Eat my pizza with a pair of chopsticks - will fashion brands ever learn about cross-cultural communications when going global: a personal perspective
Community‐based interventions for improving mental health in refugee children and adolescents in high‐income countries
Comments on the FSB Consultative Paper “Addressing the Regulatory, Supervisory and Oversight Challenges Raised by Global Stablecoin Arrangements”
Research in therapeutic practice settings: Ethical considerations
Pollution Pods: can art change people’s perception of climate change and air pollution?
Online reduced complexity parameter estimation technique for equivalent circuit model of lithium-ion battery
Performance evaluation and benchmarking of PLL algorithms for grid-connected RES applications
Evolving willingness and ability interfaces: An innovation led transformation journey
A Perspective on Migration and Community Engagement in Smart Cities
A user-centric framework for educational chatbots design and development
A review of learning theories and models underpinning technology enhanced learning artefacts
Capturing Public Concerns About Coronavirus Using Arabic Tweets: An NLP-Driven Approach
Early Years Pedagogy in Practice: A Guide for Students and Practitioners
New digital media: freedom of expression and safeguarding journalists in the context of East Africa
Fixing the missing link in foreign investment
Establishing Accountability for Gross Human Rights Violations: an Analysis of the Rohingya conflict
A CRS Oedometer Cell for Unsaturated and Non-Isothermal Tests
Creep and consolidation of a stiff clay under saturated and unsaturated conditions
The Covid-19 pandemic and its effects on teacher education in England: how teacher educators moved practicum learning online
The Tutu Foundation (UK): Review into Institutional Racism at the Westview Trust
New EU migration pact driven by political compromise, not humanitarianism
Human Rights and the Revision of Refugee Law
Digital equity: Learning in lockdown for the autistic student
A Method for Sensor-Based Activity Recognition in Missing Data Scenario
An AI-based Visual Aid with Integrated Reading Assistant for the Completely Blind
Robust and automatic data cleansing method for short-term load forecasting of distribution feeders
Stock market prediction using machine learning classifiers and social media, news
A novel centroids initialisation for K-means clustering in the presence of benign outliers
Critical Digital Pedagogies in Modern Languages – a Tutorial Collection
Critical Digital Pedagogies in Modern Languages – a Tutorial Collection
Artificial intelligence in personnel management: the development of APM model
Workplace gossip and employee cynicism: The moderating role of dispositional envy
A Qualitative Investigation Into the Impact of the Basketball Learning Intervention Programme (BLIP) on Disengaged Secondary School Students in the United Kingdom
TMTDyn: A Matlab package for modeling and control of hybrid rigid–continuum robots based on discretized lumped systems and reduced-order models
BarleyVarDB: a database of barley genomic variation
ERDMAS: An exemplar-driven institutional research data management and analysis strategy
A platform in the use of medicines to treat chronic hepatitis C (PLATINUM C) protocol for a prospective treatment registry of real world o
Stepping Forward: An Exploration of Devised Theatre’s Democratic Designs in an Actor-Training Setting
Twenty-three women officers’ experiences of policing in England: The same old story or a different story?
Physiological Profiles of Elite Parachute Regiment Infantry Boxers
Institutions and Economic Fortunes in Comparative Perspectives
The Role of Social Workers in Allocation and Monitoring of Pupil Premium Plus for Looked After Children
Development as a Reflective Practitioner: Race Reflections - First Case, Lasting Impact
Explaining individual differences in infant visual sensory seeking
Report 02: Parent/carer stress, work and child’s needs, reported child activity, communicating with friends and family living outside the household in Iran
Report 01: COVID-19 worries, parent/carer stress and support needs, by child special educational needs and parent/carer work status in Iran
Mental health problems amongst school-age children and adolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic in the UK, Ireland and Iran: A call to action and research
Ukubambisana Kwama-Afrika Njengengxenye Yohlelo Lwefa Ledijithali
Linking Recent Discrimination-Related Experiences and Wellbeing via Social Cohesion and Resilience
The development of the ‘Forms of Responding to Self-Critical Thoughts Scale’ (FoReST)
Good Practice across the Counselling Professions 004: What works in counselling and psychotherapy relationships
Methodological and ethical challenges while conducting qualitative research on spirituality and end of life in a Muslim context: a guide to novice researchers
Approaching Spiritual and Existential Care Needs in Health Education: Applying SOPHIE (Self-Exploration through Ontological, Phenomenological, and Humanistic, Ideological, and Existential Expressions), as Practice Methodology
Work–Family Interface and Crossover Effects: Exploring for the Effects of Gender
COVID Health Behaviour Non-compliance as Playful Oppositionalism and Implications for Public Health Strategy
Arts and Well-Being: The Arts as Positive Interventions
Exploring the psychology of extended-period expeditionary adventurers: Going knowingly into the unknown
Taking an Embodied Approach to Posttraumatic Growth Research and Sport
Emotion in the Digital Age: Technologies, Data and Psychosocial Life
Putting User in Context: A Participatory Design Approach Using a Simulated Beach Environment
Ontology Modelling for Adaptive Coordination of Education, Health and Social Care Interventions for Children and Young People with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities: Smart-School Care Coordination System
Book Review: Mendel, Gideon (2017): Dzhangal. London: GOST Books ISBN: 978-1-910401.15-6
Partition and Legacies of Violence: A Study of Kashmir Conflict
Narrating the Pandit Exodus: A Study of Indian Administrate Kashmir
Poetry by HopeTowns: Creative Writing Project with Refugees
Poems and Artwork
Bengali Music and Musicians in the UK Oral History Project
Mirch Masala: British Interactions with South Asian Culture from 1960-1990
Resisting the Trauma Story: Ethical Concerns in the Oral History Archive
“Resistance is our Culture”: An Archival Exploration of Oromo Diaspora Organizing
Identity Artefacts and Memory as Pedagogy
Drowning by Numbers
'Human Interest Stories': An Aspect of the History of Refugees and the Refugee Regime
On Weaponizing Fear and Controlling Movement: Scaremongering and Migration amid Coronavirus
“Too black to be Moroccan” and “too Afrikan to be Black-British”
Disorientations on Place and Displacement
Editorial - Why Displaced Voices?
Displaced Voices: A Journal of Archives, Migration and Cultural Heritage Volume 1, Issue 1 (Summer 2020)
Safer technology, safer users: The UK as a world-leader in Safety Tech
Exploring Policing and Industry Practice in the Prevention of Online Child Sexual Abuse
Twenty-First Century Socialism
How Media and Conflicts Make Migrants
A Dynamic Access Control Model Using Authorising Workfow and Task Role-based Access Control
Should Monrovian Communities Agree to Voluntary Slum Relocations: Land, Gender and Urban Governance
Energy Efficiency in Buildings and Excess Summer Mortality in the UK
Preventive Approach to Unsubstantiated Claims and Disputes in the UK Construction Industry
Unfair Payment Issues in Construction: Re-thinking Alternative Payment Method for Tier-1 Contractors to Subcontractors
Project Specific Constraints Influencing Productivity of Tradespeople in the Nigerian Construction Industry
Effects of emerging technologies in minimising variations in construction projects in the UK
A comparative analysis of process safety management (PSM) systems in the process industry
“Things change, things aren’t always a given”: Exploring the Experiences of Miscarriage: A Narrative Analysis.
Behind the White Glasses, Valerio Ruiz (dir.) (2015), Italy: White Glasses Production and Recalcati Multimedia
Daitona: Meet the most innovative Italian production company
Visualising transformative spaces for education: a focus on lecture halls, computer rooms and studios
Leaping the Hurdles: Using an Ecological Approach to Develop Physical Education for Autistic Students: an Action Research Study
‘More willing to carry on in the face of adversity’: how beginner teachers facing challenging circumstances experience positive psychology coaching. An interpretative phenomenological analysis
Creating Space for Mental Wellbeing: Identifying and Applying Salutogenic Concepts From a Body of Work Representing Two Health Interventions
COVID-19: time to rethink palliative care strategy in resource-poor settings
Professional Doctorate in Educational and Child Psychology at the University of East London: Position Statement on Anti-Racism and Decolonisation
Power and Racialisation: Exploring the Childhood and Educational Experiences of Four Mixed Young People (Who Identify as Having One Black and One White Parent)
Black Voices Matter: Racial Trauma, Challenging Systemic Oppression and Shifting the Narrative
Preparing to Be an Ethically Minded Educational Psychologist: Examining Conceptualisations of Social Justice and a Reflexive Exploration of Values
Narratives of High-Attaining African Caribbean Boys: Perceptions of Peer and Family Influences in Education
Visual Art: A Tool for Facilitation of Cultural Competence and Antiracism when Training Helping Professionals
Navigating Blackness in Educational Psychology: Reflections of a Trainee Educational Psychologist
Editorial: The Whiteness of Educational Psychology: Colonialism, Post-Colonialism and Racialisation in the Theory, Training and Practice of Educational Psychology
Educational Psychology Research and Practice (EPRaP): Volume 6, Issue 1
On the Uncertainty Caused by the Referendum on Brexit
Why a Special Issue on Women’s Cinema?
Contemporary Women Filmmakers in Myanmar: Reflections on a Visit in February 2019
The Respect for Freedom of Expression and the Exercise of State Jurisdiction Online in International Human Rights Law
Central Bank of Nigeria, Corporate Governance and the Quest for Sustainable Banking System in Nigeria: An Exploratory Analysis
Enforcements in Financial Disputes: A Case for an Interbank Award Clearing Framework
Book Reviews: Introducing Research in Early Childhood
Book Reviews: The Ignorant Schoolmaster: Five Lessons in Intellectual Emancipation
Book Reviews: Supporting the Emotional Well-Being of Children and Young People With Learning Disabilities: A Whole School Approach
Time to Really Re-Envisage Teacher Education
Educators as Empowerers: A Small-Scale Study of Opportunities to Expand the Scope of ITT Programmes, with a Particular Focus on Prison Education
Seminar Capital: An Exploration of the Enduring Social and Pedagogical Benefits of Seminar Engagement
Reflections of a ‘Wannabe’ Progressive Teacher: How Reflection and Reflexivity Can Positively Impact Practice
How Can Developing Subject Literacy Enable Pupils to Enhance Their Subject Knowledge and the Understanding of Key Concepts in Geography?
Do Children Perceive Social Class in Children’s Fantasy Texts? Initial Findings From Research in a Year 6 Classroom
Is the Attainment Gap Fundamentally Flawed? Challenges and Opportunities
Exploring and Understanding Pupils’ Lack of Perseverance and Autonomy With Debugging in Computing
PRIDAM: A Framework for Teaching Programming
Research in Teacher Education: Volume 10, No.1, May 2020
The public and the relational: the collaborative practices of the Inclusive Archive of Learning Disability History
Challenges faced by mental health interpreters in East London: An interpretative phenomenological analysis
Preparing for a conference, doctoral or professional presentation
Rethinking transit zones: migrant trajectories and transnational networks in Techno-Borderscapes
Mapping and Mobilizing the Rwandan Diaspora in Europe for Development in Rwanda: Comparative Report
Mapping and Mobilizing the Rwandan Diaspora in Europe for Development in Rwanda: A Policy Summary
A Small Fish in a Big Pond: Educational Leadership Outside of a School Environment
Why Mentoring and Coaching Matters when starting as a Teacher Trainee. A think piece working paper
The Utopian Ensemble: Collaboration and Emergent Creation
Opera, devising and community: a creative and pedagogical methodology
New Suspended Sand Concentration Model for Breaking Waves
Building Foundation Instability Induced by Tsunami Scour
Modelling of Krakatoa Tsunami Wave Propagation and Community Engagement Based on SWOT Analysis in Southern Lampung, Indonesia
Modeling of Berm Formation and Erosion at the Southern Coast of the Caspian Sea
An Experimental Analysis of Deep Learning Architectures for Supervised Speech Enhancement
Exploring Multiculturalism as a Dynamic Factor for Spurring the New Economy, Particularly Present Within Port Cities
COP 26: Pavilion Proposals
Lost and Found In Translation
Mapping and Masking Targets Comparison using Different Deep Learning based Speech Enhancement Architectures
A Comparative Study of Time and Frequency Domain Approaches to Deep Learning based Speech Enhancement
A two-year evaluation of the Young People Social Prescribing (YPSP) pilot
Barriers to tests and exams for autistic pupils: improving access and longer-term outcomes
How Do Mental Health Practitioners Consider and Understand Identities, Beliefs and Practices That Are Associated With Islam When Encountered in Clinical Practice
A Collaborative Investigation of the Experiences of Elders Using an Older Adult Home Treatment Team: From Understanding to Action
“The dice are loaded”: Men’s Experiences of Help-Seeking for Female Perpetrated Domestic Abuse
The Change Process: Clients' Perspectives and Understanding of Change During Psychological Therapy
Young Adults From Black Communities Experience of Receiving Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) for Depression – A Qualitative Account
Black and Asian Women’s Conceptualisations of Psychosis and Compulsory Admission within an Early Intervention Service
"At the time I didn’t know what was going on, so they diagnosed me with schizophrenia": The lived experience of being diagnosed with schizophrenia for people of Black African and/or Black Caribbean heritage: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis
Protocol on a multicentre statistical and economic modelling study of risk-based stratified and personalised screening for diabetes and its complications in India (SMART India)
Exploring the Challenges of Commissioning Mental Health Services for Black Men
Impact of Substance Use Disorder on Quality of Inpatient Mental Health Services for People With Anxiety and Depression
Life in 90 words: opportunities for person-centred care amidst COVID-19
Spatiotemporal in vivo tracking of polyclonal human regulatory T cells reveals a role for innate immune cells in Treg transplant recruitment
Peatland Training Programme – Part 1
Academic Ableism in Higher Education
Restorative Practice in Health and Physical Education: Shifting the Norm from Punitive to Reparative
Land based finance for sustainable urban development in Africa: Challenges and prospect
Editorial: Young people’s involvement in policymaking: Perceiving young people as part of the solution and not part of the problem
A fingerprint technique for indoor localization using autoencoder based semi-supervised deep extreme learning machine
Synthesis, and biological screening of chloropyrazine conjugated benzothiazepine derivatives as potential antimicrobial, antitubercular and cytotoxic agents
Syntheses and Step-by-Step Morphological Analysis of Nano-Copper-Decorated Carbon Long Fibers for Aerospace Structural Applications
To what extent can solar control be effective in enhancing indoor comfort in a fully glazed office building?
Modulation of the Gastrointestinal Immune Environment by Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factors (MIF) and Helminth-Derived Cytokine Homologues of MIF
Assessment of Uncultivable Soil Microorganisms as a Source of Novel Antibiotic
The Impact of a Livelihood Intervention on Psychosocial Wellbeing and Economic Empowerment in an Ongoing Conflict Setting: The Gaza Strip
Joint Optimization of Power and Location in Full-Duplex UAV Enabled Systems
The RIX Multi Me Toolkit: Rix Research & Media Feasibility Report
purpleSTARS: Inclusive Curation and Production Creates Inclusive Museums
Building a Radical University: A History of the University of East London
Independent Study
Synthesis of Nylon 6/Modified Carbon Black Nanocomposites for Application in Uric Acid Adsorption
Vaccination with novel low-molecular weight proteins secreted from Trichinella spiralis inhibits establishment of infection
Using Narrative Analysis to Inform About Female and Male Sexual Victimization
Musical coordination in a large group without plans nor leaders
Using different proteolytic enzymes to digest antibody and its impact on stability of antibody mimetics
Digit ratio (2D:4D) and congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH): Systematic literature review and meta-analysis
Possibilities and pitfalls? Moderate drinking and alcohol abstinence at home since the COVID-19 lockdown
Fingerprinting Based Indoor Localization Considering the Dynamic Nature of Wi-Fi Signals
Using interpretive phenomenological analysis (IPA) to understand the development of legal ethical competence through reflection in a clinical learning environment
Critical Human Rights-Based Approach to Applied Psychology: Context and power
The explosive growth of the US ABCP market between 2004 and 2007: an integrated empirical analysis
Robot-assisted training compared with an enhanced upper limb therapy programme and with usual care for upper limb functional limitation after stroke: the RATULS three-group RCT
Identifying Users with Wearable Sensors based on Activity Patterns
Anti-Bourgeois for What? A Reflective Response to Gary Hall’s ‘Anti-Bourgeois Theory’
Platforms and Potency: Democracy and Collective Agency in the Age of Social Media
SWOT Analysis of Information Security Management System ISO 27001
An investigation into the impact of approaches to learning on final-year student nurses’ clinical decision-making
Tick-borne diseases and co-infection: Current considerations
Review: Social Housing in Performance: The English Council Estate On and Off Stage. By Katie Beswick. London and New York: Bloomsbury, 2019. Pp. x 220. £64.80 Hb.
Racism in clinical psychology within the heart of the old empire
Animals, Superman, Fairy and God: Children’s Attributions of Nonhuman Agent Beliefs in Madrid and London
Attitudes toward and inferred beliefs for religious ingroup/outgroup members: Muslim children of Pakistani heritage in the United Kingdom and Saudi Arabia
Spatiotemporal Zones of Neosomnambulism
Risk identification framework in construction of Egyptian mega housing projects
Tracking the position Global satellite navigations in Europe Expanding man's understanding ‘GALILEO: 2020!’
Social media engagement and organic post effectiveness: A roadmap for increasing the effectiveness of social media use in hospitality industry
Animating the Real: Illusions, Musicality and the Live Dancing Body
The Aesthetics of Retrieval: Beautiful Data, Glitch Art and Popular Culture
Developing an Evaluation Tool for Health Systems in Low and Middle-Income Countries using Sen’s Capability Approach
Investigation of the Dynamic Interaction between the Human Body and Car Seat Using a Unique Simulation Technique
Optimizing server refresh cycles: The case for circular economy with an aging Moore’s Law
A global horizon scan of the future impacts of robotics and autonomous systems on urban ecosystems
Using Co-Production in Interventions to Reduce Health Inequalities: A Qualitative Study of Process and Impact
Protein modification by bis-alkylation
Acceptability and feasibility of early identification of mental health difficulties in primary schools: a qualitative exploration of UK school staff and parents’ perceptions
Tackling the Challenges of Information Security Incident Reporting: A Decentralized Approach
Dual acting therapeutic proteins for intraocular use
Predictive Modelling of Student Academic Performance – the Case of Higher Education in Middle East
In Infancy, It’s the Extremes of Arousal That Are ‘Sticky’: Naturalistic Data Challenge Purely Homeostatic Approaches to Studying Self-Regulation
Case Studies for achieving a Return on Investment with a Hardware Refresh in Organizations with Small Data Centers
Exploring the Ways of Providing High Service Quality at Low Cost in the Economy Hotel Sector
Out of the Black Box: Investigating the Experiential Impact of Psychotherapy with Refugees on Interpreters
The Quality of Mental Health Care Received by Homeless Inpatients
LOLS@stigma: comedy as activism in the changing times of the HIV epidemic
The 'Jungle' is here the jungle is outside: university teaching in the Calais refugee camp
The Personal is Political: The Social Justice Functions of Stories
Stories Changing Lives: Narratives and Paths toward Social Change
Researching Family Narratives
Dictionary selection for Compressed Sensing of EEG signals using sparse binary matrix and spatiotemporal sparse Bayesian learning
Adverse Effects of Psychological Therapies
Critical Pedagogy in Physical Education
The plague of postmodernism: Interpretations are not enough to change the world
Corrigendum to “Suspended sand concentration models under breaking waves: Evaluation of new and existing formulations” [Marine Geology 426 (2020) 106197]
Reducing the carbon footprint of lightweight aggregate concrete
Influence of waste glass in the foaming process of open cell porous ceramic as filtration media for industrial wastewater
Protective Behavioral Strategies Underutilization Mediates Effect of a Brief Motivational Intervention among Socially Anxious Undergraduate Drinkers
The Silencing of Public Interest Concerns and Hidden Motives: Jhuti v the Royal Mail Group
Group antenatal care (Pregnancy Circles) for diverse and disadvantaged women: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial with integral process and economic evaluations
Serospatial epidemiology of zoonotic Coxiella burnetii in a cross section of cattle and small ruminants in northern Nigeria
Quality of English inpatient mental health services for people with anxiety or depressive disorders: Findings and recommendations from the core audit of the National Clinical Audit of Anxiety and Depression
Reviews: Bad News for Labour: Antisemitism, the Party and Public Belief By Greg Philo, Mike Berry, Justin Schlosberg, Antony Lerman and David Miller, Pluto Press 2019
Looking Back: ‘1968’, Women’s Liberation and the Family
A Rule and Graph-Based Approach for Targeted Identity Resolution on Policing Data
International Perspectives on Creativity in the Foreign Language Classrooms
Developing Social Literacy through Different Art Forms in Early Childhood Education: Does It Matter Which Art Form I Am Going to Use?
Full-Scale Shaking Table Tests on Deficient Rc Buildings Strengthened With FRP Composites
An Obligation to Provide Air Travel in the Covid-19 Era (A European Perspective)
Actions of Novel Hybrid Peptides on Hyperglycaemia and Immunomodulation in Experimental Diabetes
Targeting Siglecs on Recipient Antigenpresenting Cells With Sialic Acid-Modified Alloantigen to Promote Transplantation Tolerance
Notes from lockdown: A series of reflections on some of the political and cultural impacts of the pandemic
A Qualitative Study to Explore the Help Seeking Views Relating to Depression Among Older Black Caribbean Adults Living in the UK
An Exploration of the Perspectives of Neuropsychologists Working With Clients From Ethnically, Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Backgrounds
Understanding Human Rights in Forensic Psychiatric Services: Staff Perceptions of Human Rights Issues in an Inpatient Forensic Psychiatric Service
Clinical Psychologists’ Usage and Experiences of Psychoanalysis and Psychoanalytically-Informed Approaches Within the NHS
Service Users’ Conceptualisations of Compassionate Care in an Improving Access to Psychological Therapies Service: A Grounded Theory Study
What Makes a Belief Seem Implausible to Others? A Q Methodology Study of Conspiracy Beliefs
‘Making Professional Friends’: Mentees’ and Facilitators’ Experiences of a School-Based Peer Mentoring Intervention to Support Primary to Secondary School Transition
Using a Novel Game-Like Computerised Measure to Test Executive Functioning in Children
Perspectives on Homelessness: A Qualitative Study With Clinical Psychologists in Secondary Care Mental Health Services
Identity Transformation Following Bariatric Surgery
Exploring the Lived Experience of Obesity With People Who Have Accessed NHS Weight Loss Services
The Relationship Between Maternal Experiences of Abuse and Maternal Sensitivity in Early Mother-Infant Interactions
Cognitive Outcomes in Children With Temporal Lobe Epilepsy: Predictors of Academic Attainment
Living with Suicide: Collective Narrative Practice with People Experiencing Ongoing Suicidality
Developing A Novel Measure of Theory of Mind: The Friendship Game
Exploring Hospital Policy Makers’ Understandings of Forensic Inpatient Sexualities
Exploring Therapists Reflective Experiences of Working with British Ethnic Minorities with Eating Disorders
Towards an Understanding of Men’s Experiences of Chronic Prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome (CP/CPPS)
Collective Resistance as a Means to Healing. a Collective Narrative Participatory Project With Black and Ethnic Minority LGBT Refugee & Asylum-Seeking People
Psychological Wellbeing of Polish Migrants: What is the Role of the NHS?
Voluntary and Involuntary Mental Health Service Users’ Views on How Their Human Rights Were Considered
Understanding The Benefits of Growing Up Bilingual: The First Timepoint of A Longitudinal Study
The Pandemic and the Economy of Africa: Conflicting Strategies between Tanzania and Ghana
Newly Qualified Therapists’ Countertransference Experiences When Working With Adult Clients Diagnosed With Eating Disorders - a Thematic Analysis
A Phenomenological Analysis of Black African Women’s Experiences of Engagement in Counselling in the UK
Exploring Psychological Therapists’ Experiences of Working With Clients Who Perceive Themselves as Living in Poverty: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis
Primary School Teachers’ Views on Their Role in Child Mental Health Prevention
A survey of evidence-based practice, training, supervision and clinician confidence relating to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) therapies in UK child and adolescent mental health professionals
An Effective Knowledge-Based Modeling Approach towards a “Smart-School Care Coordination System” for Children and Young People with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
An Evaluation of Social Prescribing in the London Borough of Redbridge: Final Evaluation Report
Outcome and Economic Evaluation of City and Hackney Social Prescribing Scheme
Evaluation of Redbridge Active Together: Final Report
Recollected usage of legal youth gambling products: Comparisons between adult gamblers and non-gamblers in the UK and Australia
Gambling in football: How much is too much?
Can Participation in a Shared Reading Activity Produce Relational Benefits Between Foster Carers and the Children in Their Care?
An Emancipatory Study Exploring the Educational Experiences of Unaccompanied Children and Young People
Starting Secondary School: The Experiences of Adopted Young People and Their Parents
Permanent Exclusions: Exploring the Narratives of Primary School Pupils, Their Parents and School Staff
An Explorative Study of How Children Perceive Their Play Experience of Digital Games
What Stories Do Young People Tell About Their Past Experience of Social Withdrawal?
Parental Narratives Around Decision-Making Regarding Secondary Educational Provision for Children With an Education, Health and Care Plan
Cryptoassets regulation in Africa: RegTech and SupTech considerations
COVID -19 Crisis in Africa: Leveraging FinTech and RegTech for Economic Recovery
A Case Study Exploring Systemic Implications of Implementing the Attachment Awareness Programme at Key Stages 3 and 4
An Exploration of Teachers’ and Mental Health First Aiders’ Constructs of Mental Health in Secondary Schools
Creating coaching cultures in schools
"I want to be an Educational Psychologist": Aspiring Trainee Educational Psychologists’ Perceptions of the Course Application Process
Book Review: Regulation of Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain Technologies: National and International Perspectives (London: Palgrave Studies in Financial Services Technology, 2018) by Rosario Girasa
Decentralised Finance: The case for a holistic approach to regulating the crypto industry
Book Review Symposium: 1. Mike Cole (2019) Trump, the Alt-Right and Public Pedagogies of Hate and for Fascism: What is to be Done? London and New York: Routledge Focus; 2. Mike Cole (2020) Theresa May, the Hostile Environment and Public Pedagogies of Hate and Threat: The Case for a Future Without Borders. London and New York: Routledge Focus
Positive coaching psychology: A case study in the hybridization of positive psychology
‘Find a sport and carry on’: Posttraumatic growth and achievement in British Paralympic athletes
Advancing methodology for scoping reviews: recommendations arising from a scoping literature review (SLR) to inform transformation of Children and Adolescent Mental Health Services
Evaluating the CYP-IAPT transformation of child and adolescent mental health services in Cambridgeshire, UK: a qualitative implementation study
Exploring Young People’s Views of Upcoming Managed Moves
Schools and the legacy of hybrid buildings
Evaluation of the enhanced upper limb therapy programme within the Robot-Assisted Training for the Upper Limb after Stroke trial: descriptive analysis of intervention fidelity, goal selection and goal achievement
Variation in clinical care associated with weekend admission and discharge in psychiatric in-patient units: retrospective case-note review
Joining the dots: Day to day challenges for practitioners in delivering integrated dementia care
‘A new vision!’: Exploring coachee experiences of using photography in coaching – An interpretative phenomenological analysis
Novel Carbyne Filled Carbon Nanotube – Polymer Nanocomposites
Liquefaction resistance of fibre-reinforced silty sands under cyclic loading
Evidencing the impacts of the Olympic Games: The view from London 2012
Associations between recalled use of legal UK youth gambling products and adult disordered gambling
Bridging gender and human-centered design: a design verification study
Capitalism and Planetary Destruction: Activism for Climate Change Emergency
Psychodynamic intersectionality and the positionality of the group analyst: the tension between analytical neutrality and inter-subjectivity
Social Dominance, Hyper-Masculinity and Career Barriers In Nigeria
The edge of reason: A thematic analysis of how professional financial traders understand analytical decision making
The Japanese balance sheet recession 20 years on: Abenomics – economic revival or corporate financialisation?
A more fluid approach to drinking
Resource Allocation in Full-Duplex UAV Enabled Multi Small Cell Networks
Japanese banks in the international money markets
A new approach to measuring universal banking
Data-Driven Cyber Threat Analysis for Cyber Security
SmartDR: A Device-to-Device Communication for Post-Disaster Recovery
Reflections on Shared Parenting
History and Ethnography: interfaces and juxtapositions
Towards a public ECEC system
The three pillars of institutional theory and IFRS implementation in Nigeria
The Free-movement pattern Y-maze: A cross-species measure of working memory and executive function
The moderating effect of trait mindfulness on implicit racial bias following a brief mindfulness induction: A pilot study
Effects of financial distress and financing constraints on trade credit provisions
An evaluation of an adaptive learning system based on multimodal affect recognition for learners with intellectual disabilities
A “trigger”, a cause or obscured? How trauma and adversity are constructed in psychiatric stress-vulnerability accounts of “psychosis”
The Impact of a Crisis or Disaster on Corporate Organisations in the Digital Era: A Better Management of Crises and Disasters
The Investigation of a Professional Athlete’s Endorsement Deal, and Other Drivers of Brand Loyalty in the Sports Apparel Sector
Project-Stage Attitude Gap in Construction Waste Management within UK: An Explanatory Analysis
A survey of UK General Practitioners about depression, antidepressants and withdrawal: Implementing the 2019 Public Health England Report
Can positivity be counterproductive when suffering domestic abuse?: A narrative review
Positive Psychology:The Basics
Hard Hill experimental plots on Moor House – Upper Teesdale National Nature Reserve - A review of the experimental set up (NECR321)
Stabilization of Sand with Colloidal Nano-Silica Hydrosols
Conclusion: Reflections on the First Five Years of the Prevent Duty in Early Years, Primary, Secondary and Further Education
Enacting the Prevent Duty in Early Childhood Education Settings
Survivor, family and professional experiences of psychosocial interventions for sexual abuse and violence: a qualitative evidence synthesis
The Experience of Burnout in Counselling Psychology Trainees: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis
“Desperately banging on the door”: High-Intensity Therapist’s Experience of Delivering Cognitive Behavioural Therapy to Individuals with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: A Thematic Analysis
Women of Maghrebi Origins’ Constructions of Well-Being in France: A Foucauldian Discourse Analysis
Counselling Psychologists’ Experiences of Working with Survivors of Sexual Abuse: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis
Imagery, Visualization, and Mental Simulation Interventions
The ‘risk’ of disruptive technology today (A case study of aviation – Enter the drone)
Staging The Delinquent, Edwardian Theatre, and The Hooligan
Perspectives on Educational Inclusion from a Small Sample of Autistic Pupils in Santiago, Chile
Not all eyewitnesses are equal: Accent status, race and age interact to influence evaluations of testimony
Impact of Public Charging Infrastructure on the Adoption of Electric Vehicles in London
Pain, anger and youth resistance: Police racial awareness training and the contemplations of a black mother
Barriers to accessing psychological treatment for medium to high risk male young offenders
A Jamaican Brit Navigating American Education: A Personal Narrative
Inhibitory Studies of Tamarindus indica Seed Extract and Fractions on Hematological Activities of Bitis arietans Venom
Supplementary material for 'Attentional coordination in demonstrator-observer dyads facilitates learning and predicts performance in a novel manual task'
Changing Negative Perceptions of Individuals With Facial Disfigurement: The Effectiveness of a Brief Intervention
Attentional coordination in demonstrator-observer dyads facilitates learning and predicts performance in a novel manual task
Mapping Affect Studies
Book Reviewof Buck, A. (2020) The Basic Coaching Method: All you need to know to coach with confidence
Learning Conversations with Future Leaders. A practice insight working paper
Graded fMRI Neurofeedback Training of Motor Imagery in Middle Cerebral Artery Stroke Patients: A Preregistered Proof-of-Concept Study
Turbulence, Dilemmas and Leadership: A Case Study of an English School after Academisation
Pain modulation by illusory body rotation: A new way to disclose the interaction between the vestibular system and pain processing
Design, Facile Synthesis and Characterization of Dichloro Substituted Chalcones and Dihydropyrazole Derivatives for Their Antifungal, Antitubercular and Antiproliferative Activities
Privacy preserving in indoor fingerprint localization and radio map expansion
Literature Review: Defra project SP1218: An assessment of the potential for paludiculture in England and Wales
Against the Grain: Women Film Practitioners and Theorists Talk Creative Practice and Theory
Subject, memory and place: Jill Daniels in conversation with Matthias Kispert
On the status and mechanisms of coastal erosion in Marawila Beach, Sri Lanka
Suspended sand concentration models under breaking waves: Evaluation of new and existing formulations
GP experience and understandings of providing follow‐up care in prostate cancer survivors in England
Fake News: Origins and Political Impact
Caffeine as a tool for investigating the integration of Cdc25 phosphorylation, activity and ubiquitin-dependent degradation in Schizosaccharomyces pombe
Transform and Achieve Programme Evaluation Report
Identifying Fake News from the Variables that Governs the Spread of Fake News
A Machine-Learning-Based Approach to Predict the Health Impacts of Commuting in Large Cities: Case Study of London
Effect of early cryoprecipitate transfusion versus standard care in women who develop severe postpartum haemorrhage (ACROBAT) in the UK: a protocol for a pilot cluster randomisedtrial
The role of built environment practitioners in driving the socio-economic sustainability aspects of sustainable regeneration
Special issue: urban regeneration for sustainable development
Review of Francesca Ferrando, ‘Philosophical Posthumanism’
On Not Being Able to Build: Thinking Space, Boundaries and the Other with Lacan’s Discourse of the Capitalist
Taking Class Notes by Hand Compared to Typing: Effects on Children’s Recall and Understanding
A Low-complexity trajectory privacy preservation approach for indoor fingerprinting positioning systems
Carbon Nanotube Reinforced High Density Polyethylene Materials for Offshore Sheathing Applications
COVID‐19, nationalism, and the politics of crisis: A scholarly exchange
Semantic-Based Process Mining Technique for Annotation and Modelling of Domain Processes
Gendered and Racialised Border Security: Displaced People and the Politics of Fear
Code Renewability for Native Software Protection
HADES: a Hybrid Anomaly Detection System for Large-Scale Cyber-Physical Systems
‘News Poems’: A New Way of Manufacturing the News
Teacher Educators and Expansive Learning in the Workplace and Beyond
Extra-Parliamentary Reporting: The Under-reported Life of the Working Class
Chapter 6 Collapsible Soils in the UK
Virtual Histology of Cortical Thickness and Shared Neurobiology in 6 Psychiatric Disorders
Towards a Listening Theatre: Metamodernism, Millennials and Contemporary Political Theatre
Talking about Bordering
Geo‐Hydromorphological Assessment of Europe’s Southernmost Blanket Bogs
Prelude to the present crisis: the US and the weaponization of global finance, 2018-19
Experiences of aspiring school principals receiving coaching as part of a leadership development programme
Using the meaningful physical education features as a lens to view student experiences of democratic pedagogy in higher education
How and Why Science Influenced the Founding of Modern Freemasonry and its Role as a Microcosm of the Impact of Science on the Upper Echelons of British Society at that Time
B lymphocytes contribute to indirect pathway T cell sensitisation via acquisition of extracellular vesicles
ENIGMA MDD: seven years of global neuroimaging studies of major depression through worldwide data sharing
Foreword to APPG Policy Report: The Missing Link: HIV and mental health
Stabilisation of peat with colloidal nanosilica
Antimicrobial Natural Products
Migration, Racism and the Hostile Environment: Making the Case for the Social Sciences
Preface: CrossMMLA in practice: Collecting, annotating and analyzing multimodal data across spaces
Positron emission tomography PET/CT harmonisation study of different clinical PET/CT scanners using commercially available software
Brain aging in major depressive disorder: results from the ENIGMA major depressive disorder working group
The Shifting Boundaries of Capitalism and the Conflict of Surplus Value Appropriation within the Gig Economy
Impact of co‐morbid personality disorder on quality of inpatient mental health services for people with anxiety and depression
Using Synthetic Data to Enhance the Accuracy of Fingerprint-Based Localization: A Deep Learning Approach
Power Allocation for D2D Communications Using Max-Min Message-Passing Algorithm
Displacement, Language Loss and Identity in Eastern Nicaragua
Toward the Understanding of Topographical and Spectral Signatures of Infant Movement Artifacts in Naturalistic EEG
Effectiveness and acceptability of metformin in preventing the onset of type 2 diabetes after gestational diabetes in postnatal women: a protocol for a randomised, placebo-controlled, double-blind feasibility trial — Optimising health outcomes with Metformin to prevent diAbetes After pregnancy (OMAhA)
Journal of Impact Cultures: Volume 1, Issue 1 (Special Edition, May 2020)
Guest Editorial by Professor Marcia Wilson
The Illusion of Progress: An Ethnographic Exploration of Racism, Trauma and the Academy
Engaging Many Voices for Inclusivity in Higher Education
Statement of Intent: From the Founding Co-Editors
From ‘What’s Wrong with You?’ to ‘What’s Happened to You?’: an Introduction to the Special Issue on the Power Threat Meaning Framework
Regulatory T Cell Extracellular Vesicles Modify T-Effector Cell Cytokine Production and Protect Against Human Skin Allograft Damage
Diagnosis, Classification and the Expansion of the Therapeutic Realm
All in this together?
Valuation Challenges in Stranded Asset Scenarios: A Risk Discourse of Evidence From the UK
Identification and validation of the mode of action of the chalcone anti-mycobacterial compounds
The Handbook of Professional Ethical and Research Practice for Psychologists, Counsellors, Psychotherapists and Psychiatrists
A qualitative study to explore the help seeking views relating to depression among older Black Caribbean adults living in the UK
Social suffering and the psychological impact of structural violence and economic oppression in an ongoing conflict setting: The Gaza Strip
Special Issue: Crisis in the Eastern Mediterranean and COVID-19
Lenin’s ‘Eastern Policy’ and Communism in Turkey and Greece, 1918-1923
The Power Threat Meaning Framework: Addressing Adversity, Challenging Prejudice and Stigma, and Transforming Services
Framing, filtering and hermeneutical injustice in the public conversation about mental health
Explaining Symptoms in Systemic Therapy. Does Triadic Thinking Come Into Play?
Nomadic Making; enacting difference through collaborative performance practice
Reactionary Democracy: How Racism and the Populist Far Right Became Mainstream
Narrative and Truth in a World of Alternative Facts: The Moral Challenge for Education
Embracing Imperfection: Contemporary Fashion Communication and Consumer Well-Being
How to Live a Sensible Life in the Wake of Covid-19
The New Logics of Viral Media
Les Logiques Nouvelles des Médias Viraux
Racist Movements, the Far Right and Mainstreaming
Social Marketing and the Corruption Conundrum in Morocco: An Exploratory Analysis
Traumas, Adversities, and Psychosis: Investigating Practical Implications
Movement, Embrace: Adriana Cavarero with Bracha Lichtenberg Ettinger (and the Death Drive)
Liminality and Event Design: Liminal Space Design for Sport Events
Scientistic Magnetism and Hauntological Metarealism: The Phantasmatic Doubles of Duchamp and Durville
Admission Decision-Making in Hospital Emergency Departments: the Role of the Accompanying Person
Coronavirus: heavy use of hand sanitisers could boost antimicrobial resistance
Book Review: Situated writing as theory and method: The untimely academic novella
Pricing European-type, early-exercise and discrete barrier options using an algorithm for the convolution of Legendre series
An SFP–FCC method for pricing and hedging early-exercise options under Lévy processes
Chip Walks
Financialisation and the Myth of Poverty Alleviation in Ghana: A Theoretical and Empirical Investigation of the Impact of Financial Liberalisation on Sustainable Economic Development
Financialisation, Profitability and the Rise of Household Debt in the United Kingdom, 1971 - 2015
Black Women in Leadership: The Complexity of Intersectionality
It is time to advocate for our profession: A critical perspective on current initiatives
The A-Z of Social Justice Physical Education: Part 2
The A–Z of Social Justice Physical Education: Part 1
Throughput Improvement by Mode Selection in Hybrid Duplex Wireless Networks
Smoking amongst adults experiencing homelessness: a systematic review of prevalence rates, interventions and the barriers and facilitators to quitting and staying quit
Machine Learning Approach to Personality Type Prediction Based on the Myers–Briggs Type Indicator®
Black Women in Leadership: The Complexity of Intersectionality
Faith collaborations in promoting tolerance and social cohesion
Care for the Other: Lessons from the streets of Athens
The Long and Winding Road: Archiving and Re-Using Qualitative Data from 12 Research Projects Spanning 16 Years
Experimental and modelling evidence for structural crossover in supercritical CO₂
Examining the policy needs for implementing nature-based solutions in cities: Findings from city-wide transdisciplinary experiences in Glasgow, UK, Genk, Belgium and Poznań, Poland
Minor neurological signs and behavioural function at age 2 years in neonatal hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy (HIE)
Decolonisation, Representation, and Ethics in Visual Life Stories from the Jungle
International Development and Local Faith Actors: Ideological and Cultural Encounters
Narrative and ethical (in)action: creating spaces of resistance with refugee-storytellers in the Calais ‘Jungle’ camp
Refugees in Neoliberal Universities
The Reggio Emilia and the Mosaic approach: Opponents or allies in multimodal teaching and learning? A discussion of their contribution to multimodal learning in early years education
Social Construction and Emotional Development
Looking after yourself as a social worker
The history and context of contemporary social work (including global social work)
On Progress and Reason: Stories of Gods, Animals and Humans
Climate Change, the Fourth Industrial Revolution and Public Pedagogies: The Case for Ecosocialism
Finite Element Modelling of Car Seat with Hyperelastic and Viscoelastic Foam Material Properties to Assess Vertical Vibration in Terms of Acceleration
Managing Multiplicity: Adult Children of Post-Independence Nigerians and Belonging in Britain
The Place of Widening Participation
(B)ordering Britain: Law, Race and Empire, by Nadine El-Enany
Pilot Survey of Autistic School Staff Who Work or Have Worked in an Education Role in Schools in the UK: Initial Summary Report
Rejection of the name Borreliella gen. nov. and all proposed species comb. nov. placed therein. Request for an opinion
The GATA Transcription Factor Gaf1 Represses tRNAs, Inhibits Growth, and Extends Chronological Lifespan Downstream of Fission Yeast TORC1
Compact System for Measuring Vibration at Different locations of Car Seat and Human Driver in Dynamic Condition
Modelling the Car Seated Human Body using Composite Ellipsoidal Bodies and Evaluation of Size and Shape Specific Stiffness Data for Various Human Segments
Unique Finite Element Modelling of Human Body Inside Accelerating Car to Predict Accelerations and Frequencies at Different Human Segments
Adaptive Coping During Protracted Political Conflict, War and Military Blockade in Gaza
Culturally informed resilience in conflict settings: A literature review of Sumud in the occupied Palestinian territories
Pressure Drop: Securitising and De-Securitising Safeguarding
Resonant Objects: Communicating Vessels
Participatory internet radio (RadioActive101) as a social innovation and co-production methodology for engagement and non-formal learning amongst socially excluded young people
Circumventing Censorship: Virilizing Victorian Homoeroticism after Labouchère
The contradictory politics of the right to travel: mobilities, borders & tourism
Interpersonal Neural Entrainment during Early Social Interaction
#Nationalism: the ethno-nationalist populism of Donald Trump’s Twitter communication
An Accurate Ensemble Classifier for Medical Volume Analysis: Phantom and Clinical PET Study
Terrorism Activities Influence on Financial Stock Markets: An Empirical Evidence from United Kingdom, India, France, Pakistan, Spain and United States
Antibiotic resistance and molecular characteristics of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus epidermidis recovered from hospital personnel in China
‘I had to pop a wheelie and pay extra attention in order not to fall:’ embodied experiences of two wheelchair tennis athletes transgressing ableist and gendered norms in disability sport and university spaces
Me and Europe: The UK Referendum on EU membership and Brexit
Almanac II
Doing new materialisms: an interview with Maria Tamboukou
Training attention control of very preterm infants: protocol for a feasibility study of the Attention Control Training (ACT)
The lived experience of self-identifying character strengths through coaching: An interpretative phenomenological analysis
Looking forward to going back? The experience of career decision-making for first-time mothers and the implications for coaches
Prebiotics may alter bile salt hydrolase activity: Possible implications for cholesterol metabolism
On the Estimation of the Surface Elevation of Regular and Irregular Waves Using the Velocity Field of Bubbles
Researching the Affects That Online Pornography Has on U.K. Adolescents Aged 11 to 16
Choice of device to view video lectures: an analysis of two independent cohorts of first-year university students
Framework for Security Transparency in Cloud Computing
UEL Data Management Planning Materials
UEL Data Management Plan Review Rubric
UEL Data Management Plan template
Project 20: Midwives’ insight into continuity of care models for women with social risk factors: What works, for whom, in what circumstances, and how
The Views of Non-Psychiatric Medical Specialists about People with Schizophrenia and Depression
Photography, Borders and the Fear of the ‘Racialised Other’
Brain-derived neurotrophic factor association with amygdala response in major depressive disorder
Empowering Multilingual Learners through Critical Liberating Literacy Practices in English-dominated Speech Communities
The significance of occupancy profiles in determining post retrofit indoor thermal comfort, overheating risk and building energy performance
The Neuroscience of Sadness: A Multidisciplinary Synthesis and Collaborative Review for the Human Affectome Project
Pro-environmental behaviours and attitudes are associated with health, wellbeing and life satisfaction in multiple occupancy households in the UK Household Longitudinal Study
The sustainability of public health interventions in schools: a systematic review
Bartonella vinsonii sub. arupensis infection in animals of veterinary importance, ticks and biopsy samples
Entrepreneurship Marketing: Principles and Practice of SME Marketing
Ayahuasca’s ‘afterglow’: improved mindfulness and cognitive flexibility in ayahuasca drinkers
Use of procalcitonin, neopterin, haptoglobin, serum amyloid A and proinflammatory cytokines in diagnosis and prognosis of bovine respiratory disease in feedlot calves under field conditions
The long-term health and wellbeing impacts of Healthy New Towns (HNTs): protocol for a baseline and feasibility study of HNT demonstrator sites in England
Mobility assemblages and lines of flight in women’s narratives of forced displacement
Inhibition of lipolysis: A novel explanation for the hypothermic actions of acetaminophen in non-febrile rodents
A Critical Discourse Analysis of the Link Between Professional Culture and Organisational Culture
Low Computational Sensing with Goertzel Filtering for Mobile Industrial IoT Devices
Targeting Extracellular Vesicles to the Arthritic Joint using a Damaged Cartilage Specific Antibody
Using Open Questions to Understand 650 People’s Experiences with Antipsychotic Drugs
Bad things happen and can drive you crazy: The causal beliefs of 701 people taking antipsychotics
The Positive and Negative Experiences of 342 Antidepressant Users
From Difference to Diversity in School
Challenging the Bifurcation of Nature: Women Workers’ Education through Process Philosophy
Time Biases: Exploring the Work-Life Balance of Single Nigeria Managers and Professionals
A Sleepwalker’s Guide to Social Media
ALMA and ROSINA detections of phosphorus-bearing molecules: the interstellar thread between star-forming regions and comets
Drink Full and Descend: The Horror of Twin Peaks: The Return
SMEs and Market Growth: Contemporary Reflections on Why and How they Grow
Fake News in an Era of Social Media: Tracking Viral Contagion
Prison Education – a Northern European wicked policy problem?
Branded Content
Economics: Ownership and Competion
Investing resources to address social factors affecting health: The essential role of social prescribing
Afterword: Ecological Catastrophe in the Fourth Industrial Revolution
Foreward: The (Not so) Strange Rise of Donald J. Trump
Foreword: Peter’s Return to Marx
Racism and Fascism in the Era of Donald J. Trump and the Alt-Right: Critical Race Theory and Socialism as Oppositional Forces
A Sleepwalker’s Guide to the Collective Nonconscious
Affect, Cognition and the Neurosciences
The Pasted Paper Devolution: The Dialogism of Degeneration and Regeneration in the Cubist Collages
Down Under Rises Up: Nature's Revenge in Ozploitation Cinema
Career Education and Guidance and Race (In)Equality in England
Focus E15: Performing Nuisance as a Feminist Narrative of Property
Culture, Mental Health, and Immigrants
Feeling Eco-violence: The Toxic Consciousness of Eco-Aesthetics
Water supplementation after dehydration improves judgment and decision-making performance
Epistolary Lives: Fragments, Sensibility, Assemblages in Auto/Biographical Research
Time and Space
Explaining the impacts of draining peatland on carbon emissions, hydrology & peat structure
Breathing Still 2020
Burning on Blanket Bogs: Part 1 - Effects of Fire
Raised bog formation
Burning on Blanket Bog: Part 2 - Recovery Pathways