Visualising Globalisation in Documenta 11's Exhibition Catalogue
‘Learning how to ask’: Effectiveness of a training for trauma inquiry and response in substance use disorder healthcare professionals
School surveillance: primary and secondary schools
Privacy, Participation and the City
Defiant Bodies: A Punk Rock Crip Queer Cabaret, Cripping and Queering Emancipatory Disability Research
Anarchism’s Posthuman Future
A Study of the Role of the Master Printmaker at Edinburgh Printmakers
Architecture and Neuroscience; what can the EEG recording of brain activity reveal about a walk through everyday spaces?
Micro Moral Worlds of Contentious Politics: A Reconceptualization of Radical Groups and Their Intersections with One Another and the Mainstream
Advanced technology for gait rehabilitation --- An overview
Psychological Interventions
The professional learning needs and priorities of higher-education-based teacher educators in England, Ireland and Scotland
Protecting children from faith-based abuse through accusations of witchcraft and spirit possession: understanding contexts and informing practice
Race, Culture and Gender: Black female experiences of violence and abuse
Researching to Transgress & Transform
Application of computational methods in isolation of plant secondary metabolites
Singular Fourier-Padé Series Expansion of European Option Prices
Greece in the 21st Century: The Politics and Economics of a Crisis
The role of the ‘as efficient competitor’ test after the CJEU judgement in Intel
What Can We Learn About the Application of the as Efficient Competitor Test in Fidelity Rebate Cases from the Recent US Case Law?
Inter-Personal and Critical-Thinking Capabilities in Those about to Enter Qualified Social Work: A Six-Centre Study
Life of a PAI: Mediation by willingness and ability for beneficiary community engagement
Creative Learning in the Early Years: Nurturing the Characteristics of Creativity
Cavitation in high-capacity tensiometers: effect of water reservoir surface roughness
The Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on the Utilisation of Natural Resources in Nigeria
Soft Policing Adoption in Abu Dhabi Police: A Qualitative Approach
Soft Power Policing in Abu Dhabi: A Summary of Findings
Micro-Wineries as Drivers for Local Economic Development and Innovation in lagging-behind contexts
Multi-stage Strategic Approach in Spatial Innovation: How Innovation District Matter?
Flux-corrected dispersion-improved CABARET schemes for linear and nonlinear wave propagation problems
Listening Theatre: The New Politics of Millennial Performance Makers
Metamodernist, Millennial Milieu in Performance
The Listening Theatre: A Metamodern Politics of Performance
Root Cause Analysis for Fuel Losses in Bulk Oil Storage Tanks
Implementation of Lean manufacturing tools in an abattoir: A case study of a Botswana Private Beef Abattoir
Social Communities of Design and Makers and their Impact on Learning
Cloud Based 3D Printing Business Modeling in the Digital Economy
Investigating Local Economic Trends for Shaping Supportive Tools to Manage Economic Development: San Diego as a Case Study
Assessing Energy use and Overheating risk for Retrofitting A Residential Tower Block Prototype in Northern Cyprus
Museum Education and Democracy
Relationships between two dimensions of employee perfectionism, postwork cognitive processing, and work day functioning
Spirituality in Nursing education: Knowledge and practice gaps
Women and Land in the Muslim World: Pathways to increase access to land for the realization of development, peace and human rights
Institutional Foundations of Construction ICT: A View from the West Midlands of England
Potentiality of Emerging Technologies to Minimise Late-Payments Quandary in Construction
Cold Recycling of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavements
A Comprehensive Reasoning Framework for Hardware Refresh in Data Centers
The application of Bayesian – Layer of Protection Analysis method for risk assessment of critical subsea gas compression systems
Analysis of Penalties Imposed on Organisations for Breaching Safety and Health Regulations in the UK
Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation — ZEMCH 2016
Adaptation as defense against film censorship: Pasolini’s Salò – 120 Days of Sodom in Italy and the UK
Film Review: The making of Where is Europe? directed by Valentina Signorelli (Italy, 2018)
Book Reviews: Schools and Food Education in the 21st Century
Past, Present and Future in Teacher Education
The Importance of Partnership: Collaborative Learning Culture in Songwriting Higher Education
Multilingualism in the Field of Early Childhood
Tapping Into Creativity: A/R/Tography as a Research Methodology Underpinning Teacher Education
Does’s ‘Introduction to SPSS’ Course Provide a Positive Learning Experience Relating to Data Analysis within a Research Methods Module? the Beginnings of an Exploratory Study
Teachers’ Beliefs Concerning Teaching Multilingual Learners: A Cross-Cultural Comparison Between the US and Germany
Research in Teacher Education: Volume 8, No.2, November 2018
Book Reviews: Understanding the Danish Forest School Approach: Early Years Education and Practice
Book Reviews: Miseducation: Inequality, Education and the Working Classes
Acts of Resistance in an Age of Compliance: Teacher Educators, Professional Knowledge-Making and Self-Study
Issues in Teaching and Learning: Student Retention in Higher Education
Using Jungian Archetypes in Contemporary Songwriting Education
Interactive Video and Multiple Choice Question ‘Flipped Classrooms’
A Narrative Structure for Teacher Educator Team Analysis and Development
Building Trust and Empathy: Student Voice and Teachers’ Professional Development With Technology
Research in Teacher Education: Volume 8, No.1, May 2018
Reflecting on the Past, Thinking about the Future: Forced Migration in the 21st Century
Forced Migration: Setting the Scene
Modeling Residual Flexural Strength of Corroded Reinforced Concrete Beams
Let’s Break the Law: Transaction Costs and Advance Rent Deposits in Ghana’s Housing Market
Sexual Harassment, #MeToo and Feminism
Self-Care in Young People With Diabetes: A Qualitative Exploration Using a Salutogenic Approach
Book Review: The Law of International Finance 2nd edn (Oxford University Press 2017) (eds) McKnight, Paterson, & Zakrzewski
Cryptocurrencies – Cross-border Financial Regulatory Dimensions
A role for coaching to support leadership development? The experiences of female Arab leaders: An interpretative phenomenological analysis
Status and Trends of Land Degradation and Restoration and Associated Changes in Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functions
Cyber Intelligence and OSINT: Developing Mitigation Techniques Against Cybercrime Threats on Social Media
The essential guide to Cognitive Behaviour Therapy with children and young people
Review: Feenberg, Technosystem: The Social Life of Reason
Ten Years After: An ‘Austerity Audit’ of Services and Living Conditions for People Living with HIV in the UK, a Decade after the Financial Crisis
Away from Home: A Qualitative Exploration of Health Experiences of Nigerian Students in UK University
Improving Diabetes Outcome: A Need to Understand Management among Africans Living with Diabetes in the UK
Mental Health in low-and middle income countries (LMICs): Going beyond the need for funding
Psychological advocacy towards healing (PATH): A randomized controlled trial of a psychological intervention in a domestic violence service setting
Natural Language Processing approach to NLP Meta model automation
Supporting Asylum Seekers and Refugees for Two Decades: Initiatives by the University of East London and Refugee Council Archive
Archives, agency and activism: The past and the present in refugee history at the IASFM conference in Thessaloniki
Crafting Resistance: Preserving and Exhibiting the Legacy of Human Rights Resistance through the Art of Chilean Political Prisoners
Vibration Study in Human-Car Seat System: Overview and a Novel Simulation Technique
Recommendation of RILEM TC237-SIB on cohesion test of recycled asphalt
Comparison of High-Strength Steel Pipe and H-Shaped Steel in the Strut of a Braced Wall System
Underpaid and undervalued: the reality of childcare work in the UK
Détournement and female punk bands of the 1970s
Gender Ventriloquism in Studio Production
A Robust Regression-Based Stock Exchange Forecasting and Determination of Correlation between Stock Markets
Sexual Arousal Patterns of Identical Twins with Discordant Sexual Orientations
Finger Length Ratios of Identical Twins with Discordant Sexual Orientations
Gender nonconformity of identical twins with discordant sexual orientations: Evidence from childhood photographs
An Overview of Performing Arts as They Relate to Disability in the United Kingdom
“I've danced my whole life, but none of that is useful at all”: Netflix’s We Speak Dance (2018), Vulnerability and Collaborative Critiques
An Exploration of Women’s Experiences of Sexism in the UK
How Are Individual Differences in Schizotypy Related to Type 1 (Automatic/Heuristic) and Type 2 (Reflective/Effortful) Thinking Processes?
Experiences of Voluntary Psychiatric Admissions to Acute Wards in East London: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis
Exploring the Experiences of Trainee Clinical Psychologists Who Identify as Living with a Disability: A Qualitative Study
Social Cognition and Alcohol Related Brain Damage
What Are Adult Mental Health Services Doing to Improve the Outcomes for Black Service Users? a Mixed Method Analysis of Black Psychologists’ Perspectives and UK Mental Health Trust Data
Psychosocial Management of the Patient With Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
The Experience of Homecoming for U.K. Army Reservists, Following Prolonged Military Mobilisation: A Mixed Methods IPA & Q Sort Study
Clients’ Experience of ‘Being Listened to’ in the Psychotherapeutic Context: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis
Conceiving Conception: A Qualitative Examination of Women’s Experience of Medically Unexplained Infertility, Prior to Medical Intervention
The Experience of Neuropsychological Assessment, Views of Clients with Neurodegenerative Conditions
Greece in the 21st Century: The Politics and Economics of a Crisis
The Effects of Cancer on Romantic and Sexual Relationships for Young People Entering Adulthood
The Goldilocks Paradox: Constructions of Readiness for Therapy on Adult Acute Wards
Stories of the Impact on the Family When One Member Has Been Given a Diagnosis of Dementia
How Do Psychologists and High Intensity Therapists Understand and Engage in Self-Care?
A Participatory Action Research Approach to Participation With Young People Within Mental Health Settings
Gender Differences in the Experience of Psychosis
An Exploration of Teachers’ Conceptualization of Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties (EBD) and What Factors Influence the Strategies and Interventions They Adopt When Working with Individual Pupils Diagnosed with EBD
What Happens to Gender Diverse Young People Who Are Referred to an Adult Gender Identity Service from a Child and Adolescent Service? a Cross-Sectional Look at Intervention Choices and Outcomes
How Do New/Recent Mothers Experience Thoughts of Harm Related to Their Newborn? a Thematic Analysis
Exploring Gay Men’s Experiences of Shame in Relation to Sexuality and HIV and the Implications for Sense of Self and Relationships
An Area of Uncertainty: Practitioners’ Experiences Working with Psychopathy
An Exploration of Schema Modes in Bipolar Disorder
Polish Immigrants and Psychological Help: A Qualitative Exploration
Evaluating a Transdiagnostic, Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) Group for Service Users Transitioning out of Secondary Mental Health Care Services
Exploring the Identity and Relationship Experiences of Lesbian and Bisexual Women with Intellectual Disabilities
Exploring Supervisor Responses to Issues of Race, Culture and Ethnicity in Clinical Psychology Supervision, and the Systemic Factors Influencing This
An Exploration of School Staff Experiences Working with Children Who Display Test Anxiety
Implicit Bias in the UK: Updating the Implicit Association Test
What Stories Do YP Tell about Their Experience of the Selective Education Process
Gender and Achievement: Exploring Boys’ Narratives of Male Identity and Education during Key Stage 1
What Makes Transitioning from Nurture Groups to Mainstream Education Successful or Unsuccessful? the Views of the Children, Parents and School Staff
An Exploration of the Impact of Shame, Narcissism and Social Rank on the Distress and Wellbeing of Midadolescents: Does Self-Compassion Have a Role?
The Ideal Learner: Does Sharing Constructs Elicited from Children at Risk of Exclusion Alter the Perceptions of Teachers Working with Them?
What Meaning Do Children with Special Educational Needs Assign to Academic Progress and What Do They Think Makes Them Get Better? an Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis.
The Power of the Guinea Pig: Exploring Children’s Sense of School Belonging Through Animal-Assisted Activities
Implementing Growth Mindset (Practice) in Schools: An Exploration of Teachers' Views Using a Grounded Theory Approach
Teaching Assistants’ Experiences of the Mediational Language Approach and Peer Supervision in Their Professional Practice: An Exploratory Study
Supporting Children’s Social and Emotional Well-Being in the Early Years: An Exploration of Practitioners’ Perceptions
What are the Views of Pastoral Staff Regarding Exclusion from Secondary School?
A Critical Realist Informed Thematic Analysis: Families’ Experience of the Process of Adjustment When a Family Member Is in a Forensic Mental Health Hospital
Leaving Local Authority Care: The Experiences of Separated Young People Seeking Asylum in the UK
An Exploration of Schema Modes in Psychosis
A Qualitative Exploration of Reflective Practice Groups in British Red Cross Services
The Transition to First-Time Fatherhood Through Adoption
“Who am I?” Personal Accounts of the Dementia Assessment Process and the Impact of the Dementia Label
Making Sense of Internalized Anti-Gay Prejudice from the Perspective of Men Who Have Sex with Men
Separated Young People Seeking Asylum and their Experiences of Undergoing and Age Assessment in the UK
“The Lobe Family”: Collaborative Development of a Psychoeducational Resource for Children who have Experienced an Acquired Brain Injury
Narratives of Christian and Muslim Qualified and Trainee Clinical Psychologists Working in the NHS
Psychologists' experiences of decision-making in clinical work: A thematic analysis
How Do Women Experience Navigating Support After Domestic Abuse?
The Spreading of Misinformation online: 3D Simulation
Generic Business Process Model for SMEs in M-Commerce Based on Talabat’s Case Study
A best-effort integration framework for imperfect information spaces
Tablet Use in Teaching: A Study on Developing an Attitude Scale for Academics
How Do Therapists Experience Working with Interpreters, Particularly in Regard to Issues Relating to Power and the Therapeutic Alliance?
The Wrong Kind of Noise: Understanding and Valuing the Communication of Autistic Children in Schools
Reflections on the value of autistic participation in a tri‐national teacher‐training project through discourses of acceptance, othering and power
Reflections of a black woman practitioner-researcher
Data and the experience of place; the use of data in contemporary spatial and cultural studies
Data, Architecture and the Experience of Place
The Psychosocial Impact of Prison Culture on Black Women Employees
The Advertising Handbook: 4th Edition
Branded Content: Media and Marketing Integration
Branded Content: Implications for Social Communications
Sargent Traditional Society Portrait Painter or Revolutionary Landscape Painter?
Si Sapsford: Sight Size and Sargent
Selling Streetness as Experience. The Role of Street Art Tours in Branding the Creative City
To Occupy, to Inscribe, to Thicken: Spatial Politics and the Right to the Surface
The Right to the City Is the Right to the Surface: A Case for a Surface Commons (in 8 Arguments, 34 Images and some Legal Provisions)
A ‘new’ approach to research: The London-focused policing research network
Why there is no poststructuralism in France: the making of an intellectual generation
Blandscaping that Erases Local Ecological Diversity
Integrated model for the stressors, stress, stress-coping behaviour of construction project managers in the UK
A Coprological Study of Endoparasites in the Icelandic Arctic Fox using Traditional and Molecular Methods
Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation and Decision-Making: The Neuromodulation of Cognitive Reflection
‘Home’ and ‘Return’ – the Experience of Second-Generation Iraqi Kurd Returnees to Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG)
Community-Building in Later Life and the Role of Information and Communication Technologies
Customary Land Rights and Gender Justice in Eastern Nigeria and Ghana
Re-Locating Asylum Activism: Asylum Seekers´ Negotiations of Political Possibilities, Affective Borders and the Everyday
Social Media and Virtual Communities’ Role in the Consumer-Brand Relationship: An Online Investigation into the Development of Consumer Identity
Social Identity and Consumer Preference Formation for High Involvement Products: A Study of Nigerians in the UK
Young Women On Road: Femininities, Race and Gangs in London
An Investigation into Energy Consumption Behaviour and Lifestyles in UK Social Housing: Reducing Operational Energy Post Retrofit
Current physiotherapy practice in Greek intensive care units: a national study
Tolerating Semi-authoritarianism? Contextualising the EU’s Relationship with Serbia and Kosovo
Semi-Authoritarianism Accepted: The European Union’s Problematic Involvement in Serbia
Sustainable regeneration project delivery in UK: A qualitative analysis of practitioners’ engagement
Understanding socio-economic sustainability drivers of sustainable regeneration: an empirical study of regeneration practitioners in UK
Finite Element Analysis and Design of Suspended Steel-Fibre Reinforced Concrete Slabs
Emerging Economies and Energy: The Case of Turkey
The International Political Economy of Oil and Gas
EU Enforcement Mechanisms: Passenger Rights and EC Regulation 261/2004
Better together: A qualitative exploration of women’s perceptions and experiences of group antenatal care
Cochrane Qualitative and Implementation Methods Group guidance series—paper 3: methods for assessing evidence on intervention implementation
Optimizing the learning environment for students in physical education: Integrating theories of motivation
“What’s the Middle Ground? Am I Ever Going to be the Perfect Teacher?:” Self-Study of a Doctoral Student’s Acculturation Process
Faculty members engaging in transformative PETE: a feminist perspective
Back to School Netball Style: An Emerging Highly Inclusive Game for Physical Education or Sport
An Investigation into Psychodynamic Couple Psychotherapists' Theories of Sensate Focus in Clinical Practice
Remembering East Germany's Peaceful Revolution
Conflict, Memory, Displacement
Self-titration by experienced e-cigarette users: blood nicotine delivery and subjective effects (Study Data)
‘The world is best experienced at 18 mph’. The psychological wellbeing effects of cycling in the countryside: an Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis
Analysis of the Activities of the Inflammatory Cytokine Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor on Activation of Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress Responses
Scratching the surface of spectacle: Black hypermasculinity and the Television Talent Show
Entrepreneurialism in a London University: A Case Illustration
Marksizam I Međunarodni Odnosi
The Imperial Body and the Eugenic Gaze: Arthur Conan Doyle’s ‘Anthropometric Detective’ and Francis Galton’s ‘Art of Decipherment’
Evolving Androgynous Astrobodies: Hélène Dufau's Occultist Transformism
Developing policy-relevant skills in clinical psychology training
Factors Influencing South Asian Women's Access to Maternity Related Health Services: A Mixed Methods Study in an Ethnically Diverse Urban Setting in the UK
Mechanism of Paracetamol (Acetaminophen) induced Hypothermia
Other race effect on amygdala response during affective facial processing in major depression
Machine-made lace, the spaces of skilled practices and the paradoxes of contemporary craft production
Researching memory in early modern studies
The flavours of love: A cross-cultural lexical analysis
Analogues of Disulfides from Allium stipitatum Demonstrate Potent Anti-tubercular Activities through Drug Efflux Pump and Biofilm Inhibition
Anti-Staphylococcal Calopins from Fruiting Bodies of Caloboletus radicans
Gli3 in fetal thymic epithelial cells promotes thymocyte positive selection and differentiation by repression of Shh
Transitions in Human Computer Interaction: From Data Embodiment to Experience Capitalism
Are Causal Beliefs Associated With Stigma? A Test of the Impact of Biogenetic Versus Psychosocial Explanations on Stigma and Internalized Stigma in People Experiencing Psychosis
Art, Activism and the Tate
An Innovative EPW Design Using Add-on Features to Meet Malaysian Requirements
‘Why I Am Not a Fan of the Lion King’: Ethically Informed Approaches to the Teaching and Learning of South African Dance Forms in Higher Education in the United Kingdom
Masculinities and emotional expression in UK Servicemen: “Big boys don’t cry”?
The Hidden Cost of Cancer: The Siblings’ Story, A Mother’s Narrative on How Three of Her Children Journeyed Through Their 14-Year-Old Sister’s 9-Month Journey From Ill Heath to Death and Beyond
Physical and rheological characterization of carbonated bitumen for paving applications
Through the prison walls: Using published poetry to explore current UK prisoners’ narratives of past, present and future selves
Contested Porosities
Personal agency in women's recovery from depression: The impact of antidepressants and women's personal efforts
Kissinger and the Business of Government: The Invasion of Cyprus, 15 July-20 August 1974
Making Sense of, and Responding Sensibly to, Psychosis
The Evidence Base for Psychological Interventions for Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Systematic Review of Reviews
A realist synthesis of intentional rounding in hospital wards: Exploring the evidence of what works, for whom, in what circumstances and why
Gendering the Politics of Alienation: Arab Revolution and Women’s Sentiments of Loss and Despair
Choreographing HIV and AIDS in Contemporary Dance in South Africa
‘The Politics of Experience’: Young Refugees, the Dialogical Self & Therapeutic Social Work, Within a Psycho-Analytic Agency Context
Dislocation and Materiality
Everyday Bordering, Belonging and the Reorientation of British Immigration Legislation
'Spontaneous' visual perspective-taking mediated by attention orienting that is voluntary and not reflexive
Overvaluation and earnings management: Does the degree of overvaluation matters?
‘Getting the seat of your pants dirty’: space and place in ethnographic educational research
Capital Home
An Art History of Happiness: Western Approaches to the Good Life through the Last 1000 Years, As Illustrated in Art
Five misconceptions in mindfulness and why they may be harming your pupils
Cultivating Trust and Perceptions of Source Credibility in Online Counternarratives Intended to Reduce Support for Terrorism
Windows of Collaborative Opportunity: Consideration of Governance
Constructing ‘the Psychopath’: A Discourse Analysis of Psychologists’ Understandings of Psychopathy
Cochrane Qualitative and Implementation Methods Group Guidance Paper 5: Methods for integrating qualitative and implementation evidence within intervention effectiveness reviews
A realist evaluation of social prescribing: an exploration into the context and mechanisms underpinning a pathway linking primary care with the voluntary sector
Global Glam and Popular Music: Style and Spectacle from the 1970s to the 2000s. Edited by Ian Chapman and Henry Johnson. London: Routledge, 2016. 300pp. ISBN 978-1-138-82176-7 (Review)
Introduction and Acknowledgments: What's in the Greek Cauldron?
Questioning ‘integrated’ disaster risk reduction and ‘all of society’ engagement: can ‘preparedness pedagogy’ help?
Conduct and reporting of acceptability, attitudes, beliefs and experiences of pregnant women in randomised trials on diet and lifestyle interventions: A systematic review
Experiential cartography and the significance of “untranslatable” words
Cosmic Topologies of Imitation: From the Horror of Digital Autotoxicus to the Auto-Toxicity of the Social
Identity leadership going global: Validation of the Identity Leadership Inventory across 20 countries
Behavioral biases in pension fund trustees’ decision-making
Book Review: Considering Emma Goldman: Feminist political ambivalence and the imaginative archive
The processual life of neoliberalisation: Permutations of value systems and normative commitments in a co-operative trust setting
Understanding the behaviour of hackers while performing attack tasks in a professional setting and in a public challenge
Feeling ‘like a minority…a pathology’: interpreting race from research with African and Caribbean women on violence and abuse
Negative Experiences of Non-Drinking College Students in Great Britain: an Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis
Unthought Meets the Assemblage Brain: A Dialogue Between N. Katherine Hayles and Tony D. Sampson
Brexit and the Counsellor: identity shifts, social responsibility and the therapeutic relationship
‘Extravagant and reckless’ wives and indebted husbands: examining the equity of exoneration
Mining Police-Recorded Offence and Incident Data to Inform a Definition of Repeat Domestic Abuse Victimization for Statistical Reporting
The effects of custom-made compression garments on recovery and performance parameters after high intensity running
How do mental health services respond when child abuse or neglect become known? A literature review
How many of 1829 antidepressant users report withdrawal effects or addiction?
Between international donors and local faith communities: Intermediaries in humanitarian assistance to Syrian refugees in Jordan and Lebanon
To what extent have learners with severe, profound and multiple learning difficulties been excluded from the policy and practice of inclusive education?
Identification and preliminary structure-activity relationship studies of novel pyridyl sulfonamides as potential Chagas disease therapeutic agents
The Roots of Virtue: A Cross-Cultural Lexical Analysis
An Effective TeleHealth Assistive System to Support Senior Citizen at Home or Care-Homes
'Everyone should do it': client experience of receiving adapted Dialectical Behaviour Therapy - an interpretative phenomenological analysis
Gritty Leaders: The Impact of Grit on Positive Leadership Capacity
Attempting to stop antipsychotic medication: success, supports, and efforts to cope
Affect and Social Media: Emotion, Mediation, Anxiety and Contagion
“It’s my diabetes”: Co-production in practice with young people in delivering a ‘perfect' care pathway for diabetes
Social Media, Emoticons and Process
Compensatory Puffing With Lower Nicotine Concentration E-liquids Increases Carbonyl Exposure in E-cigarette Aerosols
Contending with the Minimum Data Set: Subjectivity, linearity and dividualising experiences in Improving Access to Psychological Therapy
Differential impact of socioeconomic position across life on oral cancer risk in Kerala, India: An investigation of life-course models under a time-varying framework
Teaching through the language of feelings: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of Psychoeducational Implications for Young EAL Children
Home, Human Rights and Horizontal Effect: An English Approach to Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights
Immunomodulatory tetracyclines ameliorate DNBS-colitis: Impact on microRNA expression and microbiota composition
Modelling Everyday Understandings of Mortality: A Qualitative Enquiry
The effect of psychosis associated CACNA1C, and its epistasis with ZNF804A, on brain function
RadioActive101-Learning through radio, learning for life: an international approach to the inclusion and non-formal learning of socially excluded young people
Audiovisual semantic congruency effect with onomatopoeia
Creative collaboration on a disability and sexuality participatory action research project: A reflective diary account
The Importance of Occupancy and Energy Use Patterns on Predicting Building Energy Performance: a case study of a residential building in London
Mobile Technologies and Forced Migration
Forced Migration: Current Issues and Debates
Uber in Ghana: Markets and Institutions in the Emergence of Ride-Sharing Taxis
Staying on, and coming off, antidepressants: the experiences of 752 UKadults.
Using different art forms to investigate the impact on children’s involvement in literacy activities
Empowering Young People who Experienced Domestic Violence and Abuse: The Development of a Group Therapy Intervention
Environmental benefits of using cross-laminated timber with hempcrete insulation in buildings
‘Beauty and the Beast’: everyday bordering and sham marriage discourse
Electronic Cigarettes: Puffing Topography and Self-titration - the Importance of Nicotine Concentration, User Experience and Device Characteristics
A Conceptual Model for Climatic-responsive Vernacular Architectural Forms
A Sustainability-Driven E-Government Maturity Model (SDEGM) from the Perspectives of Developing Countries
Involvement of the fission yeast GATA transcription factor Gaf1 in TOR-dependent stress and nutrient responses
The End Again: Degeneration and Visual Culture in Modern Spain
Long non-coding RNA repertoire and targeting by nuclear exosome, cytoplasmic exonuclease and RNAi in fission yeast
International Conference for Sustainable Design of the Built Environment (SDBE 2018): Proceedings
Life lines: Loss, loneliness and expanding meshworks with an urban Walk and Talk group
An audit of ECT in England 2011-2015: Usage, demographics, and adherence to guidelines and legislation
Pupil Voice in Literacy Intervention: How is pupil voice used and how can this be developed?
Causal beliefs in people experiencing psychosis: The relationship to treatment accessed and the perceived helpfulness of treatment
A systematic review into the incidence, severity and duration of antidepressant withdrawal effects: Are guidelines evidence-based?
Materialism, Social Stratification, and Ethics: Evidence from SME Owners in China
Immunomodulatory tetracyclines shape the intestinal inflammatory response inducing mucosal healing and resolution
The United States of America: Counterterrorism pre-9/11
Sediment Resuspension Due to Near-Bed Turbulent Effects: A Deep Sea Case Study on the Northwest Continental Slope of Western Australia
Adverse Effects of Antidepressants Reported by a Large International Cohort: Emotional Blunting, Suicidality, and Withdrawal Effects
Correspondence: Network meta-analysis of antidepressants
Behaviour of steel-fibre-reinforced concrete beams under high-rate loading
Mindfulness-based interventions in the workplace: An inclusive systematic review and meta-analysis of their impact upon wellbeing
The Influence of Maturity Status on Jumping Performance of Inner London Secondary School Students
Unravelling the GSK3β-related genotypic interaction network influencing hippocampal volume in recurrent major depressive disorder
The ALI Architecture Description Language
The Professional Development of Higher Education-Based Teacher Educators: Needs and Realities
The explosive growth of the ABCP market between 2004 and 2007: A “search for yield” story
Associations between polygenic risk scores for four psychiatric illnesses and brain structure using multivariate pattern recognition
Peatland afforestation in the UK and consequences for carbon storage
T-bet controls intestinal mucosa immune responses via repression of type 2 innate lymphoid cell function
Infants' visual sustained attention is higher during joint play than solo play: is this due to increased endogenous attention control or exogenous stimulus capture?
Mapping Morality with a Compass: Testing the theory of ‘morality as cooperation’ with a new questionnaire
Addressing the challenges of teaching legal ethics to take account of the widening participation agenda
Development of equal and unequal filtered power splitter using substrate integrated waveguide
Ways to Wander the Gallery
Functional Connectivity Evaluation for Infant EEG Signals based on Artificial Neural Network
Child's Play? Children and Young People's Resistances to Domestic Violence and Abuse
An Open Source Software Architecture for Smart Buildings
The Application of a Semantic-Based Process Mining Framework on a Learning Process Domain
A qualitative study exploring the experience and motivations of UK Samaritan volunteers: “Why do we do it?”
Comparison of Critical Speed and D' Derived From 2 or 3 Maximal Tests
Learning in Physical Science Opportunities at Natural History Dioramas
Withdrawn, strong, kind, but de-gendered: Non-disabled South Africans’ stereotypes concerning persons with physical disabilities
The Narrative Architecture of Political Forgiveness
The dimensions of prosociality: a cross-cultural lexical analysis
‘Compliant environment’: turning ordinary people into border guards should concern everyone in the UK
How young adults in London experience the Clubhouse Model of mental health recovery: a thematic analysis
Correspondence: Purpose, humility, civility, and science
The Disintegration of Euro-Atlanticism and New Authoritarianism: Global Power-Shift
Gender, Migration and the Intergenerational Transfer of Human Wellbeing
A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of the Impact of Mindfulness-Based Interventions on the Well-Being of Healthcare Professionals
“Who will marry a diseased girl?”: Marriage, gender and tuberculosis stigma in Asia
‘Now, where were we?’ The highs and lows of hunting data with a research pack
Addressing Energy Efficiency in System Design: A Journey FromArchitecture to Operation
Deleuze, Simondon and the problem of psychological life
Perceptions of students with autism regarding higher education support services
Blending Human and Artificial Intelligence to Support Autistic Children’s Social Communication Skills
Behaviour of Headed Stud Connectors in Composite Beams with Very Deep Profiled Sheeting
The impact of peer-to-peer coaching on self-esteem, test anxiety and perceived stress in adolescents
Whiteness, populism and the racialisation of the working class in the United Kingdom and the United States
Promoting Resilience and Agency in Children and Young People Who Have Experienced Domestic Violence and Abuse: the “MPOWER” Intervention
Anodal transcranial direct current stimulation over the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex enhances reflective judgment & decision-making
Regional Crises and Corruption: The Eclipse of the Quality of Working Life in Nigeria
Book Review: The Ethics of Storytelling: Narrative Hermeneutics, History and the Possible
Insight from the Consideration of REM dreams, Non-REM Dreams and Daydreams
Genograms in Research: Participants’ Reflections of the Genogram Process
Elevated physiological arousal is associated with larger but more variable neural responses to small acoustic change in children during a passive auditory attention task
Saartjie Baartman, Nelisiwe Xaba, and me: the politics of looking at South African bodies
Spectacular Images of the ‘Refugee Crisis’
Neoliberalism, citizenship and education: A policy discourse analysis
The dynamics of spirituality: A cross-cultural analysis of untranslatable terms
Cochrane Qualitative and Implementation Methods Group Guidance paper 2: Methods for assessing methodological limitations, data extraction and synthesis, and confidence in synthesized qualitative findings
Cochrane Qualitative and Implementation Methods Group Guidance Series - paper 1: Introduction
Cochrane Qualitative and Implementation Methods Group Guidance series - paper 6: Methods for question formulation, searching and protocol development for qualitative evidence synthesis
“Pork pies and vindaloos”: learning for cosmopolitan citizenship
Tax Return
The Anatomy of International Students’ Acculturation in British Universities
Capturing Magnetic Energies: Durville’s Phantoms and Rochas’ Superconscious Doubles
The Indifferent
Adolescent and caregivers’ experiences of electronic adherence assessment in paediatric problematic severe asthma
Mesmeric Modernism: František Kupka’s Art as a Magnetic Force Field
Quantitative easing, global banks and the international bank lending channel
Implicit Mentalising during Level-1 Visual Perspective-Taking Indicated by Dissociation with Attention Orienting
Confounding Homophobic Panic: Aestheticists and Physical Culturalists after the Wilde Trials
Extinguishing Green: Mourning and Melancholia in Ecoart
Capturing Unconsciousness: The New Psychology, Hypnosis and the Culture of Hysteria
The quiet virtues of sadness: A selective theoretical and interpretative appreciation of its potential contribution to wellbeing
Structure-based hydro-mechanical properties of sand-bentonite composites
Neural Predictors of Gait Stability When Walking Freely in the Real-World.
What Future? Organisational Forms, Relationship-Based Social Work Practice and the Changing World Order
Galectin-1 is required for the regulatory function of B cells
Michael Sappol, Body Modern: Fritz Kahn, Scientific Illustration and the Homuncular Subject
Conjunctions: social work, psychoanalysis and society
LBHF Climate Proofing Housing Landscapes: Monitoring Report 3 - October 2016 to September 2017
“I Believe I Know Better Even than the Psychiatrists What Caused It”: Exploring the Development of Causal Beliefs in People Experiencing Psychosis
Ngā Whakāwhitinga (standing at the crossroads): How Māori understand what Western psychiatry calls “schizophrenia”
Printmaking – Solo Printmaking Place
Principles of Infection Control
Risk and parenting assessments in child welfare court proceedings – a psychodynamic approach
An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the ‘Speech Bubbles’ Drama Intervention Programme, 2015-17
Development and validation of the multi-dimensional questionnaire of scientifically unsubstantiated beliefs
Guidelines for Psychologists working with Refugees and Asylum-seekers in the UK: Extended version
Uncovering the Unconscious in Psychosocial Research
Measles: what you can do
Safeguarding Adults Under the Care Act 2014. Understanding Good Practice
Non-pharmacological techniques for the extremes of the cough spectrum
Is there a role for herbal medicine in the treatment and management of periodontal disease?
Review: Perception of work-related empowerment of nurse managers
Market concentration, foreign ownership and determinants of bank financial performance: evidence from MENA countries
The Bodily Illusion in Adverse Conditions: Virtual Arm Ownership During Visuomotor Mismatch
The spatial contours of wellbeing: A content analysis of metaphor in academic discourse
Islamic Tourism
Resting-state functional connectivity predicts the ability to adapt to robot-mediated force fields
Researching the Borderlands: Balancing insider and outsider status in qualitative research
Evaluation of community-level interventions to increase early initiation of antenatal care in pregnancy: protocol for the Community REACH study, a cluster randomised controlled trial with integrated process and economic evaluations
The Klan is History: a historical perspective on the revival of the far-right in ‘post-racial’ America
How orchids concentrate? The relationship between physiological stress reactivity and cognitive performance during infancy and early childhood
Imagery Interventions in Health Behavior: A Meta-Analysis
Identification of Pyrazolo[3,4-e][1,4]thiazepin based CYP51 inhibitors as potential Chagas disease therapeutic alternative: In vitro and in vivo evaluation, binding mode prediction and SAR exploration
Robots as Art and Automation
Imagining the 'baffling geography' of age
Change is Inevitable; Growth is Intentional (Paper 2)
Are we really doomed? Critical pathways for advancing children’s rights through theory and practice
Regulatory T cell-derived extracellular vesicles modify dendritic cell function
Nox2 in regulatory T cells promotes angiotensin II–induced cardiovascular remodeling
An Anomaly-based Intrusion Detection System in Presence of Benign Outliers with Visualization Capabilities
Action as narration/narration as action: reading Maud Gonne’s auto/biographical writings as marginalized knowledges of the historiographical operation
Conceptualising education governance: Framings, perspectives and theories
Assembling schools as organisations: On the limits and contradictions of neoliberalism
Painting the Body: Feminist Musings on Visual Autographies
Living and thinking the event
Efficacy and acceptability of non-invasive brain stimulation for the treatment of adult unipolar and bipolar depression: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised sham-controlled trials
CFT & people with intellectual disabilities
Naltrexone Reverses Ethanol Preference and Protein Kinase C Activation in Drosophila melanogaster
Declining sex ratio in India: changing the trend through the 'He and She' approach at the grassroots?
Total synthesis of acylphloroglucinols and their antibacterial activities against clinical isolates of multi-drug resistant (MDR) and methicillin-resistant strains of Staphylococcus aureus
Energy-efficient retrofit of social housing in the UK: Lessons learned from a Community Energy Saving Programme (CESP) in Nottingham
Ornithodoros savingyi – the tick vector of Candidatus Borrelia kalaharica in Nigeria
How does drinking water affect attention and memory? The effect of mouth rinsing and mouth drying on children's performance
Guidance for psychologists on working with community organisations
Rethinking the subject in feminist research: narrative personae and stories of ‘the real’
Management and creation of Open Mosaic Habitat for invertebrate conservation
Dispossession: Examining the Rights of the Excluded
Understanding Your Commercial Lease or Licence
The ecosystem approach in ecological impact assessment: Lessons learned from windfarm developments on peatlands in Scotland
Is the promise of nation branding sustainable?
Facing the void: Embodying fear in childhood homes
A protocol for a randomised controlled trial of prefabricated versus customised foot orthoses for people with rheumatoid arthritis: the FOCOS RA trial [Foot Orthoses – Customised v Off-the-Shelf in Rheumatoid Arthritis]
The prevalence, antibiotic resistance and mecA characterization of coagulase negative staphylococci recovered from non-healthcare settings in London, UK
Whole Genome Sequence and Comparative Genomics Analysis of Multi-drug Resistant Environmental Staphylococcus epidermidis ST59
Organising safe and sustainable care in alongside midwifery units: Findings from an organisational ethnographic study
The Tenant As Consumer: A Welcome Development?
Education Governance and Social Theory: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Research
Urban Space and the Posthuman Imaginary
Is the MENA banking sector competitive?
Neo-Liberalism and Ordoliberalism: A Critique of Two Forms of Imperialism and Authoritarianism
Towards Energy-efficient Retrofit of Council Housing in London: Assessing the Impact of Occupancy and Energy-Use Patterns on Building Performance
Liberal and Illiberal Islamophobias
Protest Photography from 1968 to Today
Pharmacological Modulation of Alcohol Tolerance via GABA-B receptors in Drosophila melanogaster
How do practitioners in early years provision promote Fundamental British Values?
Child abuse & child protection: Contemporary issues in research, policy & practice
A systematic review and meta-analysis of the neural correlates of psychological therapies in major depression
Aspects of alcohol use disorder affecting social cognition as assessed using the Mini Social and Emotional Assessment (mini-SEA)
Morphological encoding beyond slots and fillers: An ERP study of comparative formation in English
Early contributions to infants’ mental rotation abilities
Should UK Physiotherapists Choose Wisely?
Just another ordinary bad birth? A narrative analysis of first time mothers' traumatic birth experiences
Incorporation of recent waking-life experiences in dreams correlates with frontal theta activity in REM sleep
"Accountability Criteria and Remedies under Tort Law for Victims of Human Rights Abuses".
Characterisation of the interleukin-4 signalling cascade involved in the induction of cyclooxygenase-2 and the polarisation of macrophages into an anti-inflammatory phenotype
A framework to apply cloud-based enterprise resource planning in the United Arab Emirates manufacturing companies-a case approach
International perspectives on child victimisation
PROGRESS: the PROMISE governance framework to decrease coercion in mental healthcare
Nicotine absorption from e-cigarettes over 12 months
'It makes sense and it works': maternity care providers' perspectives on the feasibility of a group antenatal care model (Pregnancy Circles)
Foxa1 and Foxa2 in thymic epithelial cells (TEC) regulate medullary TEC and regulatory T-cell maturation
Medical data analysis based on Nao robot: An automated approach towards robotic real-time interaction with human body
Converging Paths to Common Ground: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Influencing Institution Business
Zero-Hour Contracts and Stress in UK Domiciliary Care Workers
Toward a Neuroscientific Understanding of Play: A Dimensional Coding Framework for Analyzing Infant–Adult Play Patterns
New meanings of thin-skinned: The contrasting attentional profiles of typical 12-month-olds who show high, and low, stress reactivity.
Increases in Arousal are More Long-Lasting than Decreases in Arousal: On Homeostatic Failures During Emotion Regulation in Infancy
Trump, the Alt-Right and Public Pedagogies of Hate and for Fascism: What is to be Done?
Colour cosmetics consumption among Moroccan women: Examining the Nexus of Attitudes, Religion, and The media
Intersectional Border(ing)s
‘National Resources’? The Fragmented Citizenship of Gas Extraction in Tanzania
"There Were Only Friendly People and Love in the Air": Fans, Tourism and the Eurovision Song Contest
Politics, Public Pedagogy and Action: Beyond a Pedagogy of Hope
International Participatory Radio for the Inclusion and Non-formal Learning of Socially Excluded Young People
The BOLD response in primary motor cortex and supplementary motor area during kinesthetic motor imagery based graded fMRI neurofeedback
The Impact of Academies on School Connectedness, Future Aspirations and Mental Health in Adolescents from Areas of Deprivation in London
Sexuality erased, questioned, and explored: the experiences of South Africans with physical disabilities
Trends and patterns in UK treatment seeking gamblers: 2000–2015
Uncovering Natural Longevity Alleles from Intercrossed Pools of Aging Fission Yeast Cells
Geographical Variation in GP drug prescribing for Schizophrenia and similar psychosis in England
Representing Variability in Software Architecture: A Systematic Literature Review
‘Real-world’ compensatory behaviour with low nicotine concentration e-liquid: subjective effects and nicotine, acrolein and formaldehyde exposure
Islamic Relief Domestic Programmes Research
Craving Assemblages: Consciousness and Chocolate Desire
A Hybrid Approach to Recognising Activities of Daily Living from Patterns of Objects Use
Theatre of Testimonies: Performing Memory
Female Cosmetic Coalitions: How to be Women Together Through Direct Sales Cosmetics
Using the Psychological Contract to Explore the Experiences of Migrant Domiciliary Care Workers within London
An Exploratory Analysis of Children's Consumption and Identity Projects
Feminists against Sexual Violence in War: The Question of Perpetrators and Victims Revisited
Attempting to discontinue antipsychotic medication: withdrawal methods, relapse and success
Historical changes in the shoreline and management of Marawila Beach, Sri Lanka, from 1980 to 2017
Country-level welfare-state measures and change in wellbeing following work exit in early old age: evidence from 16 European countries
Curiouser and Curiouser: What Happens After
the Return from Wonderland?
Manufacture and performance of lightweight aggregate from waste drill cuttings
Impaired Visual Search in Children with Rett Syndrome
Male Rape, Masculinities, and Sexualities: Understanding, Policing, and Overcoming Male Sexual Victimisation
Parental neural responsivity to infants’ visual attention: how mature brains influence immature brains during social interaction
Compassion fatigue, compassion satisfaction and work engagement in residential child care
Effectiveness and acceptability of myo-inositol nutritional supplement in the prevention of gestational diabetes (EMmY): a protocol for a randomised, placebo-controlled, double-blind pilot trial
Comparative thermodynamic analysis in solution of a next generation antibody mimetic to VEGF
Examining United States Professional Women’s Volleyball Entities Use of Twitter for Social Media Marketing and Brand Development
The “Inside” and “Outside” Perspectives of Corporate Rebranding: A case study of Greggs Plc
What attributes from Food Aesthetics, Service Quality Cues or the Roles, Consumption Rituals or The Norms and Boundaries of the Service Provider contributes to customer Service Experience in a Fine Dining restaurant context?
Investigation into key drivers of customer loyalty of independent coffee shops in the London coffee shop market
Attitude-behaviour Gap in Green Consumerism among Men: An Exploratory Analysis
„Die Architektur des Neoliberalismus verleugnet die Arbeit“
„Klubs! Mehr Klubs!
Und zwar so schnell wie möglich!“
Parenting and oral health in an inner-city environment: a qualitative pilot study
An Investigation into the Relationship between Post Occupancy Behaviour and Energy Efficiency in Residential Buildings
Commentary: Mechanical Pain Thresholds and the Rubber Hand Illusion
A Pedagogical Response to Decoloniality: Decolonial Atmospheres and Rising Subjectivity
‘The banter levels are good’: Developing social and human capital through education
The Making of Democratic Actors: Counting the Costs of Public Cuts in England on Young People’s Steps towards Citizenship
How to challenge racism in British schools
Wave Propagation and Scour Failure of Coastal Structures due to Tsunamis
Doctor Who’s timely challenge to racism, hatred and Donald Trump
Policing - The technological revolution: Opportunities & challenges!
GPS precise point positioning for UAV photogrammetry
Improving the Building Performance and Thermal Comfort of an Office Building to Reduce Overheating Risk
Leisure Visitor’s Responses to Natural History Dioramas
Testing the effectiveness of REACH Pregnancy Circles group antenatal care: protocol for a randomised controlled pilot trial
Agents and spectres: Life-space on a medium secure forensic psychiatric unit
Living ‘in between’ outside and inside: The forensic psychiatric unit as an impermanent assemblage
Crossing Conceptual Boundaries X
Open Access Policy
A E I O U: Articles, Essays, Interviews and Out-takes
Good night, sleep tight (remix)
Regeneration Songs: Sounds of Investment and Loss in East London
The Production of Play: new forms for civic engagement within contested urban realms
An updated meta-analysis of the distribution and prevalence of Borrelia burgdorferi s.l. in ticks in Europe
Investigating the effects of smart technology on customer dynamics and customer experience
Factor structure and psychometric properties of the Body Appreciation Scale-2 among adolescents and young adults in Danish, Portuguese, and Swedish
The Power of Choice: A Study Protocol on How Identity Leadership Fosters Commitment Toward the Organization
For whom is the feedback intended? A student-focused critical analysis of turnitin software as a tool for learning
Seeds of Legacy, Hybrid and Flexible Spaces
No black scientist has ever won a Nobel – that’s bad for science, and bad for society
Affective Computational Model to Extract Natural Affective States of Students with Asperger Syndrome (AS) in Computer-based Learning Environment
An Integrated Cyber Security Risk Management Approach for a Cyber-Physical System
E-Government Maturity Model for Sustainable E-Government Services from the Perspective of Developing Countries
Management of peripheral arterial disease in diabetes: a national survey of podiatry practice in the United Kingdom
Tourism, border politics, and the fault lines of mobility
Above and Beyond the Battle: Virtuosity and Collectivity within Televised Street Dance Crew Competitions
Comment un outil cartographique de suivi et de communication permet-il d’élargir l’accès à plus d’étudiants et à des étudiants plus divers?
The Handbook of Mental Health and Space: Community and Clinical Applications
Neoliberal Development and Struggle Against It: The Importance of Social Class, Mystification and Feasibility
Deciphering ‘Arab Hospitality’: Identifying Key Characteristics and Concerns
Share: A New Model for Social Work
Dance Floor Transformation: Counterculture, Post-industrialism, and Environmental Design in New York City during the 1970s and Early 1980s
'Beauty Vlogging: Practices, Labours, Inequality'
A novel use for oil-contaminated drill cuttings in the manufacture of lightweight aggregate
Towards a Comprehensive Evidence-Based Approach For Information Security Value Assessment
Prospects of Pharmacological Interventions to Organismal Aging
Mesmeric Trances and Phantasmatic Doubles: Occultist Magnetism and Neo-Magnetic Bodies
Occultist Vitalist Realism: The Phantasmatic Bodies of Durville, Duchamp and Kupka
Capturing the Vital Force: Neo-Magnetic Photography and Durville’s Phantasmatic Doubles
Circumventing Censorship: Virilizing Victorian Homoeroticism
Science, Occultism, Culture
Bleisure Travel Report: Worker Productivity and Well-being
Social media and mental health: A topological approach
Restoration of Freshwaters: Principles and Practice
Current clinical management of smoke inhalation injuries: a reality check
Physiotherapy in cystic fibrosis Α comprehensive clinical overview
Digitally Mediated Emotion: Simondon, Affectivity and Individuation
Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park BAP Monitoring: Terrestrial Invertebrate Survey Report for idverde
Belonging: Exploring students’ ideas around belonging, comfort and discomfort in library and learning spaces
Therapeutische Arbeit mit suizidalen Jugendlichen Die psychodynamische Kurztherapie (TAPP)