Instruments of Peacemaking 1870-1914
Audit of a Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy Course Within a Prison
The Future of Influencer Marketing in Fashion Industry: A Qualitative Study of the Impacts of The Pandemic on Social Media Marketing Practices
Using eco-labels to promote sustainable fashion: A study using costly signalling theory
The Sombre Face of Evolution: Devolution, Degeneration and Extinction (English)
A Single Phase Synchronization Technique for Grid Connected Energy Storage System Under Faulty Grid Conditions
Insights to understand residents thoughts and experiences of Test, Trace, Isolate: What helps, what gets in the way of being able to self self-isolate?
Odd couple collaborations and making them tick!
Carbon Tectonic
Embeddedness of Inter‐firm Ties and Knowledge Creation
Convolutional neural network based SARS-CoV-2 patients detection model using CT images
Improving student online engagement and enhancing the ability of tutors to analyse student knowledge; use of an MCQ during an online tutorial
Ambulatory blood pressure adaptations to high-intensity interval training: A randomized controlled study
A readiness assessment framework for Blockchain adoption: A healthcare case study
Measuring topic network centrality for identifying technology and technological development in online communities
Social media and the new product development during COVID-19: An integrated model for SMEs
Smart mirror fashion technology for the retail chain transformation
The Evolution of Interindustry Technology Linkage Topics and Its Analysis Framework in Three-Dimensional Printing Technology
Business-to-business open innovation: COVID-19 lessons for small and medium-sized enterprises from emerging markets
Psychological and behavioral outcomes of social media-induced fear of missing out at the workplace
Social media users’ online subjective well-being and fatigue: A network heterogeneity perspective
Construction Industry 4.0 and Sustainability: An Enabling Framework
Mobile apps for SME business sustainability during COVID-19 and onwards
Procurement 4.0: How Industrial Customers Transform Procurement Processes to Capitalize on Digital Servitization
The impact of blockchain technology on the tea supply chain and its sustainable performance
Why Do People Use Artificial Intelligence (AI)-Enabled Voice Assistants?
Opening Session: Media Education Today – UK Perspectives
What does engagement look like in a Media Studies classroom?
The impact of external debt on economic growth in emerging economies: investigating the role of capital formation
Does Gender and Family Income Impact Stock Trading of B-School Students? Findings from a Stock Simulation Exercise
Market reaction to dividend announcements during pandemic: An event study
Green Bonds Driving Sustainable Transition in Asian Economies: The Case of India
Book Review: Africa and the Backlash Against International Courts by Peter Brett and Line Engbo Gissel.
The Right to Live under Threat: On the Armed Forces (The Tatmadaw) Taking Power in Myanmar
Technology as a Key Tool for the Prosecution of International Crimes: Lessons from Uganda
Ongwen at the International Criminal Court
NGO influence in global governance: achieving transitional justice in Uganda and beyond
The International Criminal Court and the Transformation of Post-War Justice in Northern Uganda
Elements of aggravation in ICC sentencing: victim centred perspectives
Dossier: the stateless Rohingya — practical consequences of expulsion
Alternative justice for victims in Uganda: learning from the impact of COVID-19 on the court system
Use of Shotgun Metagenomics and Metabolomics to Evaluate the Impact of Glyphosate or Roundup MON 52276 on the Gut Microbiota and Serum Metabolome of Sprague-Dawley Rats
Urinary excretion of herbicide co-formulants after oral exposure to roundup MON 52276 in rats
The role of NGOs in the domestic implementation of the African Union Transitional Justice Policy Framework: perspectives from Uganda
Surrender of Ali Kushayb and Paul Gicheru: New Perspectives in Africa’s Relationship with the ICC
Geological and Geotechnical Characteristics of London Clay from the Isle of Sheppey
A New Methodology for Developing A Self-Report Psychodiversity Questionnaire: Update and Future Directions For A Work in Progress
Lockdown, Conspiracy Theories: Inaction, Transmission, Stupidity
Conceptualising the Lockdown from the Point of View of Chronic Illness
Introduction: For a Psychosocial Approach to the Lockdown
Education, Health and Care Plans
Accessible Housing Campaign Report
A systematic review of the leaf traits considered to contribute to removal of airborne particulate matter pollution in urban areas
Pathways to Online Hate: Behavioural, Technical, Economic, Legal, Political & Ethical Analysis.
Imprisonment! Poplar Council in 1921!
MUMAP: Modified Ultralightweight Mutual Authentication protocol for RFID enabled IoT networks
Emotion Recognition from EEG Signal Focusing on Deep Learning and Shallow Learning Techniques
Static Postural Transition-based Technique and Efficient Feature Extraction for Sensor-based Activity Recognition
Recognition of human locomotion on various transportations fusing smartphone sensors
Activity Recognition from Accelerometer Data Based on Supervised Learning for Wireless Sensor Network
Action recognition using Kinematics Posture Feature on 3D skeleton joint locations
Research on Protection of Minors: A literature Review and Interconnected Frameworks Implications for VSP Regulation and Beyond
Temporal Reasoning Through Automatic Translation of tock-CSP into Timed Automata
A Systems-Psychodynamic Exploration into GP Experiences of Current Changes in Healthcare Delivery
The Case of Ghana
Financialisation and Poverty Alleviation in Ghana: Myths and Realities
Towards a New Humanity: The Uriage Manifesto, 1945
Pierre Bourdieu: E-Special Issue Introduction
Exploring Human Activities Using eSense Earable Device
Contactless Human Monitoring: Challenges and Future Direction
Contactless Human Emotion Analysis Across Different Modalities
Contactless Fall Detection for the Elderly
Signal Processing for Contactless Monitoring
Skeleton-Based Activity Recognition: Preprocessing and Approaches
Signal Processing Techniques for Computational Health Informatics
Activity and Behavior Computing
Vision, Sensing and Analytics: Integrative Approaches
Contactless Human Activity Analysis
IoT Sensor-Based Activity Recognition: Human Activity Recognition
Predictive control co-design for enhancing flexibility in residential housing with battery degradation
Long-Term Expansion Planning of the Transmission Network in India under Multi-Dimensional Uncertainty
Designing a Cost-Efficient Network for a Small Enterprise
Infants’ processing of distractors is associated with group-coherent modulation of occipital gamma bursts
CSI-Based Human Activity Recognition using Convolutional Neural Networks
Disrupting Digital Monolingualism: A report on multilingualism in digital theory and practice
What is activism in the classroom?
Paracetamol (acetaminophen): A familiar drug with an unexplained mechanism of action
Artificial Intelligence in Personnel Management: Opportunities and Challenges to the Higher Education Sector (HES)
Enhancing Employee Engagement for Small and Medium Enterprises in Taiwan
Agency workers and their equivocal roles – wandering employees?
Machiavellianism, workplace envy, and their impact at work
Subordinates’ competence: a potential trigger for workplace ostracism
Can subordinates benefit from manager’s gossip?
COVID-19 and herbal practice: A United Kingdom practitioner survey
Addressing the Safety and Criminal Exploitation of Vulnerable Young People: Before, During and After COVID-19 and Lockdown
Immunomic Investigation of Holocyclotoxins to Produce the First Protective Anti-Venom Vaccine Against the Australian Paralysis Tick, Ixodes holocyclus
Une nouvelle rubrique dédiée à la Gestion de classe!
Et les ados dans tout ça?
L’éducation positive: vers une caractérisation issue des recherches scientifiques actuelles
Equivalence properties of 3D conformal transformations and their application to reverse transformations
Derivation of rigorously-conformal 7-parameter 3D geodetic datum transformations
Education, Environmental Crises and Sustainability
Women’s empowerment and economic democracy: case studies from rural India
How to Achieve the “Leave No One Behind” Pledge of the SDGs in Newham and Tower Hamlets, East London
Meet Me Through the Webcam: An Ethics of Participatory Performance Practice in the Age of Zoom
‘Unswept stone, besmeared with sluttish time’: Anti-Racist Activism and the Performativity of Statues
Should I Be Joking in a Time Like This?: Bo Burnham's INSIDE as a Metamodern Response to Crisis
Strategic and Sustainable Implementation of 5S in a Beef Abattoir
Social work expertise, best interests and the court of protection
Women in Policing: Feminist Perspectives on Theory and Practice
Ramsar Policy Brief No. 5. Restoring drained peatlands: A necessary step to achieve global climate goals
The abundance of microplastics in cnidaria and ctenophora in the North Sea
Behavioural and neural markers of tactile sensory processing in infants at elevated likelihood of autism spectrum disorder and/or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
Review of the Book The Explosive Child: A New Approach for Understanding and Parenting Easily Frustrated, Chronically Inflexible Children (6th ed.), by R. Greene
A Framework for Developing Educational Psychologists’ Consultation Practice
An Exploration of Educational Psychologists’ Use of Contextual Observation in Practice
Educational Psychology in the Virtual World: A Small Study on Practice Adaptations During the COVID-19 Pandemic and Potential Benefits for Future Services
Rocks and Hard Places: Exploring Educational Psychologists’ Perspectives on “Off-Rolling” or Illegal Exclusionary Practices in Mainstream Secondary Schools in England
Educational Experiences of the Gypsy, Roma and Traveller Communities and How Educational Psychologists Engage With the Communities
Listening to Children and Young People’s (CYP) Experience and Perceptions During the Period of COVID-19 and Their Advice for Teachers and Schools
Educational Psychology Research and Practice (EPRaP): Volume 7, Issue 2
Understanding Critical Whiteness Studies: Harmful or Helpful in the Struggle for Racial Equity in the Academy?
Autofiction, Women and the C-19 Pandemic
The Impact of COVID-19 on the Health and Economic Wellbeing of Young People Accessing Support Services: Living in Limbo?
Children’s indoor and outdoor play as potential correlates of mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic in Iran: a brief report on national survey
International Conservation Case Studies
Sustainable Past, Sustainable Future: Guide
A Conversational AI Approach to Detecting Deception and Tackling Insurance Fraud
Supplementary data for "Bridging the energy performance gap of social housing stock in south-eastern Mediterranean Europe: Climate change and mitigation"
Where Have All the Flowers Gone? A Case for Community Gardening for Education
Teachers’ Perceptions of Creativity and How It Relates to Primary School Science: A Reflection
A Four-Phase Working Methodological Model for Conducting Action Research
The Impact upon a Family of Having a Disabled Child
Addressing the Attainment Gap through Early Intervention: Assessment of the First of a Multi-Year Project
Transitioning to Online Teaching and Learning: A Discussion of Barriers Faced by Educators and Students in Higher Education during a Global Pandemic
Initial Teacher Education and Learning for All Our Futures
Time to Really Re-Envisage Teacher Education
Evaluating the Constructionist Approach in Entrepreneurship Education
Three Ways to Make Teacher Education in England Even Better
Past, Present and Future in Teacher Education
Acts of Resistance in an Age of Compliance: Teacher Educators, Professional Knowledge-Making and Self-Study
The Place of Music Education in a Crowded School Curriculum
Happier Teachers & More Engaged Students? Reflections on the Possibilities Offered by a Pedagogical Approach Co-Developed by Teachers & Researchers
We Thought We Knew the Landscape of Literacy Teacher Education: Ten Surprises From Our Research
Looking at 'Both Sides' of Teacher Education Research and Policy-Making: Insights for the Teacher Education Research Community
Locked-Down, Log-In and Slog-On: A Technocratic Dystopia?
Petroleum Regulatory Governance: An Analysis of Nigeria’s Petroleum Fiscal Regime and Its Strategic Objectives
Kudanwa Ngaphambi Kwemingqamu e-Africa Ne-JOMBA!
Intimacy as a Political Act: Contemporary Dance in South Africa
The Role of Research in Teacher Education
Hijacked by the Project? Research Which Demands to be Done
The Appropriation of the Professionalisation Agenda in Teacher Education
I was never much good at writing: Trainee Teachers' Attributions in Writing
Beyond the Betrayal of Democracy in Schools
From Interesting Times to Critical Times? Teacher Education and Educational Research in England
Teacher Education in Scotland: The Donaldson Review and the Early Phases of Teacher Learning
The Making of a Neoliberal Academic
The Arts and Humanities and the 'English Baccalaureate': STEAM not STEM
What next for English teacher education?
Research in Teacher Education: Volume 11, No.2, November 2021
Research in Teacher Education: Volume 11, No.1, May 2021
EDUCOM Undergraduate Research Annual Yearbook: Academic Year 2020-2021
Scripting the Experimental Documentary Film: Developing the “Script” for Not Reconciled
Imagination, Autonomy and Transgression within Contemporary Fine Art Practice
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy in Group Format for College Students
An Evidence-Based Response to Dr Andrade’s Commentary on Our Review of the ECT Efficacy Research
Near-infrared light spectroscopy and stimulation in cognitive neuroscience: the need for an integrative view?
Integrating Ontology and Spirituality in Nursing Education
The Unseen Self…Beyond The Recorded Eye! Integrating Spirituality into Nursing Education and Health care practices
Exploring the experience of using music and creative mark-making as a reflective tool during coaching supervision: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis
Resonant Objects
Physiological Assessment of Middle- and Long-Distance Runners
The Effects of Lower Core Resistance Training on Rear Hand Punching Performance in Professional Boxers
Spiritually Competent Practice and Cultural Aspects of Spirituality
Global APN Case Study in Spirituality: Stories of Hope from Pakistan
Restoring the Balance
Democratic Pedagogies in Physical Education and Youth Sport
Pedagogies of Social Justice in Physical Education and Youth Sport
British Indian Seafarers, Bordering and Belonging
Identity leadership, Employee burnout and the mediating role of team identification: evidence from the Global Identity Leadership Development Project
Editorial: Corporate board structure, strategy and performance in uncertain times
Different domains or grey areas? Setting boundaries between coaching and therapy: A thematic analysis
Coaching to Develop Psychological Capital to Support Change
Exploring Factors That Influence Peer-Relations among Older Adults Living in Residential Homes
Lived experiences of voice-hearing for men who have been imprisoned in the UK
Compassionate Care: As Defined By Individuals Who Have Used Mental Health Services And Are From An Ethnic Minority Background
Dialogical Narrative analysis on Islam in British Muslim Women's stories of Domestic Abuse
Adolescents' Views on Mental Health and School-Based Support
A narrative inquiry into the lived experience of persistent absenteeism among children who have since returned to mainstream school, and the meaning they make of their experiences.
The Aura of Auras: The Art of Degard and Melissa Alley
La face sombre de l’évolution. Dégénérescence, regression et extinction
Significance of occupancy patterns and habitual household adaptive behaviour on home-energy performance of post-war social-housing estate in the South-eastern Mediterranean climate: Energy policy design
Spectacular Cosmopolitanism: The Cultural Capital of the Salon National des Beaux-Arts
Virilizing Boyhood: L’Inverti supérieur at the Paris Salons and the Royal Academy
Exposing “The Venereal Peril”: Fournier’s Syphilography and Picasso’s Syphilitic Bodies
Capturing Phantasmatic Bodies: Magnetistic Photography and Marcel Duchamp’s Hauntological Metarealism
Exposing Sexual Contagion: Fournier’s Syphilography and Picasso’s Syphilitic Bodies
Magnetism, Mesmeric Woman and Visionary Art
Liquidating Cubism: Anti-Semitism, Anti-Germanism and the Kahnweiler/Uhde Auctions
Intelligent Leaders, Intelligent Spaces
Interventions promoting family involvement with care homes following placement of a relative with dementia: A systematic review
Challenges and Approaches to Regulating Decentralized Finance
Supplementary data for "Energy effectiveness of passive cooling design strategies to reduce the impact of long-term heatwaves on occupants’ thermal comfort in Europe: Climate change and mitigation"
A New Model of Urban Regeneration and Economic Revitalisation: The I.D.E.A. District, San Diego
Micro-Wineries as drivers for local economic development and innovation in lagging areas
After Lockdown, Opening Up: Psychosocial Transformation in the Wake of COVID-19
Neural and Behavioural Correlates of Auditory Discrimination and Language Processing in Infants and Children
Groom / Consume / Repair
Evaluating the Effects of the Installation of a Noise Barrier outside Bromley by Bow Station
Case Study G: University of East London – Growing Sphagnum Moss at Scale
Patient experience of lasting negative effects of psychological interventions for anxiety and depression in secondary mental health care services: a national cross-sectional study
Counter-Terrorism Strategy Against Boko Haram and Human Rights in Nigeria
Passionate Leaders(hip) at Work
Rhythmic Abstraction and Uninhabited Space
Mental Health Staff's Understandings of the Barriers and Facilitators to ‘Trauma Informed Services’
Implicit Biases Towards Minority Groups in the UK
Staff Experiences of Using the Recovery Model in Forensic Settings With Patients With a Diagnosis of Personality Disorder
Data quality challenges in large-scale cyber-physical systems: A systematic review
Design of a Wearable Fingertip Haptic Device: Investigating Materials of Varying Stiffness for Mapping the Variable Compliance Platform
Matchsticks Design & Memory: a ‘culture fair’ test of visuo-spatial learning & memory
WAIS-IV performance of working-age Polish people in the UK
The Impact of Data Breach Announcements on Company Value in European Markets
The Impact of GDPR Infringement Fines on the Market Value of Firms
Supplementary data for 'Investigation into the Accuracy and Practicality of Methods for Transforming Coordinates between Geodetic Datums'
Bridging the energy performance gap of social housing stock in south-eastern Mediterranean Europe: Climate change and mitigation
Asset Criticality and Risk Prediction for an Effective Cyber Security Risk Management of Cyber Physical System
Revisiting the Nomadic Subject: Women's Experiences of Travelling Under Conditions of Forced Displacement
Assessing the Domestic Energy Use and Thermal Comfort of Occupants in a Post-war Social Housing Development Estate in Famagusta, Northern Cyprus
The Lived Experiences of Yoga Practice for Female Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis
Experiences of Being Detained within UK Immigration Removal Centres: A Phenomenological Inquiry
Conceptualisations of Public Mental Health: The Role of Primary Prevention and the Social Determinants of Mental Health
Transcendent Conformity: The Question of Agency for Postdigital Humans
Ethnic Minority Students in the UK: Addressing Inequalities in Access, Support, and Wellbeing in Higher Education
Cyclic Response of Bolted and Hybrid Pultruded FRP Beam-Column Joints between I-Shaped Sections
Energy Modelling of Multi-Family Residential High-rise Buildings in the South-eastern Mediterranean Climate: Retrofit Policy Design
Energy effectiveness of passive cooling design strategies to reduce the impact of long-term heatwaves on occupants’ thermal comfort in Europe: Climate change and mitigation
Supplementary material for 'Systematic literature review of bioclimatic design elements: Theories, methodologies and cases in the South-eastern Mediterranean climate'
Supplementary data for 'Regression forecasting of ‘neutral’ adaptive thermal comfort: A field study investigation in the south-eastern Mediterranean climate of Cyprus'
Underlying Conceptual Frameworks Used to Understand Mental Health by Disabled Members of UK General Public
Developing an evidence-based energy-policy framework to assess robust energy-performance evaluation and certification schemes in the South-eastern Mediterranean countries
A novel methodological framework for the optimisation of post-war social housing developments in the South-eastern Mediterranean climate: Policy design and life-cycle cost impact analysis of retrofitting strategies
Regression forecasting of ‘neutral’ adaptive thermal comfort: A field study investigation in the south-eastern Mediterranean climate of Cyprus
Systematic literature review of bioclimatic design elements: Theories, methodologies and cases in the South-eastern Mediterranean climate
What Could the White Body Do For Decolonising Psychology? 31 Questions
Awry²: Making Space for Experimenting with Form
Lecturing within the panoptic scheme of prevent in an English University
Preventing Homelessness: Exploring the Role of Clinical Psychology in Adult Mental Health Services
White British Parents’ Perspective on Talking to Children about Race
Data Requirements
Application of the NBS Impact Evaluation Framework: NBS Performance and Impact Evaluation Case Studies
Indicators of NBS Performance and Impact
Principles Guiding NBS Performance and Impact Evaluation
A comparative analysis of the mechanisms of ammonia synthesis on various catalysts using density functional theory
Predictors of Suicide Attempts in Male UK Gamblers Seeking Residential Treatment
Narrative exposure therapy for survivors of human trafficking: feasibility randomised controlled trial
The ORNATE India project: Building research capacity and capability to tackle the burden of diabetic retinopathy-related blindness in India
A Participatory Research Project Exploring Young People’s Views of an Employability Course Designed for those with Special Educational Needs
Compassionate Care in Improving Access to Psychological Therapies Services: A Grounded Theory Approach
An Exploration of Mentors’ and Teachers’ Experiences of Peer Mentoring during the Transition from Primary to Secondary School
Compassionate Care in a Crisis Resolution and Home Treatment Setting: A Thematic Analysis
Staff and Volunteer Accounts of the Experiences of Mothers Detained in British Immigration Removal Centres
White Clinical Psychologists, Race and Racism
Clinical Psychology and Moral Distress
A CSI-Based Human Activity Recognition Using Deep Learning
Chinese Corporate Outbound Investment in the Eastern Mediterranean Region under Belt and Road Initiative
The Studies on Veteran Entrepreneurship in the Past Decade in China: A Literature Mapping
Thermal comfort in traditional dwellings, a comparison between physical measurements and simulated data
Comparative performance analysis of Passivhaus and building regulation certified properties built in the United Kingdom
Exterior Refurbishment and Fire Safety Strategies for High-Rise Council Estates in the UK
Implementation of Passive House standards in the UK, a roadmap for the local authorities
Improving energy performance of the UK housing through the implementation of Passive House standards
Who killed food tourism? Unaware cannibalism in online conversations about travelling in Italy
The Lived Experiences of Sexual Minority Women Who Have Recently Reduced Their Alcohol Intake
Anti-Fat Attitudes in Healthcare
Exploring the Views of Voluntary Community Sector Professionals on Partnership Working and Community Engagement with Clinical Psychologists in an NHS Child and Family Service
Staff Perspectives of Working with Families of Children and Young People in Paediatric Residential Neurorehabilitation
Automatic classification of ICA components from infant EEG using MARA
Petroleum Resource Management for Sustainable Development in Ghana: Will the Petroleum Revenue Management Legal Regime Avoid the Resource Curse?
The World Trade Organisation (WTO)–Trade Related Aspect of Intellectual Property Right Agreement (TRIPS) And the Regulation of Counterfeit Pharmaceutical Product in Nigeria
Mapping a Legal Strategy in Counter-Terrorism for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in Light of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1373
Improving Health and Efficiency With Strategic Social Media Use in Health Organizations: A Critical Review of the Status Quo
Entrepreneurial curiosity among generation Z: a multi-country empirical research
Simondon, emotion, and individuation: The tensions of psychological life in digital worlds
An Opera for the School of Citizenship
Dismantling the scaffolding of institutional racism and institutionalising anti-racism
Glacial Lake Outburst Flood (GLOF) Hazard Mitigation at Himalayan Region, Nepal
Neonatal Hypoxic-Ischaemic Encephalopathy: Motor Impairment beyond Cerebral Palsy
Cognitive Functioning in UK-based Football (Soccer) Players, with emphasis on Social Cognition
Moral Values, Perceived Access to Care and Preferences for Healthcare Resource Allocation
Reconfigurable Linear Antenna Arrays for Beam-Pattern Matching in Collocated MIMO Radars
Quality of Life of Older People in Karachi, Pakistan
Mental Health Teaching in the Training of Public Health Professionals: A Thematic Analysis of Interviews with Key Stakeholders
Exploring the Impact of Living with Fanconi Anaemia & Diamond-Blackfan Anaemia: A Systemic Consideration
An Exploration of ‘Love Your Body’ Advertising and How This Is Perceived by Women
Investigating the Impact of Social Contact, Coping Strategies, and Social Cognition on Loneliness and Psychological Distress in Older Adults during the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Online Survey
Publisher Correction: Listeners’ perceptions of the certainty and honesty of a speaker are associated with a common prosodic signature
An Integrated Cybersecurity Risk Management (I-CSRM) Framework for Critical Infrastructure Protection
Using Urban Green Systems as an Approach for Future Climate Change Adaptation in London
‘I’m not “racist” but’: Liberalism, Populism and Euphemisation in the Guardian
Investigation into the Accuracy and Practicality of Methods for Transforming Coordinates between Geodetic Datums
Exploring the Complex Relationship between Posttraumatic Growth, Sport, and Athletes with Acquired Disabilities
Trauma, Memory and Silenced History
Scenographies of the Inner World
An Agent-Based Variogram Modeller: Investigating Intelligent, Distributed-Component Geographical Information Systems
The Experiences of Autistic Transgender and Gender-Diverse Young People
School Reintegration Following Hospital Treatment for an Eating Disorder; Two Case Studies with Multiple Perspectives on the Reintegration Process
Exploring Young Carers’ Experiences of Education
What Are the Lived Experiences of Parents’ Understanding and Supporting Their Child with Selective Mutism? An Exploratory Study
Children with Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder and their Experiences of School Belonging: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis
Excluded Girls’ Stories of Belonging
Educational Psychologists’ Views Around the Inclusion of Children with Special Educational Needs and Disability – Do Educational Psychologists Have a Role to Play in Working Towards Inclusive Education?
A Pluralistic Discourse Analysis of Media Representations of Single Mothers by Choice
Experience of Ethnicity in Therapy from the Perspective of Clients Self-Identifying as South-Asian: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis
Thematic Analysis: Exploring Practitioners' Perspectives of Delivering Animal Assisted Therapy
Experiences of Relapsing Remitting Multiple Sclerosis and Disease Modifying Treatment: A phenomenological inquiry
Educational Psychologists' Experiences and Perceptions of Reflective Practice
The Experiences of Secondary School Transition for Deaf Children in Mainstream Education: A Participatory Research Approach
An Exploration of What Adolescent Girls with ASC Say Helps Them Successfully Navigate the Social Aspects of Mainstream Schooling
Perspectives of Parents and School Staff on Parental Engagement With Education: A Foucauldian Informed Analysis
Supporting disengaged children and young people living with diabetes to self-care: a qualitative study in a socially disadvantaged and ethnically diverse urban area
An Appreciative Inquiry of Factors Within a Primary School that are Perceived to Support Children Who Are ‘At Risk’ of Exclusion
The Stories of Children with a Diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: A Narrative Analysis
A Participatory Research Approach to Understanding the Experiences of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) Autistic Young People
Increased fidelity of protein synthesis extends lifespan
The Distribution of Dividends of Multinational Banks Operating in Latin America
Stewardship Innovation: The Forgotten Component in Maximising the Value of Urban Nature-Based Solutions
Borrelia duttonii-like spirochetes parasitizec Meriones persicus in East Azerbaijan Province of Iran
Unidimensional and Multidimensional Methods for Recurrence Quantification Analysis with crqa
Drinking Water Enhances Cognitive Performance: Positive Effects on Working Memory but Not Long-Term Memory
Covert Aspects of Surveillance and the Ethical Issues They Raise
Gut thinking and eye tracking: evidence for a central preference heuristic
(Re)thinking body-technology relations with Michel Serres: Emotion, sense and the emergence of algorithmic appropriation
Quality of life of stroke survivors in Nigeria (Low-income country). Can outcome be predicted?
Exploring the physical activity of Iranian migrant women in the United Kingdom: a qualitative study
Protocol for developing core outcome sets for evaluation of psychosocial interventions for children and families with experience or at risk of child maltreatment or domestic abuse
Enhancement performance of random forest algorithm via one hot encoding for IoT IDS
Cyber Threat Predictive Analytics for Improving Cyber Supply Chain Security
Reducing embodied carbon dioxide of structural concrete with lightweight aggregate
The Importance of Gender-Aware Design in Digital Health Wearables: A Co-design Study Fostering Sun Protection Behaviour in Young Men
Nox2-deficient Tregs improve heart transplant outcomes via their increased graft recruitment and enhanced potency
Review of the Film Rocks, by Sarah Gavron, Director
Educational Psychology and the Dissemination of Evidence to Professional Practice
Universal Wellbeing Practices in Schools: Framing Evidence-Informed Practice Within the Five Ways to Wellbeing
Tree of Life: A Tool for Therapeutic Growth?
A Systematic Review of Research Evidence Reporting Educational Psychologists’ Use of Contextual Observation in Practice
A Critical Review of the Educational Psychologist’s Role in Engaging with Young Carers
Dyslexia or Literacy Difficulties: What Difference Does a Label Make? Exploring the Perceptions and Experiences of Young People
Supporting Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Youth Co-Production: An Exploration of Practitioner Views
Educational Psychology Research and Practice (EPRaP): Volume 7, Issue 1
Fire Safety in High-Rise Buildings: Is the Stay-Put Tactic a Misjudgement or Magnificent Strategy?
Predicting the Health Impacts of Commuting Using EEG Signal Based on Intelligent Approach
An Effective Hybrid Approach Based on Machine Learning Techniques for Auto-Translation: Japanese to English
An Effective Cost-Sensitive Convolutional Neural Network for Network Traffic Classification
An Appraisal of Financial Penalties under Deferred Prosecution Agreements in the UK
Workers’ Rights: A Public Health Issue: R (on the application of The Independent Workers’ Union of Great Britain) v The Secretary of the State for Work and Pensions
Defeating the Credit Card Scams Through Machine Learning Algorithms
Urban Blue Spaces, Health and Well-being: The Healthy New Towns Programme
The origins of effortful control: How early development within arousal/regulatory systems influences attentional and affective control
Sexual Orientation, Sexual Arousal, and Finger Length Ratios in Women
The Importance of Product Language: An Exploratory Study of Smartwatches for Remote Healthcare
Insights into the role of gender in aesthetic design: a participatory study on the design of digital health wearables
Becoming-cat or what a woman’s body can do
Accounting For Anger: A Thematic Analysis of Participants’ Understanding Of Anger After Undertaking Anger Management
What Is the Lived Experience for Doctors When They Are Involved in a Serious Incident? A Descriptive Phenomenological Analysis
The Meaning of Re-Emerging Disordered Eating In the Context of Motherhood: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis
An Exploration of Educational Underachievement from the Perspectives of Teachers and White British Working-Class Pupils in an Urban Pupil Referral Unit
Regulating Non-Profit Organisations Against Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing in Saudi Arabia
The Relevance of Human Rights and Human Capital Investment in the Implementation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs 3 and 4) in Nigeria
Shackled Human Aspects of Predatory Money-Lending: How Vulnerability to Loan Sharks Arises In the United Kingdom
Clinical Psychologist’s Accounts of Personal Distress Experienced Within the Profession: A Discourse Analysis
What Is the Experience of Using Mindfulness as Selfcare for Newly Qualified Counselling Psychologists: Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis
Narrative Relations and Associations: Catherine Kohler Riessman’s Research Dialogism
A Chronicle of Mentoring Narrative Scholarship
Ethical guidelines for positive psychology practice (Version 2.0: English)
Live and Life in Virtual Theatre: Adapting traditional theatre processes to engage creatives in digital immersive technologies
‘What Would Jesus Do?’: Toward a Grounded Theory of Born-Again Christians’ Process of Sanctification and Therapeutic Implications
Exploring the Use of Self-Compassion in the Transition to Motherhood: A Thematic Analysis
An Exploration of the Potential Benefits of Supporting Mentors of Newly Qualified Teachers to Use Solution-Focused Strategies in Their Mentoring Role
Young Adults’ Previous Experience of Self-Harm in the Context of School Bullying: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis
The Utility of Post Traumatic Growth in Clinical Practice, From the Perspective of Therapists Working With Refugees in the UK: A Thematic Analysis
Gender Apartheid: The Challenges of Breaking into ‘Man’s World’
Data Quality Management in Large-Scale Cyber-Physical Systems
Malaysia’s Policy Responses to the Panic of 1997: An Islamic Perspective
Complex interventions to implement a diabetic retinopathy care pathway in the public health system in Kerala: the Nayanamritham study protocol
Medicinal plants used to treat infectious diseases in the central part and a northern district of Bangladesh - an ethnopharmacological perception
Mechanistic aspects of ammonia synthesis on Ta₃N₅ surfaces in the presence of intrinsic nitrogen vacancies
An experimental FTIR-ATR and computational study of H-bonding in ethanol/water mixtures
Observing infants together: long-term experiences of observers and families
The Seventieth Anniversary of the Refugee Council: Voluntary Action, Living Archives and Refugee Voices
Creating Space in the Archive for an Anti-oppressive Community Project: Recording Border Control and Subversion
Review: Annabelle Wilkins, Migration, Work and Home-Making in the City. Dwelling and Belonging among Vietnamese Communities in London
Review: Becky Taylor, Refugees in Twentieth-Century Britain. A History
‘But You Don’t Look Like a Syrian’: Migrant Narrative Beyond the Dichotomous Divide in Migration Studies
From Women’s Rights Lawyer in Pakistan to a Precarious Life in Australia: Learning From Lived Experience
Confronting the Homelands: The Role of Literature in Second Generation Refugee Identity Struggles
Review: Eleuterio Toro, Exiliado en Buckingham Palace (An Exile in Buckingham Palace)
Juan delGado’s Drifting Narratives: Injecting Agency into Refugee Stories
Meaningful Participation as an Approach to Trauma Healing? Reflections from the VOICES Network
Qisetna: Preserving Syrian Oral Heritage One Story at a Time
Arriving and Belonging: Stories from the St Albans Jewish Community
Refugee Organisations in London Remembered
Notions of Gender: Rehabilitating Refugee Women in Partition’s Aftermath
Displacement and Emplacement of People in Our World: A Brief Reflection
Guest Editorial: Twentieth Century Histories of Civic Society Responses to Crises of Displacement
Displaced Voices: A Journal of Archives, Migration and Cultural Heritage Volume 2, Issue 1 (Summer 2021)
A New Smartphone-Based Optic Nerve Head Biometric for Verification and Change Detection
An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of the Lived Experiences of Children with Dyspraxia in UK Secondary Schools
Prelude to America’s Downfall: The Stagflation of the 1970s
Why Wouldn't They Be Reconciled? Corbyn's Leadership and the Recalcitrance of the Parliamentary Labour Party
The Rise and Fall of the Ordoliberal Left in Europe
Bird Audio Diarization with Faster R-CNN
Resolving Ambiguity in Hedge Detection by Automatic Generation of Linguistic Rules
Cognitive and Physiological Assessment of Prefrontal Cortex Neuromodulation in Low and High Risk Gambling
Stuck in separation: Liminality, graffiti arts and the forensic institution as a failed rite of passage
Strategies for Subverting the Tyranny of the Corporate Map: An Interview with Babak Fakhamzadeh
Cell-Out: A Long-Distance Mobile Performance of Scores, Reflections, Confessions
Introduction: Walking in the Digital City
A Cross-Cultural and Trans-Generational Study: Links between Psychological Characteristics and Socio-Political Tendency amongst Urban Population in Afghanistan
The Benefits of Fit-for-Purpose Land Administration for Urban Community Resilience in a Time of Climate Change and COVID-19 Pandemic
Children with neonatal Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy (HIE) treated with therapeutic hypothermia are not as school ready as their peers
Nurses’ knowledge of breast screening and the implications for advising women with dense breast tissue: a literature review
Is population an asset or a liability to Nigeria’s economic growth? Evidence from FM-OLS and ARDL approach to cointegration
Remote working and employee engagement: A qualitative study of British workers during the pandemic
Afterword: Dr Ewen Cameron’s “de-patterning” experiments and the CIA’s MK-Ultra programme
Preserved Extra-Foveal Processing of Object Semantics in Alzheimer’s Disease
Eye-movements reveal semantic interference effects during the encoding of naturalistic scenes in long-term memory
Pleasure, meaning or spirituality: Cross-cultural differences in orientations to happiness across 12 countries
Examining the Impact of Trust on Bank-Customer Relationship Management: Evidence From Nigeria
Marketing to Children in Africa: Ethics, Business, and Public Policy
Musical revitalisation of the schoolyard: results of a service-learning project
B & C Circuit
What are the effects of culture and institutions on classification shifting in India?
Gambling and COVID-19: Initial Findings from a UK Sample
BeWell: a group coaching model to foster the wellbeing of individuals
Raising Doubts About ECT
Returning to Reactionary Democracy: reviews, responses and reflections
Introduction: Corbynism and its Aftermath
Economic evaluation of robot-assisted training versus an enhanced upper limb therapy programme or usual care for patients with moderate or severe upper limb functional limitation due to stroke: results from the RATULS randomised controlled trial
The Role of Finding Out in Type 2 Diabetes Management among West-African Immigrants Living in the UK
Socio-Legal Barriers to the Expansion of Legal Aid in Nigeria: Initiating Legal Reform Through the Customary Court System
Peripheral recovery: Keeping safe and keep progressing as contradictory modes of ordering on a forensic psychiatric unit
From the margins to the NICE guidelines: British clinical psychology and the development of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Psychosis between 1982-2002
Evaluating the Impact of Nature-Based Solutions: Appendix of Methods
Evaluating the Impact of Nature-Based Solutions: A Handbook for Practitioners
Widening graduate employment opportunities for students on Education Studies degrees: a case study at a School of Education in one London university
Living Archives Built with Communities
Portraying Minorities and Portraits of KL
Syedah’s Journey: From Child Marriage to Activist
Trauma and Criticality: How Stories Raise Our Consciousness and Can Heal Our Past
Health Inequities with Somali Women in Kuala Lumpur
Lived Experiences of a Rohingya Journalist
Introducing the Writers
Action Research and Academic Skills: Co-Creating with Refugee Women
Displaced Voices: A Journal of Archives, Migration and Cultural Heritage Volume 1, Issue 2 (Winter 2021)
Empirical Analysis of an Augmented Schumpeterian Endogenous Growth Model
Does Increasing Product Complexity and Diversity Cause Economic Growth in the Long-Run? A GMM Panel VAR Evidence
Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) in Networking: A Comprehensive Survey & Evaluation
Motor adaptation and internal model formation in a robot-mediated forcefield
Young People’s Involvement in Hub67: A Case Study of the Development and Practice of Open Access Youth Work in the Context of the Urban Regeneration of East London
Performing and Counter-performing Borders: Feminist Stories of Migrant Rights Activism in the United Kingdom
How Do Women Who Are Violent In Couple Relationships Understand Their Violent Behaviour?
Modelling Suspended Sand Transport Under Breaking Waves
Mental Health and Wellbeing Implications of the COVID-19 Quarantine for Disabled and Disadvantaged Children and Young People: Evidence from a Cross-cultural Study in Zambia and Sierra Leone
Integrated Performance Optimization of Higher Education Buildings Using Low-Energy Renovation Process and User Engagement
Analysis of accidents caused by human factors in the oil and gas industry using the HFACS-OGI framework
What is the Difference between 'Good' and 'Bad' Stress? Understanding Possible Effects of Socio-economic Status on Learning, 2016-2018
Therapists' Experience of Working with Interpreters in NHS settings: Drawing Upon a Psychoanalytic Theoretical Framework to Contextualize the Findings of an IPA Study
Hedonism and Luxury Fashion Consumption Among Black African Women in the UK: An Empirical Study
Insight from dream and event discussions using the Schredl method of dreamwork in experienced and inexperienced dreamworkers
The Land Rights, Climate Justice and Gender Equality Conundrum: Human Rights Strategies and Practice
Drug screening using shape-based virtual screening and in vitro experimental models of cutaneous Leishmaniasis
Heroes or criminals? The legitimacy of humanitarian organisations rescuing lives in the Central Mediterranean Sea after 2017
Systematic Review Protocol: Peer research methods and best practice: mixed methods review of the health and social sciences literature
Good Sleep Quality Improves the Relationship Between Pain and Depression Among Individuals With Chronic Pain
The Myth and the Reality of Work-Life Balance in Nigeria
Identifying Heating Technologies suitable for Historic Churches, Taking into Account Heating Strategy and Conservation through Pairwise Analysis
Work-Life Border Control Model: A Re-think of Border Theory
Work-Life Interface: Non-Western Perspectives
Realising the Potential of General Population Research to Reconceptualise the study of “Delusions”: From Normalising “Psychosis” to De-Familiarising “Normality”
The Experiences and Needs of Autistic School Staff: Summary Report of Phase 2 Covid-19 Findings
The Interaction of Diet and Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Aging and Cognition
Beyond The Call of Duty: Realities of Work-Life Balance in the United Arab Emirates Education Sector
Childhood adversities among students at an English University: A latent class analysis
Pension scheme trustees as surrogate decision makers
Using language learning strategies to transform teaching and learning experiences in mainstream classrooms
Co-Design Practice
Joint Coordinate Optimization in Fingerprint-Based Indoor Positioning
Using Linguistically Appropriate Practice (LAP) in the language classroom
Cognitive Predictors of Precautionary Behavior During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Comparative Genomics Analysis Demonstrated a Link Between Staphylococci Isolated From Different Sources: A Possible Public Health Risk
Influence of manmade effects on geomorphology, bathymetry and coastal dynamics in a monsoon-affected river outlet in Southwest coast of Sri Lanka
Is tDCS a potential first line treatment for major depression?
Brand Value Co-Creation in the Social Commerce Era: Empirical Evidence From Iran
Entrepreneurship and the Informal Sector: Challenges and Opportunities for African Business Development
Experience of positive psychology coaching while working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic: an Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis
Very preterm infants engage in an intervention to train their control of attention: results from the feasibility study of the Attention Control Training (ACT) randomised trial
Crossing Conceptual Boundaries XI, Winter 2021
Re-Visiting Polymorphous Ideology: Populism of the Left and Right
Modalities of Parrhesia
Digital Storytelling in the Museum: Bringing Cultural Heritage to Life
From Abstract Concept to Active Participants: Reflections on a Purposive Sample
Surgical Robot Platform with a Novel Concentric Joint for Minimally Invasive Procedures
Policy ‘Meandering’: The Influence of Mental Health and Well-being in Educational Policies
Meeting the Black Swan: Teacher educators’ use of ICT—pre, during and eventually post Covid19
The quiet crossing of ocean tipping points
Re-positioning SoTL toward the T-shaped Community
Facilitating Successful Smart Campus Transitions: A Systems Thinking-SWOT Analysis Approach
How Accurate are ECT Patient Information Leaflets Provided by Mental Health Services in England and the Royal College of Psychiatrists? An Independent Audit
Patterns of Genital Sexual Arousal in Transgender Men
Crosstalk between the mTOR and DNA Damage Response Pathways in Fission Yeast
How to Engage Consumers through Effective Social Media Use—Guidelines for Consumer Goods Companies from an Emerging Market
A second independent audit of electroconvulsive therapy in England, 2019: Usage, demographics, consent, and adherence to guidelines and legislation
Gambling in COVID-19 Lockdown in the UK: Depression, Stress, and Anxiety
Knowing How You Know: Toddlers Reevaluate Words Learned From an Unreliable Speaker
Stigma Hurts: Exploring Employer and Employee Perceptions of Tattoos and Body Piercings in Nigeria
Anti-MRSA Constituents from Ruta chalepensis (Rutaceae) Grown in Iraq, and In Silico Studies on Two of Most Active Compounds, Chalepensin and 6-Hydroxy-rutin 3’,7-Dimethyl ether
The role of courage in the development and practice of coaches
The experience of positive psychology coaching following unconscious bias training: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis
Mobile Instant Messaging (M.I.M.) in Improving SME in Manufacturing: Case Study
Understanding Motivation to Adhere to Guidelines for Alcohol Intake, Physical Activity, and Fruit and Vegetable Intake Among U.K. University Students
‘Maturing Out’ as dilemmatic: Transitions towards relatively light drinking practices among UK University students
Neo-liberal Globalization and Income Inequality: Panel Data Evidence from OECD and Western Balkan Countries
Dehydration in older people: a systematic review of the effects of dehydration on health outcomes, healthcare costs and cognitive performance
Rights to the front Child Rights-based pedagogies in early childhood degrees
An Analysis of Renewable Energy Usage by Mobile Data Network Operators
Listeners’ perceptions of the certainty and honesty of a speaker are associated with a common prosodic signature
Modern-Day Slavery? The Work-Life Conflict of Domestic Workers in Nigeria
Race, Immigration and Health: The Hostile Environment and Public Health Responses to Covid-19
Impact on health and provision of healthcare services during the COVID-19 lockdown in India: A multicentre cross-sectional study
Reliability analysis of bistable composite laminates
Synthesis and Characterization of Silver-Coated Polymeric Scaffolds for Bone Tissue Engineering: Antibacterial and In Vitro Evaluation of Cytotoxicity and Biocompatibility
Examining Relationships and Sex Education through a child rights lens: an intersectional approach
Characterizing Visual Programming Approaches for End-User Developers: A Systematic Review
Selection of Optimized Retaining Wall Technique Using Self-Organizing Maps
Freedom and Flexibility: The Work-Family Balance of Single Female Entrepreneurs in Nigeria
Moral barriers to HIV prevention and care for gay and bisexual men: Challenges in times of conservatism in Brazil
Facial disfigurement, categorical perception, and the influence of Disgust Sensitivity
Novel online Recommendation algorithm for Massive Open Online Courses (NoR-MOOCs)
UCET Discussion paper on effective Continuing Professional Development
A Better Touch: C-tactile Fibers Related Activity is Associated to Pain Reduction During Temporal Summation of Second Pain
Religion and Consumer Behaviour in Developing Nations
‘None of my other teachers know my face/emotions/thoughts’: Digital technology and democratic assessment practices in higher education physical education
Forced unemployment or undocumented work: The burden of the prohibition to work for asylum seekers in the UK
Digital Witness: Found Footage and Desktop Horror as Post-Cinematic Experience
Comparison of Rheological Behaviour of Bio-Based and Synthetic Epoxy Resins for Making Ecocomposites
Digit Ratio (2D:4D) and Amniotic Testosterone and Estradiol: An Attempted Replication of Lutchmaya et al. (2004)
Collisional excitation of interstellar PN by H₂: new interaction potential and scattering calculations
Are Antidepressants Overprescribed? Patients’ Experiences of the Prescribing Process
The Work-Family Balance of British Working Women During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Mental Health Prejudice, Discrimination and Epistemic Injustice: Moving beyond Stigma and Biomedical Dominance
The Psychodynamics of Lynch Mobs: Grouping, Ganging or Lynching
Financial Technology and African Capital Markets Post Covid-19
Human Rights Defenders in EU Visa Policy: Recommendations for Reform
Fannia Mary Cohn et le mouvement pour l’éducation des ouvrières aux États-Unis
The role of Facebook groups in the management and raising of awareness of antidepressant withdrawal: is social media filling the void left by health services?
Researching Teacher Education in Urban Contexts
Break or Continuity? Friedrich Engels and the Critique of Digital Surveillance
China & the USA: Globalisation and the Decline of America’s Supremacy
Assessment in Field Education: Capability, Competence and Contradictions
Homing in on the States we are In: Speaking of IMELDA
Reflections on Teaching Anthropologically and Fostering Belonging as Anti-Racist Allies in a ‘Widening Participation’ University: An Ecological Approach
"No shit Sherlock"! Canine DNA and policing public space
Editor’s Introduction: Amor Narratio
Moving Between Worlds: Border Women in Narratives of Forced Displacement in Greece
The Operational Loops of a Pandemic
Why Some Development Works: Understanding Success
CEO Profile and Earnings Quality
Religiosity and Global Brand Consumption as an Agent of Modernisation in Developing Economies
Seduction, Sharing Stories, and Borderlinking in Co-Constructed Narratives
‘But Are They All Horrid?’ On the Intermittent Use of the Gothic in Hindi Horror Cinema
Feeling the Real: The Non-Nomadic Subject of Feminism
Working with Interpreters in Mental Health: Good Practice Guidelines
Help Seeking Views Relating to Depression Among Older Black Caribbean Adults Living in the UK
Mental Health, Mental Illness and Migration
Palestinian Mental Health Under Military Occupation and Chronic Warlike Conditions
Narrative Rhythmanalysis: the art and politics of listening to women’s narratives of forced displacement
Troubling norms? Adults and teenagers with a life-limiting impairment in Denmark and England talk about their lives, support and future plans
A Retrospective Case Study of the Thematic Content of Psychotic Experiences in a First Episode Psychosis Population
Tourism, inclusive growth and decent work: a political economy critique
The influence of body language and expected competency on gaze behaviour while forming an impression of a tennis player
Branded Content: The Fateful Merging of Media and Marketing
Media Systems and Misinformation
Journalism in the 21st Century
The frontline of social prescribing – how do we ensure Link Workers can work safely and effectively within primary care?
Community Engagement and Social Justice: Making a Difference Through Improving Communication Across Language and Culture in Mental Health and Community Settings
Intercultural Counselling and Psychotherapy with new immigrants and refugees
Refugee and Asylum Seekers Experience
Working with Interpreters
The Acculturation Experiences of First-Wave Kosovan Women Migrants Living in the United Kingdom: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis
Brickfield Newham