Refugees and access to vocational education and training across Europe: a case of protection of white privilege?

The strange death of UK civil defence education in the 1980s

Relapsing fever borreliosis

Randomized Controlled Trial of BASICS for Heavy Drinking Mandated and Volunteer Undergraduates: 12-Month Outcomes

An experimental study of the initial volumetric strain rate effect on the creep behaviour of reconstituted clays

Minimisation of risk exposure at the pre-production stage through the use of contractor-led design management

Tracking and Tracing of Global Supply Chain Network: Case Study from Finnish Company

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

The Embodied Perspective in the Museum Experience

Community mental health initiatives in Pakistan

Why are spiritual aspects of care so hard to address in nursing education? ’a literature review (1993-2015)

Modelling and control of a water jet cutting probe for flexible surgical robot

Shine 2014 Final Report: Social Prescribing: integrating GP and Community Assets for Health

The Culture of Construction Organisations: the Epitome of Institutionalised Corruption

Guest Editorial Preface: Special Issue on Building Information Management (BIM) and Housing

Improving Thermal Comfort in Low-income Tropical Housing: The Case of Uganda

Feasibility of Application of Modern Methods of Construction in Iran

Embodied Energy of Fired Bricks: The Case of Uganda and Tanzania

Delivering Sustainable Low-Income Housing in Uganda, Challenges and Opportunities

Environmental Impacts and Embodied Energy of Construction Methods and Materials in Low-Income Tropical Housing

Offsite Manufacturing: A Survey on the Current Status and Risks of Offsite Construction in Iran

The Effects of Air Permeability, Background Ventilation and Lifestyle on Energy Performance, Indoor Air Quality and Risk of Condensation in Domestic Buildings

Research in Teacher Education: Volume 5, No.2, November 2015

Research in Teacher Education: Volume 5, No.1, May 2015

Chapter 15 - Stability of Breakwaters Against Tsunami Attack

Chapter 17 - Destruction of Coastal Structures after the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami

Con-text, Cont/ext, Co-text: Three Types of Context in Adult Learning

Teachers’ experiences of an introductory coaching training workshop in Scotland: An interpretative phenomenological analysis

Book Review: Practical Supervision: How to Become a Supervisor for the Helping Professions

Book Review: Experience and Nature

Educational and Child Psychology Research Using a Foucauldian-Informed Approach and Analysis

Best Practice in the Psychological Assessment of Early Years Children With Differences

Developing as a Trainee Educational Psychologist: Establishing the Psychological Contract

How Can Strength-Based Interventions Be Useful for Educational Psychologists Working With Children and Young People?

Reflections on the Role of Consultation in the Delivery of Effective Educational Psychology Services


Educational Psychology Research and Practice (EPRaP): Volume 1, Issue 1

Affect, Heat and Tacos. A Speculative Account of Thermoception

Magazine Pioneers: form and content in 1960s and 1970s radicalism

Comparative study on the construction cost including carbon emission cost for masonry walls

Balanced sustainable implementation in the construction industry: The perspective of Korean contractors

'To practise justice and right' - international aviation liability: have lessons been learnt?

CONTEST’ing Chicago origins and reflections: lest we forget!

Nomadic Making; moving through the digital and live in collaborative performance practice

flockOmania: Exhibition Catalogue

At Dusk, the Collaborative Spills and Cycles of L219

Dancing with Dirt and Wires: Reconciling the Embodied and the Digital in Site-responsive Collaborative Practice

Strategies of Interruption: Slowing Down and Becoming Sensate in Site Responsive Dance

Perambulator Huntly: Pram Walks

Move Over, There's Room Enough: Performance Making Diploma: training for learning disabled adults

ASEAN Open skies – aviation development in 2015: Blue or cloudy skies?

Fresh driver for economic growth: fracking the UK nation

Power and Education in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

Hit Discovery from Natural Products in Pharmaceutical R&D

Application of Fickian and non-Fickian diffusion models to study moisture diffusion in asphalt mastics

Moisture damage assessment using surface energy, bitumen stripping and the SATS moisture conditioning procedure

Influence of aggregate absorption and diffusion properties on moisture damage in asphalt mixtures

Influence of aggregate mineralogical composition on water resistance of aggregate–bitumen adhesion

Europe’s dependency on Russian gas is not likely to change any time soon

States over Markets? Development of a Turkish Gas Hub and its Effects on Regional Energy and Security

Energy Security Perceptions in Poland and Turkey

Strengthening primary health systems in India

Unlocking Thesis Data phase one

Unlocking Thesis Data Phase 1 baseline survey data

My Private Life II

Going solo: the social organisation of drug dealing within a London street gang

A Psychological Exploration of Long-Term LSD Users

Can we play again with Picasso Miss? The effects of the arts in children’s involvement during literacy activities in the Early Years Settings: A case study in the Greek context

Becomings: Narrative Entanglements and Microsociology

Booknote: A review of Michael Schillmeier’s Eventful Bodies: The Cosmopolitics of Illness

City Evacuations: Their Pedagogy and the Need for an Inter-disciplinary Approach

Conclusion: evacuations and transmedia vulnerability

Persistent Cultures: Miskitu Kinship Terminological Fluidity

The Twin Research Debate in American Criminology

A Hybrid Adaptive Compressive Sensing Model for Visual Tracking in Wireless Visual Sensor Networks

The nice Stasi man drove his Trabi to the nudist beach: Contesting East German Identity

A narrative analysis of poetry written from the words of people given a diagnosis of dementia

Preferential Targeting of Disseminated Liver Tumors Using a Recombinant Adeno-Associated Viral Vector

Understanding the non-pharmacological correlates of self-reported efficacy of antidepressants

A Cross-Shore Beach Profile Evolution Model

Handbook of Professional and Ethical Practice for Psychologists, Counsellors and Psychotherapists

XVII. Reflexivity & (r)evolution: Editorial reflections on the Special Feature

The Multidimensional Mortality Awareness Measure and Model:Development and Validation of a New Self-Report Questionnaire and Psychological Framework

Introduction to the Special Issue on Biomedical and Bioelectronic Circuits for Enhanced Diagnosis and Therapy

Salvinorin A content in legal high products of Salvia divinorum sold in Mexico

The genomic and phenotypic diversity of Schizosaccharomyces pombe

High-yield production of apoplast-directed human adenosine deaminase in transgenic tobacco BY-2 cell suspensions

Killing animals: sociology, species relations and institutionalized violence

Aesthetics at the impasse: the unresolved property of Dale Farm

Modulatory effects of brain-derived neurotrophic factor Val66Met polymorphism on prefrontal regions in major depressive disorder

Feeling Narrative in the archive: the question of serendipity

Complete and Incomplete Archives: An Analysis of Archival Material Documenting European Community-Yugoslav Relations

New Ways of Being a Man: "Positive" Hegemonic Masculinity in Meditation-based Communities of Practice

How best to measure cough clinically

Bit Error Rate performance in Power Line Communication Channels with Impulsive Noise

Animal models of rheumatoid arthritis: How informative are they?

Stochastic modelling and lifecycle performance assessment of bond strength of corroded reinforcement in concrete

Organisational interventions for improving wellbeing and reducing work-related stress in teachers

Discourse and Narrative Methods: Theoretical Departures, Analytical Strategies and Situated Writings

A childcare system fit for the future?

An exploratory study comparing psychological profiles and its congruence with clinical performance among patients with functional or motility digestive disorders

Counting Crime: an explanation of falling crime rates

Hijacked by the project? Research which demands to be done


Book Reviews

Cognitive reflection predicts real-life decision outcomes, but not over and above personality and decision-making styles

Adaptive compressive sensing for target tracking within wireless visual sensor networks-based surveillance applications

Ketamine Dysregulates the Amplitude and Connectivity of High-Frequency Oscillations in Cortical-Subcortical Networks in Humans: Evidence From Resting-State Magnetoencephalography-Recordings

Risk-based optimum repair planning of corroded reinforced concrete structures

Image segmentation using adaptive video analytics, Image processingUS 9047677 B2

Rape: A timeline of reform

Trends in Crime

Assessment of concrete damage and strength degradation caused by reinforcement corrosion

Development of Fluorine-18 Labeled Metabolically Activated Tracers for Imaging of Drug Efflux Transporters with Positron Emission Tomography

Fighting for Justice (and Survival): Kenyan Civil Society Accountability Strategies and Their Enemies

Focusing free childcare on ‘working parents’ is short-sighted

Ways to Wander

Developmental outcomes of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (ecstasy)-exposed infants in the UK

“I can do things now that people thought were impossible, actually, things that I thought were impossible”: A meta-synthesis of the qualitative findings on posttraumatic growth and severe physical injury.

Seismic retrofitting of RC buildings using CFRP and post-tensioned metal straps: shake table tests

A Methodological Approach to User Evaluation and Assessment of a Virtual Environment Hangout

A Democratic Opening? The AKP and the Kurdish Left

The Golden Age? What the 100 Most Cited Articles in Terrorism Studies Tell Us

Exchanging Knowledge in the Humanities and Social Sciences

Locomotor adaptation is modulated by observing the actions of others

Effect of Heartmath Workshop on Physiological Coherence, Sense of Coherence, Zone, Mood and Resilience Perceptions


Sociology of Education

An Analysis of Honeypot Programs and the Attack Data Collected

Belongings Beyond Borders: Reflections of Young Refugees on Their Relationships with Location

Bauxite residue (Red mud) as a pulverised fuel ash substitute in the manufacture of lightweight aggregate

Examining professionals' perspectives on sexuality for service users of a forensic psychiatry unit

Social Media and the Student Experience

The posthuman way of war

Is it becoming easier to be a working mother?

Financialisation and economic growth in Nigeria

Working with the complexities of adolescent mental health problems: applyingTime‐limited Adolescent Psychodynamic Psychotherapy (TAPP)

Narratives as Responses to Interpersonal Violence: The Case of HIV

Playing immersive games on the REVERIE platform

Book Reviews


Widening the participation into higher education: examining Bourdieusian theoryin relation to HE in the UK

Widening participation in Higher Education: reshaping identities of non-traditional learners

Using Authentic Assessment Techniques in Extra & Co-Curricular Activities (ECCAs) to Improve Teaching Standards on Academic Law Programmes

Cell-based screens and phenomics with fission yeast

How to talk to someone with an “untreatable” lifelong condition

Two nations underground: building schools to survive nuclear war and desegregation in the 1960s

Semantic Process Mining Towards Discovery and Enhancement of Learning Model Analysis

Banking Union Framework in the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS): a European Comparison

Partial Secrets

Legal battles loom on shared parental leave from fathers not getting equal benefits

Creative Teaching in Health and Social Care using the UK Data Service

Assurance of security and privacy requirements for cloud deployment models

Towards a fully automated monitoring system for Manhole Cover: Smart cities and IOT applications

Using supportDM training materials

Researcher centred data repository workflows

The effectiveness of community engagement in public health interventions for disadvantaged groups: a meta-analysis

Protection, assistance and social (re)integration of human trafficking survivors: a comparative analysis of policy approaches and practices in the UK and in Italy

Commonwealth Professional Fellowship

An independent evaluation of Tottenham Thinking Space: October 2013 – December 2014

From NEET to ETE: An evaluation of the longer term outcomes of the Pathways programme at Fight for Peace, UK

Understanding how Izzat impacts the lived experience of Young Muslim Pakistan Women in the UK: A Phenomenological Approach

Making Homes in Limbo: Embodied Virtual “Homes” in Prolongued Conditions of Displacement

Priming of object detection under continuous flash suppression depends on attention but not on part-whole configuration

Are microbial communities in green roof substrates comparable to those in post-industrial sites?—a preliminary study.

Internet Access at Home and its Relationship to Well-being in Deprived Areas of London

How do nurses experience working with adolescents with a diagnosis of ‘personality disorder’ or ‘emerging personality disorder'?

Is That Me or My Twin? Lack of Self-Face Recognition Advantage in Identical Twins

Private sector participation in delivering tertiary health care: a dichotomy of access and affordability across two Indian states

Perceived and Objectively Measured Physical Activity and Sedentary Time among South Asian Women in the UK

Good Thinking or Gut Feeling? Cognitive Reflection and Intuition in Traders, Bankers and Financial Non-Experts

Informing the design of a national screening and treatment programme for chronic viral hepatitis in primary care: qualitative study of at-risk immigrant communities and healthcare professionals

Predictors of Attitudes Towards Seeking Professional Psychological Help Amongst UK-Based First Generation Greek Adults

Fashioning a Post-War Reputation: Henry Moore as a Civic Sculptor c.1943–58

An investigation into automated processes for generating focus maps

Spatial attention enhances object coding in local and distributed representations of the lateral occipital complex

The impact of profitability on capital structure and speed of adjustment: An empirical examination of selected firms in Nigerian Stock Exchange

Hygrothermal performance of wood-hemp insulation in timber frame wall panels with and without a vapour barrier

The Association Between Household Consumer Durable Assets and Maternal Health-Seeking Behavior in Ghana

Bank performance and executive pay: tournament or teamwork

Making meaning through mentoring: Mentors finding fulfilment at work through self-determination and self-reflection

A Qualitative Study Exploring Migrant Pakistani-Muslim Women's Lived Experiences and Understanding of Postnatal Depression

The work of memory: embodiment, materiality and home in Jeanne Bouvier’s autobiographical writings

Differences between human auditory event-related potentials (AERP) measured at 2 and 4 months after birth

Does this case hold the answer to one of the worse types of pain in medicine--that of loin pain haematuria syndrome (LPHS)

Teacher education in the United Kingdom post devolution: convergences and divergences

Multimodal functional and structural neuroimaging investigation of major depressive disorder following treatment with duloxetine

Exploring the Growing Link of Ethnic Entrepreneurship, Markets, and Pentecostalism in London (UK): An Empirical study

Prevalence and Predictors of Posttraumatic Stress Symptomatology Among Burn Survivors

A Comparison of Cloud Computing Platforms

An exploration of the experiences of young adults who acquired a brain injury

Perceived positive and negative consequences after surviving cancer and their relation to quality of life

Exploring career decision-making styles across three European countries

Posttraumatische Störungen bei Patienten mit Erkrankungen aus dem schizophrenen Formenkreis

The new statutory requirements in careers guidance in England and the implications for careers provision under the Coalition government

Feasibility of Undertaking Off-Site Infant Eye-Tracking Assessments of Neuro-Cognitive Functioning in Early-Intervention Centres

Beyond visual imagery: How modality-specific is enhanced mental imagery in synesthesia?

Factors influencing consumers’ online purchase behaviour of skin care

Green Marketing by Luxury Brands: An exploratory study to analyse the luxury consumer perspective regarding pro-environment campaigns by the luxury brands.

The Role Of Capital Markets Development In Economic Growth and Risk Management: The Case of Selected African Development Bank Member Countries

Applying Sustainability and Responsible Investment on Islamic Equity Investment: An Analysis of FTSE Shariah and FTSE4GOOD Indices

A Critical Analysis of the Recruitment and Selection Process in the Nigerian Public Sector: A Case Study of the National Space and Research Development Agency

Effects of cultural differences on the working of a virtual team: Indian and British members

Economic Reductionism, Formulaic Responses, and Pushing Allies Away? A Response to Some Comments onMarxism and Educational Theory: Origins and Issues

Unlocking Thesis Data: Phase 1 survey of UK Higher Education Institutions

A Race to the bottom – Prison Education and the English and Welsh Policy Context

The Cognitive Behavioural Processes Questionnaire: A Preliminary Analysis within Student, Mixed Clinical and Community Samples and the Identification of a Core Transdiagnostic Process

Managing Culture Shock Among Nigerian Self-Initiated Expatriates in the United Kingdom

A Complete Pathway Model for Lipid A Biosynthesis in Escherichia coli

The Effectiveness of Human Capital Development in Triacta Nigeria Limited (Road Construction Company).

Recreational cocaine use is associated with attenuated latent inhibition

An overview of systematic reviews on upper extremity outcome measures after stroke

Perceived and Objectively Measured Physical Activity and Sedentary Time among South Asian Women in the UK

HIV positive men as fathers: Accounts of displacement, ir/responsibility and paternal emergence

Novel centroid selection approaches for KMeans-clustering based recommender systems

Neglected zoonoses: forgotten infections among disregarded populations

Positive Social Psychology: A Multilevel Inquiry Into Sociocultural Well-Being Initiatives.

Muslim identity, ‘Neo-Islam’ and the 1992-95 War in Bosnia and Herzegovina

An Exploratory Study of Primary Pupils’ Experiences of Reading to Dogs

Review of Pierre Bourdieu, ed. Tassidit Yacine, 2013, Algerian Sketches, Cambridge, Polity Press.

“I just can’t, I am frightened for my safety, I don’t know how to work with her” Practitioners’ experiences of client violence and recommendations for future practice

Factors contributing to spatial inequality in academic achievement in Ghana: Analysis of district-level factors using geographically weighted regression

Unlocking Thesis Data update

Unlocking Thesis Data University of East London case study

Unlocking Thesis Data LSE case study

Unlocking Thesis Data University of Bristol case study

Unlocking Thesis Data University of Leicester case study

Unlocking Thesis Data University of Southampton case study

Unlocking Thesis Data University of the Arts case study

Mapping the UK thesis landscape: Phase 1 project report for Unlocking Thesis Data

Is the Queen Dead? Effeminacy, Homosociality and the Post-Homophobic Queer

Fabric formwork – prototype to typology

The use of music as an educational intervention for children with autistic spectrum disorder (ASD)

‘A teacher but not like in school…’: telling stories to reflect on space, identity and pedagogy

Student voice at the ‘heart of learning’

‘Hop Skip and Jump’ project collaborations: the arts in early childhood education

Exploring the attitudes of secondary school chemistry trainee teachers

Cracking the Code: reflections on the implications for teacher education and professional formation in England following the introduction of the Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice 2014

Civil defence pedagogies and narratives of democracy: disaster education in Germany

Initial insights on the biodiversity potential of biosolar roofs: A London Olympic Park green roof case study

‘Understanding’ as a practical issue in sexual health education for people with intellectual disabilities: A study using two qualitative methods.

Identifying ESG Correlation with Corporate Financial Performance: Research on Exploration & Production Oil and Gas Companies

Applying refinement to the use of mice and rats in rheumatoid arthritis research

Antibacterial constituents of Neohyptis paniculata

‘Experience of sexual self-esteem among men living with HIV’

Migraine in Synaesthetes and Non-Synaesthetes: A Prevalence Study

Multi-segmental foot modelling during shod activity: study of running shoe integrity

Using recycled aggregates in green roof substrates for plant diversity

Remarriage after divorce and depression risk

Cultivating equanimity through mindfulness meditation: A mixed methods enquiry into the development of decentring capabilities in men

Understanding the experiences of positive life changes during postgraduate study on a Masters in Applied Positive Psychology programme: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis

Towards automated composition of convergent services: A survey

The man who mistook his neuropsychologist for a popstar: when configural processing fails in acquired prosopagnosia

Life after Stroke: Coping mechanisms among African Caribbean Women

Second Wave Positive Psychology: Exploring the Positive–Negative Dialectics of Wellbeing

‘Racialised’ pedagogic practices influencing young Muslims' physical culture

Relapsing Fever Borreliae: A Global Review

Distress Tolerance among Students Referred for Treatment Following Violation of Campus Cannabis Use Policy: Relations to Use, Problems, and Motivation

The Flow Country – battles fought, war won, organisation lost.

A Letter to Derek Ratcliffe

Land grabbing, investors, and indigenous peoples: new legal strategies for an old practice?

Migraine in Synesthetes and Nonsynesthetes: A Prevalence Study

Interpretive bias, repressive coping and trait anxiety

What a girl's gotta do: the labor of the biopolitical celebrity in austerity Britain

Evaluation of Antibacterial Activity and Phytoconstituents of the Aqueous Leaves Extract of Alchornea Cordifolia

The Educational and Employment Aspirations of Adolescents from Areas of High Deprivation in London

Destructive Groups: The Role of Projective Identification in Suicidal Groups of Young People

Psychodynamic psychotherapy with suicidal adolescents

Patient perceptions of foot disability in Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis: a comparison of the juvenile arthritis foot disability index and the Oxford ankle foot questionnaire for children

The Views of Students with Dyslexia on the Transition to Secondary School-The Importance of Self-Advocacy

Strength-based interventions in secondary school: How can they be most helpful for pupils at risk and not-at-risk of exclusion?

Action research exploring the development of solution focussed techniques for children with learning difficulties

A Study of Narrative Identity in the Life Stories of Lesbians Aged 60-70 Years Old

Spiritual listening: Using a little box of big questions as a tool for promoting change and reflection opportunities with young people with social, emotional and behavioural difficulties and moderate learning difficulties.

Nuture groups in secondary schools: An exploration of young people's lived experiences

A Sociological Imagination in Public Health: Systematic Review, Qualitative Studies and Young People's Health in Schools

Seeking fluid possibility and solid ground: Space and movement in mental health service users' experiences of 'crisis'.

Investigation of Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing Based Power Line Communication Systems

Why Development NGOs in the North Work with the Poor in their Own Communities: Does Everyone Matter ?

Mindfulness Experiences of Children who have Autistic Spectrum Disorder and Anxiety- An Exploratory Study

The Issues for Young People Post 16 with Additional Needs in College - A Mixed Methods Study

Spinal plasticity in robot-mediated therapy for the lower limbs

The impact of a brief gratitude intervention on subjective well-being, biology and sleep

Q-enhancement with on-chip inductor optimization for reconfigurable Δ-Σ radio-frequency ADC

Associations of the mechanical, anthropometric and gait contributors to the knee adduction moment during paediatric gait

Interpreting in mental health, roles and dynamics in practice

The body fades away: investigating the effects of transparency of an embodied virtual body on pain threshold and body ownership

The Male Muse: Intimacy, Distance and Touch

Staging the Alphabet: Text, Performance and the Feminine

Abstract Painting and the Aesthetics of Moderation

Fighting the Invisible Enemy: Being a Parent of a Child Who Has Been Given Diagnosis of Pervasive Refusal Syndrome

Induction and HIV-Associated Neurocognitive Disorders

A longitudinal study of the professional development of teachers – the challenges of comparison

Perceptions, Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change in Ethiopia: The Case of Smallholder Farmers in Sidama

A systematic review of the neurophysiology of mindfulness on EEG oscillations

Blending adaptive governance and institutional theory to explore urban resilience and sustainability strategies in the Rome Metropolitan Area, Italy

Do Positive Alcohol Expectancies Have a Critical Developmental Period in Pre-Adolescents?

The Yoga Boom in Western Society: Practitioners’ Spiritual vs. Physical Intentions and Their Impact on Psychological Wellbeing

Exchange Traded Fund Asset Class Correlations

Online Community Variables that Determine its Success

A Golden Age of Security and Education? Adult Education for Civil Defence in the United States 1950–1970

Financial Crisis and International Portfolio Management

Relative Valuation; Determining the Most Accurate Valuation Multiples for the FTSE 100

The Impact of Macroeconomic variables on economic growth: A Panel Data Analysis of selected Developing Sub-Saharan African countries

Impact of macroeconomic variables on UK stock market: A case study of FTSE100 index.

Selected static foot assessments do not predict medial longitudinal arch motion during running

Crossing the Threshold

The Overrepresentation Of Women in 'Common' Psychiatric Diagnoses: Do Women's Magazines Play A Role In Marketing Psychiatric Explanations?

Social Interaction in Autism Spectrum Presentation: The Development of the Social Situation Stories Questionnaire (SSSQ)

#Like-What Are Adolescents Experiences Of Using Social Media?

Experience of parents whose children with autism spectrum disorder are starting primary school.

Narratives of Hope, Fear And Expectations: Young People With Cochlear Implants

Experiences of Single Fathers whose Children have Used Mental Health Services

Older Men's Experiences of Moving Into Residential Care

An Exploration of The Body Image Scale In Young People: A Comparison Of Persons With Features Of Gender Dysphoria And Control Samples

The Effect of Alcohol on G protein expression in Drosophila Melanogaster

The Psychiatric Diagnosis Debate: A Discursive Analysis of Public Comments Made Following Online News Articles about the Debate.

Breaking Down Barriers: Developing an Approach to Include Fathers in Children's Social Care

A Narrative Study of First-Time Parenthood in the Information Age

Experiences of Adherence Assessment in Asthma

Exploring Children's Stories of Becoming 'Mighty': A Narrative Analysis

Dissociative Identities in Childhood: An Exploration of the Relationship between Adopting these Identities and Painful States of mind in Three Young People. Are there Implication for Psychoanalytic Technique?

Investigating the Utility of the WMS-IV with Novel Procedures as an Assessment Tool for Accelerated Long Term Forgetting in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy

Staff Experiences of Media Representations of Paediatric Palliative Care: Implications for Wellbeing and Career Longevity

Clinical Psychologists' Constructions of Insight in Adult Mental Health

The Experiences of High Intensity Therapists Delivering Cognitive Behavioural Therapy to Individuals with Learning Disabilities in IAPT Services

How do Criminal Defence Barristers Work with Psychological Distress throughout the Courtroom Process?

An Exploration of How Clinical Psychologist make Sense of the Roles of Religious and Spiritual Beliefs within their Therapeutic Work with Adults who have Experienced Trauma?

How Do Young People Accessing Mental Health Services Describe and Understand Emotional Distress?

Pervasive Refusal Syndrome (PRS). Understandings and Perspectives of Treating Professional Working with Children and Young People.

How and Why Young People Use Social Media in Relation to Self Harm and to What Effect?

How Does Experiential Knowledge of Distress Influenced the Decision to Train as a Psychological Therapist?

How Can a School Based Mindfulness Intervention Help Teenage Girls Who Have Experienced School Related Anxiety within the Last Year

Understanding the Relationship between Debt Problems and Psychological Distress.

Performance of Ethical Mutual Funds-Sacrifice or premium: Empirical Evidence in the UK and Malaysia

The Interplay between Hedgehog Signalling and BMP Signalling in Regulating B cell Development

Pierre Bourdieu and Jacques Rancière on art/aesthetics and politics: the origins of disagreement, 1963-1985

That Joke Isn't Funny Anymore: Humour, Jokes and Their Relationship to Social Work

Psychosocial Concerns and Individual Anxieties for Fathers with Testicular Cancer

‘It’s like working away for two weeks’: The harms associated with young drug dealers commuting from a saturated London drug market

'The heart has its reasons that reason knows nothing of': the role of the unconscious in career decision making

Activities of daily life recognition using process representation modelling to support intention analysis

Net Interoffice Accounts of Global Banks: The Role of Domestic Funding

Pro-Cyclical Banking Leverage in France: On its Existence and Management

Hepatoprotective and antioxidant efficacy of aqueous stem bark extracts of Balanites aegyptiaca (Linn.) Del. against acetaminophen induced liver injury in rats

Did I say dog or cat? A study of semantic error detection and correction in children

Reflective questions, self-questioning and managing professionally situated practice

Transitional justice and democracy in Uganda: between impetus and instrumentalisation

The Money a+e Money Champions Programme: An Evaluation Report. Research Report 9

Summary research findings of Tottenham Thinking Space pilot RESEARCH REPORT 10

The Psychosocial Impact of Capoeira for Refugee Children and Youth

A brief review of the clinical anatomy of the vestibular-ocular connections—how much do we know?

Role of handedness-related vestibular cortical dominance upon the vestibular–ocular reflex

Peripheral Vestibular Dysfunction in Patients With Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia

Galvanic Vestibular Stimulation Induces a Spatial Bias in Whole-body Position Estimates

Refugee crisis and re-emergence of forgotten infections in Europe

Decreased postural control in adolescents born with extremely low birth weight

Emerging horizons for tick-borne pathogens: from the ‘one pathogen–one disease’ vision to the pathobiome paradigm

Using Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) to Probe Effects of Visual Motion Adaptation on Primary Visual Cortex (V1) Excitability in Bilateral Vestibular Failure (BVF) Patients

Acquired Pendular Nystagmus in Stargardt's Syndrome Suppressed by Alcohol

A Mixed Methods Evaluation of the Experiences of Adults with Learning Disabilities and Anxiety Undertaking Compassion Focussed Therapy

Contesting Europeanism: Discourses and Practices of Pro-migrant Organisations in the European Union

Hip-Hop As Community Psychology? : A Participatory Research Project with Adolescent Co-Researchers

Voice, Power and Trust a Critical Exploration of the Factors Facilitating Student Voice within a Secure Training Centre

Financial Inclusion and Livelihood Dynamics: Evidence from Northeast Rural Bangladesh

An Empirical Investigation of the Causes and Consequences of Card-Not-Present Fraud, Its Impact and Solution

Esculentin-2CHa-Related Peptides Modulate Islet Cell Function and Improve Glucose Tolerance in Mice with Diet-Induced Obesity and Insulin Resistance

Managing stress through the Stress Free app: Practices of self-care in digitally mediated spaces

‘Singing your tune’: Genre structure and writer identity in personal statements for doctoral applications

Enhanced Performance Bidirectional Quasi-Z-Source Inverter Controller

Uncovering Dependence Clusters and Linchpin Functions

Meta-analyses of structural regional cerebral effects in type 1 and type 2 diabetes

Reflections on the acceptance and success of RadioActive101: Motivation through problematisation, improved well-being,emancipation and extreme learning

Implementing and Evaluating the ‘space' of Participatory Radio as an Educational Intervention for Inclusion, Self-efficacy and Informal Learning

From Brussels to Belgrade: Challenges in Conducting Research and Constructing Explanations of the Collapse of Yugoslavia

The impact of body fat on three dimensional motion of the paediatric foot during walking

Metodologias Participativas: Os media e a educação Participatory Methodologies: Media and education

RadioActive101 Practices

RadioActive Europe: promoting engagement, informal learning and employability of at risk and excluded people across Europe through internet radio and social media (RadioActive101)

Deep Learning Design for Social Innovation: Participatory Radio for Developing 21C Skills with Disenfranchised Learners

Faith and impartiality in humanitarian response: Lessons from Lebanese evangelical churches providing food aid

Most Significant Change in conflict settings: staff development through monitoring and evaluation

Substance use and misuse in burn patients: testing the classical hypotheses of the interaction between posttraumatic symptomatology and substance use

Pain expressiveness and altruistic behavior

Cognitive Apprenticeship and Structured Debriefing as Tools to develop Reflective Practice in Initial Teacher Training

Othering, blame and shame when working with people living with HIV

The Unemployment Agenda in Mental Health Services: The Therapist's Perspective

Informed, Involved and Influential: The 3 I's model of Shared Decision Making in Mental Health Care

Positive cross-cultural psychology: Exploring similarity and difference in constructions and experiences of wellbeing

‘Not like rose-tinted glasses… like taking a pair of dirty glasses off’: A pilot intervention using positive emotions in expressive writing

Conspicuous by their abstinence: the limited engagement of heroin users in English and Welsh Drug Recovery Wings

Anodal-tDCS over the human right occipital cortex enhances the perception and memory of both faces and objects

Preparation and in vivo evaluation of insulin-loaded biodegradable nanoparticles prepared from diblock copolymers of PLGA and PEG

Being "a Good Animal": Adorno, Posthumanism, and International Relations

ORBS and the limits of static slicing

Freedom, Goodness, Power, and Belonging: The Semantics of Phobic, Obsessive-Compulsive, Eating, and Mood Disorders

Hearing the silences: Adult Nigerian women's accounts of 'early marriages'

Brand personification and symbolic consumption among ethnic minority teenage consumers: An empirical study

Beyond "Witnessing": Childrens Experiences of Coercive Control in Domestic Violence and Abuse

Childrens experiences of domestic violence and abuse: Siblings accounts of relational coping

Early childhood education and care policy in England under the Coalition Government

Parents talking everyday science with young children

Kids just wanna have fun: Children's experiences of a weight management programme

Anxieties and Defences: Normal and Abnormal

Community response in disasters: an ecological learning framework

Psychotherapy in a neoliberal world

Psychotherapy and its alternatives: Commentary on a critique

Unconscious Processes in Multi-Agency Partnership Working For Protecting and Safeguarding Children: A Psychoanalytic Examination of the Conception and Development of A Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (Mash) Project in an Inner London Local Authority

What can be learned from comparing a Child Psychotherapist's Experience of a Children's Psychotherapy Group with Narrative Accounts of Foster Carers Describing the Same Children in their Care?

How can I improve provision for mathematics on a primary PGCE Initial Teacher Education programme in a context of national change?

The role of research in teacher education

Smoothing the ride: an exploration of students’ experiences and perceptions of the transition from a Level 3 qualification to a higher education programme (Level 4) in a further education Institution

Examining ethnomusicology through 60 years of steel bands in the UK, and almost 50 years of steel bands in British schools

Home is where the heart is: the home learning environment, place-based education and access to green space

Exploring translanguaging: a case study of a madrasah in Tower Hamlets

The biography of music teachers, their understanding of musicality and the implications for secondary music education

The Effect of Isokinectic Exercise on Biofluid Matrices as Measured by 1H NMR Spectroscopy

The Cognitive Assessment of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children in Ireland: Best Practice for Educational Psychologists

A Foucauldian Discourse Analysis of How Male Clinical Psychologists Construct Their Work with Female Clients Who Have Experienced Abuse

School Leaders Perceptions of the Work of Educational Psychologists in a Changing Socio-political Context

Evaluating the Impact of Security Measures on Performance of Secure Web Applications Hosted on Virtualised Platforms

Young Carers' Experiences of Caring In an Inner London Borough. An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA)

Widespread exon skipping triggers degradation by nuclear RNA surveillance in fission yeast

A central role for TOR signalling in a yeast model for juvenile CLN3 disease

Hearing the Unheard: An Interdisciplinary, Mixed Methodology Study of Women’s Experiences of Hearing Voices (Auditory Verbal Hallucinations)

A Slow March from Social Evil to Harm Reduction: Drugs and Drug Policy in Vietnam

A Grounded Theory Approach to Greek Cypriots' Understanding OF Mental Health and Help Seeking Behaviours

A Model for the Regulation of Lipopolysaccharide Synthesis during Outer Membrane Biogenesis in Escherichia Coli

From terrorism to ‘radicalization’ to ‘extremism’: counterterrorism imperative or loss of focus?

The Role of Space in Learning: Spatio-Educational Experiences of Female Students within Emirati Higher Education

Developing Content for Skills and Support Interventions for Mothers and Fathers of Children with Feeding Disorders

UK–Russia Researcher Links Workshop: extracellular vesicles – mechanisms of biogenesis and roles in disease pathogenesis, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia, 1–5 March 2015

Diversity of gut microflora is required for the generation of B cell with regulatory properties in a skin graft model

Secondary School Staff’s Understanding of the Relationship between Problem Behaviour and Language Difficulties

Spirituality and Basketball Fanship: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis and Synthesis

Day 1. Free Communications – Psychology (Session 2): The influence of body language and expected competency on gaze behaviour while forming an initial impression of a tennis player.

Coping with emotional labour in tennis coaching

Ethanol-induced G-protein subunit expression changes in D2 receptor deficient Drosophila

Personal statement in PhD applications: Gatekeepers' evaluative perspectives

An Empirical Evaluation of the Reversal Theory State Measure: Tracking Changes in the Experience of Video Commercials of Three Leading Running Brands

Feminism and ‘the S-Word’

Public-private partnerships and efficiency in public procurement of primary healthcare infrastructure: a qualitative research in the NHS UK

Control of fault lay-out on seismic design of large underground caverns

Clustering of lifestyle risk behaviours among residents of forty deprived neighbourhoods in London: lessons for targeting public health interventions

Constraints in using site-won calcareous clayey silt (loam) as fill materials

Peace Comes Dropping Slow: The Case of Northern Ireland

Anti-Jewish and Anti-Muslim Racisms and the Question of Palestine/Israel

Modeling Intermittent Running from a Single-visit Field Test

Schizophrenia-like Cognitive, Trait and DNA Markers in Regular Cannabis Users

(Re-) Constructing the Actor-Audience Relationship in Immersive Theatre Practice

The Influence of Running Shoes on the Biomechanics of the Foot and Lower Limb

Contemporary Dynamics of Caring- A Qualitative Study of the Relationship between Mental Health Professionals and Carers of People with Long Term Mental Health Conditions

The Influence of Causal Explanations and Diagnostic Labeling on Psychology Students’ Beliefs About Treatments, Prognosis, Dangerousness and Unpredictability in Schizophrenia

Exploring Children’s Experiences of Participating in a Mindfulness Intervention

Financialisation, Capital Accumulation and Economic Development : A Theoretical and Empirical Investigation of the Nigerian Economy

The Effect of Water Consumption on Schoolchildren's Fine Motor Skills, Cognitive Function and Mood

Brief Psychotherapy with Children in a Specialist School: An Exploration of the Underlying Issues for Children and Mainstream Schools

The Effect of Carbohydrate Mouth Rinsing On Skill Specific Performance and Cognitive Function Following a Fatigue Inducing Bout of Fencing

The Development and Evaluation of a School-Based Programme to Promote and the Enhance Well-Being of Primary School Children

Angiotensin receptor I stimulates osteoprogenitor proliferation through TGFβ-mediated signaling

Synthetic lethal targeting of oncogenic transcription factors in acute leukemia by PARP inhibitors

Situated Intersectionality and Social Inequality

The ‘peaks and troughs’ of societal violence: Revisiting the actions of Turkish and Kurdish shopkeepers during the 2011 London riots

Two Roads to Public Sociology

The Role of G Protein In Alcohol Related Behaviours Using Drosophila melanogaster As A Model

Moving towards a Right to Land: The Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights’ Treatment of Land Rights as Human Rights

Resources Grabbing and Human Rights: Building a Triangular Relationship Between States, Indigenous Peoples and Corporations

Minority-related activities in the United Nations System in 2013

Constructions of Clinical Psychology in Adult Mental Health: A Discursive Thematic Analysis

Exploring the Impact of a Difficult Breastfeeding Experience on Maternal Identity: A Narrative Analysis

Constructing Personal and Couple Narratives in Late Stage Cancer: A Narrative Analysis

Competency Based Assessment Using Virtual Reality (VERT): Is It a Realistic Possibility ?

The Genesis Of The Mycenaean Citadel: A Philosophical Quest For The Origins Of The Architectural Forms

Challenges Facing Long Term Foster Carers: Exploration of the Nature of Psychoanalytic Parent/Carer Support

Live Work: The Impact of Direct Encounters in Statutory Child and Family Social Wor

A Comparison of Audio Recordings and Therapist's Process Notes in Child and Adolescent Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy

Neoliberal and Neoconservative Immiseration Capitalism in England: Policies and Impacts on Society and on Education

The Corporate University: An E-interview with Dave Hill, Alpesh Maisuria, Anthony Nocella, and Michael Parenti

Margaret Thatcher’s Legacy, Academisation and the Demise of State Education

Measurement of Training Intensity and Work During Submaximal Isokinetic Progressive Resistance Training Protocols

“Make Love Not Porn”: Entrepreneurial Voyeurism, Agency and Affect

Storage stability of bevacizumab in polycarbonate and polypropylene syringes

Introduction and Conclusion

Software Protection with Code Mobility

Creativity in the era of social networking: A case study in Tertiary Education in the Greek context.

Effective change in educational institutions: Does the construct of power influence management and leadership models in everyday professional practice?

Winning a Living Wage: The Legacy of Living Wage Campaigns

Organising migrant workers: the living wage campaign at the University of East London

A Study of Michael Fordham's Model of Development: An Integration of Observation, Research and Clinical Work

Knaves, knights or networks: which assumption of lecturer and manager motivation should underlie further education policy?

Racialized consciousness and class mobilizations

Welcome to the Roma? Education practitioners attempts to resist a dominant negative discourse about Roma Children.

UK Secondary Schools Under Surveillance: What are the Implications for Race? A Critical Race and Butlerian Analysis.

EastLife: An Anthology of Life Writing

Collaborate to Widen Participation: To, through and into higher education

Turned on, tuned in, but not dropped out: Enhancing the student experience using popular social media platforms

Get Real: Using authentic assessment techniques to improve law degree academic performance

Giving Students the Third Degree: Using Authentic Assessment Techniques in Extra & Co-Curricular Activities (ECCAs) to Improve Teaching Standards on Academic Law Programmes

A baby mouse in a tiny boat. In Psychotherapy Treatment can the Experience of Premature Birth be Considered Significant in Understanding the Internal World of a Child?

The central importance of co-curricular activities as an authentic assessment mechanism within modern legal education

The Real Deal: Using formative assessment techniques in authentic assessment delivery, to improve law degree academic performance

Moment-rotation response of nominally pinned beam-to-column joints for frames of pultruded fibre reinforced polymer

Robustness of simple joints in pultruded FRP frames

Evidence-based policy and practice in early childhood education; challenges and opportunities

A genome wide transcriptional model of the complex response to pre-TCR signalling during thymocyte differentiation

Finding phonemes: improving machine lip-reading

Speaker-independent machine lip-reading with speaker-dependent viseme classifiers

Childhood adversity and psychosis: generalised or specific effects?

Measuring and assessing the impacts of London 2012

An ANFIS-based cache replacement method for mitigating cache pollution attacks in Named Data Networking

ACCPndn: Adaptive Congestion Control Protocol in Named Data Networking by learning capacities using optimized Time-Lagged Feedforward Neural Network

A raison d'être for making a reggae opera as a pedagogical tool for psychic emancipation in (post)colonial Jamaica

The Night Library by Anna Robinson with artwork by Martin Parker

Outsider: Public Art and the Politics of the English Garden Square

El modelo de cognitive apprenticeship y la técnica de la charla estructurada como herramienta de reflexión en el desarrollo de las competencias profesionales en la formación docente inicial

Measuring sustainability for an effective Information System audit from public organization perspective

A New Approach on Rapid Appraisal of Green Roof Potential in Urban Area

ARP cache poisoning mitigation and forensics investigation

Cybercrime Profiling: Decision-Tree Induction, Examining Perceptions of Internet Risk and Cybercrime Victimisation

Chapter 5: Three Preliminary Assumptions When Approaching the Conceptualisation of Terrorism

Crisis, Austerity, and Everyday Life: Living in a Time of Diminishing Expectations

Evaluating the effects of six alcohol-related message frames on emotions and intentions: The neglected role of disgust

Comparing the Psychological Effects of Different Psychiatric Labels: Borderline, Paranoid, and Antisocial Personality Disorder; Major Depression; Anxiety Disorder; and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

Measuring and predicting mental health literacy for depression

Preparation of 2D sequences of corneal images for 3D model building

Medical image classification based on artificial intelligence approaches: A practical study on normal and abnormal confocal corneal images

An efficient intelligent analysis system for confocal corneal endothelium images

In Vivo Confocal Microscopic Corneal Images in health and disease with an emphasis on extracting features and visual signatures for corneal diseases: A review study

Connecting Stories: Telecommunication Brands, their Narratives and the Paradigm in Mobile Phone Advertising

Least Upper Delay Bound for VBR Flows in Networks-on-Chip with Virtual Channels

A Semantic Reasoning Method Towards Ontological Model for Automated Learning Analysis

Sustainability forecast for cloud migration

Cloud Security Audit for Migration and Continuous Monitoring

A Framework for Uncertainty-Aware Visual Analytics in Big Data

Understanding suicide terrorism: Insights from psychology, lessons from history

High-Res Architecture

Very Strange Mereology, EAB#2

Very Strange Mereology

Serial, Discrete, and More

AN OPEN LETTER TO BOB MARLEY: Time to Create Reggae Dialogues

Investigating the Impact of CPD for Teachers: short change?

Terrorism as Altruism: An Evolutionary Model For Understanding Terrorist Psychology

Child abuse in England and Wales 2003–2013: Newspaper reporting versus reality

Testing complex hypotheses using secondary data analysis: is the association between sexual abuse and psychosis moderated by gender in a large prison sample?

Energy optimization in wireless sensor networks based on genetic algorithms

Comparing personal insight gains due to consideration of a recent dream and consideration of a recent event using the Ullman and Schredl dream group methods

Autobiographical memory and hyperassociativity in the dreaming brain: implications for memory consolidation in sleep

Managing Social Engineering Attacks- Considering Human Factors and Security Investment

The dream-lag effect: Selective processing of personally significant events during Rapid Eye Movement sleep, but not during Slow Wave Sleep

Metaphor and hyperassociativity: the imagination mechanisms behind emotion assimilation in sleep and dreaming

Dreaming and personality: Wake-dream continuity, thought suppression, and the Big Five Inventory

Critical Cartography

Perceptions of Legacy: An Educational Perspective

Embedding knowledge of sport psychology: Case studies within professional cricket

Cultural Perspectives on Mental Health and Community Based Rehabilitation in Sri Lanka


Trainee Perspectives on Professional and Ethical Practice

East African Railways and Harbours 1945-60: from ‘crisis of accumulation’ to labour resistance

Sensing Bodies and Digitally Mediated Distress

Maternal Employment in Post-Socialist Countries: Understanding the Implications of Childcare Policies

From ‘no means no’ to ‘an enthusiastic yes’: Changing the Discourse on Sexual Consent Through Sex and Relationships Education

Vot ken you mach? Group Exhibition

To My Greek Sisters

Educating Picasso

The principles of scaffolding

Four Ceramic Artworks

The Multiple Store at the London Art Fair: group exhibition

The Multiple Store at Multiple Art Days (MAD#1): group exhibition

The Big Show 09: group exhibition

The Multiple Store @ Canary Wharf

Ethics and Law for Social Workers

The Impact of Successive Neoliberal Policy Reforms Since 1980 on a Case Study Group of Doctors, Nurses and Managers in Primary Care Trusts (PCTs) in the National Health Service (NHS) in England

La Culture est l’Inversion de la Vie

The role of ethnicity and culture in body dissatisfaction and disordered eating of young females

Constructing the terrorist threat: the merging of the discourses of terrorism, radicalization and extremism in the UK and its consequences

Emotional and relational capacities for doing child protection work

Containing tensions: Psychoanalysis and modern policymaking

Connecting the Dots: The Washington Consensus and the ‘Arab Spring’

HRA Watch: Reform, Repeal, Replace? Elizabeth Stokes: Prisoners’ Rights in Context: What Future under a British Bill of Rights?

Emic and etic, tourism

The Polluter-Pays Principle

The Janus Face of Evolution: Degeneration, Devolution and Extinction in the Anthropocene

Becoming Simian: Devolution as Evolution in Transformist Modernism

Picturing Evolution and Extinction: Regeneration and Degeneration in Modern Visual Culture

‘Turquet’s Turkey’: Ending the Salon

Intimate Vibrations: Inventing the Dream Bedroom

Magnetic Modernism František Kupka’s Mesmeric Abstraction and Anarcho-Cosmic Utopia

What is extremism and radicalisation?

The uses and abuses of 'terrorism' and the search for analytical utility

Keynote address

Research Workshop on 'Conceptualizing Terrorism'

Countering Terrorism and Extremism

The Higher Education Journey of Young London Residents: July 2015

Dealing with Cubism: Kahnweiler's Perilous Internationalism

Theosophizing Evolutionism: Modernism and Occult Transformism

Imagining Dangerous Doubles: Degenerate and Regenerate Body in Karl Pearson’s Modern Eugenics

Unmasking the Modernist Field of Cultural Production: Louis Vauxcelles’ Critical Historiographies

Primate Visions: Modernist Monkey Business

Performing Biopouvoir: Body Culture, Scientia Sexualis and Eugenics

Mesmeric Modernism: František Kupka’s Magnetic Waves and Vibrating Abstractions

Evolving Androgynous Astrobodies: Hélène Dufau’s Occult Transformism

Lonely voices: A grounded theory study into the experiences of family members and mental health staff after suicide.

Performing Biopouvoir: Producing Docile Bodies in the Fitness Industry

Becoming Simian: Modernism’s Challenge to the Anthropocene

Mesmeric Performativity: Neo-Magnetism, Hyper Sensory Subjectivity and l’art inconscient

Evidence-Based Practice - the Ethical Dimension


Religion in the Post-Yugoslav Context

Olympia Moments Ltd.

Passive design approach for high-rise buildings: from courtyards to sky courts

Antimicrobial Secondary Metabolites—Extraction, Isolation, Identification, and Bioassay

Looking further at ‘liberation’: A critical perspective

Ways in which the Cultural Identities of Mixed Heritage Individuals are Maintained in Mixed Ethnic Stepfamilies

Efficacy of a non-drinking mental simulation intervention for reducing student alcohol consumption

The importance of authenticity for student non-drinkers: An interpretative phenomenological analysis

Sewing, Fighting and Writing: Radical Practices in Work, Politics and Culture

Ordinary / Extraordinary: Narratives, Politics, History

Online offending behaviour and child victimisation: new findings and policy

The development of specialist support services for young people who have offended and who have also been victims of crime, abuse and/or violence: final report

Entrepreneurship and Music Technology Practitioners

Platforms for partnership: Emerging good practice to systematically engage business as a partner in development

Rule-based monitoring and error detecting for converged telecommunication processes

Comrade Chávez

Lifetime risk of being diagnosed with, or dying from, prostate cancer by major ethnic group in England 2008-2010

Education (Primary and Secondary Schools) and Gender

Inference of Activities with Unexpected Actions Using Pattern Mining

Inference of Hygiene Behaviours While Recognising Activities of Daily Living

Conceptualizing the inter-generational transmission of human wellbeing from a gender and life course perspective: The case of Latin American migrant mothers and their daughters in London, UK

Crossing Conceptual Boundaries VII

Outsider: Public Art and the Politics of the English Garden Square

Water attenuation performance of the Museum of London green roof

Shorter spontaneous fixation durations in infants with later emerging autism

Teaching Ethics for Professional Practice

Teaching Liberation Psychology

Liberatory praxis alongside elders

A processural consent methodology with people diagnosed with dementia

Water attenuation performance of experimental green roofs at Ruislip Gardens London Underground Depot


Tree based symmetric key broadcast encryption

Everyday Bordering and Raids Every Day: The Invisible Empire and Metropolitan Borderscapes

Reducing Communication Overhead of the Subset Difference Scheme

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi

The Psychological Impact of Austerity: A Briefing Paper

The Landscape of Ethnic Marketing in the UK