The role of inertia in explanations of project performance: A framework and evidence from project-based organizations

Test-Driving the Future: How Design Competitions Are Changing Innovation

The Employee Owned Business Model During Growth and Adversity: How Well Does it Hold Up?

Trying to understand: promoting the psychosocial well-being of separated refugee children

The metabolic profiling of exercise intervention: exercise metabolomics

Surveying Qualitative Research Teaching on British Clinical Psychology Training Programmes 1992–2006: A Changing Relationship?

Implementing a Cloud-based Handling Unit Tracking in a Project centred Inbound Supply Chain

Logistics & supply chains management tracking networks: Data-management system integration / interfacing issues

A study of technology adoption in manufacturing firms

Supply Chain Efficiency of Environmentally Friendly Microalgae-Based Biodiesel Production

Spirit Possession or a Phenomenon of Crying Identity!

Community mental health nursing - an innovation through faculty practice in Pakistan

A review of compliance with health and safety and safety regulations and economic performance in small and medium construction enterprises

L' essere-per-la-morte in Buffy the vampire slayer. Analisi ontologico-esistenziale dell'universo audiovisivo creato da Joss Whedon

The Shape of the Urine Stream — From Biophysics to Diagnostics

Research in Teacher Education: Volume 2, No.2, October 2012

Research in Teacher Education: Volume 2, No.1, April 2012

A Poet to Escape From: The Pursuit and Evasion of Shakespeare in Will! And Other Works by Anthony Burgess

Evaluations of People Depicted With Facial Disfigurement Compared to Those With Mobility Impairment

Financial Regulation in Africa: An Assessment of Financial Integration Arrangements in African Emerging and Frontier Markets

Introduction: Fashioning the Global City

Tailoring Cosmopolitanism in the Italian Nordest

Antimicrobial and anti-quorum sensing activities of some Ghanaian medicinal plants

Security and the Economics of Energy in North East Europe

A CASE tool to support automated modelling and analysis of security requirements

Lived experience and discursive context: A twin focus

Book review of 'Developing writers: teaching and learning in the digital age'

Computing in schools: time to move beyond ICT?

Talking about maths

Book review of 'Leadership and learning'

Place, (cyber) space and being: the role of student voice in informing the un-situated learning of trainee teachers

Global Dimensions in design and technology – ‘just another thing to think about’?

Book review of 'Learning and teaching in secondary schools'


Student voice-by-numbers

The making of a neoliberal academic

Computer-Aided Design of Customized Foot Orthoses: Reproducibility and Effect of Method Used to Obtain Foot Shape

Complete tree subset difference broadcast encryption scheme and its analysis

What the Olympics didn’t say about Britain’s place in the world

Book Review: The Sacred in the Modern World: A CulturalSociological Approach by Gordon Lynch

Uncovering recovery: the resistible rise of recovery and resilience

Ontological approach to support a Personalised Adaptive e-learning system (Onto-PAdel

Virality: Contagion Theory in the Age of Networks

Interactive Sensory Objects Developed for and by People with Learning Disabilities

The case study paradox: a way to engage Colombian teacher educators in exploring the utopia of social justice

‘Good practice’ for pupils with English as an additionallanguage: patterns in student teachers’ thinking

Locating the third space in Initial Teacher Training


Book reviews

'Help! I've got an assignment to do...': Info skills at the University of East London

The problem of grounded theory

Resource discovery and delivery in the modern age

Using seismic mixtures to extract tilts and recover estimates of ground displacements

In the idiom of Tavistock practice: approaches to public sector psychotherapy group relations organisational development & change and board evaluation

Monitoring concept to detect engine oil condition degradations to support a reliable drive operation

What do People with Down Syndrome want from their Cardiac Team?

Development of Composite Grinding Wheels for Hard and Soft Metals

An exploration of educational psychologists' views of their role with child and adolescent mental health and psychological wellbeing

Social enterprise under New Labour and beyond: many good ideas with the potential to become a disaster

Exploring processes of adaptation in a group of post- 2004 Polish migrants in the UK: an interpretative phenomenological analysis

Rapidly measuring the speed of unconscious learning: amnesics learn quickly and happy people slowly

Neuropsychological effects associated with recreational cocaine use

Two go to Puerto Rico

Ontologies for Personalised Adaptive Learning

E-Learning and Role of World Wide Web in E-Learning

Evaluation of Community Engagement in the Design and Delivery of Health Promotion Interventions

An exploratory study of how youth offenders perceive their experience of education

A Methodology for Modelling Mobile Agent-Based Systems (Mobile agent Mobility Methodology - MaMM)

Current Practices and Needs in Primary Schools in Ireland and an Exploration of whether there is need for a Whole-School Positive Behaviour Support Programme

Exploring teachers’ constructs of mental health and their reported responses to young people experiencing mental health problems: a grounded theory approach

Psychologists' constructions of old age – a discourse analysis

A qualitative exploration of parents' views following attendance at a Webster Stratton Incredible Years Parenting Programme

Men’s perceptions and lived experiences of romantic relationships: a qualitative approach using interpretative phenomenological analysis

Achieving Model Completeness for Hierarchally Structured Activities of Daily Life

Accurate stability prediction of 1-bit higher-order Δ-Σ modulators for multiple-sinusoidal inputs

The electronic-cigarette: effects on desire to smoke, withdrawal symptoms and cognition

Enhancing Security Requirements Engineering by Organisational Learning

Cannabis-related deficits in real-world memory

Animal behaviour fieldwork: introducing psychology students to the process of science

The Extended Evolutionary Synthesis and the role of soft inheritance in evolution

Electronic Government Adoption Based on Citizen-Centric Approach in Regional Government in Developing Countries: The Case of Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI)

What does violence tell us about gay male couple relationships?

How do therapists make sense of their reactions towards clients: an interpretative phenomenological analysis

Examining the work-home interface: an ecological systems perspective

A grounded theory exploration into the experiences of recovering alcoholic counsellors working with alcoholic clients

The psytrance party

Stuck cases: understanding the experience of children, families and clinicians in a child and adolescent mental health setting when the helping relationship becomes stuck.

An exploratory study of parent and Educational Psychologist perceptions of dual educational placements

Understanding British youth behaviors on holiday in Ibiza

What we did when it happened: a timeline analysis of the social disorder in London

From gatekeeper to friend and back again: Embracing the world of the street drug user

Below the surface and beyond the rhetoric: youth, consumerism and the London riots

Poor children’s future access to early years provision

Postmodern Greek tragedy: walking with Thucydides in Athens

Guest Editorial [on English riots of summer 2011]

Frustrations, urban relations and temptations: contextualising the social disorder in London

Deviance and risk on holiday: an ethnography with British youth abroad

A High Level Service-Based Approach to Software Component Integration

The Well London program - a cluster randomized trial of community engagement for improving health behaviors and mental wellbeing: baseline survey results

Using an Architecture Description Language to Model a Large- Scale Information System – An Industrial Experience Report

Visual experience facilitates allocentric spatial representation

Think of your art-eries: Arts participation, behavioural cardiovascular risk factors and mental well-being in deprived communities in London

Patterns of Creation and Usage of Wikipedia Content

Teenage pregnancy in the United Kingdom: A behavioral ecological perspective

Radical Anthropology journal issues

Antigone and her double, Lacan and Baudrillard

Reconsidering private sector engagement in subnational economic governance

'Sod them, I'm English': The changing status of the 'majority' English in post-devolution Britain

Bilateral redundancy gain and callosal integrity in a man with callosal lipoma: a diffusion-tensor imaging study

The contribution of a social enterprise to the building of social capital in a disadvantaged urban area of London

Pacing as a strategy to improve energy management in myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome: a consensus document

The Grotesque and/in/through Film

Changing times, changing roles: FE colleges’ perceptions of their changing leadership role in contemporary UK politico-economic climate

How would virtual learning environment (VLE) enhance assessment for learning mathematics by the special education needs students (SENS) in secondary education sector

Antimicrobial assays of three native British plants used in Anglo-Saxon medicine for wound healing formulations in 10th century England

Screening for HAND

Right turn for Gove; wrong turn for Initial Teacher Education?

Transformative processes of agency: information technologies and the production of digitally mediated selves

Teacher education in Scotland: the Donaldson Review and the early phases of teacher learning

Performativity cultures and their effects on teacher educators’ work

ICT and educational policy in the UK: are we on the way towards e-maturity or on the road to digital disaster?

Musicianship in education: ideology and practice

Philosophy and the social sciences: Bourdieu, Merleau-Ponty and Husserl

β3-integrin is required for differentiation in OC-2 cells derived from mammalian embryonic inner ear

The reliability of plantar pressure assessment during barefoot level walking in children aged 7-11 years

Reliability of three foot models to examine paediatric gait

Towards Competent Systems in Early Childhood Education and Care. Implications for Policy and Practice

Researching Early Childhood Policy and Practice. A Critical Ecology


Testing the UIP theory in the CEE countries: evidence from the GARCH models

The validity of Wagner’s Law in the United Kingdom for the period 1850-2010

Has the financial crisis changed the business cycle characteristics of the GIPSI countries?

Comparative Study on the Position of Shunt Active Power Filters in 25 kV AC Railway Systems

Detecting the onset of accelerated long-term forgetting: evidence from temporal lobe epilepsy

Investigating the impact of nicotine on executive functions using a novel virtual reality assessment

A Framework to Recognise Daily Life Activities with Wireless Proximity and Object Usage Data

Behavioural Patterns Analysis of Low Entropy People Using Proximity Data

An introduction to citation analysis

Using energy criteria to admit flows in a wired network

Little box of big questions: philosophical conversations with children and young people

Shallow Water Hydrodynamic Investigation Of Local Scour Over Smooth And Rough Sediment Beds

Bringing back the body into positive psychology: the theory of corporeal posttraumatic growth in breast cancer survivorship

Getting to the root of student ‘dis-satisfaction’ at the University of East London

Crossing conceptual boundaries IV

The Olympic Regeneration in East London (ORiEL) study: protocol for a prospective controlled quasi-experiment to evaluate the impact of urban regeneration on young people and their families

Awaking Stock taking practice in academic libraries; The Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology

‘Europeanity’, the ‘other’ and the discourse of fear: the centrality of the forced migrant as 'global alien' to an emerging European national identity

Love and Other Stories

Deconstructing practitioners' understandings of intimate partner violence and abuse: implications for practice and supervision

A Code of Conduct for Computer Forensic Investigators

What is the impact of Family SEAL? An evaluation of the Family SEAL intervention examining the impact of the programme on children and parent/carer participants.


Installation and Theatricality Thinking through Objects

Being young and of mixed ethnicity in Rwanda

An Exploration of the Primary to Secondary School Transition in an Irish Context.

Islamophobia Abroad and Anti-Catholicism at home: The Making of the English Nation

Exploring the Experiences of Fathers Raising Sons with Asperger Syndrome: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis.

UK secondary schools under surveillance: the implications for race. A Critical Race and Butlerian analysis

Not capturing voices?

School-to-work transition services: marginalising ‘disposable’ youth in a state of exception?

Problematising the role of the white researcher in social justice research

The developmental cognitive trajectory of the 22Q11.2 deletion

Grenville Davey: Artist-in-Residence

“Floating Mind”: Art, Nature and Myth

Mirror to my thoughts

The experiences of interpreters working in a medium secure forensic mental health unit: and Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis

An Exploration of the Dilemmas Encountered by Staff Working in Paediatric Palliative Care


The Experiences of Adoptive Mothers: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis

The Parent-Child Relationship when Parents’ Contact with their Children is Supervised

Staff perspectives on getting to know an individual with dementia

A report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the School of Arts and Digital Industries, University of East London, for the degree of Doctor of Fine Art

A Discursive Thematic Analysis of Audience Response Towards the Portrayal of Mental Distress in United Kingdom Soap Operas



The mental health needs of refugee torture survivors: exploring staff understandings



How do teachers deal with uncertainty in relation to working with children with autism in the context of the introduction of a new technology tool?

Exploring Pupils’ Experiences of a Transition Project using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA)

Autism and the Experience of Closeness: An Interpretative Phenomenological Study


Survivors Online: A netnographic analysis of the emerging role played by the Internet as a source of support for survivors of sexual violence

Afghanistan, Narcotics and the International Criminal Court: From Port of Spain to Kabul, via Rome.

Developing an understanding of people's experiences using tracing services to search for missing family: a qualitative investigation

What is it like to be an Adolescent with a Speech, Language and Communication Impairment (SLCI)?

Accounts of conspiracy beliefs within the general population: a grounded theory

The positive educational experiences of ‘looked-after’ children and young people

An exploration of the experiences of never married British South Asian females in the UK

Teachers talking: critical events in the life history of staff working with children with special educational needs

From Consumer to Consumer-Provider

Plant-based strategies aimed at expressing a functional human adenosine deaminase at high levels

The Views of Educational Psychologists about Neuroscience: A Discourse Analysis

Flatfoot Dance Company’s training programme in South Africa

Development challenges in the age of climate change: the case of Sidama

TEFL principles for teaching English in changing Times

Alternative Spaces of Learning in East London: Opportunities and Challenges

Shpresa Programme: An Evaluation of the Paul Hamlyn Funded Project

Telling the story of the Computer Geek: children becoming authors and translators

Getting older and living longer with HIV: Findings from a pilot study conducted in Newham

A Practical Computer Simulation Model for Two-Dimensional Beach Deformation (XBEACH Model)

An exploration of counselling psychologists’ understandings of domestic violence and abuse: Implications for theory and practice

An exploration of the experiences of women who stammer

An exploration of therapeutic work with unaccompanied refugee young people

The experience of neuropsychological assessment, views of clients with traumatic brain injury

Encountering sex education and imagining positive sex: A discursive exploration of young people’s accounts

Effectiveness and meaning of “low-intensity” cognitive behavioural interventions for Latin American immigrants in London

The construction of ‘ADHD’ in online information for parents and young people: a discourse analysis

An exploration of applied psychologists’ experience of working with female refugees or asylum seekers that have experienced sexual violence

Special or mainstream? A comparison of parental perspectives on choosing schools for their young children with autism

Looked After Care: Young People’s Views of Making Decisions in Review and Planning Meetings

An exploration of the experience of Bangladeshi parents of children who have been diagnosed with an Autistic Spectrum Disorder

Trainee clinical psychologists talking about religion and spirituality in their work

A grounded theory of the experience of destitution among people seeking asylum in the UK

The mental health and psychological well-being of refugee children: an exploration of risk, resilience and protective factors

The Noble Sanctuary: Interpreting Islamic Traditions of Asylum in the Contemporary World

Displacement in Iraq after 2003: coerced decisions in a time of crisis

Counselling psychologists talk about cross-cultural therapy: a thematic analysis

Renewable versus non-renewable building fabric: A comparative study on the effect of material choice on the embodied energy and global warming potential of low energy dwellings

Turn taking, repair and topic practices in teaching assistant led literacy intervention sessions

A Preliminary Investigation into Children’s Experiences of Mindfulness Meditation: A Qualitative Analysis of Children’s Perspectives of Mindfulness

Botany and Metaphor

The Global AML Framework and its Jurisdictional Limits

Structuring East to West Migration: A Case Study of Central and Eastern European Migrants to Britain

Global Professionalism - Local Professional Identities: Journalistic Professionalism in Contemporary Russia

Measuring a Nation’s Wellbeing: A Psycho-cultural Investigation

Narratives of Violence and Gendered Experience: Notes on Methodology

The Border Crossing: the Cinematic Representation of Memory in the Autobiographical Documentary

An economic model of school-based behavioral interventions to prevent sexually transmitted infections

Small and Medium Sized Companies Perceptions of Competitive Advantage: A comparative study of China and Iran's automotive components manufacturers

Onset and early use of gestural communication in nonhuman great apes

What Role Do Mothers Play in the Gestural Acquisition of Bonobos (Pan paniscus) and Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes)?

Applicability of suspended sediment concentration formulae to large-scale beach morphological changes

VIVO Questionnaire: A Measure of Human Worldviews and Identity in Trauma, Crisis, and Loss. Validation and Preliminary Findings

Transnational Mobilities, Migration Research and Intersectionality

Heterotopic and Holey Spaces as Tents for the Nomad: Rereading Gwen John’s Letters

What is narrative?

Narratives, connections and social change

Narratives and the gift of the future

Data transfer over low-voltage European power distribution networks

Insights for Contemporary Drug Policy: A Historical Account of Opium Control in India and Pakistan

Research Data Management policy for UEL

One-Year Outcomes of Prenatal Exposure to MDMA and Other Recreational Drugs

Truth telling in Foucault and Arendt: parrhesia, the pariah and academics in dark times

Searching for Heaven in the Real World: A Sociological Discussion of Conversion in the Arab World

Affect and Cultural Change: The Rise of Popular Zionism in the British Jewish Community After the Six Day War (1967)

Contesting "Le corps militaire": Antimilitarism, Pacificism, Anarcho-Communism and 'Le Douanier' Rousseau's La Guerre

A Phenomenological Study into the Place of Consultation in the Work of Staff in Children’s Homes: How much is it an organisational construction?

Exploring the meaning for clients of the arts-related organisational consultancy offered by ABS: What are we doing here?

Coping with Critical Incidents: A Critical Appraisal of Stress Management And Social Support within the Retained Fire Service in Ireland

The polymicrobial nature of biofilm infection

London: City of Paradox

Sustainability study of the application of geosynthetic clay liners in hostile and aggressive environments

Exploring the Clinical Experiences of Muslim Psychologists in the UK When Working With Religion in Therapy

Popping the Balloon Effect: Assessing Drug Law Enforcement in Terms of Displacement, Diffusion, and the Containment Hypothesis

The suppression of illicit opium production in Viet Nam: an introductory narrative

Heterotopias of mental health care: The role of space in experiences of distress, madness and mental health service use.

Mobile Geographic Information Systems

Spiking neural network model of sound localisation using the interaural intensity difference

Understanding social network sites: lessons from MySpace

Failure to Fail? Practice Educators' Emotional Experiences of Assessing Failing Social Work Students

Characterising the UK Terrorist Threat: The Problem with Non-Violent Ideology as a Focus for Counter-Terrorism and Terrorism as the product of ‘Vulnerability’

Bullying in ages 4-7; Teachers & school environment’s intervention in the Greek context

Terrorism, The Olympics and Sports: Recent Events and Concerns for the Future

Glocal London: the Double Crisis of Governability and Governmentality

Secularism, Racism and the Politics of Belonging

Individual differences in organisation-based self-esteem: a case study in Venezuela

Individual level influences on responses to climate change information messages

The latent structure of decision styles

Organizing principles of a school-museum teaching intervention for pre-school children

HE in FE – What is the research telling us?

Students FIRST: Research Report

Degrees of difference - higher education in further education

Lifelong Learning and Community Development

Virtual learning Examination of ICT as beneficial tools for children’s social development

Artificial Neural Network-Statistical Approach for PET Volume Analysis and Classification

Becoming bonded through Developmental Movement Play: review of a parent and child movement group incorporating the theory, practice and philosophy of Sherborne Developmental Movement

Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for Mental Health Professionals—a Pilot Study

Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy for Mental Health Professionals: A Long-Term Qualitative Follow-up Study

Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for Mental Health Professionals: a Long-Term Quantitative Follow-up Study

Teaching animal categorization in preschool-ers using typical -non typical educational en-viroments

Exploratory investigation of drivers of attainment in ethnic minority adult learners

The effects of self-awareness on body movement indicators of the intention to deceive

Mental wellbeing: dementia care in diverse ethnic groups

Kisspeptin Prevention of Amyloid-β Peptide Neurotoxicityin Vitro

A One-Pot Three-Component Radiochemical Reaction for Rapid Assembly of125I-Labeled Molecular Probes

Influence of actual and virtual chess on neurophysiology and cognition

A Qualitative Insight into the Impact of a Community Based Project on Antisocial Behaviour within a Deprived Urban Area: The Case of Fight for Peace

Rethinking comparative childcare policy analysis: Example of Central and Eastern Europe

Quasi-elliptic microstrip bandstop filter using tap coupled open-loop resonators

Humble Market: Trade Secrets

Knowledge Transfer in Higher Education: Collaboration in the Arts and Humanities

Event Design

Are spatiotemporal gait characteristics reliable outcome measures in children with developmental coordination disorder?

The role of the podiatrist

Europe and the Collapse of Yugoslavia: The Role of Non-State Actors and European Diplomacy

Diaspora Impact on European Community Policy Making: Ex-Yugoslavia as a Case Study

European Involvement in Serbia: From Intervention to Integration?

On European Identity: Origins, Challenges and Prospects

Predicting the Fission Yeast Protein Interaction Network

The Role of Open Spaces in the University Campus in the Egyptian Context

Targeting users' Behaviour for effective policy delivery: community energy saving programme in Aspley, Nottingham

Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, drug companies and the internet

Coping Strategies in Female Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse from Two Canadian and Two New Zealand Cultural Groups

Negative childhood experiences and mental health: theoretical, clinical and primary prevention implications

Dissociative symptoms in patients with schizophrenia: relationships with childhood trauma and psychotic symptoms

Patterns of lifetime female victimisation and psychotic experiences: a study based on the UK Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey 2007

Drop the language of disorder

Differences in views of schizophrenia during medical education: a comparative study of 1st versus 5th–6th year Italian medical students

Childhood adversity and psychosis: A literature review with clinical and societal implications

Childhood Adversities Increase the Risk of Psychosis: A Meta-analysis of Patient-Control, Prospective- and Cross-sectional Cohort Studies

Contrarrestar el estigma hacia las personas con esquizofrenia en el ámbito sanitario: una experiencia piloto en una muestra de estudiantes italianos de medicina

Interaction between effects of genes coding for dopamine and glutamate transmission on striatal and parahippocampal function

White matter abnormalities and illness severity in major depressive disorder

All the young dudes: educational capital, masculinity and the uses of popular music

Exploring Young People's Use of Social Networking Sites and Digital Media in the Internet Safety Context

International Migration, Development and Human Wellbeing

Self-reports of Executive Dysfunction in Current Ecstasy/Polydrug Users

A critical analysis of affirmative therapeutic engagements with consensual non-monogamy

I Want to See All My Friends At Once’: Arthur Russell and the Queering of Gay Disco
