Shades Of Carcerality? Reflections On Asylum Accommodation In Italy, France And The UK
Entering a new era of luxury travel retail: how luxury brand managers can utilise the power of airports to luxury shoppers post-pandemic
Spectacular Surveillance: Capturing Biopouvoir at the 1900 Paris Olympic Games
A Review of the Benefits 3D Printing Brings to Patients with Neurological Diseases
Optimisation of Pharmaceutical Cocrystal Dissolution Performance through a Synergistic Precipitation Inhibition
''A Metamorphosed Language": Tracing Language Attitudes Towards Lubumbashi Swahili and French in the DRC
Home and forced migration
Stressful life events, psychological symptoms, and social support of children and young asylum-seekers in Iceland
The integration hypothesis and positive mental health outcomes for children and young asylum-seekers in Iceland
Response to the Bank of England and HM Treasury Consultation Questions on the Digital Pound
Cultural approaches to parenting
Data & Analysis of Artists’ Walking Survey: A Supplement to ARTISTS’ WALKING WORK AND COVID-19
#WalkCreate: Artists Walking Work and COVID-19
Mental Health Vulnerabilities and Strengths of Older Women With HIV During the Humanitarian Crisis in Ukraine
Mental health, children and the war in Ukraine
To Tell or Not to Tell: changes in Ukrainian older adults’ HIV status disclosure behaviours during humanitarian crisis
Treatment System Adaptations during War: Lessons from Ukrainian Addiction Treatment Providers
ASD-EVNet: An Ensemble Vision Network based on Facial Expression for Autism Spectrum Disorder Recognition
Feeling Pride in Place Through Local Heritage Projects
Excitations of the Earth’s Chandler Wobble and Length Of Day by the Southern Ocean
Introducing Colourwashing - Towards a Definition
Architectural history isn't what it used to be
Over the Tracks: Outdoor Sugarcrete Furniture
“Inclusion + Belongingness = Respect for UK Diaspora Jamaicans”
Becoming part of a memorial 50 years after the Coup in Chile: “Solidarity is Political”
A Forest of Memory
Preserving Memories of Cultural Resistance in Chile: The Archival Process of Tallersol’s Poster Collection
A Fugitive from Memory
El Fugitivo de la Memoria
50 Years is Nothing
50 Años No Es Nada
You’re Practically British!
On Exile and Other Defeats
Sobre Exilos Y Derrotas
Companion Pets in Displacement
A Chilean School in Exile, 1979-1986
Memories of a Medical Technologist Exiled in London
Chilean Exile: Trauma and Opportunities
An Interview with Ana María Pelusa
Premature Old Age
Vejez Prematura
History of a Letter
Paula Remembers
Documenting Chile Archive: Living Archives of the Chilean Community in the United Kingdom
Displaced Voices: A Journal of Migration, Archives and Cultural Heritage, Volume 3 Issue 2 (Autumn 2023)
Unsupervised Stereoscopic Video Style Transfer
Multilingual Narratives of a Pandemic: Covid 19 and Worldmaking
Financing Small Business Development in Osun State, Nigeria: 'A Critical Investigation'
The Digitalisation of Food Supply Chain in Africa: Opportunities and Barriers
Exercise training and resting blood pressure: a large-scale pairwise and network meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials
The effect of isometric exercise training on arterial stiffness: A randomized crossover controlled study
High-Intensity Interval Training and Cardiometabolic Health in the General Population: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomised Controlled Trials
The value of cardiopulmonary exercise testing and stress echocardiography in the prediction of all-cause mortality in adults with end stage renal disease
Exercise Mode in Heart Failure: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
The Acute Impact of Endurance Exercise on Right Ventricular Structure and Function
Myocardial performance index as a measure of global left ventricular function improves following isometric exercise training in hypertensive patients
Evolution of the legal test on excessive pricing in the UK
‘Doing the same puzzle over and over again’: a qualitative analysis of feeling stuck in grief.
Edubot: A Framework for Chatbot in Education
Opportunities and Challenges in Educational Chatbots
Trends, Applications, and Challenges of Chatbot Technology
The impact of COVID-19 pandemic on the mortality and morbidity of patients undergoing trauma surgery: a report from the UK Corona TRAUMA Surge (UKCoTS) study
A Comparative Study For Predicting House Price Based on Machine Learning
Aquaculture 4.0: Hybrid Neural Network Multivariate Water Quality Parameters Forecasting Model
Student nurses’ practices and willingness to teach relatives breast self-examination in Nigeria
Effective Teachers of Multilingual Learners: A Mixed-Method Study of UK and US Critical Sociocultural Teaching Practices
Intragastric balloons for obesity: critical review of device design, efficacy, tolerability, and unmet clinical needs
An Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis of the experience of being diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder
Will the Four-Day Working Week work for you?
The relationship between gratitude and work engagement: examining the mediating role of employee resilience
Group coaching: The new ‘Wild West of coaching’?
Could the Comfort Zone Model Enhance Job Role Clarity in Youth Work? Insights from an Ethnographic Case Study of the United Kingdom-based National Citizen Service
British king acknowledges colonial atrocities in Kenya – here’s what could happen next
Lived experiences of curriculum reform: a netnographic study of Media teachers’ perspectives
Book Review: Childcare Provision in Neoliberal Times: The marketization of Care by Aisling Gallagher
States and International Criminal Justice: COST CA18228 Scoping Survey
Credit Rating Prediction Using Different Machine Learning Techniques. International
Role of management education in adapting the Indian public sector to market-based economic reforms
Relationship between fixed capital formation and carbon emissions: Impact of trade liberalization in India
Investigating the Determinants of Financial Well-Being: A SEM Approach
The impact of Covid-19 on the capital structure in emerging economies: evidence from India
Intersection of Law, Religion, Customs, and the Problem of Child Marriage in Global South: A Comparative Study of India, Nigeria and Uganda
PDE4 Inhibitors: Profiling Hits through the Multitude of Structural Classes
Optimization of 4-amino-pyridazin-3(2H)-one as a valid core scaffold for FABP4 inhibitors
A multilingual grammar for 'The International Style', and its hybrid grammar
Combating domestic violence and sexual and gender-based violence during conflict: the case of the Rohingyas in Myanmar and Bangladesh
Uganda’s Post-War Transitional Justice Process: Have Housing, Land and Property Rights been Restored?
Critical state parameters for a saturated lateritic clay
Reliability of HCT-based Soil Water Retention Curves
Machine Learning-Based Estimation of Soil’s True Air-Entry Value from GSD Curves
The Dewey Decimal Dowsing Project: Meaning Inside the Event
Happy-Accident: The Vessel interview
Photography, Memory and Women in May ’68
Using podcasts to cultivate learner–teacher rapport in higher education settings
How does Equality Smell?
Are We That Map?
Building the economic evidence case for social prescribing
Determinants of maternal mortality in south-western Nigeria: Midwives’ perceptions
Identity or Identification? Why the Difference Between These Concepts Matters
The emotional in-formation of digital life: Simondon, individuation and affectivity
A study of ECT on 278 children and adolescents; methodological, conceptual, and ethical concerns
Editorial perspective: Leaving the baby in the bathwater in neurodevelopmental research
‘Lots of Black people are on meds because they're seen as aggressive’: STOMP, COVID-19 and anti-racism in community learning disability services
EDUCOM Undergraduate Research Annual Yearbook: Academic Year 2022-2023
Building Conscious Awareness through Reflective Practice in Education: A Literature Review
Student induction experiences: Through the lens of gamification
How to Create A Young Advisory Group: A guide by Young Advisors to Natural England
Bodybuilding, Exercise, and Image- and Performance-Enhancing Drug Use during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Developing Employability Skills through Practice-Based Learning
Policing and Academic Partnerships
Emergence and Maturity in Policing COVID-19
Police Leaders as Thinkers
Coloniality and the Politicisation of Literary Heritage Conservation
Entering Adulthood with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy: A Pathfinders Report
Diagnostic Assessment of Autism in Children Using Telehealth in a Global Context: a Systematic Review
Project: Student's voices in empolyability matters: A report of the findings 2023
Part 2: Anthropology, Cultural Studies and Organisations
Rethinking social housing in terms of environmental sustainability: An empirical analysis
Evaluating Consumer’s Behaviour Towards Investing in Sustainable Luxury Real Estate
What can be learned from pupils and staff in Key Stage 3 & 4 Pupil Referral Units about processes leading to permanent exclusion? Opportunities for improving practice
Exploring the Lived Experience of Female Users of Online Sexual Activities in the UK
Stories of people with dementia who experience word-finding difficulties.
British Bangladeshi Muslim Women’s In-Law Relationships: A Narrative Analysis
Transitional Activities in Elite Football: Frequency, Type, Effect on Match Outcome and the Novel Concept of Clusters
A bespoke sleep monitoring and sleep hygiene intervention improves sleep in an U18 professional football player: A case study
The Lived Experience of UK Forensic Carers of African-Caribbean Heritage Caring for Someone with Psychosis: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis
How do individuals in the UK experience recovery from prescribed benzodiazepine dependence and what helped?
A Qualitative Exploration of Self-Perceived Problematic Pornography Use Amongst Young People
Using a Game-Like Procedure as a Test of Executive Functions in Children
Exploring Heteronormativity in Mental Health Services: The Experience and Impact of Identity Disclosure for LGBTQ+ Young People who Self-Harm or Feel Suicidal
Using a Game-Like Task as an Assessment of Concept Formation in Children
A collision course with the law: the seismic importance of the Supreme Court’s Rwanda judgment
Rwanda Removals: A Precarious Victory?
Authentic Assessment for Senior People: "I Think that I am Doing This Already"
Improving working relationships employers and employees
Promoting Diversity and Equal Pay
Institutional responses to the challenge of GAI in assessment
Recipes for PIE: An Exploration of Psychologically Informed Environments (PIE) in Homelessness Services
Understanding barriers and facilitators to accessing IAPT for people on low incomes.
Practitioner experiences of delivering Video Interaction Guidance with caregivers and infants: Toward Culturally Competent Care
Trust in Public Health within Black African and Caribbean Communities: Grounded Theory as applied to the COVID-19 Vaccine Uptake
Challenges and Prospects of Private Higher Education in Nigeria
Enhancement of inverse-distance-weighting 2D interpolation using accelerated decline
Using a Game-Like Procedure as a Test of Executive Functions in Children
Live-project Situations and Design Research: Design studios as spaces for collaborative learning and knowledge production
A Participatory Action Research; Exploring the Economic Aspirations of Youth within the Context of the Community Wealth Building Initiative in Newham
Alternative Narratives of Dementia: Healthcare Professionals Witnessing Blogs from People Living with Dementia
Using a game-like task as an assessment of emotion recognition in children.
Link Workers in Social Prescribing for Young People work: a case study from Sheffield
Energy-Efficient Data Center Network Infrastructure With Network Switch Refresh Model
Constitutive model for plain and fiber-reinforced lightweight concrete under compression
Negotiating Ecological Intersectionality: Environmental Calamity, Sustainability and EcoArtt
Exposing ‘The Venereal Peril’: Fournier's Syphilography, Munch's Heredo-Syphilitic, La Syphilis Arabe, and Picasso's Prostitutes
Introduction: Vitalizing Energies, Creativity and Evolution
Investigating Homelessness And Social Cognition
Hearing Voices Groups and their impact: The experiences of young people and group facilitators
Applying the Team of Life as a Group Intervention within a Community Football Organisation
Experiences of early motherhood following successful reproductive procedures
Exploring nuanced approach to criminalization of late payers in the construction sector
Embodied carbon performance gaps in timber production for the UK built environment: A brief review
Roadmap to making wide-scale adoption of paludiculture a commercial reaility in England
The use of historical accounts of species distribution to suggest restoration targets for UK upland mires within a ‘moorland’ landscape
Care in my own home: Elders' accounts of receiving domiciliary care for the first time
Barriers to Acccessing Pyschological Support Following Early Miscarriage. Perspectives of the IAPT Perinatal Champion.
Road Safety in Great Britain: An Exploratory Data Analysis
Neuroanatomical dimensions in medication-free individuals with major depressive disorder and treatment response to SSRI antidepressant medications or placebo
Diabetic patient experiences of public and government messaging and help-seeking during the COVID-19 pandemic
Evidence Review on Online Risks to Children
Student nurses' experiences of discrimination and racism on work placements: What can higher education institutions do?
Human Identification at a Distance: Challenges, Methods and Results on HID 2023
Autism Spectrum Disorder Classification via Local and Global Feature Representation of Facial Image
Trauma-Informed Practice in Schools: Perceptions of School Staff
Understanding the role of peer involvement in UK harm reduction interventions
How is the Power Threat Meaning Framework being used by Clinical Psychologists in Clinical Practice?
CC-DRIVER Policy Brief No. 8: European Youth Survey
Fall Detection System with Accelerometer and Threshold-based Algorithm
Applicability of Federated Learning for Securing Critical Energy Infrastructures
Exploring the Resilience of Heartbroken Divorced Individuals at a University in London
Internal coach and mental health
Application of Blockchain Based e-Procurement Solution for Mitigating Corruption in Smart Cities Using Digital Identities
Blockchain Based Framework for Enhancing Cybersecurity and Privacy in Procurement
Questioning values in the delivery of dance practices at the University of East London
Understanding fNIRS as a neuromodulatory technique
First Do No Harm: Client and Staff Experiences of Negative Effects from Dialecetical Behaviour Therapy
How do psychological therapy practitioners, in their therapeutic approach, understand and work towards the empowerment of women who have been victims of violence?
Parents’ Perspectives of Birth Trauma During COVID-19
Emotion Memory versus Physical Action Towards Anti-racist Pedagogies that Make Way for Critical Praxis
Bourdieu in the Studio: Decolonising and Decentering Actor Training through Ludic Activism
Performance Evaluation of Ensemble Deep Learning Algorithms for Prediction of Pandemic Disease
Sing to me, baby: Infants show neural tracking and rhythmic movements to live and dynamic maternal singing
Evaluating thermogravimetric analysis for the measurement of drug loading in mesoporous silica nanoparticles (MSNs)
In response to: Comment on “Review of Dohan Eherenfest et al. (2009) on “Classification of platelet concentrates: From pure platelet-rich plasma (P-PRP) to leucocyte- and platelet-rich fibrin (L-PRF)”
Making sense of incidents of violence and aggression: A constructivist grounded theory analysis of inpatient mental health nursing staff’s experiences
Exploring shame, mental health, compassion, identity, and help-seeking in Black women who have experienced sexual violence
Coaching for Wellbeing: An Evidence-Based Guide for Practitioners
What keeps me engaging? A study of consumers' continuous social media brand engagement practices
Emotions and food waste behavior: Do habit and facilitating conditions matter?
Is BlockChain Mining Profitable in the Long Run?
Mobile Health Interventions for Cancer Care and Support: The Next Level of Digitalization in Healthcare
Different strokes for different folks: Comparative analysis of 3D printing in large, medium and small firms
Investigating visibility affordance, knowledge transfer and employee agility performance. A study of enterprise social media
Does digital transformation matter for operational risk exposure?
Emergency medical supplies scheduling during public health emergencies: algorithm design based on AI techniques
Enablers or Inhibitors? Unpacking the Emotional Power Behind In-Vehicle AI Anthropomorphic Interaction: A Dual Factor Approach by Text Mining
Applying artificial intelligence in healthcare: lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic
Conditional Tabular Generative Adversarial Net for Enhancing Ensemble Classifiers in Sepsis Diagnosis
Using Machine Learning for Security Issues in Cognitive IoT
Exploring Black Clinical Psychologists’ Experiences of Racism and its Discussion at Work and in the Profession.
Compétences Transversales, il se passe quoi ailleurs?
Warning: High incidence rate of cognitive impairment from electroconvulsive therapy with adolescents
A qualitative investigation of the experiences and impact of negative healthcare provider interactions during a traumatic birth
Does AI bring more benefits or threats to the workplace?
Shifting the Weight: Applications of AI in Olympic Weightlifting
Greece: The Return of the Right
Advancements and challenges in gender equity in British policing
“We need to talk about Giselle"
The Unintended Consequences of African Union Sanctions of Member States: Myths and Realities
Understanding differential effects of energy governance constraints in Nigeria: a transitional justice perspective
Marketing During a Global Crisis: A Study of the Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic in the Retail Banking Sector
An Empirical Investigation on Perception of Organizational Politics, Job Stress & Job Satisfaction Among Academicians in Pakistan Using Second-Order Construct
Numerical and Experimental analysis of a Solar Air Heater with triangular ducts
Waste Energy Collection and Conversion using Advanced Thermophotovoltaics systems
Influence of Multi-Stage Processing and Mechano-Chemical Treatments on the Hydration and Microstructure Properties of Recycled Aggregate Concrete
The Toolbox Approach: Towards a Novel Flexible Way of Implementing and Testing Positive Education
The hubs of transformation dictated by the innovation wave: Boston as a case study
Counselling Psychologists working in Human Rights & Social Justice
Early Childhood Education (ECE) in Nigeria: A system Analysis of Policy in National and Local Contexts
Displacement and painting
Environmental Sensitivity: A Multi-Domain Investigation of its Development in Infancy
An exploration of Educational Psychologists’ views on the impact of remote consultations on attuned interactions
MultiMe- multicultural children’s experiences and perceptions of selves and relationships
Educational Psychologists’ involvement with Youth Justice Services in England: A national perspective
An Exploration of Pupil Voice Practice in a Virtual School, Using an Appreciative Inquiry Approach.
What Works: The Views of Young Black People on School Wellbeing Provisions
Parental Experiences of Taking Part in Collaborative Psychological Assessment Meetings within the Education, Health and Care Needs Assessment for their Child’s Special Educational Needs
Early years practitioners’ perspectives on weapon and conflict play: Pedagogical challenges and opportunities
Addressing Intersectional Invisibility: Exploring the lived experiences of Black African mothers raising an autistic child in the UK
A Participatory Research Project Exploring Educational Psychologists’ Engagement with Whiteness, White Privilege and Developing Anti-Racist Practice.
SMEs’ Drivers and Barriers to Decarbonisation in the East of England
Enhancing the Legal Aid Provision in Nigeria through Regulatory Intermediaries
Corporate Brand Activism: An Exploration of Advertising Polysemy and Online Interpretive Communities
Brand Blunders and Race in Advertising: Issues, Implications, and Potential Actions from a Macromarketing Perspective
Luxury Brand Metaverse Runway Shows: relevant themes
Peatlands: Restoring the Invisible – a matter of Intelligence
Tomoo Otaka: Foundation of a theory of social association, 1932
Clinical psychologists’ experiences of supporting people with aphasia as part of a multidisciplinary team
A case for emojis, more or less: An analysis of word and emoji expressivity in text messaging for high and low alexithymia levels
“There is no barrier when it comes to your deafness”: participatory research exploring the views of Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing students being educated in a Resource Base
Influence of aesthetic design elements on residential satisfaction in apartment Based on Seoul apartment complex
Artificial Intelligence (AI)-Based Technology Adoption in the Construction Industry: A Cross National Perspective Using the Technology Acceptance Model
Sales Control Management in Banking and the Usefulness of Emerging
Sports and Exercise Therapists – working across the physical activity spectrum
Dissecting the Interplay Between Elected Members and Officials in Board Level Technology Decisions: the case of a local authority in England
Let’s just do it: Accessibility and inclusion, why does it matter? Involving people with learning disabilities in research
WINGS: Wellness Interventions for Nurses’ Growth and Selfcare
In response to ‘Use of technology by older adults with an intellectual disability in Ireland to support health, well-being and social inclusion during the COVID-19 pandemic’, by Darren McCausland, Mary McCarron and Philip McCallion
Digital Financial Inclusion in a Cashless Society
Exploring the Lived Experience of Black Young People in a Predominantly White Secondary School
The lived experience of Black men involved in knife-enabled crime in London – An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis
Feeling Happiness, Feeling Science: Diffractive Readings of Émilie Du Châtelet’s and Sophie Germain’s philosophical writings
The lived experiences of Syrian Forced Migrants in the United Kingdom and the Implications for Clinical Interventions
A mass-customized housing shape grammar application – The Orange County Sustainability Decathlon experience
The Perspective of Digital Ecosystems for Accessible Tourism: Conceptual and Operational Issues
Notes on [a] Metamodernism [conference]
When Mental Healthcare professionals cannot do the right thing: An exploration of how clinical psychologists make sense of their experiences of Moral Distress and conflicts of conscience
Spatial dependence via the internal capital markets of US global banks
Exploring ‘Long-Stay’ Male Service Users’ Perception of their Physical Healthcare in Forensic Mental Health Services
Growing Up Bilingual: Understanding specific benefits across the mainstream and complementary education sectors
Deep Learning-based Speech Enhancement for Real-life Applications
A Sequential Mixed Method Study of Employee Job Satisfaction in Upscale Restaurants, Malaysia
RDM+PM Checklist: Towards a Measure of Your Institution’s Preparedness for the Effective Planning of Research Data Management
Adoptees’ experiences of education; a positive psychology perspective.
Review of the book Square Pegs: Inclusivity, Compassion and Fitting In: A Guide for Schools, by Fran Morgan with Ellie Costello, edited by Ian Gilbert
Review of the talk Off Air with Jane and Fi at the Women of the World Festival, by Jane Garvey, Fi Glover, June Oscar and Meera Syal
A Critical Review of the Role of Educational Psychologists Engaging with Young People Who Identify as Transgender in the UK
Experiences of Autism Diagnosis: Parental Experiences and Interpretations of the Process of Having a Child Diagnosed with Autism
“It’s Just a New Way of Looking at Learning”: Evaluation of the Mediating Learning Support Assistant (MeLSA) Training Programme
Considering Ways to Operationalise Trauma-Informed Practice for Education Settings
A Critical Review of Educational Psychologist Engagement with the Black Community: A Diverse Group Within a Local United Kingdom Community Context
Educational Psychology Research and Practice (EPRaP): Volume 9, Issue 1
Neural processing of auditory temporal modulations in awake infants
An Exploration of the Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on the Social Inclusion of Deaf Young People Eleanor Dewar
A qualitative exploration of clinical psychologists’ experiences as leaders of intersectional power and its impact on their responses to privilege and discrimination
Outcomes for Young People Involved in PAC
PAC Briefing Report on Community Impact: Learning from the Peer Action Collective
Rapid Evidence Review: Newham Council Participation Academy
From Their Point of View: A collaborative approach to exploring the educational experiences of Black Caribbean boys in secondary school.
Women and Shame: Stories of Recovery from Alcohol Dependence
An AI powered system to enhance self-reflection practice in coaching
The Analytical and the Political: Situated Intersectionality and Transversal Solidarity
Press discourses on ecological crises in the UK, Israel, and Hungary
Bridging The Gap Between Academia and Practice: A case study for collaborative digital design to fabrication workflow for interlocking kit-of-parts
Synergistic effect of nano silica on carbonation resistance of multi-blended cementitious mortar
Molecular dynamics simulation in concrete research: A systematic review of techniques, models and future directions
Nanoindentation and nano-scratch testing on cement paste
Water-soluble polymers in cementitious materials: A comprehensive review of roles, mechanisms and applications
Influence of Geopolymerization Factors on Sustainable Production of Pelletized Fly Ash–Based Aggregates Admixed with Bentonite, Lime, and GGBS
A review of multi-scale modelling of concrete deterioration: Fundamentals, techniques and perspectives
Properties, compatibility, environmental benefits and future directions of limestone calcined clay cement (LC3) concrete: A review
An ICT architecture for Smart Local Councils: a Mauritian case study
How Do Women Who Become Pregnant as a Result of Rape and Raise Their Child Make Sense of This Experience?
The psychological experience of second-generation Somalis whose parents were forced to migrate during the civil war in the '90s
Attachment Avoidance, Alexithymia and Cultural Orientation: Examining their Associations with Distress Disclosure
An Exploration of Adolescent Boys’ Perceptions of Mental Health and Awareness of School-Based Support Systems
A PAC Guide to Peer Research and Social Action on Issues Related to Youth Violence: Learning from the Peer Action Collective
A Guide to Cocommissioning Action Research Collectives: Learning from PAC 2021-2023
Informing Sustainable Standards in 'The Circular Economy' utilising technological and data solutions
Managing the Influence of Stakeholders on the Scope of Major Construction Projects to Prevent Scope Creep in the BIM Era
A PAC Guide to Making the Most of Your Research: Learning from the Peer Action Collective
Towards Tactile Sensing of the Epidural Needle into the Spinal Column
Machine Learning-Based Prediction of Compressive Performance in Circular Concrete Columns Confined with FRP
Non-Invasive Ventilation Sensor Mask (NIVSM): Preliminary Design and Testing
Neoj4 and SARMIX Model for Optimizing Product Placement and Predicting the Shortest Shopping Path
Analysis of Deep Neural Networks for Military Target Classification using Synthetic Aperture Radar Images
Road Deterioration detection A Machine Learning-Based System for Automated Pavement Crack Identification and Analysis
Artificial Intelligence in Concrete Mix Design: Advances, Applications and Challenges
Customer Churn Prediction Model Using Artificial Neural Network: A Case Study in Banking
Scalable Machine Learning Model for Highway CCTV Feed Real-Time Car Accident and Damage Detection
Artificial Intelligence Applications in Road Traffic Forecasting: A Review of Current Research
Utilising Convolutional Neural Networks for Pavement Distress Classification and Detection
Real-Time Customer Emotion Analysis in E-Commerce based on Social Media Data: Insights and Opportunities
Implementing a Chatbot Music Recommender System Based on User Emotion
Predicting Shear Capacity of RC Beams Strengthened with NSM FRP Using Neural Networks
Machine Failure Prediction using Joint Reserve Intelligence with Feature Selection Technique
Customized Mass Production in Modular Design Approach for Lightweight Structures Using Bent Metal Pipes
The impacts of occupant behaviour on energy performance, thermal comfort, indoor air quality, and health in social housing
Indoor environmental quality and energy performance: Reviewing the case of council homes in London
Profiling the vendors of COVID‐19 related product on the Darknet: An observational study
Modular design and manufacturing processes using space-filling solids
Towards energy-efficient retrofitting of social housing in the UK: Assessing the occupant behaviour and indoor environmental quality of a council block in London
‘Ever yours, mathematically’: women’s letters and the mathematical imagination
Booking positions in small offshore financial centers: Focus on US global banks
Assessing the effect of retrofit strategies on thermal comfort and energy performance in social housing
'It's All So Pointless. Ah, But It's Not Though, Is It? It's Really Real and When You Feel It You Can Really Feel It': Theatre and Performance within Metamodernism
Enhancing Automatic Speech Recognition Quality with a Second-Stage Speech Enhancement Generative Adversarial Network
A Deep Learning Speech Enhancement Architecture Optimised for Speech Recognition and Hearing Aids
Making sense of burnout: A reflexive thematic analysis of how teachers in England discuss and encounter the term burnout.
A Participatory Action Research Study: Dementia & Human Rights
The experience of ICU nurses working on the frontline during the COVID-19 pandemic
Complexity Reduction in Beamforming of Uniform Array Antennas for MIMO Radars
Testing the Social Cognitive Model of Well-being among international students in China
Original Scientific Research Study: Identifying the Significance of Specific Eccentric and Concentric training Modalities on Punching Impact Power (IP) Output in Boxers and Thai boxers
Cinematic Aesthetics of Resistance: Reframing the Non-fiction Oppositional Film
Strategies for mainstreaming nature-based solutions in urban governance capacities in ten European cities
Does the New Science GCSE Curriculum Improve The Effectiveness of Practical Work In Key Stage 4 Classes?
Developing an Understanding of the Encounters between Local Authority Social Workers in England and Women who have been Subjected to Domestic Abuse
Form-function relationship in the amplitude and frequency modulations of infant - directed speech: A predictive processing perspective
Depression Earlier on in Life Predicts Frailty at 50 Years: Evidence from the 1958 British Birth Cohort Study
The Peatland Challenge – Mission Impossible for the Forgotten Lands?
Book Review: The Palgrave Handbook Of Imposter Syndrome In Higher Education
Justifying an EdD student’s research method for exploring the educational experiences of South Asian Muslim females
Is there a place for love in early childhood education and care in England? Early years educators’ beliefs
A status-based crisis of teacher shortages? A discussion
Ausländerzentralregister parents’ experiences of SEN diagnosis and support in international and local schools in Germany
The impact of performance-related pay in teaching: is it fair for all?
'If you’re a teacher, you’re a failed musician’: exploring hegemony in a UK conservatoire
Active learners in numeracy: implementing guided play for early numeracy learning
Facilitation of trialogic spaces: reflections from Irish and Scottish online lesson studies
Research in Teacher Education: Volume 13, No. 1, June 2023
Introduction: The Nearly Silent Listener
Review of Dohan Eherenfest et al. (2009) on “Classification of platelet concentrates: From pure platelet-rich plasma (P-PRP) to leucocyte- and platelet-rich fibrin (L-PRF)”
The development of the relationship between auditory and visual neural sensitivity and autonomic arousal from 6 m to 12 m
Supplemental: BPS Guidelines for Psychologists Working with Refugees and Asylum Seekers in the UK
The Role of Poetry in Building Community Identity in Newham, a Psychosocial Exploration
Issues Within the Sri Lankan Tamil Community During the Covid Pandemic in England and How These Challenges Were and Continue to be Met
Psychosocial Challenges at a Refugee Camp: When Volunteer Preparation is Lacking
Pockets of Positivity: School leaders’ Strategies for Developing School Inclusion for Students with Refugee and Asylum-seeking Backgrounds
The Inaudible Bereaved: A Critical Analysis of the Voice of a Bereaved Syrian Refugee in the UK: A Case Study
Potentially Morally Injurious Experiences (PMIEs) in the Humanitarian Sector: The Role of Moral Expectations
Editorial: Ethical Responses in Archiving the Evidence of Forced Migration: Documenting A History of `Refugee Psychology and Psychosocial Interventions’ on the Living Refugee Archive
Displaced Voices: A Journal of Migration, Archives and Cultural Heritage, Volume 3 Issue 1 (Spring 2023)
What a touchy subject! Discussions, reflections and thoughts about touch on the UEL BA (Hons) Dance: Urban Practice course
Life Cycle Assessment of construction materials: Methodologies, applications and future directions for sustainable decision-making
Thombosis, major bleeding, and survival in COVID-19 supported by veno-venous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in the first vs second wave: a multicenter observational study in the United Kingdom
Epilepsy update: diagnosis, classification and management
Efforts to Improve the Accuracy of Information About Electroconvulsive Therapy Given to Patients and Families
An exploration of girls' experiences of exclusion from and reintegration into mainstream secondary schools
Service-Level Barriers To Accessing Support Following Intimate Partner Violence For Men Who Have Sex With Men: Service Provider Perspectives
A Mixed Methods Study Investigating the Mediating Effects of Experiential Avoidance on the Relationship Between Alexithymia and Psychological Distress
Patterns of Transformation
Comparative Analysis of Tick-Borne Relapsing Fever Spirochaetes from Ethiopia and Nigeria
Power, positionality and practitioner research: Schoolteachers’ experiences of professional doctorates in education
Animalizing International Relations
Are branded content capable of increasing a brand’s inclusivity?
International HRM Practices in Africa: The Implications of Chinese Firms Operating in Africa
Challenges of Adopting and Implementing Green Human Resource Management Practice: The Perspectives of Organisational Culture and Political Commitment in Nigeria
Industrial Trade Dispute and Legal Regulation in Nigeria
Work-Life Balance Among Medical Doctors in Public Hospitals in Algeria
Managing Human Resources in Africa: A Critical Approach
Labour force transitions and changes in quality of life at age 50 to 55 years: evidence from a birth cohort study
Employee Voice: Insights from Pakistan
Education policies in England: exploring the relationship between the focus on attainment/achievement in the school-environment and adolescents’ mental health
Young children as citizens: learning from practice in the early childhood setting
Exceptional Women in Science Education? Émilie Du Châtelet and Maria Gaetana Agnesi
Unveiling the Rational Development of Stimuli-Responsive Silk Fibroin-Based Ionogel Formulations
Enhancing CSI-Based Human Activity Recognition by Edge Detection Techniques
Building resilient wooded landscapes: How can we support saproxylic invertebrates into the future?
Theories of Costs of Health and Safety Compliance and Non-Compliance with Regulations
Gender (in)equity in global mental health research: A call to action
Using artificial intelligence-enhanced video feedback for reflective practice in coach development: benefits and potential drawbacks
Computer Vision and Image Analysis for Industry 4.0
Annotator-dependent uncertainty-aware estimation of gait relative attributes
WINGS: Wellness Interventions for Nurses’ Growth and Selfcare: A pilot study on palliative care nurses to promote resilience, post-traumatic growth, and subjective wellbeing at Purdue University, USA (2021-23)
Intentionality and Healing- Applying SOPHIE as a Reflexive Practice in Higher Education
An investigation into the mechanisms of inter-brain synchrony during early social interactions
Political Participation in the Corbyn Movement
The impact of health pandemic on WCM: Evidence from the UK
Sentiment-Driven Cryptocurrency Price Prediction: A Machine Learning Approach Utilizing Historical Data and Social Media Sentiment Analysis
The Determinants of Foreign-Direct-Investment (FDI) Inflows in Nigeria
Family adversity and health characteristics associated with intimate partner violence in children and parents presenting to health care: a population-based birth cohort study in England
Resistance of multiple stakeholders to e-health innovations: Integration of fundamental insights and guiding research paths
A comprehensive review towards sustainable approaches on the processing and treatment of construction and demolition waste
Proceedings of the International Conference: Repurposing Places for Social and Environmental Resilience
The Conceptualisation of Employee Voice in Permacrisis: A United Kingdom Perspective
Employee Voice in the Global North: Insights from Europe, North America and Australia
Home is where the hate is: gender, race, class and the domestic abuse plotline in fiction and on screen
A Novel Mechanical Design of a Wearable Fingertip Haptic Device for Remote Meniscus Palpation
An Extended Reality Solution for Mitigating the Video Fatigue of Online Meetings
Automatic Scenario Generation for Robust Optimal Control Problems
Illicit COVID-19 products online: A mixed-method approach for identifying and preventing online health risks
Sensing the heat: Climate change vulnerability and foreign direct investment inflows
Replacing C₃S Cement with PP Fibre and Nanobiosilica in Stabilisation of Organic Clays
Interoperability Benefits and Challenges in Smart City Services: Blockchain as a Solution
Women, Science and Fiction Revisited
Exploring the relationship between civic engagement, early life, and wellbeing: a mixed methods study with a diverse sample of university students
Neural oscillatory insight into the endogenous cognitive processes and inter-personal contingencies that drive infant attention and support joint action during early infant-caregiver interaction
Optimising the use of Materials for Construction MSMEs: Building a Comprehensive Framework for Decision-Making and Resource Allocation through an Analytic Hierarchy Process
Securing IoT Devices Against Emerging Security Threats: Challenges and Mitigation Techniques
The Effectiveness of DKIM and SPF in Strengthening Email Security
Employing Machine Learning Algorithms to Detect Stress with a Specific Emphasis on Commuting Methods
An independent audit of Electroconvulsive Therapy patient information leaflets in Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales
Keep Quiet: Unheard Voices of Domestic Workers in Nigeria
The need for antidepressant withdrawal support services: recommendations from 708 patients
MIMO Virtual Array Design for mmWave 4D-Imaging Radar Sensors
Waveform Design for 4D-Imaging mmWave PMCW MIMO Radars with Spectrum Compatibility
CSI-Based Human Activity Recognition Using Multi-Input Multi-Output Autoencoder and Fine-Tuning
Employee Voice in the Global South: Insights from Asia, Africa and South America
Development of Low-Carbon Lightweight Concrete Using Pumice as Aggregate and Cement Replacement
Challenging the Concept of Sustainability to Perform Global Actions: Rotterdam as a Case Study
Teachers’ Continuous Professional Development CPD in Algeria and England: A Comparative Study of MFL Teachers in Medea and London
Microplastic pollution in the estuarine and river environment of the River Thames, UK
A Review of Fibre Reinforced Polymer Bridges
La gestion de classe à la HEP-VS, au fait, c’est quoi?
Développer les compétences émotionnelles chez les adolescent·es à l’école
A Review of Workplace Gossip: The Development of a Process Model for Studying Workplace Gossip
2022 Civic Data Innovation Challenge: Relationship Portfolio Mapping
A New Lens on Improving Physical Health with Psychological Interventions: A Systematic Review
Using theatre as a data collection tool in menstrual health research in rural India
Return of the Tbx5; lineage-tracing reveals ventricular cardiomyocyte-like precursors in the injured adult mammalian heart
Qualitative Insight Into the Wellbeing Impact of Nature Based Exercise
Re-evaluating Turkey’s global relationships and its shift toward the South-East Asian region
The Marsh
Zonal jets in the Southern Ocean: a semi-analytical model based on scale separation
Simple and effective method for the extraction of silymarin from Silybum marianum (L.) gaertner seeds
Athlete experiences of mental health disclosure and help seeking behaviour in amateur and professional basketball
The Autistic Experience of Exercising within Nature-Based Environments: An Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis
Exploring Diverse Adolescents & Youth Education Across the Displacement Linear: Education in Emergencies (EiE) Experiences and Colonial Entanglements
Essays in High Frequency Trading and Market Structure
Who is a coach and who is a coaching psychologist? Professionalising coaching psychology in the United Kingdom
Postactivation Potentiation for Muay Thai Kicking Performance
Heritage in a Van: The Paradox of Intangibility
The role of rehearsal and reminding in the recall of categorized word lists
Decision Making by Applying Machine Learning Techniques to Mitigate Spam SMS Attacks
Advances in Gender Equity in British Policing
Machine Learning based Cryptocurrency Price Prediction using historical data and Social Media Sentiment
Determinants of Foreign-Direct-Investment (FDI) in Nigeria
“The great source” microplastic abundance and characteristics along the river Thames
Management accounting system: Insights from the decision making theories
Genome architecture and diverged selection shaping pattern of genomic differentiation in wild barley
Online group coaching: the experience of postgraduate students during the COVID-19 pandemic
A Duoethnographic Study of Power and Privilege in the Psychotherapeutic Space: Dialogical Research as Professional Development
Labour silence on abuse uncovered in reports
On the economic impact of information security announcements: an event study analysis
Working together: NGOs, academics, practitioners and researchers
TEDD: a database of temporal gene expression patterns during multiple developmental periods in human and model organisms
Integrative omics identifies conserved and pathogen-specific responses of sepsis-causing bacteria
Predators Far and Near: The Sadean Gothic in Penny Dreadful
South Asian Women's Cinema: Between Festivals and Streaming
Commentary on ‘‘Information flow and dynamic functional connectivity during electroconvulsive therapy in patients with depression"
Using multimedia technology to enhance self-advocacy of people with intellectual disabilities: Introducing a theoretical framework for ‘Multimedia Advocacy’
Ukraine, Multipolarity and the Crisis of Grand Strategies
Ukraine, Europe, and the re-routing of Globalization
A screen actor prepares: Self-taping by reversing Stanislavsky’s Method of Physical Actions
Impact learning: A learning method from feature’s impact and competition
Short Utterance Dialogue Act Classification Using a Transformer Ensemble
An integrated process for planning, delivery, and stewardship of urban nature-based solutions: the Connecting Nature Framework
Data sharing for business model innovation in platform ecosystems: From private data to public good
Pressure, Threat, and Fear in the Classroom: Pupils' and Teachers' Perceptions of Soft Failure in an 11+ Context
The Entrepreneurial University: Traditional and Contemporary Roles of the University
University Spinoffs and Technology Commercialisation
Ethics in Education and the Development of Coaches
Academic Entrepreneurship: Promoting Economic and Societal Developments
Academic Entrepreneurship in Nigeria: A Book of Reading
Economic Drivers of Turkey’s Foreign Policy and the Issue of “Strategic Autonomy” (Sub-Imperialism)
Caregiver Perceptions of Autism and Neurodevelopmental Disabilities in New Delhi, India
What happened to domestic programmes? The intriguing case of Islamic Relief Worldwide
Everyday (Re)bordering
Cough syrup can harm children: experts warn of contamination risks
Common health assets protocol: a mixed-methods, realist evaluation and economic appraisal of how community-led organisations (CLOs) impact on the health and well-being of people living in deprived areas
Antileprotic drugs
Antitubercular drugs
Worker and workplace Artificial Intelligence (AI) coexistence: Emerging themes and research agenda
Designing withdrawal support services for antidepressant users: patients’ views on existing services and what they really need
Low Power Analog Processing for Ultra-High-Speed Receivers with RF Correlation
Immunomodulatory Effect of Minocycline on Macrophage Phenotype and Function
Drivers of Sustainable Business Model Innovations: An Upper Echelon Theory Perspective
Conclusion: Epistolary Poethics and Agonistic Politics
An Innovative Approach Based on Machine Learning to Evaluate the Risk Factors Importance in Diagnosing Keratoconus
Researching Development NGOs: Global and Grassroots Perspectives
Epistolary Narratives of Love, Gender and Agonistic Politics: An Arendtian Approach
Modelling language for cyber security incident handling for critical infrastructures
Recent advances in MXene composites research, applications and opportunities
New Deal for Young People Mentoring Research Report
Frontiers in blue-green infrastructure
Green roofs
Archiving Displacement and Identities: Recording Struggles of the Displaced Re/making Home in Britain
A Comparative Study of the Work-Life Balance Experiences and Coping Mechanisms of the Nigerian and British Single Student-Working Mothers
Impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on microplastic abundance along the River Thames
Evaluation of deep learning models for classification of asphalt pavement distresses
Deception Detection in Conversations using the Proximity of Linguistic Markers
A Qualitative Investigation into How the Practice of Coaching Impacts Students and Coaches in a Bahraini Context
Digital community assets: Investigating the impact of online engagement with arts and peer support groups on mental health during COVID-19
Cooling is hotting up in the UK
“A Little Superpower That I Know is There”: Exploring the Meaning and Role of Prāṇāyāma in the Wellbeing of Adults in Mid-life
Radiolabelling of Polyclonally Expanded Human Regulatory T Cells (Treg) with ⁸⁹Zr-oxine for Medium-Term In Vivo Cell Tracking
The Impact of Participatory Budgeting on Health and Well-Being: A Qualitative Case Study of a Deprived Community in London
Bad apples spoiling the metaphor? How and why self-serving leaders stir up counterproductive behaviors at work
Bordering seafarers at sea and onshore
An evolution of global and regional banking networks: A focus on Japanese banks’ international expansion
Antidepressants and suicide: 7,829 inquests in England and Wales, 2003-2020
Theorizing the relationship between the digital economy and firm productivity: The idiosyncrasies of firm-specific contexts
Messing up research: A dialogical account of gender, reflexivity, and governance in auto-ethnography
Inhibition of thrombin on endothelium enhances recruitment of regulatory T cells during IRI and when combined with adoptive Treg transfer, significantly protects against acute tissue injury and prolongs allograft survival
Therapeutic work with clients living in poverty
De-medicalising public mental health with the Power Threat Meaning Framework
Exploring the Experiences of Coaches Working on the Edge: Trauma, Posttraumatic Growth, and Coaching
Adventure, Posttraumatic Growth, and Wisdom
Employment Discrimination against Indigenous People with Tribal Marks in Nigeria: The Painful face of Stigma
Comparative Analysis of Tick-Borne Relapsing Fever Spirochaetes from Ethiopia and Nigeria
Applying a framework for critical reflection in educational psychology practice: views of trainee educational psychologists
An agenda for creative practice in the new mobilities paradigm
Global mental health and climate change: A geo-psychiatry perspectiv
Editorial to the special issue on ”Asian Powers in the Eastern Mediterranean”
Complicity, trauma, love: an exploration of the experiences of LGBTQIA+ members from physical education spaces
Coxiella burnetii
Critical Theory and International Relations: Knowledge, Power and Practice
Lost for Words: Difficult Conversations about Ethics, Reflexivity, and Research Governance
Book Review: The Lab Book: Situated Practice in Media Studies
A real-time fingerprint-based indoor positioning using deep learning and preceding states
Playing for Resilience in a Pandemic; Exploring the Role of an Online Board Game in Recognising Resources
Digital Onboarding and Employee Outcomes: Empirical Evidence from the UK
Life satisfaction in Europe and Iran: the role of self-esteem, gender identification and ambivalent sexism
Time for hard choices: A new global order for mental health
A national school-based screening program for mental health problems among children aged 6 to 12 years in Iran: scale development and psychometric evaluation
East End Jam: A Multi-Sensory Urban Foraging Artwork
‘Trap Life’: The psychosocial underpinnings of street crime in inner-city London
Leveraging Administrative Data to Better Understand and Address Child Maltreatment: A Scoping Review of Data Linkage Studies
Innovation Across Cultures: Connecting Leadership, Identification, and Creative Behavior in Organizations
The Lived Experience of Hotel Isolation: Evaluation of the Newham Council Hotel Isolation Pilot: Learning from a Rapid Evaluation 2021–2022
Mental Health of Iranian College Students in a Nationally Representative Sample of over 74,500 Individuals: Scale Development and Standardization
Vitalist Picasso: Bergson's “Psychic States”, Phantasmatic Luminescence and Occultist Cubism
Vitalist Modernism: Art, Science, Energy and Creative Evolution
Towards a framework for flourishing through social media: a systematic review of 118 research studies
Growing up bilingual: language proficiency, social identities and competences of complementary school-attendees and non-attendees in the UK
Enactors or reactors? Work-life border management for women in law in Nigeria
The far right, the mainstream and mainstreaming: towards a heuristic framework
Sense of self, depression and adaption to grief, in emerging adults who suffered parental loss
The Hindi Horror Film
What are the views and experiences of autistic teachers? Findings from an online survey in the UK
Attitudes to Fake News Verification: Youth Orientations to ‘Right Click’ Authenticate
Antigone re-imagined: uprooted women’s political narratives
Critical pedagogies for community building: Challenging ableism in higher education physical education in the United States
The value of ambivalent emotions: a cross-cultural lexical analysis
We're Like Sisters
Group 2, Untitled