Exploring Consumer Opportunism Conundrum in the Insurance Industry: The Role of Marketing
A Sociology for Other Animals: Analysis, advocacy, intervention
A Comparison of Credt Risk Management in Private and Public Banks in India
Chronic symptoms after vestibular neuritis and the high velocity vestibulo-ocular reflex
The Impact Of Repeated Data Breach Events On Organisations’ Market Value
Shaping solutions from learnings in PAIs: a blueprint
Inertia, aspirations, and response to attainment discrepancy in design contests
On long-term direct measurement of suction in soft soils
Supply Chain Strategies and the Engineer-to-Order Approach
Benchmarking Performance Measurement Systems in Botswana’s Construction Sector
Big data applications in operations/supply-chain management: A literature review
Psychological Flexibility and ACT at Work
Mindfulness and meditation in the workplace: An acceptance and commitment therapy approach
Climate Resilient Low-Income Tropical Housing
Building Performance and Simulation
Existential Psychotherapies: Similarities and Differences Among the Main Branches
Research in Teacher Education: Volume 6, No.2, November 2016
Research in Teacher Education: Volume 6, No.1, May 2016
Interactive Sensory Objects for and by People with Learning Disabilities
One Page Profiles and EHC plans the Wiki way: Using RIX Wikis to implement EHC plans
Detecting Ransomware with Honeypot Techniques
Infants ask for help when they know they don’t know
Behavioral and Neural Indices of Metacognitive Sensitivity in Preverbal Infants
Book Review: Educating Children and Young People in Care: Learning Placements and Caring Schools
Book Review: The Human Advantage: A New Understanding of How Our Brain Became Remarkable
The Pyramid of Participation: The Representation of the Child’s Voice in Psychological Advice
The Psychological Impact of Austerity: A Briefing Paper
Rethinking Statutory Advice: A Working Party’s Solution
My Name Is Sohail, and I Am in Year 5 — ‘This Is Me’: A Fictional Narrative
The Voice of the Child in the Code of Practice
Educational Psychology Research and Practice (EPRaP): Volume 2, Issue 2
Book Review: Neurotribes: The Legacy of Autism and the Future of Neurodiversity
Understanding Sexualised Behaviour in Children
The Tree of Life: A Review of the Strengths-Based Narrative Approach
Educational Psychology Research and Practice (EPRaP): Volume 2, Issue 1
London 2012 and Sport For Its Own Sake
Diabetes prevention and management in South Asia: A call for action.
Hidden Histories, Forgotten Narratives
Just who is educating Rita? The learning careers of Access HE tutors
Navigation system for robot-assisted intra-articular lower-limb fracture surgery
Building Information Modeling (BIM) for Project Value: Quantity Take-Off of Building Frame Approach
Comic Cultures: Commerce, Aesthetics and the Politics of Stand-Up Performance in the UK 1979 to 1992
Pupil Dilation to Explicit and Non-Explicit Sexual Stimuli
Fast Failing; considering embodied exchange in collaborative arts practice
Corporeal Knowing; dance, embodiment and ‘being’ the body
flockOmania 2: Exhibition Catalogue
Flying challenges for the future: Aviation preparedness – in the face of cyber-terrorism
Aligning policies: a flying reform in higher education: The development of aviation professionals
Single European Skies: Functional Airspace Blocks – Delays and Responses
BREXIT: A Bolt from the Blue! – Red Sky in the Morning?
SPACE: The race for mineral rights ‘The sky is no longer the limit’ Lessons from earth!
Combating Misinformation Online: Identification of Variables and Proof-of-Concept Study
Interviewing Walls: Towards a Method of Reading Hybrid Surface Inscriptions
Bourdieu and International Social Science
Reading Bourdieu Phenomenologically
The Anthem Companion to Pierre Bourdieu
Modern selection criteria for procurement methods in construction
A Roadmap for Privacy Preserving Speech Processing
Making Sense of Learning Human Anatomy and Physiology
Time dependent viscoelastic rheological response of pure, modified and synthetic bituminous binders
Global Energy and the Political Dynamics in the Middle East
Options for Gas Supply Diversification for the EU and Germany in the next Two Decades
To Be or Not to Be? OPEC Summit and the Essence of Decision and Compliance
Dichotomy of Energy Policies in the Caspian: Where Two Strive Another Benefits?
An Overview of Shale Gas Law and Policy
State and Substate Oil Trade: The Turkey‐KRG Deal
A Practitioner's Guide for Outstanding Cross-curricular Physical Education
From Bad to Worse? Marginalised Youth and ‘Road Life’ (Mis)Representations and Realities
The Effects of E-Cigarette Visual Appearance on Craving and Withdrawal Symptoms in Abstinent Smokers
How to Guide: How to develop youth forums in the NHS
Sustainable Development: The Nature of Change and the Influence of Cultural Traits
The Man with Two Brains, but no Umbrella
Fertőzéselmélet a mikrobákon túl
Zombie pedagogies: the problems with using the undead in public pedagogies for emergencies
Enhancing police and industry practice
Lifecycle performance deterioration modelling of corroded reinforced concrete structures
Cloud-based ERP for Arab Manufacturing Firms
Narrative, imagination and extending visions of the possible
Sonic Hedgehog regulates thymic epithelial cell differentiation
The Einsteinian Eclipse: The Paradigmatic Fourth Dimension in Modern Art Before and After Relativity
Teaching and Learning in Further Education: the Ofsted factor
Multi-coupled resonator microwave diplexer with high isolation
Introduction—Diasporas and Identity: Tourism, Being, and Becoming
Stratigraphic Strips: Variable Dimensions
Rational Thinking and Belief in Psychic Abilities: It Depends on Level of Involvement
Analytical Model for Residual Bond Strength of Corroded Reinforcement in Concrete Structures
How is the economic crisis socially assessed?
Tattooed female bodies: Considerations from the literature
Education as action/the adventure of education: Thinking with Arendt and Whitehead
The East African Railway Strike, 1959-60: labour’s challenge of inter-territorialism
The complexity of in-class debates in Higher Education: student perspectives on differing designs
The digital divide in the post-Snowden era
A Polite and Enlightened London?
Recognition Framework for Inferring Activities of Daily Living Based on Pattern Mining
Preventing the diversion of Turkish opium
Face matching impairment in developmental prosopagnosia
London's housing crisis and its activisms
More than just a problem with faces: Altered body perception in a group of congenital prosopagnosics
The housing crisis: A visual essay
MUSA: A Scalable Multi-Touch and Multi-Perspective Variability Management Tool
The Decline of Western Civilization
Evolution of Koch's postulates: towards a twenty-first century understanding of microbial infection
Problem-Solving Dissension and International Entry Mode Performance
Economic Valuation for Information Security Investment: A Systematic Literature Review
Peat Bog Ecosystems: Tracks across peatlands
Peat Bog Ecosystems: Peatland Restoration
Ferocious Times: The IRA, the RIC, and Britain’s failure in 1919-1921.
100 Years of Irish Republican Violence: Introduction to the Special Issue
Fighting Talk: The Statements of 'The IRA/New IRA'
Cross-Border Issues and Regional Integration in Financial Regulation
Critical incident analysis: reflections of a teacher educator
Developmental Psychology: How Social Context Influences Infants’ Attention
Preparing for disaster: a comparative analysis of education for critical infrastructurecollapse
Weighted Round Robin Configuration for Worst-Case Delay Optimization in Network-on-Chip
Monetary adjustment and inflation of financial claims in the UK after 1980
Self-titration by experienced e-cigarette users: blood nicotine delivery and subjective effects
Filtered power splitter using microstrip square open loop resonators
Turning your dissertation into a publishable journal article
Positive psychology – The second wave
Book Reviews: How Secularists Deal with Traditionalists (or Don’t)
Meeting the challenges of globalisation in legal education
Analysing Police-Recorded Data
Creating value, not wasting resources: sustainable innovation strategies
Vestibular and oculomotor influences on visual dependency
May the Giant Be With You: Twin Peaks Season Two, Episode One and the Television Auteur
Volunteering, social cohesion and race: the German Technical Relief Service
Hedgehog Signalling in the Embryonic Mouse Thymus
US banks’ international balance sheet linkages: a data survey
A Reference Architecture for Software Protection
A Study on the liquefaction risk in seismic design of foundations
Collaborative Teacher Educator Professional Development in Europe: Different Voices, One Goal
Identification of nuclear genes affecting 2-Deoxyglucose resistance in Schizosaccharomyces pombe
A Game Engine based Networked Infrastructure to Create and Share 3D Abstract Art
Rethinking What is Necessary in a Democratic Society: Militant Democracy and the Turkish State
The Brexit vote: A financial thunderclap with long-term consequences
Spatial Analysis for Equitable Accessibility in Social Infrastructure Planning
Peat Bog Ecosystems: Atmospheric pollution
Compassion and its role in the clinical encounter – An argument for compassion training
Medicated bodies: Mental distress, social media and affect
The Teaching Excellence Framework: would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here
The Concept of Affective Tonality, and the Role of the Senses in Producing a Cinematic Narrative
Experiencing the ‘surveillance society’
Women's Accounts of 'Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous'
Pleasure in Understanding, Pleasure in Not Understanding
Are mental health staff getting better at asking about abuse andneglect?
Disaster preparedness, adaptive politics and lifelong learning: a case of Japan
It’s time: Generation and temporality in psychoanalytic feminism
Search Based Clustering for Protecting Software with Diversified Updates
Youth pathways into cybercrime
Equality versus Fraternity? Rethinking France and its Minorities
Spotsizer: High-throughput quantitative analysis of microbial growth
What Is Direct Allorecognition?
Discovery of potent inhibitors of the lysophospholipase autotaxin
Time-dependent Reliability Analysis of Flood Defence Assets Using Generic Fragility Curve
Background characteristics of pre-service teachers and their motivation to teach
We thought we knew the landscape of literacy teacher education: ten surprises from our research
Museum of Natural History: An opportunity for families to enhance learning and improve practice.
What is female genital mutilation and what is it doing in education?
Various Joyful Encounters with the Dystopias of Affective Capitalism
Recurrent lateral inhibitory spiking networks for speech enhancement
Lamotrigine and levetiracetam exert a similar modulation of TMS-evoked EEG potentials
Auditory and Visual Crossmodal Correspondences With Haptically Perceived Liquid Viscosity
“A Story about Stories”: Narratives in The Amazing Maurice and his Educated Rodents
The sexual health knowledge of people with intellectual disabilities: A review.
Conservative Education Reloaded: Policy, Ideology and Impacts in England
Imperialism and Racialised World Capitalism or Intercultural Twenty-First Century Socialism
Book Review: Systematic Approaches to a Successful Literature Review
Infant Attention Is Dynamically Modulated With Changing Arousal Levels
The influence of turbulent bursting on sediment resuspension under fluvial unidirectional currents
There is inadequate evidence to support the division of the genus Borrelia
Failure Mechanisms and Local Scour at Coastal Structures induced by Tsunamis
The Assemblage Brain: Sense Making in Neuroculture
Relational resolutions: digital encounters in ethnographic fieldwork
From documentation to dialogue: exploring new ‘routes to knowledge’ through digital image making
Power control in cognitive radios, Internet-of Things (IoT) for factories and industrial automation
Treg therapy in transplantation a general overview
An Interview with Tony David Sampson: Author of Virality: Contagion Theory in the Age of Networks
A Case of Canine Borreliosis in Iran Caused by Borrelia persica
‘Under Heavy Manners?’: Social Work, Radicalisation, Troubled Families and Non-Linear War
Motor delays in MDMA (ecstasy) exposed infants persist to 2years
The Fenix II Study: A longitudinal study of psychopathology among burn patients
Oculomotor Deficits after Chemotherapy in Childhood
The Mediterranean Migrant Crisis: A Critical Challenge to Global Nation‐States
Editorial: Facing the Other: Novel Theories and Methods in Face Perception Research
Social Anxiety and Alcohol-Related Impairment: The Mediational Impact of Solitary Drinking
A critical narrative analysis of shared decision-making in acute, inpatient mental health care
Mindful Living in Older Age: a Pilot Study of a Brief, Community-Based, Positive Aging Intervention
Difficulties generating self-compassion: An interpretative phenomenological analysis
Microstrip Dual-Band Bandpass Filter Using U-Shaped Resonators
Reflexivity, Austerity, and the Value of the Useless
Do people have insight into their face recognition abilities?
A critical analysis of Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services policy in England, 2000‐2015
How Young People Peacefully Challenge Community Norms Embedded With Violence in a Brazilian Favela
Taking into account the quality of the relationship in HIV disclosure
SESSION 1: More than just Heather TALK 3: Mires
The response of reworked aerosols to climate through estimation of inter-particle forces
Citizenship and Emplacement: Processes and practices of inclusion of newcomers
Data Center Energy Demand: what got us here won't get us there!
Antimicrobial resistance and synergy in herbal medicine
Trust in Me: Allegiance Choices in a Post Split Terrorist Movement
Reloading the Armalite? Victims and Targets of Violent Dissident Irish Republicanism 2007-2015
Hadleigh Park priority species habitat assessment
From the horse's mouth: how people talk about voice and silence at work
Phenomenology and Poststructuralism
‘Is there a right time for gender just peace? Feminist anti-war organising revisited’
The effect of carbohydrate mouth rinse on a 30-minute arm cranking performance
Developmental commonalities between object and face recognition in adolescence
Biological and psychological correlates of self-reported and objective sleep measures
Reachability Does Not Explain the Middle Preference: A Comment on Bar-Hillel (2015)
Positive Art: Artistic Expression and Appreciation as an Exemplary Vehicle for Flourishing.
Applying gaze-contingent training within community settings to infants from diverse SES backgrounds
Flourishing as a dialectical balance: emerging insights from second-wave positive psychology
Revitalizing the PE social-justice agenda in the global era: Where do we go from here?
Are mental health services getting better at responding to abuse, assault and neglect?
Reconciling Csikszentmihalyi’s Broader Flow Theory: With Meaning and Value in Digital Games
Developmental Commonalities between Object and Face Recognition in Adolescence
In search of an evidence-based role for psychiatry
Social Adversity in the Etiology of Psychosis: A Review of the Evidence
Development and Progress as Historical Phenomena in Tanzania: “Maendeleo? We Had That in the Past”
Observed bodies generate object-based spatial codes
The Role of Morphogens in B Cell Development
Representing Variability in Software Architecture
A Scalable Design Framework for Variability Management in Large-Scale Software Product Lines
Psychotherapeutic work with Families with Life-threatening Maternal Illness
Affect--or feeling (after Leys)
Why Radical Librarianship? An Introduction
Stuck in the middle with you: The role of bridging organisations in urban regeneration
Those Who Belong and Those Who Don’t: Physical and Mental Borders in Europe
Determination of a Total Body Model of Efficiency Applied to a Rowing Movement in Humans
A meditation on boredom: Re-appraising its value through introspective phenomenology
Situating preparedness education within public pedagogy
Real-time functional magnetic resonance imaging neurofeedback in motor neurorehabilitation
Like a fish in water? Experiences of Muslim families in the British education system
Early Years Teachers and young children’s rights: the need for critical dialogue
Reflections on inclusion: how far have we come since Warnock and Salamanca?
Evaluation of Tottenham Thinking Space Pilot: Final Report. Research Report 11.
Diagnostic potential of structural neuroimaging for depression from a multi-ethnic community sample
Grounded Theory methods in child psychotherapy research
The Role of HBD-2 and HBD-3 in Human T Cell Development
Deep Laterally Recurrent Spiking Neural Networks for Speech Enhancement
Space-related confabulations after right hemisphere damage
What should socialists think about China?
Measuring energy footprint of software features
PORBS: A parallel observation-based slicer
The Screenplay and the Screenwriter
The Creative Unconscious and the Pictorial Sign
The Political Economy of Reproduction: Motherhood, Work and the Home in Neoliberal Britain
Predicting bee community responses to land-use changes: Effects of geographic and taxonomic biases
Emerging borreliae – Expanding beyond Lyme borreliosis
Moisture Desorption Studies on Polymer Hydrated and Vacuum Extruded Bentonite Clay Mat
A Framework for Security Transparency in Cloud Computing
Beckton Sustainable Living Initiative, Working Paper 4.
Designing emergency preparedness resources for children with autism
The (Im)possibility of the Intellectual Worker Inside the Neoliberal University
University of East London: the 2015 biodiversity update
Bodily Experience and Restricted Conditions in Contemporary Art
How Do Young People Talk About Relationships?
Investigating Links Between Intimacy and Violence in Intensive Psychotherapy
Supervision For School Staff: What is Valuable about Solution Circles?
Self-Harm in Secondary Schools: What are the Perceptions and Experiences of Staff ?
How do Young People with ADHD Perceive their Condition: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis
Closing the Gap: Young People's Views on Learning at School
Hematopoietic stem cells meet induced pluripotent stem cells technology
Money, (Co)Production and Power in Digital
Music teacher biography and its impact on teaching practice
Recognition of Activities of Daily Living from Topic Model
Dithen: A Computation-as-a-Service Cloud Platform For Large-Scale Multimedia Processing
Copying to be Different: Violent Dissident Irish Republican Learning
Misaligned and Polarity-Reversed Faces Determine Face-specific Capacity Limits
Greece, global fault-lines and the disintegrative logics of Germany’s primacy in Europe
Attack simulation based software protection assessment method
Professionalising positive psychology: Developing guidelines for training and regulation
The Multi-Faceted Experience of Empathy in Intellectual Disability Settings: An IPA Study
An anti-TNF--α antibody mimetic to treat ocular inflammation
Good looks and good practice: the attitudes of career practitioners to attractiveness and appearance
European Union Approaches to Human Rights Violations in Kosovo before and after Independence
5G innovation opportunities-- A discussion paper
Long-term antidepressant use: patient perspectives of benefits and adverse effects
Do GPs and psychiatrists recommend alternatives when prescribing anti-depressants?
Locomotor Muscle Fatigue Does Not Alter Oxygen Uptake Kinetics during High-Intensity Exercise
Gambling and violence in a nationally representative sample of UK men
A Risk-Driven Investment Model for Analysing Human Factors in Information Security
Self-Disgust Experiences of Patients Post-Bariatric Surgery
Social Cognition and HIV-Associated Neurocognitive Disorders
Exploring Young People's Constructions of a First Episode of Psychosis
An Exploration of Emotional Distress in Adults with Acne
A Qualitative Exploration of Gender Identity in Young People who identify as Neither Male nor Female
Exploring the Social Construction of Grief and Loss in Spouses Following Bereavement by Cancer
Discourse, Policy, Gangs: An Analysis of Gang Members' Talk and Policy
Exploring Issues of Cultural Difference for Professionals Working with Psychosis
Regulating Emotions-Young Children's Views on What Adults Can Do
ME and its Discontents: Life Stories and Photo-Elicited Diaries of a Severe Chronic Illness
How do Females Make Sense of Their Experiences of Being Involved in Gang Activity?
Pre-Operative Treatment for Oesophageal Cancer: Perspectives and Experiences
Cyber-Activists As Innovators: Online Technologies and the Power Struggle in Iran
Parents of Children with Disabilities: Exploring the Reasons for Seeking Help for Sleep Problems
A Discourse Analysis of Clinical Psychologists' Talk about Psychopathy in Forensic Settings
Factual Television Documentaries and Mental Distress: A Narrative Analysis
Mechanisms of Naltrexone-induced Reduction of Ethanol Preference in Drosophila Melanogaster
Staging the Moment: Play and Fictional Reality
Art, Institutions and Social Control
Assessing the Financial Performance of Islamic Banking: The Case of Sudanese Banks
Investigating Paranoia in a University Student Population
Caring Over the Lifespan: Experiences of Caring for a Sibling with Schizophrenia
"A Sinking Heart": Beliefs of Distress in the Punjabi Community
FDI Inflows in BRICS Nations and Impact of FDI in development of BRICS
A critical analysis of customer loyalty and customer satisfaction - a case study on Tesco Club Card
Corporate culture and Internationalization ‘A case study of Aon’
The impact of switching cost towards customer loyalty: A study on telecommunication sector, UK
A comparison of Value at Risk methods in portfolios with linear and non-linear financial instruments
The Global Financial Crisis in the USA and The Failure of Central Banks
Workplace spirituality: a bibliometric analysis
The Implementation of Quality Management and the Role of Leadership in Iranian Hospitals
Early years provision and children’s life chances
Storage Stability Studies of Anti-VEGF FpF Antibody Mimetics
HSCi Physical Science Learning Opportunities at Natural History Dioramas
Breaking down dichotomies in the narratives of women’s activism in Morocco
Trends in teacher education across Europe: an initial analysis
Social Marketing and the Corruption Conundrum in Morocco: An Exploratory Analysis
Globalisation, education policy and the Bologna Process: Interlocking and dependency discourses
Production of Clay Coated Lightweight Fill Materials From Air Pollution Control Residues (APCR)
Functional and regulatory profiling of energy metabolism in fission yeast
Introduction: Politics, Geographies and Histories in Workers’ Education
Testing times and the thirst for data: for what?
Using soil microbial inoculations to enhance substrate performance on extensive green roofs
Perambulator: An Artist’s Statement
Towards an Intracultural Actor Training: Utilising the Cultural Context of the Performer
Closing the Gap: Bridges for Access and Lifelong Learning
Key Stories – Tales on geographies, maps, and methodologies of bordering
Refining the traditional flipped classroom model: Teaching students HOW to think not WHAT to think
The proposed Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF) for UK Universities
An information security risk-driven investment model for analysing human factors
Childcare market is failing to provide parents with choice and quality
LIFE+ Climate Proofing Housing Landscapes: Monitoring Report 2 - June 2016 to September 2016
LIFE+ Climate Proofing Housing Landscapes: Interim Monitoring Report - August 2015 to May 2016
Losing an Identical Co-twin in Older Adulthood: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis
Gendering the Memory of Work: Women Workers’ Narratives
Teaching poetry in a ‘banking system’: problems and solutions in London, England
Using Turnitin to improve academic writing: an action research inquiry
Unpacking British values: a case study of a primary school in east London
Improving community mental health services: The need for a paradigm shift
Modernising School Governance: Corporate planning and expert handling in state education
Towards Cloud Security Monitoring: A Case Study
Internationalisation and development in East Asian higher education: an introduction
Retrieving psychosocial signs of structural violence in postcolonial Jamaica
Decoding visemes: Improving machine lip-reading
Intelligent Detection of MAC Spoofing Attack in 802.11 Network
Security countermeasures in the cyber-world
Requirements for the formal representation of pathophysiology mechanisms by clinicians
An empirical study on dependence clusters for effort-aware fault-proneness prediction
Jolinar: Analysing the Energy Footprint of Software Applications (demo)
A dynamic segmentation based activity discovery through topic modelling
Guiding Readers – Layers of meaning: A handbook for teaching reading comprehension to 7-11 year-olds
Grammar schools: a very English solution to a very English problem
The Political Pioneers of Punk (Just Don't Mention the F-Word!)
In memoriam: the contributions to public health research of Farah Jamal, BA, MSc, PhD
Fathers Know Best: Mother’s Milk, ‘Dads’ Lit and the Childcare Wars of the Mid 2000s
A Framework for Including Sustainability in IS Audit
Characterisation of Transgenic Tobacco Plants Expressing Synthetic Mouse Prion Protein
The Dynamic of the ICC and Africa through the Prism of Neo-Colonialism
Recognizing activities of daily living from patterns and extraction of web knowledge
Capital and popular cinema: The dollars are coming!
Stress reactivity speeds basic encoding processes in infants
Temporal dynamics of arousal and attention in 12-month-old infants
Michelangelo Antonioni’s Chung Kuo — Cina (1972): A Moment of ‘Explicitation’
Conflict in Mens Experiences With Antidepressants
The Impact of Causal Explanations on Outcome in People Experiencing Psychosis: A Systematic Review
Editorial [Visual Methodologies] - Special Issue: Fourth international Visual Methods Conference
Doing the 'dirty work of the green economy: Resource recovery and migrant labour in the EU
The Impact of Social Networks on “Born Globals”
The validity and reliability of a commercially available GPS device during running and cycling
Television exposure predicts body size ideals in rural Nicaragua
Why hip hop should be used to teach
Blanket Mires of Caithness and Sutherland, Scotland’s Great Flow Country (UK)
Peatlands and Windfarms: Conflicting Carbon Targets and Environmental Impacts
Language and Communication Difficulties
Agile Changes of Security Landscape: A Human Factors and Security Investment View
Exploring the knowledge ‘base’ of practitioners in the delivery of sustainable regeneration projects
Causas públicas, historias privadas: los derechos reproductivos y el aborto en Bolivia
Class and Politics in the Greek Debt Crisis
Microwave Diplexer Purely Based on Direct Synchronous and Asynchronous Coupling
Repositioning the Learning-Disabled Performing Arts Student as Critical Facilitator
Buffet d’art: Group exhibition
Marketers’ influence on media: Renewing the radical tradition for the digital age
Resourcing a viable digital journalism
A semantic based framework for software regulatory compliance
Child Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy (Professional Doctorate) (Tavistock)
Young people in a changing Europe: British youth and Brexit 2016
Children and Young People in Social Work
Transformation of monocytes to macrophages by combination antiretroviral treatment
Antipyresis and the inhibition of mitochondrial function
The Multiple Store: The Last Editions
Introducing Union Representation and Its Complexities – A Case Study of the Royal Thai Civil Service
Adaptive Radial Basis Function Methods for Pricing Options Under Jump-Diffusion Models
International Cooperation Against Terrorism
Prevent and the Shifting Parameters of Counter-Terrorism
The Higher Education Journey of Young London Residents: July 2016
Unleashing Hypersensory Subjectivity: Modernists, Magnetists and Hypnotic Bodies
Virilizing Homosexuality: Queering Body Cultures after the Wilde Trials
Confronting Evolution: Superevolution and Transspeciation in Patricia Piccinini’s Transgenic Species
Primate Visions: Modernist Monkey Business and Interspecies Relationality
“Satirical Dynamite”: Anarcho-Communism and František Kupka’s ‘Propaganda of the Deed'
Mesmeric Modernism: František Kupka's Mediumism, Magnetic Waves and Vibrating Abstractions
Mesmeric Performativity: Neo-Magneticists, Hypnotic Bodies and “l’art inconscient”
Aestheticizing Muscle: Modernism, National Regeneration and La Culture Physique
Identità europea. Questioni ufficiali e non–ufficiali
European Community-Yugoslav Relations: Debates and Documents that Mattered (1968–1992)
Sightlines: Public and Private (Lives)
Php4 Is a Key Player for Iron Economy in Meiotic and Sporulating Cells
Migrating to Europe: Racism, Imperialism, Politics Now and a Politics for the Future
Working across multiple domains: the case of Islamic Relief
Oxfam GB’s UK poverty programme: a case for organisational habitus
Facilitating disclosure of rape and other sexual torture: Guidance for Legal Professionals
What is the Nature of the Therapeutic Encounter in an Adolescent Psychotherapy Group?
Space Invaders and the Value of Art
Radical Space: Exploring Politics and Practice
The Politics of Personal HIV Stories
On Teaching Decolonising White Psychology
Archival Rhythms: Narrativity in the Archive
The Archive Project: Archival Research in the Social Sciences
Epistolary entanglements of love and politics: reading Rosa Luxemburg’s letters
Psychologists Against Austerity: Mobilising Psychology for Social Change
EU online child safety: what does the literature say?
Child online protection in the MENA region
Introduction: Gender, Law, and Politics in Jordan
Da Process: Hip-Hop, Pedagogy and Black Bodies
State-Based Stochastic Performance Deterioration Modelling of Flood Defence Assets
Risk-Based Life Cycle Maintenance Strategy of Corrosion Affected RC Structures
Residual bond strength behaviour of corroded reinforcement in natural corrosive environment
Latin American Perspectives on Migration, Social Inequalities and Life Transitions
Why educational researchers should take on board the multifarious nature of racism in the UK
Lifetime Performance Assessment of Flood Defence Structures Utilising Condition Grading Data.
Introduction: Paris and New York: geographies and histories in the garment industry
Crossing Conceptual Boundaries VIII
Crossing Conceptual Boundaries IX
P | A | N : Proyecto Amasandería Nacional
Engaging customers during a website visit: a model of website customer engagement
Poetry Written from the Words of People Given a Diagnosis of Dementia: A Narrative Analysis
Action of Street / Action of Room: A Directory of Public Actions
Science Museum Interactive Gallery
Consumers Attitudes towards Debt
Handbook of Research on Consumerism and Buying Behavior in Developing Nations
Gobernanza escolar y la lógica de la política neoliberal. ¿Qué puede hacer la democracia?
Life and Death on the New York Dance Floor, 1980–1983
Consumer Behaviour in Developing Nations: A Conceptual Overview
Richard Long und zie Paradise Garage
Danceteria: Where Studio 54 Met CBGB In 1980s New York
Subterranean dance: David Mancuso and The Loft