Journal of Impact Cultures: Volume 1, Issue 1 (Special Edition, May 2020)


Wilson, M., Abrahamson, E., Gilbert, F., Botticello, J. and Mann, J. 2020. Journal of Impact Cultures: Volume 1, Issue 1 (Special Edition, May 2020). CIRCLE, University of East London.

Portfolio items

Portfolio items

Guest Editorial by Professor Marcia Wilson
Wilson, M. 2020. Guest Editorial by Professor Marcia Wilson. Journal of Impact Cultures. 1 (1), pp. i-ii.
Statement of Intent: From the Founding Co-Editors
Abrahamson, E. and Mann, J. 2020. Statement of Intent: From the Founding Co-Editors. Journal of Impact Cultures. 1 (1), pp. iii-vi.
The Illusion of Progress: An Ethnographic Exploration of Racism, Trauma and the Academy
Gilbert, F. 2020. The Illusion of Progress: An Ethnographic Exploration of Racism, Trauma and the Academy. Journal of Impact Cultures. 1 (1), pp. 1-21.
Engaging Many Voices for Inclusivity in Higher Education
Botticello, J. 2020. Engaging Many Voices for Inclusivity in Higher Education. Journal of Impact Cultures. 1 (1), pp. 22-38.
CreatorsWilson, M., Abrahamson, E., Gilbert, F., Botticello, J. and Mann, J.

The Journal of Impact Cultures (JIC) is a journal/resource for transforming educational policy and practice. The journal is published by CIRCLE, which is an interdisciplinary research group. The journal and its associated research group is based at the University of East London but operates in collaboration with colleagues from a number of universities in the UK and beyond.

Publications in this journal intervene with and extend current debates in teaching and learning. Our work seeks to facilitate collaborative studies, which can result in impactful changes to teaching and learning. Seeking to foster a community of research, our interdisciplinary and inclusive peer-reviewed journal accepts empirical reports, reflections, narratives, and other methodologically rigorous studies that are informed by the perspectives of learners.

PublisherCIRCLE, University of East London
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Web address (URL)
Portfolio itemsGuest Editorial by Professor Marcia Wilson
Statement of Intent: From the Founding Co-Editors
The Illusion of Progress: An Ethnographic Exploration of Racism, Trauma and the Academy
Engaging Many Voices for Inclusivity in Higher Education
Copyright holder© 2020 Journal of Impact Cultures
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