Crime Prevention Programme

‘A lot of friends. A lot of appreciation and a phone that never stops ringing’: Voluntary action and social exclusion in East London - a pilot study

Neural computation in medicine: Perspectives and prospects

The paradox of being a woman teacher

Of other spaces: women's colleges at the turn of the century

Forgiveness in Context

Some effects of conspiracy thinking and paranoid labelling

Exploration into the Strategic Role of Designers and Academics in Shaping Collaborative New Product Development Across Supply Chains, Towards a New Methodology

Underestimating the emotion perception capacities of people with mental retardation

5-pole High-Temperature Superconductor Bandpass Filter at 12 GHz using High Power TM010 mode of Microstrip Circular Patch

Swarm modelling

Parallel systems and architectural form

An intensive assessment of a small sample of siblings placed together in foster care.

Computer augmented communication in the daily life of severly disabled speech impaired children.

An investigation into the way education welfare officers understand and negotiate non-school attendance.

Thermal comfort in the havelis of Jaisalmer

The technological and aesthetic impact of computer-generated images on the Hollywood cinema.

Gender, ethnicity and professional membership : the case of the UK accounting profession.

Advertising Readerships: Psychosocial Change in Britain 1950 -1995

The Masquerades of Margaret Thatcher: an exploration of politics and fantasy

Study of the influence of membrane structure and permeation conditions on the efficiency of separation of miscible liquid mixtures by pervaporation

Land reform in Kenya

The visualisation and rendering of digital elevation data

Studies in organ culture and the development of organogenic potential in alnus, sorbus and prunus

More Life: Towards a Vitalist Manifesto Or Bifurcation, Pseudopodia and the worm, Jane Seymour and me, even.

Space dictates Art > Art dictates Space

Female menopause: a male perspective

Mechanism(s) of resistance of Helicobacter pylori towards Metronidazole

Text in a changing context: Reconstructing lives in East Germany