Knowledge Integration and Resource Selection in the UK Film Industry

White Memories, White Belonging: Competing Colonial Anniversaries in ‘Postcolonial’ East London

Researching a participatory form of ‘Museum-theatre’

Review Article: Sighing Heights: an ethnographic report on susum valley in Northern Pakistan

Book Reviews: Who CARES!

Beyond the Road Ahead - Project Report

Who’s Got the Power?: Performance and Self Advocacy for People with Learning Disabilities, London

Generation of Test Vectors for Sequential Cell Verification

The politics of paranoia: paranoid positioning and conspiratorial narratives in the surveillance society

Electrophysiological methods in studying infant cognitive development

Identifying and Improving Reusability Based on Coupling Patterns

Using e-Learning Tools to Build a Community of Distance Learners: A Progress Review and Call for Collaboration.

Japanese Composers in the Multicultural UK: identity tactics and self-exoticism

System and circuit level design and analysis of a 16-bit sigma-delta ADC for a TETRA-2 network mobile station application

Exploring the social capital and psychological well-being of asylum seeking people: an interpretative phenomenological analysis

Theory of practice

Working with Interpreters in Health Settings: Guidelines for Psychologists

Construction of sexuality in the narratives of well-educated young women in Turkey

Men in a female-majority profession: perspectives of male trainees in clinical psychology

Re-imagining the narratable subject

Machinic Assemblages: Women, Art Education and Space.

NHS Local Improvement Finance Trust and the new shape of neoliberal welfare

Cars, corporations, and commodities: Consequences for the social determinants of health

Towards Integrated Participation: Involving Seldom Heard Users of Social Care Services

Magda and Albana: Learning to Read with Dual Language Books

Methods for the thematic synthesis of qualitative research in systematic reviews

Young bilingual children learning to read with dual language books

Karyotypic and 2C nuclear DNA in vitro induced off-types of East African highland banana (Musa AAA East Africa)

Ice Ice Maybe. Bacteria that trigger frost in grapes could also be responsible for forming raindrops in the atmosphere.

Explicating the Interactions between the Auditor and Client Management during the Audit Process: Implications for Corporate Governance

How political risks and events have influenced Pakistan’s stock markets from 1947 to the present

Transport: challenging disabling environments

Flexible regulation: the birth of a qualitative audit society?

Ethical and political issues in contemporary research relationships

Managing risk and regulation within new local 'health economies': The case of NHS LIFT (Local Improvement Finance Trust)

A complexity view of organisational reputation

Validation of a HPLC method for flavonoid biomarkers in skullcap (Scutellaria) and its use to illustrate wide variability in the quality of commercial tinctures

Modelling Mobile Agent Mobility in Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) using Fitness function

Research into pedagogical ‘belief statements’ held by pre-ITE students on a Mathematics Enhancement Course

Blogging in the UK and Ireland

The Library Game – using creative games technology to develop the library, learning and information skills of our students – the story so far

Systems, Architecture & The Digital Body: From Alphaville to The Matrix

Posturing Fear in a World of Performed Evil: Terrorists, Teachers and Evil Neo-liberals

Evolutionary success of Open Source Software: an investigation into exogenous drivers

Report of the Implementation of Fight for Peace in East London 2007- 08

Summary Report of the Haringey Children’s Fund Programme, 2001-2008

New Labour and the theory of globalization

The Regeneration of Doctor Who

Work Discussion: Implications for Research and Policy

Novel strategy for compensating current determination in single phase active power filters

Nonlinear-Stability Analysis of Higher Order Δ–Σ Modulators for DC and Sinusoidal Inputs

Harmonic Distortion and Reactive Power Compensation in Single Phase Power Systems using Orthogonal Transformation Strategy

Scenario-based Small Area Population Modelling for Social Infrastructure Planning

Agent-based services for the validation and calibration of multi-agent models

A New Social Darwinism?

Social science perspectives on the 2012 Olympic Games

Website Design and Localisation: A Comparison of Malaysia and Britain

Visual Silences, Nomadic Narratives

Memoryscape: integrating oral history, memory and landscape on the river Thames

The Genome of Borrelia recurrentis, the Agent of Deadly Louse-Borne Relapsing Fever, Is a Degraded Subset of Tick-Borne Borrelia duttonii

A case of selective impairment of encyclopaedic numerical knowledge or ‘when December 25th is no longer Christmas day, but ‘20 + 5’ is still 25

Selecting Security Patterns that Fulfill Security Requirements

Stresses reported by UK trainee counselling psychologists

The Paradoxical Position of Self-reflection in Teaching and Assessment in Higher Education: How the Application of Blogging Challenges Learning Habits

Inspection time and cognitive abilities in twins aged 7 to 17 years: age-related changes, heritability and genetic covariance

Deployment of a security assurance monitoring framework for telecommunication service infrastructures on a VoIP system

Adapting Secure Tropos for Security Risk Management during Early Phases of the Information Systems Development

French production and English reception: the international transfer of the work of Pierre Bourdieu

Indigenous Culture and Symbolic Violence

Mother nature's tolerant ways: Why non-genetic inheritance has nothing to do with evolution

Social Dominance and Sexual Orientation

Sex-related invariance across cultures in an online role-playing game

Is this conjectural phenotypic dichotomy a plausible outcome of genomic imprinting? (Commentary)

Tackling teenage obesity: literature review and project proposal

Diagnostic Feedback by Snap-drift Question Response Grouping

Nurturing Excellence in E-learning Practice Through an Academic Programme (MA Online and Blended Learning).

User requirements analysis for use of mobile phones in learning and teaching

Mental health teaching to UK psychology undergraduates: report of a survey

Learning to use discourse analysis on a professional psychology training programme: accounts of supervisees and a supervisor

Personality disorder, temperament, and childhood adversity: findings from a cohort of prisoners in England and Wales

Gender, conflict, and social Capital: Bonding and bridging in war in the former Yugoslavia

Application-oriented trust in distributed computing

A User-Centric Service Creation Approach for Next Generation Networks

A Model-driven Framework for Professional Service Designers and Developers

An Approach to Domain-Specific Reuse in Service-Oriented Environments

Realizing an MDA and SOA Marriage for the Development of Mobile Services

Communication Web Services and JAIN-SLEE Integration Challenges

Disco Madness: Walter Gibbons and the Legacy of Turntablism and Remixology

Information Communications Technology (ICT) Effect on Sustainable Development in Cameroon’s Fragile Economy

Investigating Issues in Mobile Network (In)Security

Activity Recognition using a Hierarchical Framework

Early SME Market Prediction using USDNN

Geotechnical Characteristics of Peat

Moisture Desorption Isotherms and Thermodynamic Characteristic of Prehydrated and Extruded GCL

Swelling Characteristics of Bentonite Clay Mats

A Hierarchal Approach to Activity Recognition in the Home Environment based on Object Usage

Recognition of biological motion in children with autistic spectrum disorders

Behavior of mothers and infants with and without Down syndrome during the still-face procedure

A modified version of the BSID-II scales for cognitive matching of infants with and without Down syndrome

E-learning and Fast-Changing Subjects

A place for everything, and everything in its place

Psychology in its Place

Cluster detection inspatially repetitive events

Translating stakeholders needs to application requirements for e-government development projects

Towards Culture Influenced Virtual Learning Environment Trust (CIVLET) Framework

Combining neural modes of learning for handwritten digit recognition

Determination of main design parameters for use in coastal defence

An exploratory study of GPS trajectory data using Snap-Drift Neural Network

Settling time formulae for the design of control systems with linear closed loop dynamics

Externally confined concrete columns using FRP tubes

iTrust: a trust-aware ontology for information systems development

Developing an outsourcing questionnaire: validation study

Trust in e-procurement

Spatial Discretisation Technology in Coastal Oil Spill Modelling

Monitoring dynamics of urban landscape using spatial morphological indices: a case study of Thames Gateway area

Critical analysis of why ICT uptake is slow in emerging economies – the case of Cameroon

A look at online banking accessibility in the EU and the USA

Website Design and Localisation: A Content Analysis of Malaysian Universities Websites

Amphetamine and pseudoephedrine cross-tolerance measured by c-Fos protein expression in brains of chronically treated rats

Fabric Formwork for Concrete

Shifting the focus: sequential methods of analysis with qualitative data

‘Telling Decoratively’: Ben Nicholson’s white reliefs and debates around abstraction and modernism in the home in the late 1920s and 30s

Using a Best Practice Case in evaluating e-Government potential in Iranian Cities

ICTs and poverty reduction: user perspective study of rural Madhya Pradesh, India

ICTs in Rural India: User Perspective Study of Two Different Models in Madhya Pradesh and Rural Bihar, India

DMA Investigation on Polyurethane

Towards the Automation of the Service Composition Process: Case Study and Prototype Implementations

“Mama Africa”: HIV/AIDS and national identity in South African choreography

Towards Experimental Evaluation of Code Obfuscation Techniques

Opportunities for personalised learning: enabling or overwhelming?

Feedforward: helping students interpret written feedback

Research into pedagogical 'belief statements' held by pre-ITE students on a Mathematics Enhancement Course (BERA 08)

Categorical priming of famous person recognition: a hitherto overlooked methodological factor can resolve a long-standing debate

Memory-Based antiforensic tools and techniques

Presentation on Carbon neutral casting

Symptoms, impairment and illness intrusiveness – their relationship with depression in women with CFS/ME

Antiretroviral treatment and the health workforce in South Africa: how have ART workers been affected by scaling up?

The Voices of the Displaced in Forced Migration Research

Improving further education provision for learners from minority ethnic groups: a review of the evidence

DMA investigation on polyurethane (PUR)

The effects of cigarette smoking and abstinence on auditory verbal learning

Three victorian fictional images of volunteering

Evaluation of tools for protection of interest against hacking and cracking

D-KEFS validity: an update of the research

Towards Performance Related Decision Support for Model Driven Engineering of Enterprise SOA Applications

A Multiple Views Model for Variability Management in Software Product Lines

ALI: An Extensible Architecture Description Language for Industrial Applications

Towards Performance Related Decision Support for Model Driven Engineering of Enterprise SOA Applications

Human Factors in Software Security Risk Management

Robbery careers: desistance attempts

Lost in translation: interpreting and implementing anti-social behaviour policies

Methods for the thematic synthesis of qualitative research in systematic reviews

The Interface between Childcare, Family Support and Child Poverty Strategies Under New Labour: Tensions and Contradictions

Thematic synthesis

Testing and building theories: mixed methods synthesis

Critical appraisal and qualitative research: exploring sensitivity analysis

Social and environmental interventions to reduce childhood obesity: a systematic map of reviews

Including diverse groups of children and young people in health promotion and public health research: a review of methodology and practice

Health promotion, inequalities and young people’s health: a systematic review of research


Dealing with uncertainty: challenges and possibilities for the early childhood profession

Performing the Nation: Theatre in Post-Genocide Rwanda

Relationships between muscle fatigue characteristics and markers of endurance performance

Evaluating English textbooks: A cultural matter

Mentoring in pre-service teaching: from reflection on practice to a didactic proposal

Les tribunaux militaires et tribunaux d’exceptions en République d’Irlande

Thinking through the lens of translocational positionality: an intersectionality frame for understanding identity and belonging

Modelling and Control of a Vacuum Air Bearing Linear Drive in the Nanometer Range

The Role of the Child in British Film in the Austerity Period

On the Strengths and Limitations of an Automated Docking Procedure: Application to Rigid and Highly Flexible Ligands

Cultural Trust in Virtual Learning Environments

The Matter of Thought: Nanotechnology, Philosophy and the Deterritorialisation of Intelligence

Early years development and the formation of meaning, intention and behavior

Cloud bourne bacteria: community composition and potential impact on atmospheric nucleation

Making Sense of Women's Experiences of Infertility after Breast Cancer Treatment: A Feminist Materialist Discourse Analysis

Managing Change in the Church of England: Church Leaders in the Diocese of Chelmsford

Getting the Job Done: How Managers in General Practice mediate internal and external influences in constructing their identities as managers

Intellectual Property Laws in Lebanon: Legitimacy and Implementation

Technology acceptance: an analysis of the social and personal influences that affect human reaction to disruptive technological change in mechatronics

A Qualitative Study of the Experiences of Children and Young People with Epidermolysis Bullosa.

Clinical Outcomes in Routine Evaluation (CORE) of Counselling and Psychotherapy: A Mixed Methods Evaluation of the Client Experience

An investigation into the relationship between burden, satisfaction and coping styles in informal caregivers of people with dementia

Exploring staff and service users' constructions of a community organisation working with refugee people in London

British police service performance diagnosis: a critical realist (quantitative) perspective

Challenging discrimination: teenagers' attitudes to mental health problems and their experience of a psychosocial educational intervention

Can Statements of Special Educational Need help children, who are in public care with local authorities, 'enjoy and achieve'?

'Facing the risk of overdose' A grounded theory study exploring heroin users' experiences of overdose.

The realities of caring: a qualitative exploration of mental health professionals' experience of working with survivors of trauma in Sri Lanka

An exploration of the experience of people with a history of childhood physical abuse and mental health problems

Children's Perspectives On Cognitive Assessment: A Qualitative Analysis Of What Children Say About Being Tested

A Discourse Analytic Study of Audio-Recorded Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy for Depression: Theory Application and Social Context

The Experience of Members of the British Media, Reporting on Hazardous Events Overseas and the Way They Manage: Developing New Views.

Recovery from eating disorders: sufferers' and clinicians' perspectives

Compassion fatigue: interpreters and clinicians in trauma work

A psychoanalytic study of recurrent miscarriage: Brief psychotherapeutic work with pregnant women

Factors in the consideration of a career in clinical psychology by undergraduates and graduates with disabilities: a Q methodological study

The role of hope in recovery from mental health problems: a grounded theory analysis

An investigation into staff experiences of working in the community with hard to reach severely mentally ill people.

Exploring the future for children experiencing parental death

Some Call it Love: Exploring Norwegian Systemic Couple Therapists' Discourses of Love, Intimacy and Sexuality

The process of family talk across culture

Rethinking 'queer' : a film philosophy project

Development of an Optimum Pipeline Renovation Using Cured-ln-Place Pipe (CIPP) Techniques

New Utopia

Lewis Wind Power (LWP) Environmental Impact Statements (EIS) 2004 and 2006 - a Critical Review

The scenes and spaces of anxiety: Embodied expressions of distress in public and private fora

Spiking neuron models of the medial and lateral superior olive for sound localisation

Determinants of defender-prospector strategic preferences: examining the effects of personality and culture

Social Justice and Lifelong Learning: Diversity, Globalisation, Transformation

Calix[4]arene Decorated with Four Tn Antigen Glycomimetic Units and P3CS Immunoadjuvant: Synthesis, Characterization, and Anticancer Immunological Evaluation

The Use of Social Networking Within the Sport and Exercise Sciences

Global Coffee and Decolonisation in Kenya: Overproduction, Quotas, and Rural Restructuring

Researching and understanding terrorism: a role for criminology?

Terrorist Groups and Their Political Fronts

Art, Sex and Eugenics: Corpus Delecti

Neural basis of the emotional Stroop interference effect in major depression

Pattern Classification of Sad Facial Processing: Toward the Development of Neurobiological Markers in Depression

Neural Responses to Sad Facial Expressions in Major Depression Following Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Neuroanatomy of verbal working memory as a diagnostic biomarker for depression

Digital forensics in law enforcement: the case of online victimisation of children

Protecting vulnerable young people in cyberspace from sexual abuse: raising awareness and responding globally

Child Sexual Abuse: Media Representations and Government Reactions

Protecting children online: towards a safer internet

Beyond the Hustle: Seventies Social Dancing, Discotheque Culture and the Emergence of the Contemporary Club Dancer