In the Changing Light; Daring to Be Powerful

Three-quarter views of depth-rotated faces induce face-specific capacity limits in visual search

A Proposed Machine Learning Based Collective Disease Model to Enable Predictive Diagnostics in Necrotising Enterocolitis

A Machine Learning Techniques to Detect Counterfeit Medicine Based on X-Ray Fluorescence Analyser

Wither democracy? The rise of epistocracy and monopoly in school governance

Attentional Shifting and Disengagement in Rett Syndrome

Decision-making in crisis resolution and home treatment teams: The AWARE framework

Consumer Multicultural Identity Affiliation: Reassessing Identity Segmentation in Multicultural Markets

Fashion brands, influencers and followers – who are really influencing us? An analysis of social media influencers in the fashion marketing

Audit of a Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) course within a prison

Why we are still talking about race

Exploring Port Cities as the Hubs of the New Economy

Appropriate Energy

Exploring the contribution of mobile money to well-being from a capability perspective

Talk2Learn: A Framework for Chatbot Learning

Multimodality and Audiovisual Perception: A Case Study involving Spatial Audio, Wave Field Synthesis and Dance Choreography

Rate Dependency and Stress Relaxation of Unsaturated Clays

Enhancing Community Resilience: Assessing the Role That Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Law Enforcement (LEA) Staff Associations and Networks Can Play in the Fight Against Radicalisation

How do ‘continuing acts’ affect tribunal claims?

What is "knowledge of disability" in tribunal claims?

The new Urban Development Paradox: pushing innovation and economic growth, while leaving behind the issue of inequalities.

Aged-senescent cells contribute to impaired heart regeneration

Fast spectral solutions of the double-gyre problem in a turbulent flow regime

Developing the Business Process Management Performance of an Information System Using the Delphi Study Technique

High school swiss students’ perception of five minutes’ mindfulness meditations at the beginning of their 45 minutes’ lesson

What are the functions of positive emotions in fostering school engagement in primary school (and how to deal with it)?

Authenticity in the Arts and Media in an Era of Fake News: Loss & Hope

Can I Join In? Playful Performance as Political Intervention

Hope/Less: The Politics of Metamodern Theatre

A Silent Shout: Metamodern Forms of Activism in Contemporary Performance

A Materialist Feminist Perspective on Time in Actor Training: The commodity of illusion

A Brechtian perspective on London Road: Class representations, dialectics and the ‘gestic’ character of music from stage to screen

The Economic Communities of Edinburgh’s August Festivals: An Exclusive ‘Global Sense of Place’ and an Inclusive ‘Local Sense of Space’

Mechanical Properties of Heat-treated Medium Carbon Steel in Renewable and Biodegradable Oil

Advanced Animal Track-&-Trace Supply-Chain Conceptual Framework: An Internet of Things Approach

Low-energy design strategies for retrofitting existing residential buildings in Cyprus

The neural correlates of orienting to walking direction in 6-month-old infants: An ERP study

Psychological Processes Underlying the Impact of Gender-Related Discrimination on Psychological Distress in Transgender and Gender Nonconforming People

Preliminary psychometric properties of the Everyday Psychological Inflexibility Checklist

Bringing Spirituality and Wisdom into Practice

SOPHIE (Self-Exploration Through Ontological, Phenomenological, Humanistic, Ideological and Existential Expressions): A Mentoring Framework

Concentric joint connectors for form-changing space frames

Growing up Bilingual: Understanding Specific Benefits Across the Mainstream and Complementary Education Sectors

Examining Social Commerce Intentions Through the Uses and Gratifications Theory

Nature-Based Solutions Initiating Scaling Guidebook

Adult Online Hate, Harassment and Abuse: A rapid evidence assessment

Child Online Protection in Rwanda

Editorial: This Conjuncture: For Stuart Hall

Relationship between labour productivity and curved wall construction in high-rise building projects

The Role of Emotional Intelligence Factors in Workers’ Occupational Health and Safety Performance — A Case Study of the Petroleum Industry

Comparative performance analysis of Vacuum Insulation Panels in thermal window shutters

Assessment of solar shading strategies in low-income tropical housing: the case of Uganda

Integrating BIM with building performance analysis in project life-cycle

A Review of Thermal and Hygrothermal Requirements in Historic Churches

Potential and Impact of Incorporating Roof Photovoltaic to Enhance Environmental Sustainability of Historic English Churches in the United Kingdom

Reducing GHGs from UK Households ‐ An Examination of Local Authority‐Level Data

Thermal Performance of Vacuum Insulated Window Shutter Systems

Effects of Natural Ventilation on Thermal Comfort in Low-income Tropical Housing

Famous Last Words - A Comparative Focus on Resignation Speeches to Trace Contemporary European Instability: The Cases of David Cameron and Matteo Renzi

Mas-Piece / Body-Architecture: Collaboration between Tropical Isles Carnival Group and UEL BSc Architecture, Unit A

Relational States of Dalston: Research Project

An Exploratory Study on the Physical Activity and Dietary Behaviours of Iranian Immigrant and Refugee Women in the United Kingdom

‘Bordering’ Life: denying the right to live before being born

Community engagement in preparing for natural water disasters of different time and magnitude scales – A comparative study between Japan and England

Book Reviews: Can I Go & Play Now? Rethinking the Early Years

Book Reviews: The Working Class: Poverty, Education and Alternative Voices

Evaluating the Constructionist Approach in Entrepreneurship Education

Developing a Pan-European Approach to Teacher Educators

Lesson Observation: What Is the Problem It’s Solving?

What Is the Prevalence of Social Anxiety Disorder Among Adolescents in Ireland? How Does It Impact Their Lives and How Do Schools Address It?

Prescription and Practice: A Small-Scale, Democratic Evaluation of Mentoring Provision on a Higher Education Teacher Training Programme

Competence-Oriented Teaching: Combining Theory and Practice in a Future-Oriented Teacher Education

An Ethnographic Perspective on Teachers-as-Designers in Video Conference Pedagogy: A Matter of Craft, Ethics and Identity


Research in Teacher Education: Volume 9, No.2, Novermber 2019

Books Reviews: Effective Personal Tutoring in Higher Education

Book Reviews: Explaing Primary Science

Three Ways to Make Teacher Education in England Even Better

Issues in Roma Education: The Relationship Between Language and the Educational Needs of Roma Students

Does Giving Pupils Leadership Roles Within Extra-Curricular PE Clubs Improve Their Leadership Skills Within Curriculum-Time PE Lessons?

New Teachers and Practitioner Research: Willing; Able; Irrelevant

Change the Game: Can a Non-Traditional Club Increase Participation in Extracurricular Physical Activity?

Embodied Learning and Multimodality in Science Education: Teachers’ Perceptions of Teaching Electrical Circuits, Their Diagrammatic Symbols, Physical Components and Functions Through Multisensory Approach

The Role of Intellectual Virtues in the Development of the Science Teacher: An Initial Provocation


Research in Teacher Education: Volume 9, No.1, May 2019

Book Reviews: Rwanda 1994: genocide in the “Land of a Thousand Hills”

« Une possible transmigration » : Anthony Burgess et ses Traductions Modernistes de Cyrano de Bergerac et L’Avare

Fraud detection in telephone conversations for financial services using linguistic features

A Commentary on Althusser's 1963 Presentation of Bourdieu and Passeron


A Comparative Study of Multimodal Approaches to Learning: To Support Children’s Learning in the Early Years

Towards a Positive Attitude to Money: Designing an Intervention to Enhance Wellbeing and Reduce Anxiety, with Cross-Cultural Testing

Comparative Genomics of Environmental Multidrug Resistant Staphylococci

Are There Brain-Based Predictors of the Ability to Learn a New Skill in Healthy Ageing and Can They Help in the Design of Effective Therapy after Stroke?

The Role of Siglec-F as a Regulator of Alveolar Macrophage Function and Adaptation

A Systematic Map of the UK Literature on Navigation Roles in Primary Care: Social Prescribing Link Workers in Context

Workplace Coaching

New Reconstructed Database for Cost Reduction in Indoor Fingerprinting Localization

Modeling user rating preference behavior to improve the performance of the collaborative filtering based recommender systems

Security predictions — A way to reduce uncertainty

Alternative Financing Approaches and Regulation in Africa

From Bitcoin to Libra: A Global Public – Private Partnership Approach to Regulation

Diasporic identity and transnational belonging: reflections from supporting mental health services in the Rohingya camps

Review of the Book: The Psychology of Effective Studying: How to Succeed in Your Degree, by P. Penn

To What Extent Is the Thrive Intervention Grounded in Research and Theory?

The Use of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for School Refusal Behaviour in Educational Psychology Practice

Developing Therapeutic Interventions in EP Practice: Reflections on Unconscious Processes and Promoting the Child’s Voice

Educational Psychologists as Scientist Practitioners: A Critical Synthesis of Existing Professional Frameworks by a Consciously Incompetent Trainee

The Process of Psychological Assessment: A Critique of Non-Participatory Observations Within Educational Psychology Practice and the Process of Psychological Assessment


Educational Psychology Research and Practice (EPRaP): Volume 5, Issue 2

Apps for EPs and Mental Health Professionals

Review of the Book: Children's Experiences of Classrooms: Talking About Being Pupils in the Classroom, by E. Hargreaves

A Critical Review of Teachers Using Solution-Focused Approaches Supported by Educational Psychologists

Use of Dynamic Assessment With Children in the Early Years Foundation Stage: A Review of the Literature

A Critical Evaluation of EPs’ Cognitive Assessment Work With Children and Young People With English as an Additional Language

The Contribution of Assistant Psychologists in the UK


Educational Psychology Research and Practice (EPRaP): Volume 5, Issue 1

A Participatory Exploration of the Relationship between the Focus on Academic Achievement in UK Education Policy and Adolescents' Wellbeing and Mental Health

The Experience of Supervision for Integrative Coach-Therapist Practitioners: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis

The Experience of Relationship Dissolution During Counselling Psychology Training – a Thematic Analysis

Clinical Psychology Training and Therapist Self-Disclosure: The Role of the Supervisor

Teenage Motherhood: An Insight into the Discourses Concerning Teenage Mothers as Expressed in Popular Media

Social Cognition in Sports-Related Mild Traumatic Brain Injury

How Mental Health Teams Make Sense of People Who Have Been Given a Diagnosis of Borderline Personality Disorder

The Relationship between Exposure to Risk-Related Content on Social Media and Adult Online and Offline Risk-Taking

Telling and Re-Telling Stories: Staff Witnessing Narratives from People Diagnosed with Dementia

Barriers Encountered by Young People From Black and Minority Ethnic Communities Accessing Psychological Services: Clinical Psychologists’ Perspectives

Life on the Borderline: Reconceptualising the Experiences of People With a Diagnosis of Borderline Personality Disorder

The Experiences of Restorative Justice Practices for Those Attending an Alternative Provision: A Thematic Analysis

An Exploration of the Use of Solution Circles as an Intervention with Secondary School Pupils

Growing up Trans: Exploring the Positive School Experiences of Transgender Children and Young People

An Exploration of How Autistic Young People Are Positioned in Their Person-Centred Annual Review

An Exploration of Secondary School Pupils’ Experiences of Managed Moves Using a Resiliency Framework

Using Visual and Participatory Research Methods to Describe Processes of Educational Resilience in Returners to Education

Unequal Perceptions of School Subject Value: Exploring Year Nine Students’ Value Attribution Patterns and the Psychological Impact

Using a Participatory Research Model to Investigate the Friendship Experiences of Females with Autism or Social Communication Difficulties

What Are Nurture Group Staffs’ Experiences of How Their Resilience Is Supported in School?

An Exploration of Young People’s Experiences of a Participatory Project

Narratives of War: How Somali Women Story Their Experiences of War

Exploring What Parents of Children under 5 Years Old Say Could Help Them Engage in a Programme about Child Development

"Autism doesn't come with a manual, it comes with a parent who never gives up": A Family Resilience Perspective to Exploring the Views of Black and Minority Ethnic Parents of Children with Autism

The Experience of Performance Appraisal for Ethnic Minority Employees in UK Organisations

Participatory Research Approaches in Educational Psychology Training and Practice

Educational psychologists’ responses to a post-16 service user film on their practice: a participatory research project

Cybercrime and Risks for Cyber Physical Systems

Seismic Strengthening of Substandard Buildings with Composite Materials

Struggling to Remember: Perceptions, Potentials and Power in an Age of Mediatised Memory

Eastern Promise? Race, Innovation and Inequality in the Creative Industries-Driven Regeneration of East London

Handling Imbalanced Classes: Feature Based Variance Ranking Techniques for Classification

Predictive Modelling of Retail Banking Transactions for Credit Scoring, Cross-Selling and Payment Pattern Discovery

Compressive Sensing with Low-Power Transfer and Accurate Reconstruction of EEG Signals

Exploring the Experiences of West African Immigrants Living with Type 2 Diabetes in the UK

Systematic review of diabetes management among black African immigrants, white and South Asian populations

Mining and Infrastructure Development in Nigeria: Appraisal of the Legal and Policy Framework for Investment and Sukuk

Migrant Detention and the Inequities in Healthcare Access

The Utopian Ensemble: Collaboration and Emergent Creation

Automating the process of identifying the preferred representational system in Neuro Linguistic Programming using Natural Language Processing

Appendix 3A of BD5104 Ecological Vegetation Assessment

Oral History and Collective Memory: Documenting Refugee Voices and the Challenges of Archival Representation

Documenting the Undocumented: Archiving and recording the refugee experience

Contested Histories, Intangible Heritage: Human Rights and The German Occupation Memorial and Eleven Emlekmű (Eleven Memorial) in Budapest, Hungary

#VolSecArchives: Human rights in records and the Campaign for Voluntary Sector Archives

"Don’t give me more ideas, I’m too creative!": Interview with poet, artist and activist Sonia Quintero

Individual Approach to Mental Health from a Psychodynamic and Cognitive Behavioral

Towards the exploration of Gender awareness in Human-centred design

Health 4.0: How Digitisation Drives Innovation in the Healthcare Sector

Design for Health 4.0: Exploration of a New Area

Vibration in Car Seat- Occupant System: Overview and Proposal of a Novel Simulation Method

The Challenges for Micro, Small and Medium Sized Construction Enterprises Operating in the International Construction Markets

Design and Evaluation of a Percutaneous Fragment Manipulation Device for Minimally Invasive Fracture Surgery

Metadata for information management and retrieval: understanding metadata and its use

Critical Success Factors for Implementing Integrated Construction Project Delivery

Finding and Interpreting Arguments: An Important Challenge for Humanities Computing and Scholarly Practice

Variance Ranking for Multi-Classed Imbalanced Datasets: A Case Study of One-Versus-All

Hard Hill Research Plots, Moor House National Nature Reserve, UK, VR imagery

Hard Hill Research Plots, Moor House National Nature Reserve, UK, 180 degree 3D VR un-processed imagery

Hard Hill Research Plots, Moor House National Nature Reserve, UK, 180 degree 3D VR image-processed imagery

Hard Hill Research Plots, Moor House National Nature Reserve, UK, 360 degree 2D VR un-processed imagery

Reshaping and Reimagining Marketised Early Childhood Education and Care Systems

Over the Top— how far should we go?

Navigating Toward Success: Black and Minority Ethnic Students in Postgraduate Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Courses in England

Exploring the Career Management Experiences of Female Middle Managers in the HR Profession through a Feminist Poststructuralist and Intersectional Lens

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Approach to Measuring Energy Consumption in Data Centre Facilities

Conceptualising Relational Normality in Psychoanalytically-Informed Couple Psychotherapy

What Are the Unique Clinical Experiences of Bilingual Couple Psychotherapists Whose Mothertongue Is Not English but Who Work in Their Mothertongue in an English-Speaking Professional Environment?

Identity, Governmentality, Chronicity and Development: A Study of Zambian Teachers Living With and Affected by HIV and ‘Therapeutic Citizenship’

Critical analysis for big data studies in construction: significant gaps in knowledge

Gender in the Construction Industry: Literature Review and Comparative Survey of Men’s and Women’s Perceptions in UK Construction Consultancies

The Production of Heritage: The Politicisation of Architectural Conservation

Hard Hill Research Plots, Moor House National Nature Reserve, UK, 360 degree 2D VR image-processed imagery

The Wellbeing Toolkit Training Programme: A Useful Resource for Educational Psychology Services?

Supporting children’s social and emotional well-being in the early years: an exploration of practitioners’ perceptions

Assets focus risk management framework for critical infrastructure cybersecurity risk management

Cyber Threat Intelligence for Improving Cybersecurity and Risk Management in Critical Infrastructure

Second Chance Stories: Children and Families' Journey from School Exclusion to Therapeutic Alternative Provision

Contemporary Issues in Marketing: Principles and Practice

Effects of heparan sulfates with different structures on leukaemia cells: U937 and THP-1 cell differentiation

Sucrose octasulphate regulates the expression of M1 and M2 macrophage-specific markers in U937 monocytes

Quantitative Risk Analysis using Real-time Data and Change-point Analysis for Data-informed Risk Prediction

The Evolution of Sociology of Software Architecture

NQT Mentoring Can Improve Confidence and Retention

Peatlands: the challenge of mapping the world’s invisible stores of carbon and water

Careif Position Statement on Migration and Mental Health

A Magna Carta for People Living with Mental Illness

Culturally Adapted Interventions in Mental Health: Global Position Statement

Moving Beyond Christianity: Islam, Judaism, Hinduism and Mental Health

Revisiting histories of anti-racist thought and activism

Secondary Behavior Management: The Essentials

The impact of teacher supply challenges on high-quality subject-specific mentoring

Teacher Educators’ challenge to remain current to support others in their development

A review on the eco-epidemiology and clinical management of human granulocytic anaplasmosis and its agent in Europe

Altered visual feedback from an embodied avatar unconsciously influences movement amplitude and muscle activity

Comparative Proteomic Profiling of Methicillin‐Susceptible and Resistant Staphylococcus aureus

Editorial: Being nice is not enough

Innovative psychoeducation interventions for ‘at-risk’ and socially excluded young people

Foucault, Freda Fry and the Power of Silent Characters on the Radio

Afropean Moves

Treatment Seeking Problem Gamblers: Characteristics of Individuals who Offend to Finance Gambling

Developing a Culture of Mentoring and Coaching in a Mainstream Secondary Context Through the Use of Lesson Study

The Pasted Paper Devolution: Alcoholism, Sex, Syphilis and Sport in the Cubist Papier-Collés

Age-related differences during visual search: the role of contextual expectations and cognitive control mechanisms

Facebook Fake Profile Identification: Technical and Ethical Considerations

Screening of Medical Plants on Skin Cancer Cell Lines A375 and B16 Using Cell Viability Assay

Custom-Made Compression Garments in Sport: Do They Work for Performance and Recovery?

Extra-foveal Processing of Object Semantics Guides Early Overt Attention During Visual Search

Fixation-related Brain Potentials during Semantic Integration of Object–Scene Information

‘It’s about wholeness. I love my awesomeness and I love my flawesomeness’: An IPA analysis of coaching with the shadow in mind

The Elements of Eco-Connection: A Cross-Cultural Lexical Enquiry

Systemic “Alternatives”: On Ordoliberal Rule in Europe and the Corruption of the Left

Exposure to Gambling and Alcohol Marketing in Soccer Matchday Programmes

Policy-Based Security Management System for 5G Heterogeneous Networks

Psychological Treatment for Individuals with Co-occurring Mental Health and Substance Misuse Needs: A Qualitative Study From the Psychologist’s Perspective

The Relationship between Adults’ Retrospective Accounts of Paternal Parenting and Psychological Health: The Mediating Role of Emotion Regulation

EEG and TMS-EEG Studies on the Cortical Excitability and Plasticity associated with Human Motor Control and Learning

Using co-production within mental health training when working with refugee or migrant community groups

A Critical Analysis of UK International Health Partnerships: The Discourse of Mental Health

Difference in the centre of mass vertical displacement between treadmill and over-ground running in recreational runners measured with inertial measurement units

A comparison of treadmill versus outdoor running economy in recreational runners

PROTECT: Relational Safety based Suicide Prevention Training Frameworks

A Reflection on The Concluding Moments of the CollectivEd Conference

Developing Future Black Minority, Ethnic (BME) Leader’s Self-Efficacy through Mentoring and Coaching: A research working paper

Managing constant change

Research capacity building in and on teacher education: developing practice and learning

Compassion, Shame, and Sexual Violence Experienced by Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Questioning Young People

Do Mental Health Professionals in the UK Ask about Experiences of Adversity and Respond Appropriately?

Understanding the Role of Care Staff in Supporting Individuals With an Intellectual Disability Who Take Psychotropic Medication

Locating Family of Origin Following Family Tracing: The Experiences of Unaccompanied and Separated Young People Seeking Asylum

Lessons from the Psychedelic Community in Supporting People through Acute Psychosis: A Grounded Theory Study

Unusual Experiences, Beliefs and Paranoia: Exploring the Relationships with Shame Memories and Compassion

Chrysomela saliceti Suffrian (Chrysomelidae) - thriving and potentially spreading in urban green areas in London

We All are Makwerekwere: Xenophobia, Nationality, Dance and South Africa

Data for 'University of East London Survey on Research Data Management 2019'

Analysis of Obfuscated Code with Program Slicing

University of East London Survey on Research Data Management 2019: A snapshot of practice

Reggio Emilia and the arts approach: Two exceptional examples of multimodal learning in early years

Revisiting ‘common-sense’ in a time of cultivated ignorance – a conversation with Errol Lawrence

Violence Against Women: Entrapment, Repetition and Transformation

A Framework for Augmented Reality Based Shared Experiences

A Racist Attack Managing Complex Relationships with Traumatised Service Users – a Psychodynamic Approach

Smart Transcription

Thought Without a Body, Science as Culture

Policing mining: In outer-space greed and domination vs. peace and equity a governance for humanity!

Electroconvulsive Therapy for Depression: A Review of the Quality of ECT vs Sham ECT Trials and Meta-Analyses

Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy (ISTDP) Therapists’ Experiences of Staying with Clients’ Intense Emotional Experiencing: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis

An Exploration of Teachers’ Experiences of Managing Challenging Behaviour in the Classroom

The Place of Self-Esteem and Social Life in Interactive Virtual Gaming: A Mixed-Methods Investigation into the Lived Experience of Pokémon Go Players

Psychological Therapists’ Wellbeing in the Context of IAPT-NHS: A Foucauldian Discourse Analysis

Blending Light and Dark: A Qualitative Analysis of the Experiences of Stress and Growth in Retired Police Officers

Human Rights and Clinical Psychology in the United Kingdom from 1948 to 2018: A Critical Historical Analysis

"It Was Bittersweet": Young People’s Experience of Having Undergone the Refugee Family Reunion Process in the UK

The Effects of a Human Immunodeficiency Virus Diagnosis on the Identities of Black African Women

Exploring Human Rights in the Context of Young People's Mental Health Services

Research Review: Do parent ratings of infant negative emotionality and self‐regulation predict psychopathology in childhood and adolescence? A systematic review and meta‐analysis of prospective longitudinal studies

Do helpful mothers help? Effects of maternal scaffolding and infant motivation on cognitive performance

14 challenges for conducting social neuroscience and longitudinal EEG research with infants

Surviving Thoughts of Suicide: Experiences of Having Suicidal Ideation and Not Acting upon Them

Personal experiences and processes in an Acceptance and Commitment Therapy group for stroke survivors: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis

Becoming and Being: Special Guardians’ Stories of Kinship Care

E-university delivery model: handling the evaluation process

Letter from the Guest Editor

Emotional valence modulates the topology of the parent-infant inter-brain network

G-protein αq gene expression plays a role in alcohol tolerance in Drosophila melanogaster

The Greek Conundrum

Autism, intense interests and support in school: from wasted efforts to shared understandings

Inclusive Education for Autistic Children: Helping Children to Learn and Flourish in the Classroom

Mind Your Attitude: The Impact of Patriarchy on Women’s Workplace Behaviour

A Critical Realist Reflection on the Use of Social Media as Third Space for Rights Education in Early Childhood

Understanding market agility for new product success with big data analytics

A Dynamic Access Control Model Using Authorising Workflow and Task-Role-Based Access Control

Book Review - Gender in Physical Culture: Crossing Boundaries-Reconstituting Cultures

Art Apart: Collaboration and Disruption in the Virtual and Augmented Immersive Space

Jigsaw Recovery: The Spatio-temporalities of Alcohol Abuse and Recovery in a Non-interventionist, Peer-led Service

Accounting conservatism and banking expertise on board of directors

Evaluating the Criticisms of the Stanford Prison Experiment

Destruction/Reconstruction of the Artist/Art Object What is Possible?

Cloud Manufacturing Model to Optimise Manufacturing Performance

Woman and Dance in Kuwaiti Cinema

Widening Participation for Non-Traditional Students: Can Using Alternative Assessment Methods Level the Playing Field in Higher Education?

Qualitative evidence

The long-term health and wellbeing impacts of Healthy New Towns: a six-month feasibility study of Healthy New Town demonstrator sites in England

Hear my screams: An auto-ethnographic account of the police

Agency and responsibility over virtual movements controlled through different paradigms of brain−computer interface

Intentional rounding in hospital wards to improve regular interaction and engagement between nurses and patients: a realist evaluation

James Curran: Histoire et Critique des médias

Being innovative and ethical about research

Transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS) at 40 Hz enhances face and object perception

Does Whiteness Need Dismantling?

From Margin to Centre? Practising New Forms of European Politics and Citizenship in the Calais ‘Jungle’

The Production of Heritage

Context-Specific Drinking and Social Anxiety: The Roles of Anticipatory Anxiety and Post-Event Processing

Dimensions and Determinants of Financialisation: Comparing OECD Countries since 1997

Corporate Entrepreneurship, Strategy Formulation, and the Performance of the Nigerian Manufacturing Sector

The Vision of the Absurd Aesthetic Machines, Entanglement and Affect

The Influence of Urban Green Systems on the Urban Heat Island Effect in London

Muddied Living: making home with dog companions

How common and severe are six withdrawal effects from, and addiction to, antidepressants? The experiences of a large international sample of patients

Book Review: Les Back and Shamser Sinha with Charlynne Bryan, Vlad Baraku and Mardoche Yemba, Migrant City

From Scutellaria barbata to BZL101 in Cancer Patients: Phytochemistry, Pharmacology, and Clinical Evidence

Learning How to Ask - Does a one-day training increase trauma inquiry in routine substance use disorder practice? Results of a cluster-randomized controlled trial

Narrative Research


Social Media Influencers: Exploratory Analysis on the Relationships Between Female Millennials and Influencers

The Effect of Sustainable Production on Consumer Buying Behaviour in Apparel Industry

Recruitment challenges – a study of how consulting firms practice their recruitment

Examining Challenges Impacting Mobile Money Penetration Levels in Somalia: The Case of Zaad in Mogadishu

Education for a Healthy Democracy

Explaining Sentiment Classification

Affective and enjoyment responses to 12 weeks of high intensity interval training and moderate continuous training in adults with Crohn’s disease

Psychological, social, and welfare interventions for torture survivors: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials

Qualitative Research in Refugee Studies

Improving Student Engagement and Performance in Computing Final Year Projects

The Women’s Royal Indian Naval Service: Picturing India’s New Woman

Greenwashing and Responsible Investment Practice: Empirical Evidence from Zimbabwe

The Effects of a Virtual Disruption on Motor Control and Motor Adaptation Studied with Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS)

Enter the Surface-Interface: An Exploration of Urban Surfaces as Sites of Spatial Production and Regulation

How do new/recent mothers experience unwanted harm thoughts related to their newborn? A thematic analysis

Policing degrees: New top up degree for serving officers means ‘no-one gets left behind’

Too Big to Manage: US Megabanks’ Competition by Innovation and the Microfoundations of Financialization

Science in action in spontaneous preschool play – an essential foundation for future understanding

The Bourdieu paradigm: The origins and evolution of an intellectual social project

Explaining or understanding?

Rapid testing of service innovations in general practice: The Primary Care Home model in Newham

Customizable Ceramic Nanocomposites Using Carbon Nanotubes

Talkin’ Transindividuation and Collectivity: A Dialogue Between Jason Read and Jeremy Gilbert

Positive Psychology in the Language Classroom: What is all the hype?

Small strain stiffness of loessic soils across South East England

Supplementary material for 'An overview of the patterned fens of Great Sandy Region, far eastern Australia'

An overview of the patterned fens of Great Sandy Region, far eastern Australia

Mosaic Management: The Missing Ingredient for Biodiversity Innovation in Urban Greenspace Design

Review: Non‐invasive brain stimulation in behavioral addictions: insights from direct comparisons with substance use disorders

Cocaine Money, Cement Houses, and New Residential Arrangements in a Coastal Miskitu Village

Loss of hypothermic and anti-pyretic action of paracetamol in cyclooxygenase-1 knockout mice is indicative of inhibition of cyclooxygenase-1 variant enzymes

Expert Voices: Reading comics and graphic novels

Contemporary Challenges in School Recruitment for Criminological Survey Research: Lessons From the International Self-Report Delinquency Study in England, Germany, the Netherlands, and the United States

PREVENT, Safeguarding and the Common-Sensing of Social Work in the UK

Organizing the sensory: Ear-work, panauralism and sonic agency on a forensic psychiatric unit

Affect Theory and the Concept of Atmosphere

Brexit uncertainty will continue after Halloween unless a deal is struck

Social Work and Countering Violent Extremism in Sweden and the UK

The experiences of educational coaches prior to their first placement: An interpretative phenomenological analysis

Team Coaching: A thematic analysis of methods used by external coaches in a work domain

Color Categorization Independent of Color Naming

Antidepressant withdrawal – the tide is finally turning

A psychophysiological investigation of the interplay between orienting and executive control during stimulus conflict: A heart rate variability study

The Role of Underutilization of Protective Behavioral Strategies in the Relation of Social Anxiety with Risky Drinking

What is Community?

Addressing heterogeneity (and homogeneity) in treatment mechanisms in depression and the potential to develop diagnostic and predictive biomarkers

Bangladeshi Medicinal Plants: Ethnopharmacology, Phytochemistry and Anti-Staphylococcal Activity

Developing ethical guidelines for positive psychology practice: An on-going, iterative, collaborative endeavour

The Anatomy of Memory Politics: A Formalist Analysis of Tate Britain’s ‘Artist and Empire’ and the Struggle over Britain’s Imperial Past

Assessment of the Suitability of the Fall Cone Method to Replace the Casagrande Cup for Liquid Limit Determination of South African Soils

Other Oriented Perfectionism in Tennis Coaching

Information Accrual From the Period Preceding Racket-Ball Contact for Tennis Ground Strokes: Inferences From Stochastic Masking

Becoming Simian: Darwin, Picasso and Creative Evolution

Un modelo de aprendizaje estratégico para el aprendizaje de idiomas

British Sikhs in complementary schooling: the role of heritage language proficiency and ‘culture learning’ in ethnic identity and bicultural adaptation

Three Essays on Earnings Quality

The Role of Oestrogen Receptor Beta (ERβ) in the Aetiology and Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

An International Interdisciplinary Writing Group: Perspectives on Building Partnerships and Developing Community

Muscle Testing – A Concise Manual

Review of the SoTL a Guide for Scientists, Engineers and Mathematicians

The Beliefs of Non-Psychiatric Doctors about the Causes, Treatments and Prognosis of Schizophrenia

Young Women’s Selfhood on Antidepressants: ‘Not Fully Myself’

Peer mentors' experiences and perceptions of mentoring in undergraduate health and sports science programmes

All kinds of strong: Disrupting dominant discourses of fitness within elementary school physical education

A socially just (dis)ability curriculum idea in physical education

Social justice in physical education: A summary of research and teaching

Styles of Collaboration between Entities within Different Sectors of Communities When Working on Sustainability-Related Projects

Democratic Teacher Education Practices

An Interpretive Analysis of Long-Term Success of Black Business in Britain

The Acculturation Model in Second Language Learning: A Cross-Linguistic Study of a Group of English-Speaking Nigerian Immigrants Learning German as a Second Language in Germany

Juggling Teaching and PhD Studies – GROWing Tips

What Influence Earnings Management by Share-Financed Acquirers Prior to Deal Announcements?

Negotiating Development: a psychosocial study of Bangladeshi development workers

“The Education System is Broken:” The Influence of a Sociocultural Foundations Class on the Perspectives and Practices of Physical Education Preservice Teachers

How is paranoia experienced in a student population? A qualitative study of students scoring highly on a paranoia measure

Anisotropy in Sand–Fibre Composites and Undrained Stress–Strain Implications

Bodies, Representations, Situations, Practices: qualitative research on affect, emotion and feeling

A Probabilistic Approach to the Spatial Variability of Ground Properties in the Design of Urban Deep Excavation

Compacted Expansive Elastic Silt and Tyre Powder Waste

Raising Awareness of Mental Health in Higher Education: Research Activity for Educators

Forgotten Solidarities in the Atelier Populaire Posters

A Deep Learning Based Suggested Model to Detect Necrotising Enterocolitis in Abdominal Radiography Images

Context-Aware Driver Distraction Severity Classification using LSTM Network

Predicting the Standard and Deviant Patterns In EEG Signals Based On Deep Learning Model

The Influence of Organisational Culture on Leadership Style in Higher Education Institutions

Whole genome sequencing revealed new molecular characteristics in multidrug resistant staphylococci recovered from high frequency touched surfaces in London

Postmodernism, Ethnicity, and Celebrity Culture in Women’s Symbolic Consumption

Are inexpensive surveys for maintenance management of small existing residential buildings at BIM level 2?”

Power Control and Cooperative Sensing in Cognitive Radio

Towards a sustainable and efficient integrated dry ports network (IDPN): Mashreq countries as a case study

Psychosocial Risk Factors in Disordered Gambling: A Descriptive Systematic Overview of Vulnerable Populations

Gambling and Homelessness: Prevalence and Pathways

Prevalence of clinical autistic traits within a homeless population: barriers to accessing homeless services

Should GPs routinely screen for gambling disorders?

Heterogeneity in Disordered Gambling: Decision-Making and Impulsivity in Gamblers Grouped by Preferred Form

Predictors of Dropout in Disordered Gamblers in UK Residential Treatment

Hyperfine excitation of CH and OH radicals by He

Proceedings from the 2nd Annual UK Implementation Science Research Conference, 'Advancing the science of scaling up: Improving efficiency and effectiveness of implementation strategies in healthcare': meeting abstracts

Eyes on the Bog: Long-term monitoring network for UK peatlands

Temporalities of Mental Distress: Digital Immediacy and the Meaning of 'Crisis' in Online Support

Ethical guidelines for positive psychology practice

Lime Cake as an Alternative Stabiliser for Loose Clayey Loams

Effect of Grain Size and Shape on Undrained Behaviour of Sands

Trust and power as determinants of tax compliance across 44 nations

How do women with social risk factors experience United Kingdom maternity care? A realist synthesis

Nation and Place Marketing: Amalgamation of theory and practice

Social Prescribing in General Practice

What Europeanization? Getting Away with Corruption in the Progressivists-Dominated Serbia

Stosunki między Wspólnotą Europejską a Jugosławią: dokumenty, które miały znaczenie (1980–1992)

Landlords and Tenants: Between Contract, Property and Social Relations

Ductility of Steel-Fibre-Reinforced Recycled Lightweight Concrete

Anonymous Women? A Scoping Review of the Experiences of Women in Gamblers Anonymous (GA)

Aspiration, austerity and ableism: to what extent are the 2014 SEND reforms supporting young people with a life‐limiting impairment and their families to get the lives they want?

Reproducing Masculinities – The Edwardian Performance of Male Adolescent ‘Crisis'

Indoor comfort and adaptation in low-income and middle-income residential buildings in a Nigerian city during a dry season

A Marxist Critique of Sean Walton’s Defence of the CRT Concept of ‘White Supremacy’ as Explaining All Forms of racism and Some Comments on CRT, Black Radical and Socialist Futures

An Investigation into the treatment and modelling of Municipal Solid Waste Incineration (MSWI) Air Pollution Control (APC) residues

The Subjective Voice and Hybrid Documentary Filmmaking Strategies: A Case Study

Novel Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus CC8 Clone Identified in a Hospital Setting in Armenia

Illuminating Phantasmatic Doubles: Hector Durville's and Albert de Rochas

A Radical Feminist Diaspora: Speaking of IMELDA, reproductive justice and Ireland

At what stage in the drinking process does drinking water affect attention and memory? Effects of mouth rinsing and mouth drying in adults

Effects of Trade Tariffs on Domestic Economies and Global Trade: an Exploratory Analysis

The impacts of branding and shopping experience on consumers in luxury retail: A comparative study with reference to Harrods and Selfridges

Heterogeneity in psychiatric diagnostic classification

Impact of Corporate Social Responsibilities on Revenue Generation: A case study of Coca-Cola

Influences of environmental stressors on autonomic function in 12-month-old infants: understanding early common pathways to atypical emotion regulation and cognitive performance

Parents mimic and influence their infant’s autonomic state through dynamic affective state matching

Visuo-tactile stimulation, but not type of movement, modulates pain during the vision of a moving virtual limb


Widening Participation Practitioners Write!

Barriers to women's access to alongside midwifery units in England

What Support? Foucault, Power, and the Construction of Rape

Human Rights-Based Approach to Applied Psychology

Conceptualising rehabilitation as reparation for torture survivors: a clinical perspective

The Marginalised in Genocide Narratives

Advanced Research Training Seminars 2018: A new ARTS model

Theresa May, The Hostile Environment and Public Pedagogies of Hate and Threat: The Case for a Future Without Borders

Work to be done? A survey of educational psychologists exploring their contribution to special schools for profound and multiple learning difficulties

My New School transition to high school for children with special educational needs in England – findings and ideas for practice

Academic progress from the perception of children with SEND: an IPA study

Sergio Tonkonoff, From Tarde to Deleuze and Foucault: The Infinitesimal Revolution, London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018; 154: ISBN, 978-3-319-55148-7

A synthesis of evidence for the effects of interventions to conserve peatland vegetation: overview and critical discussion

An ecomimicry design approach for extensive green roofs

Erratum to: The hyperfine excitation of OH radicals by He

Delphi study to identify key features of community-based child and adolescent mental health services in the East of England

We Must Never Forget Theresa May's Full Frontal Assault On Families Like Mine

From Pain to Blame: Law, Emotion and Property Loss

A study of Ar-N₂ supercritical mixtures using neutron scattering, molecular dynamics simulations and quantum mechanical scattering calculations

‘You have to find your slant, your groove:’ one physical education teacher's efforts to employ transformative pedagogy

'A critical autoethnography of a doctoral students ’ research journey: learning to take risks in the academy

Positioning the Drone: Policing the “Risky” Skies

Understanding the Trajectory of the Academic Progress of International Student In the UK

Racialized and Gendered Cultures of Othering: Displaced People in the Neoliberal World

A meta-model for software protections and reverse engineering attacks

Survey of the effect of viewing an online e-cigarette advertisement on attitudes towards cigarette and e-cigarette use in adults located in the UK and USA: a cross-sectional study

Gaps in Particulate Matters: Formation, Mechanisms, Implications

Fluoxetine selectively induces p53-independent apoptosis in human colorectal cancer cells

Conserving Bogs: The Management Handbook

Clinical guidelines on antidepressant withdrawal urgently need updating

The impact of religion on classification shifting in the presence of corporate governance and BIG 4 audit

Effect of PET Image Reconstruction Techniques on Unexpected Aorta Uptake

Understanding the Impact of Strategic Change Management on the Maritime Crude Oil Transportation Industry in Nigeria

Anodal tDCS and High-Frequency tRNS Targeting the Occipitotemporal Cortex Do Not Always Enhance Face Perception

Protease Activated Receptor 4 as a Novel Modulator of Regulatory T Cell Function

Barriers to recruitment when conducting a commissioned randomised controlled trial of medication versus psychological therapy for generalised anxiety disorder: some lessons learned

The Effect of Bank Capital Buffer on Bank Risk and Net Interest Margin: Evidence from the US

The Political Economy of Iran: Development, Revolution and Political Violence

Robot assisted training for the upper limb after stroke (RATULS): a multicentre randomised controlled trial

An Effective Framework for Enhancing Student Engagement and Performance in Final Year Projects

Women-Entrepreneurship, Religiosity, and Value-co-creation with Ethnic Consumers: Revisiting the Paradox

Technologies in rational self-management: Interventions in the ‘responsibilisation’ of school governors

Who Is Teaching Me and What Do They Know? Student Teachers’ Perceptions of Their Teacher Educators and Mentors

“Englishing” the L1: Reconsidering the use of the mother tongue EFL classroom

We are all teacher educators now: understanding school-based teacher educators in times of change in England

An Examination and Analysis of a Learner’s Errors from the Perspective of a Pedagogical Grammar

Picasso’s Syphilitic Bodies

International Research, Policy and Practice in Teacher Education: Insider Perspectives

Examining Literacy Development Holistically using the Play and Learn through the Arts (PLA) Programme: A Case Study

Marxism and Educational Theory

Thinking dispositions and cognitive reflection performance in schizotypy

Creative failure: Stiegler, psychoanalysis and the promise of a life worth living

Meanings of Failed Action: A Reassessment of the 1946 Royal Indian Navy Uprising

Techno-Securitisation of Everyday Life and Cultures of Surveillance-Apatheia

Counselling training in Afghanistan: the long term development of the INSPIRE project

Artificial Intelligence in the Business of Tourism: A Market Strategy in the UK Travel Distribution

History, Fidelity and Time in Rhea Galanki's Novels

Individual violent wave-overtopping events: behaviour and estimation

Assessing overheating risk and thermal comfort in state-of-the-art prototype houses that combat exacerbated climate change in UK

Positive Semiotics

High-intensity interval training and moderate-intensity continuous training in adults with Crohn’s disease: a pilot randomised controlled trial

What is the Impact of Early Adult Rheumatoid Arthritis on the Biomechanical and Functional Characteristics of the Foot and Lower Limb?

Authors' response to a critique by Jauhar and Hayes of ‘a systematic review into the incidence, severity and duration of antidepressant withdrawal effects: Are guideline evidence-based?’

WHO guidance on mental health training: a systematic review of the progress for non-specialist health workers

Health assets in a global context: a systematic review of the literature

Kernel Context Recommender System (KCR): A Scalable Context-Aware Recommender System Algorithm

Pharmacological targeting of the GABAʙ receptor alters Drosophila's behavioural responses to alcohol

Why work ‘at home’? Oxfam’s value-added and the UK Poverty Programme

Building visual worlds: Using maps in qualitative psychological research on affect and emotion

Dynamics of brain connectivity after stroke

Redesigning prison: the architecture and ethics of rehabilitation

What Make the Impact of the Financial Crisis on Innovation Different Across European Countries?

Articulating, reclaiming and celebrating the professionalism of teacher educators in England

Variance Ranking Attributes Selection Techniques for Binary Classification Problem in Imbalance Data

Intimate Partner Violence in Treatment Seeking Problem Gamblers

An Independent Audit of Pharma Influence in Public Mental Health Trusts in England

Minimum income for healthy living and frailty in adults over 65 years old in the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing: a population-based cohort study

Bilingualism and Multilingualism in Secondary Education (England)

UEL Research Data Management Policy

Membrane radiolabelling of exosomes for comparative biodistribution analysis in immunocompetent and immunodeficient mice – a novel and universal approach

The effectiveness of psychoanalytic/psychodynamic psychotherapy for reducing suicide attempts and self-harm: Systematic review and meta-analysis

Policing Aviation: Keeping the Peace Intelligence-Fed Security!

How do early childhood education leaders navigate ethical dilemmas within the context of marketised provision in England?

The atmosphere of the ward: Attunements and attachments of everyday life for patients on a medium-secure forensic psychiatric unit

New Materialisms in the Archive: in the mode of an œuvre à faire

Patriarchal Hegemony: Investigating the Impact of Patriarchy on Women’s Work-Life Balance

Cyber Security Threat Modeling for Supply Chain Organizational Environments

Positive and negative effects of antipsychotic medication: an international online survey of 832 recipients

Translations of New Public Management: A decentred approach to school governance in four OECD countries

The effects of dream rebound: Evidence for emotion-processing theories of dreaming

Perspectives on Access to Higher Education: Practice and Research

Identification and classification of unmapped blanket bogs in the Cordillera Cantábrica, northern Spain

Examining banking productivity drivers in MENA banks after financial liberalisation in 1990s

Physical Inactivity in Pulmonary Sarcoidosis

Perceived stressors and coping mechanisms of female migrant domestic workers in Singapore

Determinants for Successful Agile Collaboration between UX Designers and Software Developers in a Complex Organisation

An essential role for dNTP homeostasis following CDK-induced replication stress

Cultural trauma: Ron Eyerman and the founding of a new research paradigm

Comparative efficacy and acceptability of non-surgical brain stimulation for the acute treatment of major depressive episodes in adults: systematic review and network meta-analysis

School Age Neurological and Cognitive Outcomes of Fetal Growth Retardation or Small for Gestational Age Birth Weight

Placing Austerity in Context: The Greek Case Between Neo-Liberal Globalisation and an Ordoliberal EU

Investigating the feasibility of using student reflective journals to understand how clinical legal education can develop the ethical competence of law students

Anger as a moral emotion: A 'bird's eye' systematic review

Places of Poverty and Powerlessness: INGOs working ‘at home’

In Search of Perfect Boundaries? Entrepreneurs’ Work-Life Balance

Vitalist Modernism

The poetics of justice: aphorism and chorus as modes of anti-racism

Neo-liberalism and Ordoliberalism – One or Two Critiques? An Introduction

Reinforcement reduces the size–latency phenomenon: A cost–benefit evaluation of saccade triggering

Embedding Recovery to Transform Inpatient Mental Health Care: The 333 Model

Managing Diversity in Nigeria: Competing Logics of Workplace Diversity

Deep Learning Approach for Intelligent Intrusion Detection System

Social Media's Impact on Creative Thought

Organizations need ethical leaders: how to attract and nurture cultural creatives into positions of leadership and influence

Positive work: A Multidimensional Overview and Analysis of Work-Related Drivers of Wellbeing

Participatory pedagogy for values education in early childhood education

Experiences of UK African-Caribbean Prostate Cancer Survivors of Discharge to primary care

A Semantic Rule-Based Approach for Software Privacy by Design

Hedging and pricing early-exercise options with complex fourier series expansion

The rise and reality of INGO domestic programming

Etymologies of wellbeing: Exploring the non-English roots of English words used in positive psychology

Exploring the perceptions of Greek counsellors’ and counselling psychologists’ professional identity and training experience, through the lens of the first alumni graduates of a Greek state University

Online Hate: From the Far-Right to the ‘Alt-Right’, and from the Margins to the Mainstream

Making "The Russian Lion": Vladislav von Krajewski’s Bodybuilding of George Hachenschmidt

Meeting the Needs of Local Communities and Businesses: From Transactional to Eco-Leadership in the English Further Education Sector

Engaging with civil society to improve access to LTBI screening for new migrants in England: a qualitative study

Broken and mended: Therapeutic processes, recovery, and desistance in a substance use treatment programme for life-sentenced prisoners

A new Borrelia on the block: Borrelia miyamotoi – a human health risk?

Archives, Genealogies and Narratives in Women Workers’ Education

Efficient computation of european option prices and their sensitivities with the complex fourier series method

An Empirical Study Comparing Different Art Forms to Develop Social and Personal Skills in Early Years Education

Reducing barriers to trauma inquiry in substance use disorder treatment – A cluster-randomized controlled trial

A professional development programme for care home nurses in east London

Exploring the relationship between grapheme colour-picking consistency and mental imagery

Psychosocial correlates in treatment seeking gamblers: Differences in early age onset gamblers vs later age onset gamblers

Time-Limited Adolescent Psychodynamic Psychotherapy: A Developmentally-Focussed Psychotherapy for Young People

Archival Methods in Auto/biographical Research

All the Water in the World

Women Workers' Education

Nomadic Contagions and the Performance of Infrastructure in Dale Farm's Post-eviction Scene

Critical reflections: Merits of using youth-centric technology in keeping young people safe across Europe

The pressures of building reciprocal relationships in an intergenerational research team

Nursing students' trait mindfulness and psychological stress: A correlation and mediation analysis

Application of carbon nanotubes in cancer vaccines: Achievements, challenges and chances

Exploring the Dynamics of Consumerism in Developing Nations

The impact of water consumption on hydration and cognition among schoolchildren: Methods and results from a crossover trial in rural Mali

Securitising Social Work: Counter Terrorism, Extremism, and Radicalisation

Terpenes from Zingiber montanum and Their Screening against Multi-Drug Resistant and Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus

A conceptual model for loess in England: Principles and applications

Mapping and mainstreaming Islamophobia: between the illiberal and liberal

Policing: Monitoring, Investigating and Prosecuting ‘Drones’

Memory, Place and Autobiography: Experiments in Documentary Filmmaking

Word naming slows picture naming but does not affect cumulative semantic interference

Theodicy and Lovindeer’s ‘Wild Gilbert’ on Nicaragua’s Mosquito Coast

Towards Efficient and Scalable Data-Intensive Content Delivery: State-of-the-Art, Issues and Challenges

Understanding and Applying Ecological Principles in Cities

International Policy Perspectives on Change in Teacher Education


Book Review: Costis Hadjimichalis, Crisis Spaces: Structures, Struggles, and Solidarity in Southern Europe, New York: Routledge, 2018. ISBN: 9781138184503 (cloth); ISBN: 9781315645131 (ebook)

Flying the flag for business unity in a period of uncertainty

Brexit demands a coherent new industrial policy

Relational States of Dalston

Not F**kin’ Sorry

The Powder Monkey

Resonant Objects: Communicating Vessels

Resonant Objects: Communicating Vessels, Family Piano, Interval