‘Well, that's it! I might as well just die now'
Positive psychology in neurodiversity: An investigation of character strengths in autistic adults in the United Kingdom in a community setting
Effects of exercise on electroencephalography-recorded neural oscillations: a systematic review
A Computer Vision-Based Yoga Pose Grading Approach Using Contrastive Skeleton Feature Representations
Hauntological Metarealisms: Susan Hiller's Parconceptualism and The Spectres of Marcel Duchamp
Response to Questions for Consultation on the FSB’s Proposed Framework for the International Regulation of Crypto-Asset Activities
Multiobjective Optimized Smart Charge Controller for Electric Vehicle Applications
Performance Analysis and Benchmarking of PLL-Driven Phasor Measurement Units for Renewable Energy Systems
#WalkCreate: Understanding Walking and Creativity during COVID-19
The Initial Response to COVID-19 Disruptions for Older People with HIV in Ukraine
Kicking Cultures: How Fanzines Make the Alternative
Feminists against fad, fizz ed: a poetic commentary exploring the notion of Joe Wicks as physical education
Community-Based Tdcs Treatment for Depression: Acceptability and Neuropsychological Correlates
Hackney Wick: Towards a Sustainable De-industrialization: Empowering live-work strategies for creative industries at risk of displacement
Introduction to Crises, (Im)mobilities and Young Life Trajectories
State of the Legacy: Reviewing a Decade fo Writing on the 'Regeneration' Promises of London 2012
Land for good: 2023 Southwark Land Commission
Signal Processing and Computer Vision
Exercise Training in Heart failure with Preserved and Reduced Ejection Fraction: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Both Sides of a Coin: Having Open Heart Surgery While Researching in Cardiology
One year of isometric exercise training for blood pressure management in men: a prospective randomized controlled study
Mechanisms for blood pressure reduction following isometric exercise training: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Myocardial work and left ventricular mechanical adaptations following isometric exercise training in hypertensive patients
Left ventricular mechanical, cardiac autonomic and metabolic responses to a single session of high intensity interval training
Blood pressure and cardiac autonomic adaptations to isometric exercise training: A randomized sham‐controlled study
Isometric exercise versus high-intensity interval training for the management of blood pressure: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Myocardial Mechanics in Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy: a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Risk of atrial fibrillation in athletes: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Embracing technological change in higher education
Blockchain Primer: Introduction to Blockchain Foundations and Implementation
Blockchain Technology and Computational Excellence for Society 5.0
Global impact of COVID-19 on surgeons and team members (GlobalCOST): a cross-sectional study
The Multimodal Learning Analytics Handbook
Bridging the Gap Between Informal Learning Pedagogy and Multimodal Learning Analytics
Introduction to Multimodal Learning Analytics
Teachers developing research-informed practice in the post-truth world
National Improvement Framework and teacher identity: a (re)turn to performativity in Scotland?
Preparing social work students for practice by involving young people with profound and multiple learning disabilities in teaching and learning
Rigour in teacher education revisited: a Freirean mark of creative freedom
Embrace unashamedly the therapeutic qualities and benefits of youth work to young people and communities
Teacher perceptions of mental health provision in secondary schools during the Covid-19 pandemic
Encouraging critical thinking and meaningful engagement in asynchronous discussion forums
Research in Teacher Education: Volume 12, No. 1, May 2022
Regulatory T cells in erythema nodosum leprosum maintain anti-inflammatory function
Blockchain Vulnerabilities and Recent Security Challenges: A Review Paper
Eagle-Eye: Open-Source Intelligence Tool for IoT Devices Detection
Creative encounters beyond the door: supporting children and families through Half Moon Theatre's Early Years Creative Play programme
Banana fibres and oil cans: constructing pedagogical understandings of creativity through childhood play memories in a Ugandan context
Verrucae pedis in children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis and other paediatric rheumatic diseases: a cross-sectional study
Power to the Workers? A qualitative study of workers' experiences of a 4-day working week
Leadership: Its Role Within Small and Medium-sized Enterprises
From Gentrification to Sterlization: Building on Big Capital
Coda: reflections on public and private space in a post-Covid world
Policy paralysis, financialisation, and the politics of facadism: housing policy post Grenfell
Personality and travel intentions during and after the COVID-19 pandemic: An artificial neural network (ANN) approach
Gamification and e-learning for young learners: A systematic literature review, bibliometric analysis, and future research agenda
The dark side of phubbing in the workplace: Investigating the role of intrinsic motivation and the use of enterprise social media (ESM) in a cross-cultural setting
Way off the mark? Open innovation failures: Decoding what really matters to chart the future course of action
Developing a mental health index using a machine learning approach: Assessing the impact of mobility and lockdown during the COVID-19 pandemic
The effect of the valence of forgiveness to service recovery strategies and service outcomes in food delivery apps
Influence of blockchain technology in SME internationalization: Evidence from high-tech SMEs in India
What drives me there? The interplay of socio-psychological gratification and consumer values in social media brand engagement
Why Do Retail Customers Adopt Artificial Intelligence (AI) Based Autonomous Decision-Making Systems?
Kenya and the ICC: law expert answers 4 questions following death of a key lawyer
RFID-integrated blockchain-driven circular supply chain management: A system architecture for B2B tea industry
Relational Power Is the New Currency of Hybrid Work
Investigating the foreign trade-emission nexus in RCEP
Emissions-foreign trade nexus: establishing the need to harmonize environment and economics in RCEP
A review of innovative bond instruments for sustainable development in Asia
Demographic characteristics influencing financial wellbeing: a multigroup analysis
NGO roles in achieving Transitional Justice for crimes against the Rohingya
Book Review: Marketing Global Justice: The Political Economy of International Criminal Law by C. Schwöbel-Patel
OCT2013, an ischaemia-activated antiarrhythmic prodrug, devoid of the systemic side effects of lidocaine
The surfactant co-formulant POEA in the glyphosate-based herbicide RangerPro but not glyphosate alone causes necrosis in Caco-2 and HepG2 human cell lines and ER stress in the ToxTracker assay
Dwoskin and Me: Halting the Flow of Time
Ligand Growing Experiments Suggested 4-amino and 4-ureido pyridazin-3(2H)-one as Novel Scaffold for FABP4 Inhibition
NGOs and legitimacy of international criminal justice in Uganda
Effect of Soil Moisture Evaporation Rate on Dynamic Measurement of Water Retention Curve with High-Capacity Tensiometer
The combined effect of clay and moisture content on very small strain stiffness of compacted sand-clay mixture
The Emergence of Resources Seeking Chinese Firms’ Specific Advantages in Emerging Market
Predicting mental health from the Apter Motivational Style Profile during the COVID-19 pandemic – the importance of planfulness and goal orientation
Investigating the effect of inquiry-based stress reduction on mortality awareness and interpersonal problems among intensive care unit nurses
Educators’ perspectives of online teaching during the pandemic: implications for initial teacher education
Killing Eve: Inflections of Rebirth and Pathogenesis
Movement, Velocity, and Rhythm from a Psychoanalytic Perspective: Variable Speed(s)
Running with Thieves: Baby Driver and The Beat My Heart Skipped
Becoming a Critical Educator
Creating value for whom? Digitization and governance practices of nontraditional export firms in Africa
The 2021 NICE guidelines for assessment and management of chronic pain: A cross-sectional study mapping against a sample of 1,000* in the community
Exploring the feasibility and acceptability of a sleep wearable headband among a community sample of chronic pain individuals: An at-home observational study
Class is a verb: lived encounters of a minority ethnic academic who self-identifies with aspects of working class cultures in the UK
Report on the Psycho-Social Needs and Support in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy: The ‘Cinderella’ of DMD Care
Digital Lifeline Fund Report: Easy Read
Digital Lifeline: Infographic
Digital Lifeline: A Qualitative Evaluation
Digital Lifeline Fund: Evaluation Summary
Employee Relations: A Practical Introduction
Employment Law: A Practical Introduction
Best Practices During Covid-19 With A Significant Focus On Online Teaching: A Case Of Private HEI
Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education: Challenges and Opportunities’
Derivation of 9-parameter affine 3D geodetic datum transformations
The Embodied Constitution: Key Workers, Bodies, Rights and COVID in Britain
An integrated social network marketing metric for business-to-business SMEs
Family enterprise and technological innovation
Exploring the knowledge base of innovation research: Towards an emerging innovation model
Why Do SMEs Adopt Artificial Intelligence-Based Chatbots?
Corporate entrepreneurship champions: mapping the past and present states of the field for future advancements
Balancing food waste and sustainability goals in online food delivery: Towards a comprehensive conceptual framework
The Impact of Technological Turbulence on SMEs Business Model Innovation Performance: The Contingent Role of Entry Order
Digital Economy: The New Engine of Growth for Society 5.0
Comparative Analysis of Cryptographic Algorithms in Context of Communication: A Systematic Review
MFES Framework for Efficient Feature Selection Among Subsystems in Intelligent Building
HID 2022: The 3rd International Competition on Human Identification at a Distance
Advances in Human Action, Activity and Gesture Recognition
Automated detection approaches to autism spectrum disorder based on human activity analysis: A review
Vulnerability prediction for secure healthcare supply chain service delivery
Contemporary Dance in South Africa: The Toyi-Toying Body
e-Government development: Benchmarking Ghana and Tanzania
‘One size does not fit all’: understanding the situated nature of reflective practices
A guide to promoting equity in HE for refugees and asylum seekers
Choreographing the Archive of a White Female South African
Influencing Police and Community Relations in Abu Dhabi with a Soft Power Approach during COVID-19
We Are All Police—Abu Dhabi Police Community Engagement Initiative
Book Review: Rethinking Advertising as Paratextual Communication
Self-Presentation and Representative Politics: Essays in Context, 1960-2020
Balanced approach for tendering practice at the pre-contract stage: the UK practitioner’s perspective
Contractor-led design risk management in international large project: Korean contractor’s perspective
The Soundscape of Alola: Exploring the Use of Hawaiian Musical Tropes and Motifs in the World of Pokémon Sun and Moon
Patients who decide to forgo Breast Cancer Treatment: Perspectives and Experiences of Cancer Professionals.
Practitioner’s experiences of working with men who engaged in Intimate Partner Violence: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis
The Process of Identity development in young Afghan 1.5 generation refugees in England: A Narrative Inquiry
A mixed method study of a gratitude diary intervention on tinnitus-related distress in adults
Autonomy of experience: time, space, path and place as blended artistic methodology in M A P, an online, interactive poetry experience
6.3 Local and overtopping scour
An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis Exploring the Experience of Marital Tension for Jordanians Residing in the United Kingdom
Race, Morality, Moral Distress and Clinical Decision Making Among Mental Health Professionals
A Qualitative Exploration of Self-Perceived Effects of a Mindfulness-Based Stress Reducation (MBSR) Intervention on Deeply Distressing Experiences. An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis
Homelessnewss, Women and Mental Health: Service Provider Perspectives
The Experiences of Autistic Young People and Managed Moves
“It’s that Internal Struggle”: Grenfell Residents Lived Experience of Psychological Distress, Post-Fire, 14-06-17. An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis.
Stories of opportunity, challenges, and hardship in Irish men aged 65 and over
Automating the data-driven predictive control design process for building thermal management
A Modelling Workflow for Predictive Control in Residential Buildings
MPC and Optimal Design of Residential Buildings with Seasonal Storage: A Case Study
Fast and accurate method for computing non-smooth solutions to constrained control problems
Data-Driven Predictive Control With Improved Performance Using Segmented Trajectories
Large-Scale Music Genre Analysis and Classification Using Machine Learning with Apache Spark
Blockchain Empowered Federated Learning Ecosystem for Securing Consumer IoT Features Analysis
A Machine Learning-Based Anomaly Prediction Service for Software-Defined Networks
In what ways do the views of parents/carers change through the participation in Multi-Family Groups in Schools?
Programming in Two Semesters: Using Python and Java
CODI–A Web Application to Facilitate Live, Remote Programming Lab Sessions
Application of Genetic Programming and Artificial Neural Network Approaches for Reconstruction of Turbulent Jet Flow Fields
Statistical analysis of high-speed jet flows
The Paradigm Shift Needed by Micro, Small and Medium Sized Enterpsies to Operate in The International Construction Market
Digital mediations and advanced critical literacies in Modern Languages and Culture
Worldmaking in the Time of COVID-19: The Challenge of the Local and the Global
AI Boosts Performance but Affects Employee Emotions
Employee's lying behavior and the role of self-awareness
Receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitors negatively impact on pro-reparative characteristics of human cardiac progenitor cells
Transplantation of Skeletal Muscle-Derived Sca-1⁺/PW1⁺/Pax7⁻ Interstitial Cells (PICs) Improves Cardiac Function and Attenuates Remodeling in Mice Subjected to Myocardial Infarction
Bioactivity and In Silico Studies of Isoquinoline and Related Alkaloids as Promising Antiviral Agents: An Insight
Examining the diversity of ultra-running motivations and experiences: A reversal theory perspective
Green Onions
Applying the Delphi Method to Measure Enterprise Content Management Workflow System Performance
The Rubik’s Cube of Identity
Foster carers’ narrative; Looking after unaccompanied refugee children in the UK
A critical analysis of prevention and population health discourses in mental health policy
Association between early and current gastro-intestinal symptoms and co-morbidities in children and adolescents with Angelman syndrome
An Overview of the Adaptive Behaviour Profile in Young Children with Angelman Syndrome: Insights from the Global Angelman Syndrome Registry
Mental health and spiritual well-being in humanitarian crises: the role of faith communities providing spiritual and psychosocial support during the COVID-19 pandemic
An exploration of high achieving Black Caribbean young people’s racialised experiences of their secondary school education
"So You've Taken Someone Else's Nostalgia": Trauma, Nostalgia, and American Hero Stories
Impact of the pandemic on social media influencer marketing in fashion: a qualitative study
Found Poems and Creative Editing
‘Work that Body’: Disco, Counterculture and the Promise of the Transformation of Work
Arts and Well-Being
Identify Your Strengths
Coaching Psychology as a Profession: Ethical and Practice-Related Issues
Characterizing Heterogeneity in Neuroimaging, Cognition, Clinical Symptoms, and Genetics Among Patients With Late-Life Depression
Tackling inequalities in research
Wellbeing skills in the classroom: exploring the right match for every teacher and school
Communication NonViolente: un outil à tester
Le biais de négativité en classe: alors concrètement, on fait quoi?
Quiz sur ce qui impacte VRAIMENT les apprentissages scolaires
Qu’est-ce qui marche (vraiment?) en classe?
Les compétences socioémotionnelles pour réussir à l’école (et ailleurs): ça s’apprend!
Strengths-Based Tools for 8-12-year-old Pupils: Towards a Proof of Concept
la Règle du Feedback (Feedbackruler): un outil pour optimiser les apprentissages et le bien-être des élèves
Urban Living Labs: Experiences of Nature-Based Solutions in the European Union
Partially-conformal variations of the Standard Molodensky datum transformation
Partitions of normalised multiple regression equations for datum transformations
Improving data quality assessment of connected vehicles data with machine learning and statistical methods
The Politics and Ethics of Transhumanism: Exploring Implications for the Future in Advanced Capitalism
What has dignity got to do with menstrual health?
I Really Don't Care, Do You?: The Philosophical Problems of Producing or Performing Empathy in Contemporary Performance.
The Gaming Democracy Project: Virtual Democracy in the Age of Fascism IRL (In Real Life)
Can I Join In? Playful Performance and Alternative Political Realities
Pathways to African Unification: The Four Riders of the Storm
The Way Home: Space Migration and Disorientation
Exploring the Experience of Participants Applying a Brief Mindfulness Intervention in Response to Food Cravings for People Engaging in Emotional Eating Behaviour: A Thematic Analysis
The Experience of Work Stress in Newly Qualified Counselling Psychologists Working in Multi-Disciplinary Team Settings: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis
Editorial: Why Free Speech?
The Experience of the COVID Pandemic for People with Congenital Heart Disease (CHD) in the U.K.
EDUCOM Undergraduate Research Annual Yearbook: Academic Year 2021-2022
Editorial: Characterisation, functions and roles of antigen-specific regulatory T cells in health and disease
A Meaning in Life Intervention: Setting Personal Goals and Reviewing Life Story Increases Positive Affect
Homelessness in autistic women: Defining the research agenda
The Formation and Maintenance of Causal Beliefs around Voice-Hearing, within Hearing Voices Network Groups
How is Genetic Psychiatric Research Presented in the UK Media?
Risk Assessment of Deadly Economic Socio-Political Crisis with Correlational Network and Convolutional Neural Network
The Effects of Olympic Weightlifting Derivatives on Muay Thai Roundhouse Kicking Performance
Analysing the Pupil Premium Plus for Looked After Children with Social Pedagogy
Fibre-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) in Civil Engineering
Behaviour of steel end plate bolted beam-to-column joints
Bolted and hybrid beam-column joints between I-shaped FRP profiles Chapter Bolted and hybrid beam-column joints between I-shaped FRP profiles
Developing the Critical Verbatim Theater Artist during the Pandemic: A Transatlantic Collaboration
Joan Littlewood and Ariane Mnouchkine against the canon: developing the actors’ social representations through clowning
Pierre Bourdieu and actor training: towards decolonising and decentering actor training pedagogies
A Review of Recycling Methods for Fibre Reinforced Polymer Composites
Exploring the Experiences of Receiving the Label ‘Treatment Resistant’ for People with a Diagnosis of Schizophrenia
Looking at Barriers to UK Gender Services for Young People in Racialised Minority Groups
Exploring British Punjabi-Sikh Men’s Views about Alcohol Consumption
Service Users’ Experiences of “Paranoia” on Psychiatric Wards
An Exploration of the Barriers and Facilitators to Clinical Psychologists Routinely Asking about Histories Of Childhood Abuse and Neglect
A Machine Learning Approach to Identify the Preferred Representational System of a Person
An Evaluation of Online Method of Levels Therapy with Young People
Engaging with People and Populations in Health Promotion Research: A Snapshot on Participatory Processes
What Is the Impact of Neoliberalism on Clinical Psychology Practice? A Foucauldian Genealogical Analysis
Partners and Pregnancy Loss: Perspectives from Co-mothers in the UK
Profiling The Physiological Parameters of Boxers in The Parachute Regiment. ‘Every Man an Emperor’
Understanding the Barriers to Mental Health Services from a Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer (LGBTQ+) Homeless Perspective
Domestic Abuse in the UK Sri Lankan Tamil Community: Understanding Shame
Generalizability, Replicability, and New Insights Derived From Registered Reports Within Understudied Populations: Introduction to the Special Issue
How Do Young People Describe, Understand and Manage Experiences of Shame?
Understanding Homelessness in Higher Education: Care Leavers’ Accounts
The Use of a Newly Developed Computer Game to Measure Executive Functioning in Young Neurotypical Children and Children with a Diagnosis of an Autism Spectrum Condition
Cancer, Sex and Intimacy: The Experiences of Gay, Bisexual and Queer Men
Editorial: Natural products as potential therapeutics to tackle life-threatening infections: From field to market
Critical Realism and Qualitative Research in Psychology
Moving towards digital lands: on processes of interaction in museum's virtual spaces
Microscopic Structure of Liquid Nitric Oxide
European Youth Cybercrime, Online Harm and Online Risk Taking: 2022 Research Report
COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy among Pregnant Women Attending Antenatal Clinics in Pakistan: A Multicentric, Prospective, Survey-Based Study
The Complexity of Data-Driven in Engineer-To-Order Enterprise Supply-Chains
Employee Well-Being During COVID-19 Pandemic: The Role of Adaptability, Work-Family Conflict, and Organizational Response
Inhibition of mitochondrial function: An alternative explanation for the antipyretic and hypothermic actions of acetaminophen
Ten top tips: Supporting disengaged children and young people with diabetes to self-care
Children and Young People’s Experience of Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder
Addressing Whiteness and Racism in Clinical Psychology: White Clinical Psychologists’ Experiences within Leadership
“We’re Seen as Human after We’re Dead”: Exploring Black Men’s Barriers to Expressing Psychological Distress
Exploring the Experiences of Bangladeshi Parents Whose Children Have Been Diagnosed with Autism
Parental Experiences of Professional Involvement for Children And Young People with Selective Mutism and Their Preferred Support
Developing Educational Psychology Practice to Support Restorative Approaches in Schools
An Exploration of the Resilience of Children and Young People with a Sibling in Prison
The experiences of seeking and receiving psychological support of homeless people who are from a minority ethnic background: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA)
One’s Place and the Right to Belong
The Lives of Working Class Academics: Getting Ideas above Your Station
Evaluation of the Integrated Social Prescribing Model in Redbridge
Sediment Size Effect on the Landward Coastal Structure Scour Prediction due to Tsunami
Authoritarian leadership and cyberloafing: A moderated mediation model of emotional exhaustion and power distance orientation
Humor at work that works: A multi-level examination of when and why leader humor promotes employee creativity
Inaccessible and stigmatizing: LGBTQ+ youth perspectives of services and sexual violence
Editorial and introduction to Forced Migration & Mental Health
Guidance for clinicians when working with refugees and asylum seekers
Laboratory modelling of vertical sediment mixing in the surf zone
The Experience of Eco-Anxiety of Individuals Who Have Been through an Ecopsychology Support Group for Facing the Climate Crisis: A Grounded Theory Inquiry
Early Childhood Critical Illness: Exploring the Narratives of Children, Their Parents and School Staff
Exploring Children’s Constructions of COVID-19 Using Participatory Approaches: A Grounded Theory Study
Three Sides to Every Story: Engaging an Autoethnographic Everyday Lived Experience of Race and Crime to Explore Legislative Policy-Practice Tackling the U.K. Gang
Gendering Death: A Study of Oppressive Stereotypes Underlying Muslim Funeral and Burial Rituals in Egypt
Ensuring an equitable digital society: challenges of digital transformation in the charity sector
Cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon) as a prophylaxis for urinary tract infections in women: A systematic review with meta-analysis
The Efficacy of Stress Coping Strategies in Taiwan’s Public Utilities During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Regulatory T Cell Derived EVs – Designing Novel Immune Based Therapies to Prolong Lifespan of Transplanted Tissue
Artists’ Mapping under COVID-19: Work from the Walk Create Gallery
Choosing and Securing Secondary Provision for Their Child on the Autistic Spectrum – An Action Research Project Investigating Parental Motivations, Experiences and Suggestions for Improvement to Practice
An Archaeological Model for St. Mary’s Field Museum: Collaboration between UEL Unit A and L - P: Archaeology working for Fusion-JV on behalf of HS2
Zoonotic Politics: The Impossible Bordering of the Leaky Boundaries of Species
Surface structure on abandoned upland blanket peatland tracks
Editorial: Public health and prevention: Part One
Editorial: Public health and prevention: Part Two
How much are senior UK public health professionals taught about mental health?
An Exploration of the Narratives of Young People Who Have Experienced Emotional Based School Avoidance
Making Sense of Gender: The Perspectives of Autistic Children in Key Stage 2 and the Adults That Know Them Well
Do people perceive benefits in the use of social prescribing to address loneliness and/or social isolation? A qualitative meta-synthesis of the literature
Organisations’ Contributions to the 2018 Review of the Mental Health Act: Social Processes, Racial Disparities and the Role of Stakeholders
What Does Self-Compassion Mean for Individuals Who Have Experienced a Compassion Focused Intervention for Chronic Pain?
Palacio Subercaseaux Conservation Strategy
Novel approaches for the serodiagnosis of louse-borne relapsing fever
A Probabilistic Data Fusion Modeling Approach for Extracting True Values from Uncertain and Conflicting Attributes
A Phenomenological Inquiry into Human Trafficking Survivors’ Experiences of Receiving Narrative Exposure Therapy
A Foucauldian Discourse Analysis of ‘Mental Health Recovery’ Talk
A Phenomenological Inquiry into the Experience of Receiving Individual Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) For Psychosis within a Psychosis Recovery Outreach Programme in Lebanon
A Collective Narrative Practice Methodology in the case of LGBTQI+ Muslims
Il metaverso come pratica museale
The National Student Survey and the ‘Customerization’ of University Students: A Qualitative Study of UK Higher Education
Costs of healthy living for older adults: the need for dynamic measures of health-related poverty to support evidence-informed policy-making and real-time decision-making
Thermal Comfort and Energy Performance of Residential Buildings in Russia
Energy Consumption Behaviour in Historical Churches
Energy Performance & Thermal Comfort in Office Buildings in Russia
Enhancing Thermal Comfort in Converted Dwellings through Passive Design Strategies
Temporal Dislocation and Audiovisual Practice
Overcoming Regulatory T Cell Suppression through Ex Vivo Priming of Natural Killer Cells for Cancer Immunotherapy
Becoming an Adult through Adversity: Young People’s Stories of the Transition to Adulthood
Disclosure and Help-Seeking after Sexual Violence: Giving Voice to the Experiences of African and Caribbean Women
Analysis of greenhouse gas mitigation performance in UK urban areas
Navigating pedagogical challenges through authentic pedagogy during the transition to online learning amid COVID-19
Unsettling the Trump Baby: Learning from values and pedagogy in the early childhood nursery
Tales of Sexual Diversity and Identity, from Second-Generation, South Asian Individuals in the United Kingdom
Social prescribing for children and young people
Prevention and Promotion for Better Mental Health Fund: London Borough of Newham Local Evaluation Report
Prevention and Promotion for Better Mental Health Fund: Evaluation of Projects to Support a Borough-Wide Trauma-Informed Initiative in Tower Hamlets
Time-series clustering for sensor fault detection in large-scale Cyber-Physical Systems
Monsters and Margins
Infrastructural Decay: Artists Exploring the Social and Political Relationships of Maintenance and Repair
Emerging Scathed: A Critical Analysis of Current Approaches to Domestic Violence – Fusing Punitive & Restorative Solutions
Pandemic Subversions: The Rise of the Cybermen
Care and Complexity; Feminist Considerations in the Work of Tai Shani and Zadie Xa
Liberal and Marxist Social Movement Theories: A Structuralist and Critical Realist Approach
A Review of Health and Nutrition in Prisons: A Challenge Between Human Rights Conventions, Nutrition Guidelines and Health Policies
The Acholi People of Northern Uganda: The Forgotten Community
The Nomadic Subject in Student Organizing
Crossing Conceptual Boundaries XII, 2022
Preventing Homelessness: Exploring How Clinical Psychologists Can Support Young People and Families
Ethical Veganism project raw data and syntax in SPSS
Review of the book Mental wellbeing in schools: What teachers need to know to support pupils from diverse backgrounds, by Mahmud, A. and Satchell, L. (Eds.)
Collaborating and Managing Tension Within Multi-Professional Teams Supporting Children With Autism at Risk of Exclusion
The Prosocial Framework: Theory, Practice and Applications Within Schools
The Psychological Foundations of The Mediating Learning Support Assistant (MeLSA) Training Programme
The Lost Generation of Autistic Women’s Experiences of Secondary School: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis Approach
Educational Psychology Research and Practice (EPRaP): Volume 8, Issue 1
The Stranger and the Periphery
Muslimah: Decolonising and Re-Presenting Contemporary British Cinematic Representation of Black Muslim Women
Impact of Marriage and Social Norms in Determining Women’s Property Rights within the Muslim Communities of Bangladesh
Understanding Customer Switching Behaviour in the Retail Banking Sector: The Case of Nigeria and the Gambia
Critical Reflections on Universal Human Rights Discourses in the Context of National Conflicts over Cyprus
The Materiality of Media: To What Extent Has the Boom in the Manufacture of Modern Technological Devices Been Implicated in Territorial Conflicts Within Democratic Republic of Congo?
Analysis of Heterogeneous Data Sources for Veterinary Syndromic Surveillance to Improve Public Health Response and Aid Decision Making
Using Feedback to Enhance Both Academic Skills and Explicit Wellbeing Skills: Presentation of a Novel Evidence-Based Tool
Tant qu’il y a de l’espoir…
Stories of Surviving through Hardship in Elder Sikh Punjabi Women
Cognitive Assessment: Perspectives from Adults with Intellectual Disability
Acid activated smectite clay as pozzolanic supplementary cementitious material
How can Educational Psychologists improve their practice of working systemically in Early Years settings? Evidence from Action Research in one Local Authority Nursery in the Southeast of England
Estimating UK House Prices using Machine Learning
Trans and the Normalisation of Difference
Dazzled by the Sunshine Machines
An Effective Random Generalised Linear Model to Predict COPD
Digital Data Extraction for Vehicles Forensic Investigation
An Effective Galaxy Classification Using Fractal Analysis and Neural Network
Evaluating the Stressful Commutes Using Physiological Signals and Machine Learning Techniques
Effective Machine Learning Based Techniques for Predicting Depression
Enhancement Techniques for Improving Facial Recognition Performance in Convolutional Neural Networks
Banks During the Pandemic: A Japanese Perspective
The Impact of Stroke on the Quality of Life (QOL) of Stroke Survivors in the Southeast (SE) Communities of Nigeria: A Qualitative Study
Življeno iskustvo i „pokretna sjećanja“ izmještanja: Arhiv živog izbjeglištva kao protu-arhiv za reprezentaciju povijesti živog izbjeglištva
Transcranial direct current stimulation effects in late life depression: a meta-analysis of individual participant data
Cognitive Enhancement and Social Mobility: Skepticism from India
From the lab to the field: acceptability of using electroencephalography with Indian preschool children [version 1; peer review: 1 approved with reservations]
Coaching Conversations to Enhance Wellbeing
A Collagen-based Formulation for Sustained Release of Aflibercept
The Sub-Second Dynamics of Spontaneous Mimicry: An Electromyography Study Tracking Infant Caregiver Dyads during Free Play
Assessing the Efficacy of Open-Source Solutions to Automated Facial Coding: A Methods-Comparison Study with EMG
Applied Positive School Psychology
‘It’s kind of revolutionary’ - An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis Exploring Clients’ Experiences of Using Journaling in Coaching
Retrospective Narratives of the Brokering Roles Assumed by Child Migrants Folllowing Resettlement
Responsible Management: Promoting Work-Life Balance through Social Sustainability and Green HRM
Understanding sensory regulation in typical and atypical development: The case of sensory seeking
How to Prepare for Adversity
Factors affecting the sustainability of community mental health assets: A systematic review
Pollinator-flower interactions in gardens during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown of 2020
Surviving and thriving the Covid-19 Crisis: How University Teachers and Students supported one another through Feminist Co-Mentoring and Dialogue
Innovative Technologies and Digital Equity: Supporting Unaccompanied Asylum-Seeking and Refugee Children to Achieve Digital Literacy
Quantifying preference for social stimuli in young children using two tasks on a mobile platform
Exploratory Analysis of Connected Fully Autonomous Vehicles on the Safety and Efficiency of Road Networks using Microsimulation
Αφηγηματικές περιπλοκές [Narrative Entanglements]
“Life Is Not Just Normal as Before” COVID-19 and Digital Service Provision in the Charity Sector: A Case Study of the Refugee Council’s Children’s Section
A Guide to Providing Emotional Support Online to Refugee Youth
Adjunctive home-based transcranial direct current stimulation treatment for major depression with real-time remote supervision: An open-label, single-arm feasibility study with long term outcomes
Speaker Recognition using Multiple X-Vector Speaker Representations with Two-Stage Clustering and Outlier Detection Refinement
The Walkbook: Recipes for Walking & Wellbeing
Reforms to improve reproducibility and quality must be coordinated across the research ecosystem: the view from the UKRN Local Network Leads
Exploring the Impact of Covid-19 on Employees' Boundary Management and Work-Life Balance
Antitubercular activity assessment of fluorinated chalcones, 2-aminopyridine-3-carbonitrile and 2-amino-4H-pyran-3-carbonitrile derivatives: In vitro, molecular docking and in-silico drug likeliness studies
‘The Storm’ Community Oriented Real-Life Design Project; Revisiting the Curriculum
How does social support shape the relationship between career calling and PERMA?
‘Food Was My Medicine, My Medicine to Recovery And Healing’ - A Phenomenological Study of Posttraumatic Growth through Positive Nutrition
“DALSTON! WHO ASKED U?”: A Knowledge-Centred Perspective on the Mapping of Socio-Spatial Relations in East London
Convolutional Recurrent Smart Speech Enhancement Architecture for Hearing Aids
Historic Churches and Their Hygrothermal Environment: A Review of Criteria Related to Building Fabric, Artefacts, Artwork and Occupants
Loess in Britain and Ireland: Formation, modification and environmental significance, a review in memory of John Catt (1937–2017)
Sulphated and Non-sulphated Disaccharides: Cellular And Molecular Mechanisms of Action in Macrophage Function
Berom cultural beliefs and attitudes towards mental health problems in Nigeria: a mixed-methods study
Fractals for the Sustainable Design of Engineered Particulate Systems
Recent advances in nature-inspired solutions for ground engineering (NiSE)
Stabilisation of peat with colloidal nano and micro silica
Experience Capitalism: Selected Texts English / Spanish Translated by Ana Fabbri
Strength and Microstructure of Geopolymer Based on Fly Ash and Metakaolin
Humanitarian interventions and psychosocial training programs
On the formation enthalpies and bandgaps of linear, cyclic and cubic neutral sodium chloride clusters (NaCl)ₙ, n = 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10
The WonderBread Factory: re-reading transformative data through poetic eyes as early career researchers, a poetic representation
Low-carbon cements: Potential for low-grade calcined clays to form supplementary cementitious materials
She Walked to Sculpt, Interlope, Wrap, Lick & Squeeze Into Space
Potential of Connected Fully Autonomous Vehicles in Reducing Congestion and Associated Carbon Emissions
When one door closes, another opens: How the failure of the Turkey - Austria natural gas pipeline project has led to recovery, resilience and scalability of successor projects
A comprehensive review on the use of hemp in concrete
Towards Sustainable Production Processes Reengineering: Case Study at INCOM Egypt
A Sleep Monitoring System Using Ultrasonic Sensors
Can Ensemble of Classifiers Provide Better Recognition Results in Packaging Activity?
Identification of Food Packaging Activity Using MoCap Sensor Data
Lunch-Box Preparation Activity Understanding from Motion Capture Data Using Handcrafted Features
Bento Packaging Activity Recognition Based on Statistical Features
Sensor- and Video-Based Activity and Behavior Computing: Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Activity and Behavior Computing (ABC 2021)
Proceedings of the International Conference on Big Data, IoT, and Machine Learning: BIM 2021
Sickle Cell Disease in Young Men, and Its Impact on Relationships
Introduction: Context Matters in Human Resource Management
Human Resource Management in Nigeria: A Review and Conceptual Model
The Acceptance and Practicality of Digital HRM in Nigeria
HRM in the Global South: A Critical Perspective
Soluble Papain to Digest Monoclonal Antibodies; Time and Cost-Effective Method to Obtain Fab Fragment
A Holistic Framework for Complex Big Data Governance
Two-Stage Deep Learning Approach for Speech Enhancement and Reconstruction in The Frequency and Time Domains
Participatory Assessment: Designing a Learner-driven Test
Confidence interval estimation for fingerprint-based indoor localization
Application of Graph-Based Technique to Identity Resolution
JGPR: a computationally efficient multi-target Gaussian process regression algorithm
Working with interpreters in mental health
What the Gazza documentary gets wrong about domestic violence
Neuronal gating of tactile input and sleep in 10-month-old infants at typical and elevated likelihood for Autism Spectrum Disorder
Novel antibacterial polyurethane and cellulose acetate mixed matrix membrane modified with functionalized TiO₂ nanoparticles for water treatment applications
Borderlands and Radical Hope: Beyond academic philanthropy
Introduction – Diffractions
Thinking with Stephen J. Ball: Lines of Flight in Education
mmWave V2V Localization in MU-MIMO Hybrid Beamforming
A Mixed Reality Approach for dealing with the Video Fatigue of Online Meetings
Influence of aggressive exposure on the degradation of nano-silica admixed cementitious mortar integrated with phase change materials
Worrying about leadership: Is it a liability or an advantage for leadership of women and men?
Quality Assurance, Quality Improvement and Leadership
Writing Stories of and from the Future: Fostering Personal and Socio-Political Action
Climate justice is central to addressing the climate emergency’s psychological consequences in the Global South: a narrative review
Conceptualizing Cybercrime: Definitions, Typologies and Taxonomies
Learning in a floating world of disciplines: Reflections on the MetaPraxis Project
Topology of active site geometries in HCP and FCC nanoparticles and surfaces
A novel Auto-ML Framework for Sarcasm Detection
DEEP: A dual EEG pipeline for developmental hyperscanning studies
Oscillatory entrainment to our early social or physical environment and the emergence of volitional control
The Experience of Self-Harming Behaviours That Inflict External Injuries to the Body in UK-Based Bangladeshi, Indian and Pakistani Females: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis
UNFCCC COP26 Global Peatlands Pavilion Summary Report
An Analysis of the Development of Modular Building Design Elements to Improve Thermal Performance of a Representative High Rise Residential Estate in the Coastline City of Famagusta, Cyprus
Supplementary data for 'Assessing the Domestic Energy Use and Thermal Comfort of Occupants in a Post-war Social Housing Development Estate in Famagusta, Northern Cyprus'
Supplementary material for 'Assessing the Domestic Energy Use and Thermal Comfort of Occupants in a Post-war Social Housing Development Estate in Famagusta, Northern Cyprus'
Microplastic abundance in the Thames River during the New Year period
Assessing the Domestic Energy Use and Thermal Comfort of Occupants in a Post-war Social Housing Development Estate in Famagusta, Northern Cyprus
The Role of the GATA Transcription Factor Gaf1 in Nutrient Responses and Cellular Ageing
Foot and Ankle Impairments Affecting Mobility in Stroke
Going Forward: Remote Working in the Post-COVID-19 Era
The Use of Social Media by PR Practitioners and Organizations in Saudi Arabia
Pupil Premium for Looked after Children: Its Allocation, Use and Impact on Educational Outcomes for Children Aged 5-12
The way of the bricoleuse: experiments in documentary filmmaking
The Impact of CISO Appointment Announcements on the Market Value of Firms
Dynamic evaluation method for assessing households’ thermal sensation using parametric statistical analysis: A longitudinal field study in the South-eastern Mediterranean climate
Newham Council Welfare Check-in Call Pilot: Learning from a Rapid Evaluation 2021–2022
Acute Ingestion of a Commercially Available Pre-workout Supplement Improves Anaerobic Power Output and Reduces Muscular Fatigue
The experiences of 585 people when they tried to withdraw from antipsychotic drugs
Reimagining Mothering in the Pandemic: The Birth of a New Patriarchy
The Effects of Basic Psychological Needs Satisfaction and Mindfulness on Solicitors’ Well-being
A Review of Fibre Reinforced Polymer Structures
Association between general intelligence, creativity and wisdom in gifted adolescents: empirical findings from a non-western country
How important are informed consent, informed choice, and patient-doctor relationships, when prescribing antipsychotic medication?
Suburban breakout: Nomadic reverie in British pop
Review: Robert J. Shiller, Narrative Economics: How Stories Go Viral and Drive Major Economic Events
Antimicrobial Diterpenes: Recent Development From Natural Sources
Visa Code Regulation (EC) No 810/2009
Situational factors shape moral judgments in the trolley dilemma in Eastern, Southern, and Western countries in a culturally diverse sample
Multimodal hyperscanning reveals that synchrony of body and mind are distinct in mother-child dyads
Muting, filtering and transforming space: Autistic children's sensory ‘tactics’ for navigating mainstream school space following transition to secondary school
Museum Pedagogy and Early Years Children: A Critique of Research, Policy and Practice
Exploring the role of contextual behavioural science variables and education in the prosocial domain of global poverty and human rights
O Que as Cidades Precisam Para se Transformarem Com Soluções Baseadas na Natureza?
Laboratórios Vivos Urbanos: Experiências de Soluções Baseadas na Natureza na Comunidade Europeia
A novel DeepMaskNet model for face mask detection and masked facial recognition
Examining Safavid Biomorphic Patterns in Design
A response to yet another defence of ECT in the absence of robust efficacy and safety evidence
Response to the Royal College of Psychiatrists’ critique of our audit of ECT usage
Social justice, health equity, and mental health
Rethinking Paranoia and Distressing and Disruptive Unusual Beliefs
Transforming Chemicals and Drugs into “Medication” and “Treatment”: The power of language
Time to acknowledge the bias of some electroconvulsive therapy researchers and defenders
Tissue Proteome of 2-Hydroxyacyl-CoA Lyase Deficient Mice Reveals Peroxisome Proliferation and Activation of ω-Oxidation
Negative Influences of Differentiated Empowering Leadership on Team Members’ Helping Behaviors: The Mediating Effects of Envy and Contempt
Is conditional conservatism a source of deviations of financial statements from Benford’s Law?
Biological Psychiatry and The Mass Murder Of ‘Schizophrenics’: From Denial to Inspirational Alternative
Depression: Why Drugs and Electricity Are Not the Answer
Leaving Home: Safer Spaces Beyond the Neoliberal Family
Cubism Contagions: Syphilophobia, Abject Bodies and Avant-guerre Biopolitics
Vitalist Cubisms: The Biocultures of Virility, Militarism and La Vie Sportive
Composing ‘Symmorphies’: Chromatism, Astral Vision and a Music of the Spheres in František Kupka’s Cosmological Abstractions
Racial and Ethnic Differences in Falls Among Older Adults: a Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
Fire and Smoke: Savouring Ethnographic Encounters with Sustainability in Cyprus’ Rural Tourism Spaces
Education 4.0: Is Characterising and Harmonising Intelligences a Way of Thinking about a Pedagogy 4.0 for Higher Education?
A Machine Learning Framework for House Price Estimation
The effects of sex and handedness on masturbation laterality and other lateralised motor behaviours
Water Consumption Increases Handwriting Speed and Volume Consumed Relates to Increased Finger‑tapping Speed in Schoolchildren
Adequacy of Inquiry About, Documentation of, and Treatment of Trauma and Adversities: A Study of Mental Health Professionals in England
“It didn't bring back the old me but helped me on the path to the new me”: exploring posttraumatic growth in British veterans with PTSD
Police referrals for domestic abuse before and during the first COVID-19 lockdown: An analysis of routine data from one specialist service in South Wales
The Impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences and Recent Life Events on Anxiety and Quality of Life in University Students
The Repressed Visual Legacies of May ’68
Bank Liquidity Creation: A New Global Dataset for Developing and Emerging Countries
Infant Effortful Control Mediates Relations Between Nondirective Parenting and Internalising-Related Child Behaviours in an Autism-Enriched Infant Cohort
Determining stakeholder priorities and core components for school-based identification of mental health difficulties: A Delphi study
The Gendered Politics of Love: An Arendtian Reading
Sex Differences in Sexual Arousal and Finger Length Ratio
Acute impact of a national lockdown during the COVID-19 pandemic on wellbeing outcomes among individuals with chronic pain
An Action Research Inquiry: facilitating early childhood studies undergraduate researcher development through Group Supervision
The Social Construction of Conspiracy Beliefs: A Q-Methodology Study of How Ordinary People DefineThem and Judge Their Plausibility
Psychological Predictors of Mortality Awareness: Time Perspective, Contentment With Age and Paternal Antipathy and Neglect
Traces in the Archive: Re-imagining Sofia Kovalevskaya
Working women on the move: genealogies of gendered migrant labour
What Cities Need to Transform with Nature-Based Solutions
Genealogies and Assemblages of Resistance: Jeanne Bouvier’s Struggles in ‘Le Travail à Domicile’
Meeting the challenges of media and marketing convergence: revising critical political economy approaches
Epilogue: Decolonising Disco—Counterculture, Postindustrial Creativity, the 1970s Dance Floor and Disco
Wander: Score